Self-murder; the canard

| November 5, 2015

Dan Bernath likes to accuse us of “self-murder” of veterans. If you watch the video at Extreme SEAL Experience, he tells the reporter that we’ve “self-murdered” seven or eight veterans with our “brown shirt tactics”. I don’t think I even have a brown shirt in my closet, but, he knows more than I know about my wardrobe.

But, back to the suicide thing. As far as I know, there has been only one successful suicide out of the 600 or so on our stolen valor page. Demographically speaking, that’s a pretty good record. According to the World Health Organization, 12.1 out of 100,000 Americans commit suicide every year. So it would stand to reason that we have one.

That one successful suicide was Ike Densmore who killed himself on a California beach in January, 2013. According to the police, who called Don Shipley when Densmore’s body was found, Ike had tried to make it look like he had been murdered by SEALs, but the police proved otherwise. Don Shipley first contacted Densmore in September 2012, and Densmore was featured on the news by Dan Noyes in November, 2012.

Bernath likes to say that we also drove Nick Androsky and Michael McManus to suicide. We first wrote about Androsky in June 2011, and he died of respiratory failure from long term drug abuse at Fort Riley, Kansas (not on an Air Force base like Bernath tells the reporter), on February 2014. Androsky was booted from the Air Force for huffing “shoe cleaner” and dealing meth in 2005.

We first encountered Michael McManus in January 2010. He died more than two years later, again from respiratory failure related to long term drug abuse. McManus was also booted from the Army after about two years of service with a General discharge for some reason.

Bruce Pendlay was busted for his phony service in January, 2015. He spent more time in prison than his four months of active duty in the Army. But he made a show of trying to commit suicide a few weeks after he was busted. He parked on a secluded road and put a single round into his chest. But, I don’t think he was serious about killing himself. If he was, he would have finished the job, but instead, he disposed of the firearm and called 9-1-1 and told police that someone in a dark vehicle had tried to kill him. He’s facing charges for filing a false report and being a felon in possession of a firearm.

We busted Jeffrey Alcorn in January, 2015. In August, 2015, he was arrested for duping two veteran-related charities out of thousands of dollars. He attempted suicide, but two problems with Bernath’s claims that we made a veteran want to kill himself in this case; 1) Alcorn never served in the military – that’s why we busted him, so he wasn’t a veteran and 2) he attempted suicide because he was facing charges stemming from his masquerade as a Marine. He was looking at jail time. It had nothing to do with our bust eight months prior to his arrest. By the way, Alcorn wasn’t successful in his attempt.

So, Ike Densmore was successful, but I think he failed – I don’t think he intended to die during his attempt since he tried to make it look like someone else was trying to kill him – he failed at merely attempting to harm himself. As far as I know, those are the only deaths and attempted deaths from our list of hundreds of veterans and non-veterans on our Stolen Valor page.

We don’t encourage suicide to deal with your phoniness. You should stop pretending now and avoid getting caught. Actually, I’ve had several of our phonies thank me for busting them so they could stop pretending (I know how strange that sounds, but I’m no therapist) – many more than have attempted to kill themselves. You don’t remember their names, because they just stopped doing their thing without the drama of others, like Bernath and Wittgenfeld.

But, we don’t do photo shops like this one from the circus that the DRC calls a website, A Special Day Guide;


There’s also one that has me at the edge of a cliff in a wheelchair that encourages me to “Jump, Jonn, jump!” but, I’m not looking for it right now.

Here it is, thanks to one of our ninjas;


If you watched Part Two of the Shipleys v. Bernath video, Bernath shows this picture to the reporter claiming that it’s something that I created, and that “it’s what they [we] do”.


That’s another of the Dutch Rudder Group’s photoshops, not mine. The picture of my head (I don’t wear Air Force uniforms) was taken at one of The Sniper’s parties and alcohol was involved and the DRG photoshopped my head into a funeral scene, not me.


The only time I ever made mention of the “only milblog with a body count” was when I quoted another blogger – I wasn’t boasting, merely reporting.

Category: Bernath

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Doc Savage

Wow….the DRC crazy boat with Danny at the helm….that’s a hot mess shipwreck in the making.

Doc Savage

hot diggity! FIRST!

B Woodman

What about “Soup Sandwich”? Did he commit sewercide, or did he die of (un)natural causes?

B Woodman

Sorry. I couldn’t remember the given name, and was pre-coffee at oh-dark-too-damn-early.

Retired Egress Troop

For some reason I thought his was auto erotic asphyxiation.

