A Sunday Rambling from Not a CPO, Updated
I slept in this morning. I woke up and started thinking about what I was going to do with my day. I checked my Email as I always and guess what I found?
From: Daniel Bernath [mailto:ussyorktowncvs10@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 9:47 AM
To: wesley wilson
Subject: RESTRAINING ORDER : Filing suit in Florida for Wilson’s Intentional and Negligent Infliction Emotional DistressWe have noted that you have again posted and contributed to the gang activities of Lilyea and Seavey and used their communications again.
Assure us that you will never post anything again or have any more contact with that gang or we shall name you in the upcoming restraining order.
Said order likely will cause all weapons to be taken from you by police authorities.
Again, assure us that you will never communicate with that gang in the future and this can all stop here for you.
I have no idea what he is talking about. There is no gang, I can’t figure out what “their communications” are.
I am going to take a wild guess and say he means my posting on this web site.
My answer to his demand is simple.
No Daniel, I will not stop posting on this or any other website. I will not be bullied or intimidated by your threats. I will continue to post my views and opinions on this and any other website as I see fit.
The simple fact is you exaggerate everything in your life. When you get caught in your exaggerations it makes you mad. You have a bad temper and you pitch tantrums, not unlike a 3 year old on the cereal isle.
You were never a Chief Petty Officer in the US Navy, Honorary or otherwise. That’s what this is all about, you lied and got caught and called out.
Jonn Added: Yeah, we should be restrained from him making 117 visits to the blog in the last seven days;
Bernath has demanded that I not use his copywrited image.
From: Daniel Bernath [mailto:ussyorktowncvs10@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 12:08 PM
To: wesley wilson
Subject: Re: RESTRAINING ORDER : Filing suit in Florida for Wilson’s Intentional and Negligent Infliction Emotional DistressYou have used my copyrighted picture without payment.
I shall file for compensation unless you remove it within 2 hours.
Daniel A. Bernath
Chief Petty Officer (but not in a Bill Cosby, knock the starlet in the head with a brick and then rape her limp body sort of Chief Petty Officer way).See you in courts.
In Florida.
So I decided to change it to one that better captures his personality and likeness.
Category: Bernath
Just wanted to know how it felt to be first, LoL!!!!
I’ll be back just as soon as I check out my corn field to see how it looks for picking.
Wgere the tall corn grows.
be careful in that corn field… he may land a plane on top of you…
Hey Dan: From deep in the heart of Texas to you – fuck you.
Hey Dan, also from the Pineywoods of the eastern side of Texas, I echo my partner’s sentiments and say FUCK YOU!!
From the Borderlands of Arizona, I wish you a heartfelt “FUCK YOU”
Stolen Valor responses and Bernath’s gang. Every blog should be so fortunate to have these contributors.
His antics…..well, let me just say a heartfelt “Thank you”…..sometimes its nice to be able to see a train wreck from first person POV.
but he still isn’t a genuine US Navy CPO.
and from the Barrios of Tucson, Az.
pick up the pieces and move on. all of your negative Karma is unhealthy for you and all around you. life goes on, so should you. Dude !!!!!!!
And from the corporate boardrooms of Bethesda, MD!
From the Great White North (only from November through March, sometimes April) I echo the sentiments of my brothers and sisters and say to you, Dan; fuck you!
From the Louisiana swamps. Fuck you.
Can we call “the gang” the Cobras? It sounds cool.
I think “The Usual Suspects” would be a cool name for us.
Can our gang sign by the one finger salute??
Like this?
you can always do a top secret Ball scratch Lol…..
I was at Home Depot this morning after attending Mass, and did you know that they sell mailboxes WITH doors?
You gotta be kidding? Mailboxes WITH doors? Must be a new concept for a Bethesda, MD resident…
Okay, I’m in a perdiddle here, Hack Stone. I need a new mailbox. I want to install it next spring and give a spider a place to make a web and scare the mail carrier. I want something nice, but I don’t want the flapping trout or the Doorless Wonder.
I was thinking of something elegant, perhaps a nice cottage-like structure, with a cardinal perched on the top and blue morning glories climbing up lines of kitchen twine.
Big enough to hold the NYC Dex Yellow Pages, but not so big a Philly cheesesteak with mushrooms would get lost in it.
Does that work for you?
