Jimmy Janos demands relevance

| October 14, 2015

Jesse Ventura's big fucking mouth

Little Jimmy Janos made a quixotic appearance on the “Opie and Jimmy Show” yesterday morning, according to The Blaze. He stuck his head in the broadcast booth and proclaimed “Chris Kyle was a liar, I won in federal court.” Then he walked away.

I’m expecting that he’ll join the Dutch Rudder Club soon just to be among fellow lunatics. He’s acting more like Dallas Wittgenfeld than a former Navy SEAL (Don Shipley says he’s a SEAL, so I’m siding with Don). The DRC has no respect for widows either, so he’d fit right in.

Thanks to Bobo for the link.

Category: Shitbags

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Those who served at the same time Janos did say he wasn’t a SEAL – he was instead a Frog, never assigned to a SEAL team. They also say there was a substantial difference between the two communities (SEAL, UDT) during Vietnam. With all due respect to Don, I’ll go with their opinion. They were there at the time.



Is Don’s determination based on Janos having graduated from BUD/S or getting pinned with a Trident?


You’d have to ask Don that question. I don’t know his rationale with certainty, so I won’t guess.

According to the article I linked above, prior to 1983 UDT and SEAL were different NECs (MOSs). While they shared the same BUD/S training as a pre-requisite, SEAL and UDT teams reportedly had very different roles and missions during Vietnam.

Per the linked article, 34 SEALs died in Vietnam. 1 UDT team member died there.


Don Shipley’s rationale is in this video.




Chris Kyle considered him a SEAL. If you look up the clip on the Opie and Anthony show where Kyke first names Janos as Scruff Face he is asked that exact question. He stated without hesitation those that went through the training that Janos did are considered SEALs. I’ll go with what Chris Kyle and Don Shipley say on the matter.


To each his own. I’ll go with Janos’ contemporaries opinion, since the UDT/SEAL world apparently changed radically after Vietnam (in 1983, when the UDT and SEAL rates were combined).


I read the Bill Salisbury article when this whole thing came to a head. I’d say that Salisbury has some rational arguments supporting his contention that UDT and SEAL were different animals, and Asshat was a UDT in Vietnam wasn’t a SEAL in Vietnam. Since I’m neither, my opinion isn’t worth crap, but I’d have to go with Salisbury on this one, Asshat is a BUD/S graduate, but not a SEAL, based on his NEC.

Not a SEAL

Iagree with Bobo…he is an Asshat!


Ain’t ole scruff face supposed to be teaming up with the Donald as his VP running mate?

Geez, if he’s gonna keep on doing stuff like this, I’m gonna lose all respect for him.


Which one, Trump or Janos?

CC Senor


Silentium Est Aureum

You have to have respect for them first in order to lose it.

Pinto Nag

I once had a great deal of respect for Mr. Janos, but he’s done quite a bit recently to change my mind about that.

2/17 Air Cav

“I once had a great deal of respect for Mr. Janos…” It was a Thursday morning, wasn’t it?


I had a lot of respect for Janos before I knew anything about him – ex-SEAL and all that. He can kiss that shit goodbye.

2/17 Air Cav

The fly-catching pic is nearly flattering. I prefer this one of him. It provides more insight into the fellow than words can.


B Woodman

OH SHIT! That which is seen, cannot be unseen.
But pass the mind bleach STAT!

Steve S.

That would be enough to give Elton John a woody…

A Proud Infidel®™

That is MORE GAY than Elton John and Boy George fanny-fluffing each other in high heels and patent leather chaps!!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Is anyone surprised a former biker gang member who participated in a physical form of entertainment that can not legally be called a sport because all of the outcomes are predetermined theatrical events might be a less than honest man?

Who knew that steroid enhanced freaks of nature using drugs that are illegal for any honest competition might be less than honest about their past experiences?

That a guy who hosted a show filled with bullshit conspiracy theories might be only interested in promoting his own brand rather than an honest conversation would surprise anyone is a sad commentary on the state of the nation’s collective intellectual capacity.

He was a clown who played dress up on TV as a wrestler, nothing more than a steroid enhanced buffoon in a theatrical costume performing according to a script…that he ever had credibility after participating in such a fake, scripted activity speaks more to the stupidity of the American people than to Jimmy’s credibility.

How could a state elect a costumed buffoon as a governor?

Men of honor don’t behave that way, and they don’t behave as he does today.

My apologies to Chief Shipley but men like this don’t bring any honor to the military or themselves with their actions and regardless of whether or not he was or was not a SEAL he remains a self aggrandizing buffoon who dishonors himself on a regular basis.


How could a state elect a costumed buffoon as a governor?

The same way a nation could elect a community organizer with no executive experience (but who is photogenic and who can read from a teleprompter) POTUS.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed you are correct on Obama…

How do you explain the current fascination with Ms. Clinton then? She’s neither photogenic or charismatic but seems to be polling quite well…


I’m sure there’s a pole somewhere…

Pinto Nag

People have always had a fascination with sharks.


And venomous snakes…

Silentium Est Aureum

And train wrecks.

2/17 Air Cav

And their navels.


There was a “goatse” reference in the other thread but I’m not going there.