2/17 Air Cav

The phony-baloney business has nothing to do with the .0000001/whatever who off themselves. Think about it. They concoct a false history of themselves to make others respect them and maybe admire them. All the while, each knows that it is a big lie. The reality is they aren’t shit and never were. Eventually, this must hit home with a few of them and, one imagines, the years of failure in all endeavors and the years spent creating a false persona must take their toll and they make a self-propelled launch from the world. When these clowns are exposed, it’s not for the purpose of hurting them but to stop them from hurting OTHERS through their valor theft. For some people, I suppose, if a rapist is cornered and offs himself, it’s the fault of the justice system for cornering him. If that’s not a perverse perspective, I don’t know what is.



Each of us is responsible for our choices in life – as well as the consequences of those choices. All choices have consequences; those consequences sometimes can be painful, to you or to others.

Living a lie is a choice. Being exposed as a damn liar is a reasonably foreseeable consequence of that choice. It can be painful, both for the liar and the liar’s family/friends.

Offing oneself is also a choice. No one forces anyone to do that.


Hondo, it’s even worse if some of the liar’s family are in on it.


bernitwit has never taken responsibility for anything in his entire life. He is a chronic, compulsive liar. The wagon train of crap he’s concocted is always aimed at damaging other people and blaming them for his (now)lifetime’s worth of failures. He is a crapweasel, big time.

Old Trooper

As Senior Chief Shipley says “always give your opponent a way out”. Jonn and crew go out of their way to give every possible lane of retreat for the DRG, but Bernath seems hell bent to ignore every opportunity to withdraw from the battle space and go about his pitiful life. He may think he’s being brave, when in reality, he’s being stupid.

Keep digging, Dan, keep digging.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

“Only a fool fights in a burning house”… and Danny-boi and his buttbuddy Queefers are those fools.


So in review, he accuses people of causing, taunting and facilitating “self murder” (what ever that is), presents no evidence to fully support his claims and then continues produce high quality art seemingly glorifying or encouraging people to kill themselves.

Brilliant strategy.

This will work in court.

Score another win for Dan.

He is on his game.


All I have to say is that GEN Ballduster McSoulpatch was taken from us much too soon. Sticky bums, high blood pressure, and chronic substance abuse makes a deadly cocktail.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The dead guys brought most of their misery upon themselves due to their addiction or other more serious criminal activity. It’s tragic for their families, but it’s no different than the 30,000 other people who kill themselves each year for a variety of reasons. There’s a news story on the national scene today about a cop faking his suicide to cover up allegations regarding his embezzlement of Explorer funds. People commit crimes, get caught and then the image of themselves as criminals instead of heroic good guys crashes hard into their psyche they take drastic corrective (suicidal) action. Jonn’s commentary is spot on, stop lying and apologize and move on without drama. We’ve read some great apologies here and some of those guys have never been heard of again because they finally stopped telling lies about their lives and are instead just living their lives. Those guys who fight back against the truth do so because they believe themselves entitled to make their own version of reality. It’s truly sad to see, people who waste so much energy and resources attempting to perpetuate what cannot withstand the overwhelming light of truth. That energy and those resources could be so much better spent moving forward and creating a life that would be something worthy of respect, but some of these people can’t see that and I am amazed that such a simple truth is so obviously ignored. Walk in the truth or cower under a lie, it’s such a simple option. The best thing about telling the truth is that it’s a single story that is easily repeatable, no need to worry which details you embellished here or there and to whom you’ve told which falsehood. That so many of these people have cast away perfectly honorable deeds and careers to press forward with falsehood is a constant source of amazement to me. Jonn, those of us with any sense know who is the man of honor here. Your efforts on behalf of those who can no longer speak for themselves will not be forgotten. Thank you for all that you… Read more »


Hey Bernasty and DRG I don’t think auto erotic asphyxiation is considered a suicide. But chugging Colt 45 and anti freeze with Slerpmancometh might.


Having nothing whatever to do with the legal definition of insanity, we out here on the streets of America can only call him one very sick individual. Projecting his own insensibilities upon others is but one obvious problem he possesses. The list of his aberrant behaviors is quite long.

Having his apparent fixation on doing things which are hurtful to others just ain’t right. Quite a few of the results of his anti-social behaviors are also illegal.