Well, Ex; we blew one of those up with tannerite at the Hillbilly Hunt Club a couple years back (have a great video of it, too, but the mailbox wasn’t the only thing that “got blowd up” at that time, either).
Never go “Full Bernath”. And by “Full Bernath”, I mean don’t take off in an aircraft with an empty fuel tank.
Bernath = loser.
Green Thumb – no offense, but your comment gives losers a bad name…
You know GT, we shouldn’t be feeding Daniel’s ego by giving him compliments.
Apparently he can’t stand to be ignored. Or the truth.
Meanwhile, billions of folks around the world will continue to ignore him, as they have always done. None of us require “retraining” orders or anything else to continue to have no opinion of him other than the extremely negative one his antics have forced us to adopt.
Health care professionals probably have a special term for folks who so crave attention that they refer getting negative attention than going to the trouble of doing something which might garner them affirmation.
Oh, well. His tantrums will continue to get him just about what they have always gotten him. (What is that old saw about continuing to do the same old thing expecting different results?) It is sad that a human being behaves this way. Well, it was sad until he started deliberately harming other human beings. Now he’s just another criminal. (Yeah, bernasty pants, that what violators of law are called by us peasants out here.)
“Health care professionals probably have a special term for folks who so crave attention that they refer getting negative attention than going to the trouble of doing something which might garner them affirmation.”
I’m absolutely sure they do, but I’ll just settle for “Batshit crazy attention whore” for now. 😀
How about “Going Full Bernath”?
Yeah, that “Batshit crazy attention whore” is probably the correct clinical term. 😉
He looks like Catain Kangaroo. 🙂 Not a genuine Chief Petty Officer.
He looks and rambles like a lobotomized Captain Kangaroo on LSD!
Don’t insult the good Captain like that. Call him what he is…the love child of Wickre and Chevalier.
Meh, he and his gaggle of idiots we know as “The Dutch Rudder Gang” have yet to find or visit me as *SLUUURRP!*41 promised shit, two years ago as of now?
Here’s to the Dutch Rudder Gang:
Sounds like Danny-boi’s FTS has flared back up again… or he’s having problems suck-starting his catheter.
I think that he should be getting ready for the CA state bar to drop the hammer on his ass for his legal malpractice…. and the FL state bar for his claims of being a lawer in that state…
Both require intelligence, of which Mr. Bernath lacks.
Word out on the interewebs is that Danny-boi, along with other members of the DRG, have come up with this genius plan called “Operation FLOPPY DONG” to take down certain stolen valor websites…
Ten-sho, Danny-boi!
I believe this particular pilot is now giving flying lessons. I think he works for peanuts.
Even that squirrel knew not to take off without a sufficient fuel supply!!
Copyrighted images? What about those (copyrighted/trademarked) on that abortion he calls a website?
Shhhhh…he’s already had to pay out a metric fuckton of cash for those so far, and that doesn’t include any future litigation he’ll face soon enough.
Third degree felony, Danny. Think about it.
He cannot call it a copyrighted image. He already said under oath that the image was not created by him. If he is now claiming that it was created by him and is copyrighted, then he’s guilty of perjury. You know, that crime thing that even the worst lawyer knows about.
As to “the gang” reference, Bernath has accused us of belonging to the Salvadoran narco-trafficantes gang MS-13. He has also demanded that we turn over pictures of TSO pouring water into the fuel tank of his airplane. So, yes, it’s a strange ride.
Who is he accusing of being me THIS week?
He’s recycling names now. You’re back to being Pete Hegseth.
WTF? Someone at the VA needs to adjust Danny-boi’s meds STAT! Or better yet, someone get his ass declared mentally incompetent and sent to the nearest “funny farm” were he can spend his days in a padded room wearing his favorite “hug me” jacket…
MS-13? Damn, he’s really pulling stuff out of his smegma-infused brainstem, isn’t he?
If Bernasty kept fuel in the gas tanks their would no room for water.
That wasn’t TSO pouring water, it was Bernath dumping his catheter bag into the tank.
BTW Danni, where’s my email? Or do Texans scare you and your bois?
I think we need to hear from the boi who lives here in Texas, NBC guy and kindly remind him that it is not good to eat seven pounds of cheese in one sitting…
Yep. That pile of overly fermented cheese has been laying low for a while, hasn’t he? Probably still constipated and can’t talk…
Probably busy trying to make a “love connection”?
