Veterans’ Day from Mike Royko
My first Veterans’ Day after I left the military, in 1993, (I was actually on terminal leave at the time) was spent working as a security guard on a construction site…I was working full time while I attended college full time. I happened to pick up a newspaper on the way to work and it contained a column by the late Mike Royko (1932 – 1997) on veterans and I always remembered his sage words.
Royko was a Chicago columnist and another famous Chicagoan, Matt Burden (Blackfive) remembers Royko’s column.
I just phoned six friends and asked them what they will be doing on Monday.
They all said the same thing: working.
Me, too.
There is something else we share. We are all military veterans.
And there is a third thing we have in common. We are not employees of the federal government, state government, county government, municipal government, the Postal Service, the courts, banks, or S & Ls, and we don’t teach school.
If we did, we would be among the many millions of people who will spend Monday goofing off.
Which is why it is about time Congress revised the ridiculous terms of Veterans Day as a national holiday.
The purpose of Veterans Day is to honor all veterans.
So how does this country honor them?
By letting the veterans, the majority of whom work in the private sector, spend the day at their jobs so they can pay taxes that permit millions of non-veterans to get paid for doing nothing.
As my friend Harry put it:
“First I went through basic training. Then infantry school. Then I got on a crowded, stinking troop ship that took 23 days to get from San Francisco to Japan. We went through a storm that had 90 percent of the guys on the ship throwing up for a week.
“Then I rode a beat-up transport plane from Japan to Korea, and it almost went down in the drink. I think the pilot was drunk.
“When I got to Korea, I was lucky. The war ended seven months after I got there, and I didn’t kill anybody and nobody killed me.
“But it was still a miserable experience. Then when my tour was over, I got on another troop ship and it took 21 stinking days to cross the Pacific.
“When I got home on leave, one of the older guys at the neighborhood bar — he was a World War II vet — told me I was a —-head because we didn’t win, we only got a tie.
“So now on Veterans Day I get up in the morning and go down to the office and work.
“You know what my nephew does? He sleeps in. That’s because he works for the state.
“And do you know what he did during the Vietnam War? He ducked the draft by getting a job teaching at an inner-city school.
“Now, is that a raw deal or what?”
Of course that’s a raw deal. So I propose that the members of Congress revise Veterans Day to provide the following:
– All veterans — and only veterans — should have the day off from work. It doesn’t matter if they were combat heroes or stateside clerk-typists.
Anybody who went through basic training and was awakened before dawn by a red-neck drill sergeant who bellowed: “Drop your whatsis and grab your socks and fall out on the road,” is entitled.
– Those veterans who wish to march in parades, make speeches or listen to speeches can do so. But for those who don’t, all local gambling laws should be suspended for the day to permit vets to gather in taverns, pull a couple of tables together and spend the day playing poker, blackjack, craps, drinking and telling lewd lies about lewd experiences with lewd women. All bar prices should be rolled back to enlisted men’s club prices, Officers can pay the going rate, the stiffs.
– All anti-smoking laws will be suspended for Veterans Day. The same hold for all misdemeanor laws pertaining to disorderly conduct, non-felonious brawling, leering, gawking and any other gross and disgusting public behavior that does not harm another individual.
– It will be a treasonable offense for any spouse or live-in girlfriend (or boyfriend, if it applies) to utter the dreaded words: “What time will you be home tonight?”
– Anyone caught posing as a veteran will be required to eat a triple portion of chipped beef on toast, with Spam on the side, and spend the day watching a chaplain present a color-slide presentation on the horrors of VD.
– Regardless of how high his office, no politician who had the opportunity to serve in the military, but didn’t, will be allowed to make a patriotic speech, appear on TV, or poke his nose out of his office for the entire day.
Any politician who defies this ban will be required to spend 12 hours wearing headphones and listening to tapes of President Clinton explaining his deferments.
Now, deal the cards and pass the tequila.
– Mike Royko
Category: Veterans Issues
To all that served……….thanks.
To all that still serve…..thanks.
To those that didn’t,you wouldn’t quite understand….but you are welcome.
Thanks, Mike, wherever you are.
Few people can put it better than Royko ever did.
From one dickweed to another: Thanks, Jonn! And many thanks to all my comrades in arms.
Great article. Read it over a steaming dish of SOS.
Phonies need the day off so they can hit up Golden Corral. Wish I was in Round Ranger’s AO. There’s a new GC a few miles from his Casa.
Sitting in the GC parking lot would be like hunting over a baited field.
