Searching for utopia

| November 22, 2015

Utopia is supposed to be the perfect place politically and socially. Throughout the ages people have sought it. Philosophers described their versions of it. Others have sought to achieve it only to leave in their wake pain, suffering and death. You can find versions of it playing out across the world today. These failed utopias have commonality. The demands that everyone have the same, be the same, do the same, live the same. Become a society devoid of what they claim to have sought. Diversity, equality, and justice by now you know the meme well.

The quest for this perfect society seems to always begin the same way. Adhere to this religious doctrine or none. Think as we do. Do was we demand. Never disagree with our utopian approach. A promise of social justice, equality and sharing the national wealth. And if you do as we say, it will be a wonderful society. Refuse and we have gas chambers, beheadings, and mass executions because the earth must be rid of those who stand in the way of utopia. Modern varieties still include death, but it also includes the absolute personal destruction of anyone not toeing the line.

Here in the land of the free there is an ongoing search for something. Maybe in the eyes of the searchers it is utopia, but by their actions if it is utopia it is the single layer, one size fits all, our way or the highway existence. Their utopias certainly not mine or that of anyone who does not embrace them or their ideals.

In my life, I have been fortunate to have held some important leadership positions. I have been challenged, but have never failed. I have never come into an organization with a mindset that everything about it from the foundation up was wrong and to fix it I had to fundamentally transform it. The road to success was not about demanding that everyone adhere to my views except for the view that says there are rules we have written for ourselves that we must follow and there are standards we must reach to achieve success.

If you despised the very tenants of an organization or country and its stated purpose and your worldview was wholly incompatible with it. How could you possibly lead it? Watching over recent years we have seen the absolute failure of leadership that insists all is wrong and must be changed while displaying total disdain for the led. Leadership convinced through upbringing and indoctrination of the evil of this place. A place not worth keeping. Such a leader, in the zeal to transform us in the end will only destroy us. And through blind arrogance and hatred will continue to insist they did a good job and may have done decidedly better if not for those who opposed their idealistic road to utopia. Ideologically blinded, they never saw the true utopia that was before them.

The United States of America is a country with open arms. That is why most want to come here or did want to come here. But, we are also a country of laws and the law of our land is the United States Constitution. It is not a holy book from any dominion. It is not what tyrannical leadership wishes it was.

The Constitution is an amazing document. It is the only one of its kind that guarantees freedom for the citizenry. Guarantees the right to worship the deity of your choice or none and guarantees the government will not interfere with the free exercise that right or impose a religion upon the people.

Guarantees the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It does not give anyone or group the right to impose their views on another. That is the American way. Is it not? If everyone bought into that precept and lived their lives accordingly, would that not be as near utopia as any political or social system devised by men?

© 2015 J. D. Pendry American Journal All Rights Reserved

Category: Politics

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One man’s utopia is another man’s hell. Just ask the Jewish population, homosexuals, and gypsies in Third Reich Germany.

Dave Hardin

I swear I heard the National Anthem playing as I read that. Maybe it was a football game starting.

Outstanding, the hell some of these people think they are living in is far better than the hell they could be living in.

I found Utopia in Ohio, the place was disturbingly quiet.


The Ohio State Buckeyes failed to find utopia yesterday. :o)

Leave it to TTZ for life lessons…

2/17 Air Cav

The US Constitution is certainly an amazing document. Without it, we would not have survived this long, and with it we nearly did not survive intact as a nation because it did not explicitly prohibit secession. But that’s another story. What is current with respect to the Constitution is the tomfoolery associated with it. It is presumed that each branch will keep the others in check by jealously guarding the power assigned to it in the Constitution. But what happens when two or all three branches are in cahoots? The People get screwed, that’s what. Witness the fiasco that was obamacare, where a Congress engaged in devilment, a president got what he wanted, and five members of the Supreme Court twisted and turned to avoid doing its job of determining whether mandatory and coerced purchase of health insurance was a constitutional law. Witness the gay marriage fundamental right that, again, five lawyers discovered somewhere in the Constitution but the People rejected time and again. Examples of this policy setting by courts abound and are absolutely, positively anathema to the constitutional scheme. Something has changed dramatically and fundamentally has it not? And yet the Constitution has not been amended to accommodate any of this. That’s bloodless tyranny.

John Robert Mallernee

And this is why I, as a convert in The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, i.e., the “Mormon” church, regard the Constitution of the United States of America as divinely inspired, and written by men whom God raised up for that specific purpose.

But, of course, for the Constitution, as it was originally written, to properly fulfill its intended purpose, we must not forget to include the Declaration of Independence, for both documents are essential.


Because the critically important concept of “Inalienable Rights” is specifically referred to in our Declaration of Independence, but is not mentioned within our Constitution of the United States of America.

One of our nation’s Founding Fathers is quoted as stating that the Constitution was written for a moral and religious people, for no other people could live under it.

I reckon that’s why we are witnessing the downfall of our beloved United States of America, as we have indeed degenerated into such a wicked and godless people, on a par with savage, feral beasts, and even now, are proven to be more wicked than those God destroyed with His judgement in the days of Noah.

So, how can we, in all honesty, presume to kneel before our Heavenly Father, pleading for His mercy?

Just look at what we’ve done by our own hand!

Appealing to our God Almighty under such perverse circumstances is tantamount to taking His name in vain, while we mock the laws of nature, and of nature’s God.

Our nation doesn’t deserve to be spared or blessed.


Good read as usual.

Keep writing.

If you impact one, that is all that matters.


America has been through the fire before and it will continue to go through the fires that come from leaders that value their own importance more than they value the principles that this country was built on.
In going after their utopia libidiots are slicing their own throats as without us conservatives that get up and go to work every day their policies could never pay for anything other than subsistence living, the way it used to be.
More and more of us are refusing to work and pay taxes at the behest of the federal government and the country is floating on the credit supplied by foreign governments and one day that bill for repayment will come due.
The mess that follows will not be pretty nor will it be a safe harbor for those that have not spent one second preparing for the ride that will follow a credit crises as big as this one will be.
Libidiots are liars first and foremost. Once you understand what you are dealing with, it becomes eaasier to deal with them on the same level they are.
A well placed fuck you works quite well for them and confronting the lies with short, terse statements also works well. When you tell them flat out that they are wrong they have no place to go.It is at that point that they start calling names and pissing themselves.
And THAT, my friends, is the best thing you can do to a libidiot.


You do understand that if you don’t have a few radicals in a free society, you don’t have a free society. Right?

Someone has to point out what really matters to us or we’ll lose it.


Interesting to note that utopia in the original greek literally means “no place”


Aldous Huxley: Brave New World

Robert Heinlein: Revolt in 2100

Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451

Jim Jones: Jonestown

David Koresh: Branch Davidians


There is no such place as utopia. There never has been, never will be, despite the attempts by the people who founded The Farm in the 1960s and who found that they still had to pay property taxes and do things to protect their property from misuse.

Aint no sech place on the planet, Albert.

Never has been. Never will be. Not even when people start colonizing other planets.

B Woodman

Don’t forget the original Utopia, written by Thomas More (1478–1535), published in 1516 in Latin.

And I can’t find or remember it at the moment, but there was a book (written ~1950s?) with climbers in the Himalayas finding a Tibetan style Utopia hidden in the mountains.


That was something about Shangri-La, a hidden valley. There are a few places like that in the world. Let’s hope they are never touched by modern society.