Bernath can also apparently exercise enough self control to turn it on and off at will, evidenced by his sometimes use of prop canes, among other things. He chooses to be this way in spite of the very real likelihood that his life would have been, and would be now, much easier and more satisfying if he would simply decide to quit making unrealistic demands and lying about stuff. He also seems to be one of those strange people who prefers negative attention to no attention at all.

It’s all so pitiful.

Yeah, bless his widdle black heart.


Seeing as how Bernasty is passionate defender of copyrights/trademarks, I’m sure he got American Legion permission to use their logo on that filthy website of his? I’m just surprised they gave it to him. If they didn’t, I’m surprised its been on display there for close to a year.

I know, no way in hell did he ask or they grant permission. But it doesn’t appear that they have defended their trademark. A mom and pop hole in the wall snack stand in a 1 horse town I lived in called themselves “Country Kitchen”. The “Country Kitchen” chain was on them like stink on Bernath within a week of them opening and the name came down.


Remember, this is the man (I use that term as loose as his sphincter after a bender with Dullass) who thought a county booking photo was copyrighted to the person it was depicting. Not to mention, he believed in his little senile mind, that he copyrighted a picture with his head on another person’s body without the other person’s permission. I think Crash-and-Bernath knows as much about copyright law as he does ethics and integrity.

Delilah T

That’s called ‘bending the law to suit your own whims’.


Cause and effect is a concept far beyond Lawn Dart Danny’s range of comprehension. In his mind the effect is crashing his plane, the cause is a manufacturer’s design problem. In reality the cause was taking off from an airport with 4 gallons of fuel.

A Proud Infidel®™

“A lot of these guys will take their lies with them all the way to their graves.” – Don Shipley (SCPO, USN, Ret.)

IMHO, Daniel A. Bernath the Fred Phelps clone is another example of that, he is SO addicted to his lies and getting attention that he has made himself extra-extra-famous for his antics, now he is reaping what hath sown. He’s done all of this to himself, ditto with DallASS *SLUUURRRP!*41.
IMHO, telling the Dutch Rudder Gangsters to go fuxx themselves is a waste of breath, they do it as fast and hard as they can all by themselves!

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

To see the distorted extent that the DRG has to go to, in order to portray we at TAH as evil proves to anyone with any common sense just how wrong they all are. Looking at the graphics, one could think that they might have been designed by someone too dumb to leave a plane on the ground when it hasn’t enough fuel to fly to the next landing area, or dumb enough to think that someone would drive 1500 miles to throw a couple of nails in a driveway, or dumb enough to make impossible claims about Comething to various doorways, but never mustering the energy to actually do it. The Catheter wearing dope himself, has furnished me with a dozen or more instances of proving that the truth is totally meaningless to him. Dumb enough to lie in a “hard paper” version of a 166 page lawsuit, and then to sign his name to his lies, under oath. (Local law enforcement, and the local judicial system are taking a good look at this, and carefully dotting the “i”s and crossing the “T”s.
“Self Murder” is a Bernath specialty, murdering every tiny bit of self worth that he could have possessed.

E-6 type, 1 ea

It’s funny that he never mentions the “self-murder” of a certain light-sport aircraft…


I bet if that buttnugget went to the Doctor and was given a prognosis that he only had a short time to live, he’d charge the Doc with a death threat.

Stay classy Daniel-san. Oh wait, you don’t have any class. None. Zip. Nada. A cumbubble in Justin Biebers ass has more class than you.


after looking at the pics above. this turd is a sociopath. had to take a two week class years back on cereal killers and what I’m looking at above is a trip… I wonder if there is any skeletons in the closet????
Just Saying


serial and not cereal…. I hate apple spell check

HMCS (FMF) ret.

“Stolen Valor is the tip of the iceberg”

How many times have we seen this statement used with just about every person that has been brought to light on this and other blogs? Every one of these individuals had something else to hide in their past, including Bernath. Their lives have been nothing but one fucked up decision after another and trying not get caught in the process. The concept of ACCOUNTABILITY is not part of their lives – just look at their actions when they are caught (anger, denial, lies, narcissism, etc) and how they act out.

Danny-boi’s shit hasn’t played out completely… my guess is that there are a few other items that we are not aware of that will be playing out very soon with him, to include some time in the county/state/federal “pound him in the ass” lockup. I also believe that some of this may involve his wife, due to his desire to “live the lie”. I hope she finds the strength, if she is involved, to speak out and put it to a stop. If she’s not involved, and she cares for him, she should be talking to someone about his mental health before it is too late.