Lord have mercy…
I want to see pictures of Birdbath with a dog’s paws duct taped together, or him pissing into a Pepsi bottle in flight, or him using an iPad to establish indicated airspeed. Anyone that monumentally stupid is capable of topping off their own fuel tanks with water, no assistance necessary.
The most important question is this:
How did he know it was water? And how does he know who poured it?
Bad ‘shopping on nicked images doesn’t count fer mutton.
Thanks for covering for me on that one, Jonn. Not that you needed to, but reality is not a frequent visitor in the Bernath household.
Does this mean his daughter really did 86 him from her wedding? That would have been awesome to witness.
Just to point out again Birdbath’s “ASpecialDay” Website was the website fgor his daughter’s wedding photography business.
I guess he jacked it. She probably doesnt have very many fond memories of him anyway since he was a deadbeat dad
Why would TSO even want to pour water into his fuel tanks? Everyone knows that every responsible pilot checks his tanks’ condensation valves for the presence of water with every pre-flight.
Um, “Responsible pilots”, may exclude those to dumb to stay on the ground with fuel below the limits.
Frankie – “responsible pilot” and “Daniel Bernath” should never be used in the same sentence…
Was TSO in the Jeep that Bernasty bought for him when he supposedly did the deed?
As someone said, a good/smart pilot checks for water in fuel in pre-flight. My Bro was helo/fixed rated and did this every single time.
But then, Bernasty doesn’t even check for fuel so why would he check for water?
BTW: if Jonn/TSO were in MS13, it would seem that the Secret Service would not have let them in the White House.
I guess he didn’t read the logbook before his pre-flight. Just saying it will tell you how much fuel and the last one who refilled the bird.
No, he saw the rustling bushes beside the tarmac and his catheter began tingling.
I love the picture.
There is no better way to start your day than to see a large, steaming pile of Phil Monkress.
But a must say, that large, oozy and steaming pile of Phil Monkress bears a very close resemblance to Bernath.
They are twins separated at birth.
I am not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night, Has he not heard of discovery? I do not think it would turn out well for him.
Overheard in a Florida judge’s chmber:
Judge: “How do you know that people are saying things about you?”
Deranged Plaintiff: “I know because I go to their website and read them.”
Judge: “Why don’t you just ignore them?”
Deranged Plaintiff: “Because I just can’t help myself.”
Judge: “Well, you have no control over your actions? Shall we arrange a test to see that you are not a danger to yourself?”
Deranged Plaintiff, fidgeting nervously:
But, but, but, they have been saying these things about me ever since I falsely represented myself as having rank that I did not earn, and pasted my silly face on an honorable man’s portrait.”
Judge: Get out of my courtroom, NOW!
Deranged Plaintiff with catheter dripping, shuffles off.
Just how is it that E4U is responsible for that?
Fact: He is not responsible for it, because it does not exist.
If Bernath is living in Florida nowadays, he’d be a prime candidate for what a LEO friend of mine refers to as “Baker Acting”.
In Cali they call it “5150”…
Oh, Frankie! Reading this just made my day! LMAO!!!!
Gonna be a busy week for bush-pilot-Bernath, what with having to show up for a formal disciplinary hearing, on his birthday, before the The State Bar Court of California.
Looks like Judge Armendariz is impressed enough to grant a five day interview, spanning ten days. I wonder if there’s Motel 6 somewhere near the courthouse. Tom Bodett swears that they’ll leave the light on. Could be a good thing as Dan has not “seen the light” quite yet.
Motel 6 in downtown LA?
No, but on Bernath’s budget there are a few flop houses on Skid Row, only a few blocks away, meaning he won’t even have to bum a ride from opposing counsel.
Gahtdamnit Bernasty! Stop poking the bear(s) you idiot. *sigh*
Sociopath would be the description from any qualified medical professional with all the bells and whistles with that diagnosis too.
He really is becoming more and more out of touch with reality. I’ve seen him spiral down farther and farther every year that I have been a part of the “gang”…
There is no way in hell that this has any kind of a good ending for him and quite possibly anyone near enough to him when his cheese slides right off the Ritz cracker…
And it will too, just a matter of time…
At least he keeps it lively around here.
I just checked the last time that Wes commented on the blog and it was Aug. 23, so, I don’t know why Bernath got a burr up his ass suddenly and decided to threaten him with a restraining order today.
