Spanish police foil ISIS attack
The UK’s Express reports that Spanish authorities arrested three Moroccans with links to ISIS who were planning a “Charlie Hebdo” style attack there;
Interior Ministry officials said in a statement released early today…“According to sources in the investigation, they were prepared to carry out, at any moment, terrorist acts like those that have taken place recently in neighbouring countries.
“The operation is ongoing.”
From NBC News;
“The terrorists were extremely radicalized and had assumed terrorist discipline and ideology completely,” national police said in a statement released by Spain’s interior ministry. “They were perfectly organized and [worked within a] hierarchy and each one of the components had a determined role.”
From NDTV;
Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz said that, unlike in other cases of suspected terrorists arrested in recent months in the country, the suspects were “not devoted to attracting, indoctrinating, radicalising, recruiting” people to travel to Syria or Iraq to join the ISIS.
“Their goal was to act in Spain,” he said on Cadena Ser radio.
I thought the war against terror was over. I thought the philosophy that fighting them over there so they don’t come here was proven wrong. I thought Spain was immune from terrorist attacks because they pulled out of Iraq the last time terrorists struck there. I guess everything I thought was wrong. The Spanish remember what happened the last time they were ruled by the Islamists.
Category: Terror War
But, but, BUT did they wayyciaawwy pwofiwe them when they were investigating, that would make it a waythitht bust!!
Oh hang on, I get it…slow on the uptake today…
Elmer Fudd made that announcement.
I BLAME IT on last night’s moonshine shotsh!!!
‘Thought the war against terror was over’ – yes, so did other people who live in insular communities where nothing ever happens.
No, it’s not over yet. Whoever gets the job in WDC will inherit all that 8 years worth of idiocracy.
IF January 20,2017 ends up to be the END OF AN ERROR that I hope and pray it will be, the DNC Pravda news media will still blame EVERY BIT of our nation and the World’s woes on the new POTUS regardless of the truth.
Throw them under the jail. Then stuff their mouths full of pork (a waste, I know, but sacrifices must be made in times of war). Once out of sight, then shoot them. Claim that they were shot attempting to escape before trial. Save mucho Euros, and sends a message to others of like mind (if you can claim that they have a mind in the first place).
OR- – — You can send an even MORE effective message, and have a public execution, hanging, I believe, for muzzies?
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
If they need to be shot, I heartily suggest that the tip of EVERY round used be lubed with used bacon grease. Like Mamma always said, “It’s the thought that counts.”! 😀
Copy that..I don’t want those idiots in MY COUNTRY and I’ll be damned if they aren’t already here. Their recruiting young kids whose brains aren’t fully developed yet to join their cause.ISIS members don’t deserve to live, PERIOD! Nobody can change their insane beliefs because its been imbedded in the brains since birth. I honestly think that wiping them out is the only solution, until then everyone is at risk EVERYWHERE and that sucks..
Like the man said: They hate us for what we are, nit for what we do.
HATE is a strong word, but there has to be another one that really describes how they feel about Americans. Although they have weapons, their still living in the stone age.
What the hell did we do to piss them off to the point of insanity. I can’t find a damn thing we did, so are they jealous of the word FREEDOM, we live in houses, eat bacon, wear clothes instead of dresses, women who don’t take orders, WHAT?
They want to bring their religion and laws to America and other countries because it’s the only one that counts. We have women in America whose family members believe that if she held hands with the opposite sex, she should be killed for disgracing the family.
I read a story about a young girl was stabbed to death by her father for getting a American job. Dumb bastard didn’t know that his house was wired by the feds because of his affiliation with Al Qaida. Had his house not been wired,(claims the daughter wanted $5K and threatened him with a knife) he would of gotten away with murder.
I really don’t want people like that living next door to me and that’s sad.
I just heard that oblowme is gutting another 45 Bn out of the defense budget…
This moron makes Jimmuh look like a Reagan protege…
Should say $5 billion.
Well, well, well….Europe looked down their collective noses at The USA and The War On Terror and committed little to helping. Now it’s payback time.
Hey Europe, how’s that Muslim Outreach/We Are The World/Tolerance thing working out for ya now.
They will just blame us for creating the situation.
Western Europe has been fighting against ISIS. The war will never be over until all nations agree to drop bombs on the SQUIRRELY ASSHOLES.
Okay, I’ll get crap over my next sentence.
Even though I don’t believe in their religion to kill all infidels and anyone who doesn’t follow the Qur’an, fucking with their beliefs by drawing cartoons is wrong, especially since their totally NUTS. FIGHT THE BRAINLESS WITH GUNS AND BOMBS. The cartoons just piss them of more and then hundreds of innocent people die by another suicide bomber who believes a 72 year old virgin awaits them in wherever they end up. Yeah, its supposed to be 72 virgins’ but these limp dicks couldn’t get a hard on seeing a white woman with blue veins sticking out of the see through skin.
These people are so crazy and brainwashed by a book that names Mohammad twice and he’s their version of Jesus. Their crazy, nuts, insane, stupid but fucking with their religion only causes more people dying. Wipe them off the face of earth so our men and women in uniform can come home..