As for QUEEFERS, we know that he’s spent some time in jail and alcohol is his problem… he’ll be another drunk that doesn’t see what the bottle has done to his life and those around him. He’ll be remembers by friends and family as being a “bitter, bitter little man” at his funeral (if any do show up) who let the power of the bottle ruin his life.

Delilah T

You are such a tease.


Can someone post the links for the Shipley visit to FL? I’ve been traveling and haven’t been able to read everything and haven’t found the links.

Thank you!


Just tell the truth. Good advice.

In my experience, you can give the same advice to different people, and get different results.

I work with business people and researchers, and I often give them little lessons about Da Law. You know the person’s character, by their response.

I have told a roomful of researchers, that the best way to protect themselves is to just tell the truth as they understand it, and seen them all relax.

On another day, I told them that they have to pay attention to issued patents based on speculation (so-called “paper patents”) because they are issued, even if the owner never used the patent. There are other ways to deal with these anomalies, and the first step is to take it to your lawyer. On that day, one researcher became charmed with the notion of getting rich quick by writing a paper patent and using it to hold up legitimate companies. He really wanted to run with that idea. Then his co-workers found out that he had cooked some of his lab results. He was gone, quickly and quietly. I only heard about it, afterward.

I would never have expected my remarks to be taken as a roadmap for fraud. But to a person who was already committing fraud, it was just another frame for a scam, that only needed his special skills to perfect it.


I have the very honored distinction of having been a Brown Shirt. It was tough work hauling 72 lbs of tie-down chains on my shoulders across a greasy pitching deck during launches and recoveries. Especially when you had to maneuver around taxiing aircraft propellers, intakes, and exhausts on the way to the bow at night.

One thing we Brown Shirts never did was encourage suicide…that would be wrong.

Personally I preferred the term Turd Shirt so as not to be confused with those bastards that ran around Germany in the 1920’s and 30’s. Come to think of it they didn’t really encourage suicide…they’d just beat Communists, Jews, and other people to death that stood in their way of power.

Airdale USN

Now if you wanted to die, flight deck is the place. Very very unforgiving!!!

2/17 Air Cav

You know, when I was in Congress…(Reality: It was a tour)

You know, when I was at Harvard…(Reality: Stopped in to use the bathroom)

You know, when I was on the radio in NY… (Reality: First time caller)

You know, when the New York Times interviewed me… (Reality: It was to verify a letter to the editor.)

You know, when I advised the president to…(Reality: WH blog comment.)

Just a few off-the-cuff items that sound remarkably similar to how certain people twist the truth like a pretzel (or a narrow catheter, for that matter.)

2/17 Air Cav

UPS just called. They want to know what the hell is wrong with brown shirts.


Hey Bernath…HI!!!! How’s it going? Remember me? From way, way back. When we did our very first write up of you and we all saw your phony, very poorly Photoshopped mug on the photo of another real and honorably retired Petty Officer? You don’t remember I guess. Well I’m the guy who searched through about 800 plus photos from about every Navy type web site I could find. Of course, the one you’re looking for is always the last one you see. The last one for me was the National Association Of Naval Photography web site. Page by page I scanned each image until…sure as shit and 2 is 4, there you were! Or should I say, there HE was. The real retired Petty Officer Photographer, who’s photo YOU stole and Photoshopped you HUGE melon onto his body. You remember now don’t you? The one you blamed your granddaughter or someone else for doing as “a joke”? Of course they didn’t as a joke, post it on your local veteran’s site in your biography now did they. Since only you would have had access to that. By the way, when I saw your photo the first time, even before I enlarged it, I said “PHOTOSHOP!”, to myself. Too many dead giveaways showing poor Photoshop skills. Anyway, just touching bases. How’s the bike ridding going for you? Does the catheter get in the way much? Also, how does a guy, who is 100% service connected, Agent Orange disabled, who for civil suit purposes, has himself photographed in front of a handicapped parking space, using two crutches, ride a bike? (By the way, for anyone newer reading this, the Agent Orange claim is a whole other story in and of itself. It’s a real knee slapper too.) If you’re nothing else Dan, you’re a man of inconsistencies when it comes to your health on any given day. The only thing you are consistent about, is your persistence in being a phony and being an ass hole in going about it. So, here’s to you having a little trip down memory lane with… Read more »


Well said, amigo.


You left out the colostomy bag, Sparks.

He threw it at people. Is there a foster system for lost or abandoned colostomy bags?