My lack of comments or post has nothing to so with Bernath or his Queef Dallas.
I have spent a good deal of the summer traveling, The last few weeks I have spent in close proximity to a family member who was since passed. The funeral was yesterday.
Bernath used to bother me, I will admit that on occasion his comments and Emails caused me to get angry and say things I normally would not say. They ceased to do so a long time ago.
I posted his email here today for only one reason, to let him know that I have not been run off and that I am not afraid of his threats. He has sued me in Oregon and it was thrown out. Should he try to do so in any other state I know that I can prove that I am innocent of his charges. He knows that also.
I have received several emails today from both Bernath And his Queef Dallas.
I cant understand how a grown man like Dallas can be the Bitch for Bernath. It amuses me, Dallas think he decided things for himself but what he is to drunk or stupid to see is Bernath is the one pulling the strings, setting Dallas the Queef up to take the fall for him. Bernath didnt hesitate to point the finger at Dallas when he was questioned under oath about the content of his website.
I’m sure that I posted something like that in the past… a direct appeal to Dallas to back away for Bernath before he burns him. Obviously, Dallas is a stupid drunk and loves to be Bernath’s bitch…
So, Bernath is setting up Dallas to be his patsy? Now, where have I seen that before? I seem to recall a similar situation starting in June 2013 when some guy down in Florida claiming to be a Navy SEAL sent one of his executives in our direction for a career suicide mission. Does anyone know if Dallas has a mailbox door?
“Does anyone know if Dallas has a mailbox door?”
I doubt it.
My best guess is that he likes his “deliveries” unencumbered in his two-hole, er…, I mean, back door.
He likes his “stool” pushed in…
How does that happen? It’s very simple, E4U.
Dumbass Whipitnflogit only has half a brain working, and that half has only a few functioning brain cells. The rest is mush and dandelion fluff.
Ex-PH2, I don’t even think DallASS even has that much. I see him as “that guy” who’s always babbling to himself and will follow anyone making eye contact with him like an obnoxious stray dog (with apologies to stray dogs everywhere). He thinks Bermush-head gave him the time of day, thus he follows Bermaggot like a lonely dog begging for a biscuit. BTW, I see that DallASS is still posting his crap as well, some things will never change…
link to DallASS’s words of wisdom?
Just a random comment about Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Any resemblance to the subject of the thread is purely conjecture and in no way constitutes a medical opinion.
Translation: Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a pattern of self-centered or egotistical behavior that shows up in thinking and behavior in a lot of different situations and activities. People with NPD won’t (or can’t) change their behavior even when it causes problems at work or when other people complain about the way they act, or when their behavior causes a lot of emotional distress to others (or themselves? none of my narcissists ever admit to being distressed by their own behavior — they always blame other people for any problems). This pattern of self-centered or egotistical behavior is not caused by current drug or alcohol use, head injury, acute psychotic episodes, or any other illness, but has been going on steadily at least since adolescence or early adulthood.
NPD interferes with people’s functioning in their occupations and in their relationships:
Mild impairment when self-centered or egotistical behavior results in occasional minor problems, but the person is generally doing pretty well.
Moderate impairment when self-centered or egotistical behavior results in: (a) missing days from work, household duties, or school, (b) significant performance problems as a wage-earner, homemaker, or student, (c) frequently avoiding or alienating friends, (d) significant risk of harming self or others (frequent suicidal preoccupation; often neglecting family, or frequently abusing others or committing criminal acts).
Severe impairment when self-centered or egotistical behavior results in: (a) staying in bed all day, (b) totally alienating all friends and family, (c) severe risk of harming self or others (failing to maintain personal hygiene; persistent danger of suicide, abuse, or crime).
1. An exaggerated sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
2. Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. Believes he is “special” and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
Here is the link if anyone is interested
Aww, Azygos, you found him out! Now he’s going to be hounding you about imaginary wrongs to his hyperinflated pompous-assed ego.
Sometimes, it’s best to ignore that jackass when he’s braying.
I was commenting about the picture of the cow patty 🙂
Now you’ve done it Azygos! I wonder what he’ll make up about your diagnosis to interpret it as a threat in his delusional mind?
Reading htis assessment, my departed son would have described the wannabe CPO as “Totally Fuctimacated”.