Veterans must be pretty special. There is no end to the line of people who falsely claim to be members of the club, is there? Me, I really don’t attach any personal significance to Veterans Day. I don’t partake in the free offerings, but I certainly don’t begrudge those who do. To my fellow Veterans here at TAH, and to the TAH leadership, I just want to say: I am honored to be among you.
Great piece. I’ll be shuffling along with my JROTC cadets in a parade today.
Thanks to all of you for having my back while I was in and those who have our backs now and in the past. I’m a much better person for having the privilege of serving with Men and Women such as y’all.
A great article to read over my coffee, now I’m on the way to the parade and then to the AL for some beer and chili.
Beer and chili. Sounds like a nice day. Might be a rough night on the can later though. Thanks to all that served.
While I’m sitting here at work. Happy Veterans Day to my brother’s and sister’s!!
Me, I’ll be at work today where the upper management will send out emails about how much they appreciate the veterans that are part of the company. Then, they will ask all veterans to come up for a big photo and I will stay at my desk and do my job because I can’t stand that shit.
I admire all of you guys and gals for answering the call. I truly think I saw the best of our country when I was privileged to work among you. Thank you.
// for the record, I am working today.
When I was a gdcontractor, it was in a firm that was 90% vet and 90% working for DoD. Yet, Veteran’s Day was not on the holiday list (and our clients were off). Never understood that.
I’ll be at work while my wife who works for the state sleeps in.
It wasn’t always a pleasure—but it was always a privilege. PS-What’s wrong with SOS?–or Spam?
I’m with you. I loved SOS.
Seriously, I kinda miss SOS. My father, also a veteran, used to make it at home out of a sense of nostalgia. It was better than the army’s but I never minded seeing it in the chow hall either.
Stoufers makes a pretty good one. Had one this AM.They call it creamed beef. If they called it SOS, they’d sell more.
They ALWAYS burned the gravy at Ft Wainwright HHQ Infantry mess hall…
I am pretty sure they fixed that. It’s “boil in a bag” now, with a stable shelf life of something like 100 years.
Yeah, I remember those days when each Company/Battery had its own mess section. It was SOS and scrambled eggs. Maybe potatoes and fried eggs if the mess sergeant was in a good mood. And of course good old KP. But, you sure a heck knew everyone. All this DFAC stuff with beaucoup choices is ok, but I think we lose something in the process. Whatever it is, it sure isn’t weight!
Can’t leave out that old soldier favorite, roll out the rack and grab that last piece of pizza from the box on the floor, stumble to the beer machine deposit .35 and walla… breakfast.
SOS is fine, as long as the “Chipped Beef” is actually beef and had not been most recently pulling a plow in the back forty or packing howitzer rounds up the mountainside before breaking a leg or getting really balky.
Sometimes old Jack and Molly went just a little further in their Army careers than they figured on.
Not a thing, I like both! lol
Hey, you know the drill. Non-Christians and atheists get off on Christmas. KKK members get off on MLK’s birthday. Native Americans get off on the 4th of July. Those who know next to nothing about George Washington, let alone his actual DOB, get off on Washington’s Birthday (federal name.) For some reason, we all get off just because of a date (Jan 1st.) And those who are not Vets get off on Veterans Day. Go figure.
Used to get off on the Monday after the Super Bowl in Germany, whether you liked football or not…
I did put in for vacation today, but it got cancelled due to mandatory training for engineering staff. So I’m spending my workday being a cranky ba$tard
“So I’m spending my workday–as usual– being a cranky ba$tard.” All fixed, from one cranky SOB to another.
I also get to work on this day, but that is just the nature of the work I do (rotating shift work). I did not know Veteran’s Day was a paid holiday for anybody. If you have the day off, hoist one for those of us that are at work, and one for those troops on the line. Thank you all for having kept the watch, and serving our country.
I don’t begrudge people getting a day off work.
Lars, I do believe you missed the irony, lad.
I don’t see his opening paragraphs as irony. I see them as a passive aggressive complaint about federal, state, and local workers and their benefits.
Even though many government workers are veteran’s themselves despite the anecdotes that the author’s personal friends were not employed in public service at the time).
The author also ignores the fact that while he worked for government (as a soldier) he also got most of those days off most of the time.
The military observes veteran’s day, usually the Monday before but it is still observed. And often not only is the Monday before given off, Veteran’s day itself is a light duty day with observances and family events (when mission permits).
If anything this should have been a rant agains the fact that the private sector general fails to recognize and observe veteran’s day.