Yes Ex-PH2 there is a program like that. Old colostomy bags are reused by their owners for lung exercises. They blow them up then suck the air back out, then repeat 4 times, twice daily. Keeps the ones like Bernath full of their own shit.


Geez, Sparks, you could have posted a spew alert!

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Bwahahahahahaha ^^^^^^^
Sparks wins the internet today.

2/17 Air Cav

“Nurse! Dammit! Nurse!”


“I need another straw. This one has too small a hole! And another thing. This bagged juice is good but it’s warm. I need some ice!”

“Sir, first, that’s not a straw, it’s a catheter. Second, that’s not–um–sure, I’ll be right back with your ice.”


Joe Tetty reference? MCPO has me so confused.

2/17 Air Cav

Hey, Joe knows piss when he drinks it. I am rather miffed that you were confused, even if it was all MCPO’s doing–although that IS a valid defense.


Bernath is a thief.

He is not just a stolen valor thief, he is a thief in the legal sense of the word.

When you look at the “Jump” image, (click on it to get a bigger view) notice that there are some thin white lines that cross the picture in a lot of places. Those lines are watermarks.

Specifically, they are watermark lines used from image service called “dreamstime.”

Here is the image:

Under the terms of usage, that image cannot be used without paying the creator. It doesn’t matter that Bernath modified it slightly (and badly I might add.)

His use of the image is illegal.

Furthermore, the image was created and is described by the artist as:

A powerfully sad illustration featuring a depressed person in a wheelchair on the edge of a cliff at sunset contemplating suicide. Depsite all the advancements we have made in helping the disabled lead full, active and happy lives, there are still some in this world who go through this dark stage of wanting to end their lives when confronted with disability.

So Bernath stole a powerful image on suicide prevention.

Of course, it is ironic that Bernath would steal the copyrighted work of someone while claiming copyright protection on his image, which by law is not copyrighted when used in the manner used in this forum.



You should definitely let the company know about it and link them to Bernath’s page. I mean, as a man so versed in copyright law, I am sure Crash-and-Bernath has a good explanation for why he perverted their message to encourage a veteran to “self murder.”


Me contacting the company doesn’t do anything as they are not the copyright holder. A company / man by the name “MadArtists” holds the copyright and he would have to demand the thing be taken down.

I will be happy to contact him but I would need the URL where the thing is on Bernath’s site and to be honest with you, I am not going looking.

I have enough people that are crazy loons in my life without going and reading his crap. I did it once once ago and felt dirty for days.

Just An Old Dog

The arrogance of Birdbath is overwhelming. How can he possibly think he can get with taking two still images from one of Don’s exposure videos and say they prove it was assault when all someone has to do is look at the entire video to see he is full of shit?

L. Taylor

I am absolutely confident that a person who puts a round in their chest was dead serious about suicide.

At least at the moment of that first trigger pull.

After the pain and adrenaline kicked in it probably gave him much more clarity of thought and he was a “What the fuck am I doing?” Moment.


It would help a lot if you could specify whom you’re talking about, Lars.

If it’s Densmore, you should say so.


Sure, Taylor. Just like everyone who slashes their wrists or swallows pills is making a bona fide and serious effort to off themselves.

Sheesh. Have you never heard the term “suicide gesture”, AKA “parasuicide”? Do you comprehend its meaning?


Hi Lars.


Wrong again Lars!

Men when using a gun to commit suicide mostly off themselves in the mouth, under lower jaw or through side off head. Some will place barrel to the forehead, but not often.

Women on the other hand typically do not use a firearm.

Research suggested that men want it done immediately and woman may opt to preserve their beauty so to speak.

For a man to put a gun to their chest, pull the trigger with the hopes of an offing, no holds water here or in research!

He had a bad suicide plan or did not intend to kill himself.

So Lars, google (means of suicide men v. women) and get back to me.


So, just after I wrote this, I remembered:

CNO ADM Boorda (SN to CNO). My CNO, all Sailor’s CNO, who took his life only an hour or so after learning Hackworth called him out over his awards and he was due to meet with Newsweek at 1430 to discuss it.

ADM Boorda drove home to the Navy Yard, retrieved his pistol, went outside, held the pistol against his ribbon rack and pulled the trigger.

Very sad …

Very sad …

“Bartender … Jameson please …”



1. That was a suicide … Just a weak moment in a strong mans life.
2. No such thing as self murder.


Although the statistics say differently, we had an AT3 at my Shore Command off himself with a shotgun blast to his chest…one of the guys in his shop found him at his house after he had been UA for a few days…a horrible deal. He was a good man, and we used to talk for hours on watch. I will never forget him.

