Shia LaBeouf the Hollywood valor thief

| October 14, 2015

I don’t know who this Shia LaBeouf guy is, but apparently a lot of you do know. I guess he got drunk in Austin, Texas to the point that police became involved. He tried to weasel his way out of it by claiming that he was in the National Guard, according to Breitbart;

After multiple, failed attempts to break free from police officers, telling authorities they had to let him go because LAPD killed one of his friends, Labeouf allegedly became agitated, said he was a member of the National Guard, and barked, “Do whatever the f*ck you gotta do!”

Yeah, like no National Guardsman has ever been arrested for D&D. But Breitbart continues that LaBeouf has been telling folks that he was in the Guard for a while. It seems that he researched his part in “Fury” by hooking up with a National Guard unit.

“The day I got the job, I joined the US National Guard. I was baptized – accepted Christ in my heart – tattooed my surrender and became a chaplain’s assistant to Captain Yates for the 41st Infantry,” he told Dazed magazine ten months ago. “I spent a month living on a forward operating base. Then I linked up with my cast and went to Fort Irwin.”

He didn’t “join” the National Guard, he followed a unit around. I wonder what he thinks a forward operating base is. I guess he means the 41st Infantry Division – a National Guard unit – not the 41st Infantry, two active duty battalions.

I guess he’s been embellishing his military experience for a while. A couple of weeks following an Army chaplain around isn’t “joining” the military, though.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Just another Hollyweird douchebag actor.

Green Thumb

This clown has always been a turd.

I pronounce his last name “LeBoof”.

Seems more fitting by looking at this felcher.



He’s a typical Hollywood queer bait who says things like, “I played a killer soldier in a movie, so that makes me the same as one in a sense. I went through all that combat stuff with them and the hard training stuff. It was brutal man, I mean brutal. I mean after getting up a 7, in the morning no less, and going through hair, make-up, costume fitting and then to go train like them and act like a killer really got into my head man. Really makes you think like a killer and a soldier. You just had to be there man and be in the moment and have that ‘I’m an actual stone cold tank crew killer’ to understand. Not even the real soldiers got into it as much as I did. I really had to turn it up several notches to get my character right, a stone cold tank crew, trigger pulling, M-something or other, I forget, carrying killer. It was really a life changing cathartic experience man.”

Shia LaQueer on playing the “pat me on both cheeks for luck, ass side up” guy in a WWII tank crew movie. I bet he carries a San Francisco man purse to keep his hand lotions and magina creams in.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

The “Tom Cruise” defense… acting is as hard, if not harder, than what the military does…

Combat Historian

I refuse to watch “Fury” and other war movies because of clowns like “shitty Boo” here and others like him. Matt Damon in the IZ? Sean Penn in Guadalcanal? Charlie Sheen in War Zone D? Fuck them and the Hollyweird douche-mobile they wrote in on…


That’s a real shame because Fury is a very well made, no-frills combat movie. The final battle scene is one of the best I’ve ever seen. This isn’t a piece of trash like Hurt Locker, this one gets a lot more right than it does wrong.


I thought Fury was the worst, most un-realistic and inaccurate sensationalist piece of crap I have ever seen…if the theater hadn’t sold beer it would have been a complete waste of time.

But to each his own…

The Other Whitey

Apparently, Transformer Kid’s all-around shitbaggery and utter lack of personal hygiene got to the point that the rest of the “Fury” (including Eastwood’s kid) beat his ass and bathed him with a hose.

Still, it was a great movie, probably in spite of Transformer Kid.


Anyone that calls themselves a stupid name like lepuke deserves to be fucking arrested…
And beaten too…


What s it with former Disney child stars turning into total douchebags? It’s like it’s some kind of disease! Walt must be rolling in his grave!

Silentium Est Aureum

Oh, believe me, for every Kurt Russell who has a successful adult career, there are tons of clowns like him the Tragic Kingdom have chewed up and spit out.

Can’t speak for the Disney actors, but there’s a real good reason former Disney employees call the place Mouseschwitz.

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember reading about Disney instructing soon-to-be-replaced workers to train their lesser-paid replacements from overseas before they got pink-slipped, I boycott Disney in every way I can!


Speaking of Kurt Russell, I recently watched a documentary about Kurt’s dad, Bing Russell, and a baseball team that he owned.

I just looked it up and the doc is called ‘The Battered Bastards of Baseball’. It might be on Netflix if anyone is interested. The team was the Portland Mavericks.


The guy has a real personality disorder going on. Maybe some bi-polar as well. He keeps protesting his noteriety, but keeps drawing attention to himself.

