Karma in the Daesh
Brown Neck Gaiter sends us the video of a jihadist who was filming an interview that was rudely interrupted by karma…karma and a little mortar fire. From Daily Caller;
The whistling artillery strike, which hit the Jihadist right in the middle of an interview while in Tall Sukayk, Syria, apparently came from the Syrian Arab Army.
Also hit and killed by the strike was Syrian media activist Ahmed Abu Hamza, who was filming the interview.
Category: Terror War
And there was much rejoicing
Yaaaaaayyyyyy…. (in a disinterested way)
(Not so) Happy Trails, you piece of shit!
Damn… that will leave a mark (or three).
Hope he’s enjoying all 72 virgins dorking him in the squeakhole…
So along the lines of the morning feel good stories is the Jihadist DRT or DOT or both?
Dead there, and over there, there, there, and there….
Time for a Casey Kasem love nf distance dedication.
DAO. Dead all over
Is that a Dave Clark Five tune?
Ah yes…yet another feel good story today. Aloha Snack Bar!
At first I thought Birdbath had mistook the bunker a cornfield. Maybe next time.
Speaking of nice shooting !!!
Damn, that was good !!! Direct hit !!!
Fire for effect !!!
Looks like the adjusting round handled it just fine. Might need an ffe though, just to handle that Abrams of a camera.
Adios muchacha.
I believe that should be “Adios,
gilipollas cochino pendejo.”
But maybe that’s just me.
Give that mortar guy some extra humus for chow tonight! Nice shooting! One asshole getting his 72 Virginians right now.
Autocorrect strikes again, eh? ;o)
I’ll assume you meant ‘virgins’. ;o)
No, I’m pretty sure he meant “Virginians”.
Will his 72 virgins be female?
Well the answer is both good and bad news. The bad news is due to the extended conflict and number of martyrs there is a shortage of virgins. The good news is goats are being substituted so all receive their just reward. However, in retrospect, what difference does it make since most of their dicks were blown off when they died.
NIIIIICE catch there achmed. And the gods of artillery said F those right there.
Very satisfying.
On that, Lars, we agree.
Oh my God, twice in 2 days, I agree with Lars.
I kinda like this kid!
Nah. He keeps stepping on his crank on other threads.
I want to know what kind of camera was used. It appears to be very shockproof and able to take a beating, unlike its operator…
Can that be the new GoPro ad? I’d love to see it in HD. Slow-mo would be even better.
Great suggestion. I can see the ad now: “GoPro…it keeps recording even after your terrorist ass is in hell.”
Camera by Timex, “Takes a licking and keeps on ticking”.
Almost as tough as the VW Polo http://youtu.be/HnL-7x4n4d8
I see that Saint Barbara has chosen a side. Good choice Babs…
Ka Flippin BOOM!
That was more interesting than watching Bernutless standing with his mouth agape while being put in his lowly place by a SEAL and his wife.
Adios, motherfucker.
Damn. That shit had to hurt.
Giggling like a maniac!
As Jonn said above, derka-derka-BOOM!!
So good I had to go back and watch it again. . . .and again. . . .
I suddenly felt the urge to lean back and enjoy a cigarette…
I’m sure everyone heard the high-pitched whine emanating from one of the turds who were hit.
Shut up and die like a man, eh?
It’s my understanding that you have to actually BE a man, to die like one.
I like to think it was high pitched because shrapnel took his balls off before he bled out
I’m sure his virgins will be ever grateful, if such is the case — whether they be male OR female!
I thought that was his goat screaming in happiness
Damn, that’s gonna ruin his plans for the day or the immediate future for that matter. His obituary reads like this: Achdead was a happy jihadist who enjoyed rape, murder and generally being an asshole. He is survived by a goat and three weird mutant goat humans. He won’t be missed.
Every now and then…..Good shit happens!! Perfect timing!
Karma she is indeed a Harsh Mistress!!
“You this is me, end of mission, propagandists destroyed, estimate two casualties, record as known point ‘movie-set,’ over.”
That must have hurt. Is the camera okay?
Aloha Snackbar!!!
Karma. Spelled; ha ha, fuck you!
No one hs mentioned the “I wonder wtf that is?” Look(Right at0.06) he gives Just Before the Kaboom.
I saw that too. I thought it was more of a “That’s not a good sound” look.
Turns out he was correct. Score one for the Red legs!!
What’s that nois…*ducks*.
Life’s a bitch and then…you DIE!
this is a great feel good story for Veterans Day…
now he can meet allha and get his 99 tube steaks…
The object of the mortar love got the message an instant before the interview was ruined. He looks up and to his right while babbling, recognizes that it’s coming right at him, and then begins to duck. Too late. There actually is an image that can be seen between the still-steady camera and the red/yellow burst a fraction of a second later but I can’t determine what it is–or, most likely, was.
That squeal at the end was the goat nuts in a vise wail of the Dirka Dirka Ambulance Service.
According to my friend and former interpreter his last words were:
“Thanks to Allah, the situation was easier than we anticipated. This place was very important to..” *BOOM*.
A thing of beauty!
TERRORISTS, one minute they’re blabbing, the next minute they’re all over the place!!! 😀
Whole lot of “DRT” right there. Heh. The wailer must of thought the wailer was impervious to an injury or death while wearing her wailing gear. mwahaha…
I need to get my hearing calibrated. I know that they are saying Allah Akbar, but it just sounds like a little bitch screaming in terrible pain to me.
Now that’s a textbook “Splash. Out.”
It’s Karma in the Draesh
It’s Karma in the Draesh
Hi ho, the derry-o
It’s Karma in the Draesh
The terrorist went to hell
The terrorist went to hell,
Hi ho, the derry-o
The terrorist went to hell…
Happy Birthday TO YOU
Happy Birthday TO YOU
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu…
I wonder what the last thing that went through his mind was…
“I wonder what the last thing that went through his mind was…”
Shell fragments.
Are you the Casey that is my boss? The 11B that took me to lunch today?
his ass, legs, hands, dirt, the man gezz that was left over on his ass…
and that’s about it I could be wrong
A strange absence of goat fuchters yelling, “allah akbar”.
I thought they automatically yelled that each time an explosion occurred.
Ta, ta!
He won’t have the guts to that again…