New Sheriff for ‘Frisco
Well, it seems Sodom-by-the-Bay will soon have a new sheriff. Ross Mirkarimi, the incumbent, was soundly defeated in an election held yesterday.
You may remember Mirkarimi (or at least his office, if not his name) from a few months ago. This is the same Sheriff whose jail released an illegal immigrant felon in spite of the fact that INS authorities had requested a hold on the individual. They did so because of San Francisco’s “sanctuary city” laws.
That illegal immigrant, Francisco Sanchez, claims he later allegedly “found” a gun wrapped in a shirt; he further claims that when he picked it up, it “went off by itself” and killed an innocent woman – Kate Steinle – near San Francisco’s waterfront. (If you believe that cock-and-bull story, I’ll make you a great deal on the Golden Gate Bridge.) Had Sanchez been held and turned over to INS as requested, Ms Steinle would doubtless still be alive today.
It turns out Mirkarimi was a real piece of work in other respects, too. He had multiple other issues – issues that probably were more important to the “wonderful voters” of San Francisco than the sanctuary city/felon illegal immigrant release idiocy. This Fox News article details those issues.
The lady elected to replace Mirkarimi, Vicki Hennessy, has called San Frisco’s policies in this area “misguided”. She has indicated a willingness to cooperate with INS in “certain cases”.
Well, we are talking about Sodom-by-the-Bay; full-time use of common sense and complete cooperation regarding illegal immigration enforcement is probably too much to expect. Still, it looks like there soon will be one less bona fide idiot running the show there.
That’s a good thing.
Category: Crime, Illegal Immigrants, Liberals suck, Police
It’s San Francisco. Sadly, this is probably as good as it gets.
San Foo-foo, what a waste, that burg values illegal aliens more than it does Vets!
Such a beautiful city! Such a batshit crazy populace.
After all the disrespect shown to the military, I promised myself that my shadow would never darken that city again.
Ditto that, MC! Let’s also not forget that a certain amount of voters in that locale keep reelecting Nanny Lugosi!
And across the bay:
What a bunch of ignorant morons. I think if I spent two hours in Berkley my head would blow up.
Rob Riggle is hilarious, especially in that clip talking to hippies.
As well as losing his drivers license, and failing to qualify on the range… the soon to be ex-sheriff is a convicted wife abuser! He wasn’t allowed to carry a weapon for the 12 months or so of his probation. Great example for the kids out there!
I am rather disappointed, actually. This tends to create the terribly false appearance that Friscans have some sense.
A broken clock….
A couple of large quakes and most of California and her denizens become largely irrelevant…that would be a net positive for the nation.
Not that loss of life due to natural disaster is ever a good thing, it’s just reality that living on a fault line means sooner or later you will pay the toll.
Why do the 53 or so non-moonbat counties get consistently ignored by everyone?
Because they’re outvoted by the idiots that live in the moonbat counties, thus allowing the State Legislature to make truly asinine laws that screw up the entire state.
Because a large percentage of people who actually vote ARE moonbats and moonbats tend to gather in clusters, just like real bats.
They may even hang upside down, for all I know.
Yeah, TOW, it’s a shame but Frisco, Hollywood, and LA ARE California for the rest of the world. It’s sort of like NYC. There is another New york, where sane, decent people live but the bigmouths in the Big Apple create the impression for most of the rest of the state.
That’s true, I’ve been to upstate NY which was chock full of civilized, decent everyday people, but nice you get to or around Albany or NYC… Speakin’ of which, I hear that under De Blabbio (*OOPS!*, DeBlasio) NYC has become like it was in the old days under Dinkins, ain’t demo-rats just wonderful?
Spent some time in Saranac Lake training New York State Police Mobile Response Team at Raybrook. The scenery in that area is breathtaking and the locals very hospitable.
In San Diego (city and county) it’s considered a major point of pride that we are NOT Los Angeles.
I had friends in Redding, a very beautiful, sane, and civil place. If it wasn’t for Cali’s ridiculous taxes I’d retire there.