But, 0bama won the Nobel Peace Prize for thinking happy thoughts and being elected while black. He then went on to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize winner…




MN is the only state Jimmy Carter carried twice. My pops was born & raised in the land of 10,000 mistakes…something about the wacky hordes of Swedes & Norwegians (lutefisk is horrible crap) pull on Twin City politics.

A Proud Infidel®™

MN also allowed a has-been washed-out SNL Comedian and writer to steal that State’s Senatorial election via perpetual lawsuits and fake recounts.


Wasn’t MN one of only three states carried by Mondale when he ran against Reagan in 1980?


MN was the only state Mondale carried, actually; Reagan carried the other 49 states. The rest of Mondale’s Electoral College votes were from DC.

MN is Mondale’s home state. Mondale carried MN by less than 4,000 votes.


Yep, sorry my bad. I guess the best way to put it is…what the hell was Minnesota thinking???? Oh forgot, its America’s version of Sweden lol.


No worries. None of us are perfect.

FWIW: I got curious and looked it up. Turns out Carter actually carried 6 states (plus DC) twice. In 1980, though the popular vote was reasonably close Carter only carried 6 states: MD, RI, WV, MN, HI, and GA (plus DC); Reagan carried the rest.

Carter carried all of those states, plus DC, in 1976 as well.


VOV, I realize that was a rhetorical question, but the truth is it was a three way race and ol’ cry baby won by a very narrow margin.

Dennis - not chevy

Janos needs to take a lesson from some of the former professional wrestlers I have known. One was one of my teachers in high school; two others were neighbors. Some I met briefly, maybe over a beer, maybe when they visited neighbors. All of them left the loud talk and ego at the ring.

Climb to Glory

Fuck him. He’s a piece of shit. Those guys hate him too. Video is NSFW.

A Proud Infidel®™

Jimmy Janos? THAT sniveling moldy roach turd?

Fuck. Him.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

If there was ever a twatwaffle that was in need of a cunt punt, Jimmy is the twatwaffle!

Green Thumb

Janos is very similar to a lingering fart; the stink sticks around.

Green Thumb

When his mouth is open like it is at the top, someone needs to stick a dildo into it to shut him up.

Climb to Glory

Phildo and the DRC could help him out in that department.

The Other Whitey

He may have won in court, but people who were at McP’s that night consistently say that Janos is the liar. So fuck him and the snake he slithered in on.

A Proud Infidel®™

The amount of respect I have for Jimmy Janos will always be the same as what I have for the Dutch Rudder Gang and “Hanoi Jane” Fonda.


Jesse can go suck start bernasty.


SlerpManCometh probably has more combat time in his commo bunker than Ventura ever got.


Jimmy Janos?

Never heard of her.


Absolutely NO RESPECT for Janos.
Worthless POS with or without a trident.
He dishonors all veterans.

Formally known as JR

Regardless of who lied, Chris Kyle is a Veteran who was not only murdered but went through alot of shit for this country, Janis needs to fucking drop it. How can he go about disrespecting a dead fellow servicemember? When the other person isn’t around to defend themselves then the argument is over.

Just An Old Dog

I had the displeasure of being at an All-Services Ball in the Early 90s where This Shit-bag was the guest of honor and speaker. This was when he was pretty popular and hadn’t been exposed as a massive bag-o-douche.
Everybody I knew that went was looking forward to meeting him,,, until they let him speak. He was drunk ( or high) and came off as an obnoxiuos cunt. Needless to say not many people approched him to get pictures or autographs after. As a matter of fact he was sulking alone in a corner when I left.
I read the article posted above about his Navy Service and have listened to the Hair Opine on the Topic.
Senior Chief was being kind in his assessment. Jizz-Faced Janos attended BUDS BEFORE it was an exclusively SEAL School. While it might have been a matter of initial assignment on who went to UDT and who went SEAL, It was not hard for someone who REALLY wanted to be a SEAL to get transferred. While Some BUDS qualed sailors did go back and forth Jizz-faced Janos Never did.
While some UDT teams did see action in Vietnam doing Demo and engaged the enemy he was never part of it.
Jizz-faced Janos Vietnam Service consisted of floating with a Marine Amphibiuos Readiness Group that ventured into the Coastal Waters at times. His team may have did some training in the area but he never saw combat or recieved a CAR. While some SEAL teams did covert operations his UDT unit was under control of the ARG, and would not be given secret squirrel missions by the CIA.
In my opinion the fucker isn’t a SEAL. He was UDT which is more than most people can say, but he has fucking lied over and over again.
Fuck him.

mr. sharkman

For what is hopefully the last time, at least at TAH:

If you read the court documents carefully, whether or not he got KTFO by Kyle was not the issue due to some legal maneuvering by Janos’ lawyers.

It was whether the account damaged Janos’ reputation and related ‘earning power’.

A smart move by the lawyer, because there were more Teamguys lined up to repeat the truth about what happened.

As for what his former Brothers think of Janos, here’s a link to a petition to have him removed from the Fraternal Order (UDT/SEAL Assoc.). The list of names in support of booting him from the association is in part a ‘who’s who’ of the Teams biggest badasses.


I do not think you will ever see Janos appear at a reunion again. If he went to the West Coast reunion and hit McP’s to ‘set the record straight’ with the other Teamguys who were there on the night in question, it would truly be an interesting and amusing evening.


The only bad publicity is no publicity…