I had the pleasure of meeting Admiral Boorda twice. The first time was at the Uniform Shop at NATTC Millington, TN. I was next in line to be served when the person behind the counter ignored me and started to serve the Admiral he looked over at me and said this young Sailor was first. (Now at the time I was just out of Boot Camp, and still got shaky talking to a PO, and here was a Three Star Admiral letting me go ahead of him.

The 2nd time was in the Med; I was deployed aboard CV-67 and the Admiral was 6th Fleet at the time. He came aboard and just started touring spaces, and talking to the various Sailors and Marines he came across. He chatted with me for a minute, and again it was surreal.

It was a very sad day indeed when we lost that man. He was a hero of mine. Came up through the ranks as an enlisted man…all the way to the TOP!

He brought back the Seaman-To-Admiral Program that earned him his commission to pay it forward. Yeah…where is that whiskey, I need some too.


Thanks for remember the Sailors’ Sailor.

He was truly a great man.


Geee, looks like Lars doesn’t want to come out and play today.

Larsss? Larsss?

No response. I’m offended. Where’s my ARCOM?


Lars, you are of course entitled to your opinion, but you’re wrong.

The police officer who committed suicide 2 months ago, to avoid prosecution, tried to stage it to look as if he’d been murdered. Must have been painful as hell. He had to shoot himself twice to make it happen.

John Robert Mallernee

I remember a couple of suicides.

One was a career sergeant in the United States Army at Fort Ord, California, who hung himself from a tree.

I saw that one Sunday after church, when walking my normal route through a wooded area of the Post, headed for the spot where I would hitch-hike back to my unit at Hunter-Liggett Military Reservation, 90 miles to the South.

Another suicide I remember was when I was being trained as an Emergency Medical Technician at Brigham Young University.

I was doing my internship at Utah Valley Medical Center when I came across the body in the Emergency Room.

It was a young man who had shot himself in the heart with a rifle.

Males have learned that the best way to commit suicide is oral sex.

Putting a gun to the temple all too often results in a slow, painful death, and sometimes, people even survive gunshots to the temple, even though damage to the brain, nerves, and muscles leaves them horribly disfigured and mentally impaired.

But, the gun barrel in the mouth is instant and foolproof.

When using a shotgun, most of the head simply disappears.

I knew a guy who was diabetic who would “attempt” (?) suicide by eating a gallon of ice cream.

He made other suicide gestures by overdosing on prescription medications.

He is now deceased, but not before a very lengthy hospitalization accompanied by gradually losing all four limbs to amputation.

In Salt Lake City, a man killed himself by funneling the exhaust pipe into his car.

His wife then gathered all of their children and threw them each, one by one, from the balcony of their high rise hotel penthouse, before leaping to her own death.

Miraculously, one daughter survived when she was impaled between her legs on an iron fence, but had to endure many years of painful surgeries, plus psychiatric treatment.

This was MANY years ago, and the last I heard, she still has not fully recovered, and probably never will.

NR Pax

Hiya, Birdbath. Remember me? I’m one of those people you accused of being a “domestic terrorist.” I guess you didn’t know how to react to my response of calling you “adorable” with your silly little delusions. But don’t worry; I’m sure after you suck down enough Jack you might get to the point where you can look yourself in the mirror.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure he’s still sucking on “Dutch Rudder gang Cocktails”, rubbing alcohol with some antifreeze and formaldehyde for flavor, and garnished with a lead paint chip!!


It is less of a problem to be poor than dishonest.

Silentium Est Aureum

I’m still waiting for him to explain how he took the video of an innocent person and posted screen captures of the minor children of said poster up without any permission.

And still has them up after a DMCA takedown notice.


For those areas of law where motive matters, luckily those who are malicious also tend to be rather stupid.

We must all be patient.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Reading the comments on any of the Bernutless related posts, it is apparent that Danny Boi has a following at his blog. While I haven’t opened it, (I won’t give him the page view numbers.), it seems that there are plenty here who do follow his drivel. I have, once, in the past, given someone the info so they could go there and see what I was told was put up about me.
I would rather read an ad for hearing aids than read his blog.


Frankly, Frankie, it may be the biggest waste of 5 minutes of your life which you will never get back.

MAJ Arkay

Brown shirts, huh? I have one brown shirt. Well, a tee shirt. It says “Old Army” on the front. I guess with that logo it must qualify as whatever the idjit meant.

Or not…