The Other Whitey….Same as in my state. The liberal left coast, from Canada to the Oregon border has the population to control state politics. As soon as you cross the Cascade Mountains everything east is quite conservative but does not have the populace to change things in Olympia.
The fact that Olympia hosts that bastion of Liberal and Anarchy ideals otherwise known as Evergreen State College doesn’t help matters.
That being said Seattle is trying really hard to one-better San Francisco in every aspect.
San Francisco: nice (and ridiculously expensive) place to visit, but I’d sooner shoot myself than live there.
You’ll have to bring your own gun, and don’t let anyone know you have it.
The last gun shop in Sham Fran is closing down due to newly passed regulations from the Shitty (City) Council.
Do they issue carbon credits for suicide?
San Franfreako. While it’s not always true, I’m sure, County Sheriffs are elected by the people, and are responsible TO THE PEOPLE THAT ELECTED THEM. Or so I was told by a sheriff. We’ll see if this is true, or if she starts licking some county commissioners glitter covered boots.
This new sheriff is just another flavor of the old one. No way in hell will she upset the status quo of San Francisco’s liberal leaders. San Francisco has two diverse populations. No where in America, in my opinion, is there a better example of the haves and have nots. The have nots live as they choose. Either working for a living to get by or living on crime and in squaller. The haves on the other hand, live in gated communities and enjoy the limousine liberal lifestyle. They do not see, want to see or have anything to do with the have nots. They do however control the politics and as long as they do and their lives, money and interests are kept safe and happy through their political control the rest can eat shit and die as far as they’re concerned.
I think you just described liberal elites worldwide, Sparks.
I concur with my esteemed colleague of the Hondo….
Lars shows up, panties in wad in 3…2…1
Not just in San Francisco, but all over the US the liberals got handed their asses last night. The HuffPo and Washington Post articles are hilariously pathetic too.
Kentucky got a Repub governor, the LGBT crowd in Houston was told to go F themselves (by a large margin in a city with a gay mayor, no less), Dems lost every state senate vote in Virginia, marijuana legalization was voted down in Ohio, Mississippi kept its Republican Governor and increased the GOP numbers in it’s house… Ohh hell, just read the article…and the comments, haha.
Yeah, and in Virginia, the demo-rats ran on a platform endorsing Gun Control! They were heavily funded by out of State money from liberal snotnoses like DeBlasio and Bloomers (*OOPS!*, Bloomberg) as well. The dhimmicrats are continuing to screech about gun Control, so I say LET ‘EM!!! 😀
Elect a conservative like Cruz who will deny federal funds to cities and states that do this sanctuary nonsense and watch them cave like a sand bank.
Shouldn’t this be filed under Feel Good Stories of the Day?
From what I have seen and heard, the ultra liberal/progressive/socialist crowd in S.F. and Berkley is very vocal and very visible but also a minority.
In the mid 2000s a group of us wound up hitting SF for an evening in uniform, due to a special occasion and timing. Keep in mind this was when Bush was CiC and the ‘antiwar’ movement was at their insane treasonous peak in S.F.
We could not pay for a drink for most of the night and were told ‘no cover’ by every place we hit that had a cover charge. We got a lot of questions from honestly curious and clueless (as far as military service goes) 20 somethings but the questions were honest and in no way disrespectful or argumentative.
I also recall that when the Berkley city council tried to formally remove the USMC recruiting presence, a lot of long time and very wealthy Berkley residents were very critical of the very thought of doing so. I’m pretty certain their wealth, influence, and displeasure was a wake up call for some members of the city council.
There is a large, ‘normal’ working class populace in both S.F. and Berkley. But they don’t complain or march or perform any activities that draw the attention of reporters and news cameras.
Sharkman thank you very much for posting that. I live 45 mins North of SF. Reading these comments really bummed me out. I am biased for my home state, sure. These comments make me feel like a large portion of this community (and I really, really like this community and the Shipley’s community) think that people in California are worthless. That really makes me sad. You all — what Sharkman wrote is what I experience here as well.