I like the sentiment behind his friend Harry’s suggestions though.
Incorrect, Lars. I NEVER got Veterans’ Day off. Period. Not in two hitches was it a day off.
Veteran’s day is observed by all branches as a training Holiday. It is usually celebrated the Monday prior, so usually not on Veteran’s day itself.
Most service members, most of the time, get a day off that week in observance of Veteran’s day. Usually some work because there needs to be at least a few on duty for basic essential functions.
You apparently didn’t get Veteran’s day off. It does not make my assertion untrue. Since I am stating a fact about DoD policies and the observance of Veteran’s day and I used “most” to describe getting the day off.
Holy shit, can’t you just say thanks to all that served and leave it at that. Always a grievance with you.
Pot meet kettle. This does not sound like a grievance to you?
“The purpose of Veterans Day is to honor all veterans.
So how does this country honor them?
By letting the veterans, the majority of whom work in the private sector, spend the day at their jobs so they can pay taxes that permit millions of non-veterans to get paid for doing nothing.”
You know, Lars, couldn’t you just let it go today? Just this once? I get that you fancy yourself a gadfly but, really, how about tomorrow?
Not worth the time.
Little annoying that someone would use Veteran’s day as an excuse to rant against government employees, especially since all Veteran’s were or are government employees.
My original post was simply “I do not begrudge people getting the day off work.”
Should have left it at that and not responded to anyone.
Now boys….play nice. Even my wife who works at a government agency whose only function is to “serve” Veterans thinks it’s ridiculous to be closed on Veterans Day. At the very least you would think they would have a open house or something. NAh. Let’s just add to the backlog…
Thank you.
Today is the first Veterans Day I have off since I retired from the Air Force in 2000, except for 2009 when I was unemployed. The reason I’m off today is I have a doctor’s excuse because I hurt my back a few days ago. Getting old is not all it’s cracked up to be!! And Lars, you just don’t get it, and you never will.
Bill R. – gettin’ old ain’t for sissies. 😉
Lars – STFU
I get it more than you know.
We just do not agree.
Tippin a pint for Jonn and all Veterans past and present, with us and absent.
I only have today off because I’m retired. Mostly tired. My back hurts, too. bill r. has my sympathy.
But while I was at the cat store, I ran into a couple of guys from Save-a-Vet, which rescues military and K9 police dogs deemed unsuitable for adoption, and keeps them from being euthanized. I spent some time shmoozing with Zander, a very large German Shepherd lap dog, who wanted nothing more than his back scratched and a bowl of water.
The man handling him was a dog handler in Vietnam. He said that out of the 4,500 military dogs that worked in Vietnam, 291 came back to the US. 290 were euthanized, leaving Nemo as the sole survivor. Some left behind in Vietnam were given to the Vietnamese Army.
Since my two cats are reaching elder years, I will set my sights on taking in a shelter dog, and apply to Lackland AFB for one of theirs. They have a long waiting list, so I certainly won’t deny a good dog a home.
has a website that gives information on adopting one of these dogs deemed unadoptable, and could use some donations.
Good Lord! There’s a CAT store? You mean like kitty cats and not earth moving equipment? Who knew?
Well, really it’s a pet store, but since my visits there are for sustenance for my cat, I refer to it that way. Should I in the future get a dog as well as a cat, I will probably refer to it as the animal shop, or the feed store.
To all of the Veterans in my life, on here and elsewhere — Thank you and love to all of you. You have been, and always will be, a wonderful part of my life.
Not all government employees get the day off; they don’t close fire stations for bank holidays. Of course the fat, lame, & lazy fucks at DMV get a free break…
Spoke to both of my Desert Storm Veteran sons this morning on the phone. Thanked them and they thanked me.
Both said, “Gotta Go Pops, can’t be late for work.”
Life goes on and bills gotta be paid.
It was an honor and privilege to have served alongside the finest soldiers in the world.
Good Veteran’s Day to all.
Today? I had a great day, it wasn’t a day off. It was day spent being a productive veteran in a world that really doesn’t give a rats ass that I am a veteran. Other than, here amongst friends, some of whom I’ve been eyeball to eyeball and shook hands with in DC on various occasions.
For *dear* Mr. L Taylor…Because I can and will say it. GFY,
I did my 4 in the Navy but most of my school buddies were marching in the streets, cursing returnees and burning draft cards. Now they say “thanks of serving” and all I can think is “a$$holes”. I don’t associate with them and they wonder why.