Read this story and see how many fucked up disorders you can identify.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

It’s amazing what a lack of intellect multiplied by a surplus of alcohol can accomplish….

Green Thumb

Especially when he is headed to a party comprised of nothing but young dudes…


As far as NG soldiers being drunk and disorderly I can attest that happens on occasion. I remember a young private pissing on the hood of a Hattiesburg PD car on a weekend break from Camp Shelby. Good times

2/17 Air Cav

My guess is that he “joined” the Guard in the Biblical/Deliverance sense. Whomp, whomp, whomp, wahooooooooooo.


I just so Fury last week.

Great film, I don’t remember this goon.



He was the religious guy.

The Other Whitey

His character was the polar opposite of his real-life personality.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

He played ‘Bible’, the M4A3E8 Gunner


I find him mildly amusing, when he is not trying to be an intelligent human being. When he embraces his insanity and goes with it, the results can be… um… entertaining. In the same way that an acid trip can be considered entertaining. Example:


I guess he was in Austin researching his next part – “the Life of Charlie Sheen.”

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Shia is just “researching” for his latest role as ShOrTbUsWiNdOwLiCkErThUnDeRcHiCkEn in “The Dutch Rudder Gang, Unleashed”…

A Proud Infidel®™

OOOOOH, he followed a Chaplain around for some time? I have at least a thousand times more respect for a bonafide Chaplain’s Assistant, they at least made it through Basic & AIT, but LeBoofus? Just another candyassed little snotnosed booger-eating bedwetting milquetoast Momma’s Boy who thinks he’s hot shit with people kissing his ass because he was in a movie or two! Fuck. Him.


We should probably cut this guy some slack–after all, he probably caught the PTSD after he and Optimus saved Earth, like, three times. If repelling an invasion of alien robots doesn’t earn you a pass, well, then I just don’t know what does.


I mean, the dude stood up to freaking devastator! Or was that Marky Mark? I forget–explosions and metal all start looking a lot alike after a while.

The Other Whitey

Yeah, getting to feel up Megan Fox would give me nightmares, too. The horror!


Sadly, her brains are inverse proportion to her looks – she’s hot but dumb as a box of rocks. I’m surprised the two of them conversing didn’t start a black hole.

At least he picked a real combat arms MOS to imitate… Chaplain’s Assistant. Coulda been SIGINT.


He made a few decent movies early on in his career. Then he went absolute nutz-o out of nowhere. He was in Fury, which was a good movie. Prior to that, his only other really good movie was Eagle Eye. I recommend checking that one out if you haven’t seen it.

Data Dawg DV X

Another Disney to diss me story. Lovely.

B Woodman

Wasn’t he also Indiana Jones’ “son” in the fourth Indy movie, “Crystal Skull”?

Green Thumb

Actually it is my understanding that he played Phildo’s fourth “fuck” in the B-list rip off that All-Points Logistics produced: “Phil Monkress and the Crystal Dildo”.


I was in the 41st for my entire 9 years. I know Captain Yates, too; he’s with 41st STB (Special Troops Battalion). He’s an overall nice guy, runs Healing Heroes Ministries, but treats his Chaplain’s Assistants like crap most of the time.

If Shy LeButtfuck really worked with him, he’d know the Captain (though, I think he was pinned Major recently) wouldn’t tolerate any of his bullshit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Meh, some of the biggest “Shammers”, drunks and Hooker-chasers I saw during my AD Days were Chaplain’s Assistants, and I have a barge load of respect for not just Chaplains who really care, but more for those who put their foot down and don’t tolerate bullshit!

Formally known as JR

I was there when he was training with us, and that’s my old chaplain. He is a great chaplain. He also was promoted overseas so he’s not a CPT anymore.


I got out shortly before the deployment, but I was pretty sure he got his leaf. I was HHC/141 BSB, but they had me skip through supply room all over the state just prior to my getting out for COMET prep. Who were you with?

Formally known as JR

Haha I was gonna ask you the same I was in D Co 2162 he did get it while we were there

Formally known as JR



Hoe-Lee Shit!

When I first came in, in 2000, I was D/2-162 when it was in Newport. I was their supply puppy, then transferred to HHC/2-162 and then up to 141. Ellenburg.

Formally known as JR

Haha that’s awesome, small world. I joined in 2012 when I got off Active duty and a guy who came to my platoon at lewis right before I got out had the 41st patch, I told him “hey, I am about to join that unit what company were you in?” And he just came from D co 2-162, small world. Haha it was in Newport then that’s a long time ago I think D co know was A co 1-162 back then.

Formally known as JR



No offense intended to anyone, but I was reminded of this