I think they should put the “copyrighted” picture into the DSM-V. It would be fitting.
Still waiting on him to come for an extended stay at our new, nearly empty county jail er guesthouse. Heh.
If that’s the Twin Towers in downtown LA, I’d love to see that. Bernath would be pawned off like a piece of marbled ribeye.
I’m confused. Our description changes just as much as API’s name. Are we a Cadre, a gang, or terrorists?
Bernath is poking a hornet’s nest by bringing MS-13 up… they might not like the Google hits and “extra attention”.
So what you’re trying to tell me is that because Daniel A Bernath claims that TAH is part of MS-13, then the real MS-13 might not appreciate that Daniel A Bernath says that TAH is affiliated with MS-13.
Bingo! You hit that old nail right square on the head, Chief!
I love that I guessed correctly that because Daniel A Bernath claims that TAH is part of MS-13, then the real MS-13 might not appreciate that Daniel A Bernath says that TAH is affiliated with MS-13.
Has anyone else seen where Daniel A Bernath claims that TAH is part of MS-13?
No, I haven’t gone over there, because I’m afraid something might stick to me… and I’d have to use the glue gun on it.
North Carolina is in! The gang is nationwide.
81 better watch their backs.
Oh, Bernath: Fuck you with an AID’s encrusted dick
“Bernath has demanded that I not use his copywrited image.
So I decided to change it to one that better captures his personality and likeness.”
Looks about the same to me….
when we had an investigation where the person was represented by CA attorney, we always ran those attorneys through this website. looking up bernath revealed very interesting reading including something about a 100% service connected disability requiring extra time for court proceedings? I’m not a vet, so maybe i’m missing something. maybe someone could read the PDF attachments and figure it out?
State Bar Court Cases
NOTE: The State Bar Court began posting public discipline documents online in 2005. The format and pagination of documents posted on this site may vary from the originals in the case file as a result of their translation from the original format into Word and PDF. Copies of additional related documents in a case are available upon request. Only Opinions designated for publication in the State Bar Court Reporter may be cited or relied on as precedent in State Bar Court proceedings. For further information about a case that is displayed here, please refer to the State Bar Court’s online docket, which can be found at: http://apps.statebarcourt.ca.gov/dockets/dockets.aspx
DISCLAIMER: Any posted Notice of Disciplinary Charges, Conviction Transmittal or other initiating document, contains only allegations of professional misconduct. The attorney is presumed to be innocent of any misconduct warranting discipline until the charges have been proven.
Welcome to TAH fraudinvestigator. At the top of the page is a search bar. Plug Bernath’s name into it, put down any drinks so you don’t accidentally spew them across your computer and hang on tight. His escapades have been recorded in minute detail.
Once you’ve done that, run over to Google and do the same thing.
Some of his stuff is not safe for work. Women, children, members of the clergy, etc should not view it.
Brain bleach expenses will have to come out of your own pocket.
He has the right to remain silent, just not the ability.
I was at an event this afternoon, and met an older gentleman who happened to be a Vietnam era veteran of the Navy. Coincidentally, he was a photographer when he served. So, of course, I was obligated to bring him up to speed on the trials and tribulations of the altitude challenged Daniel Bernath. I did give him the link, so maybe after ready up on Catheter Man, my new found acquaintance may be able to shed some additional light on him. If Ex PH2 wants to send me a message, I can provide his name and email address. Maybe they crossed paths at some point.
I will take that under consideration, Hack Stone, although my duty stations were limited to the eastern half of the US.
Ask him where he was stationed. If it was west of the Mississippi River, he and I never crossed paths.
It was a big Navy back then.
I just read the complaints and Bernath’s responses on the California State Bar website and they are entertaining in the extreme. If you have the time I highly recommend it.
Just wait. Hopefully soon MCPO is going to release a non-fiction book regarding this entire situation with one Daniel Alan Bernath (google hit). It should be entertaining. I’m hoping for a cameo since I met him at one of the trials (met the good and honorable MCPO, not the bag of piss-soaked catheters Crash-and-Bernath).
Breaking out the crystal ball you are going to reap what you sow.
Ca Bar is going to take away your license… you will be disgraced and your idiotic courtroom antics will be used as the perfect example of what NOT to do.
You are going to have to fork over court costs as well.
Because of your age you soon will be wracked with REAL ailments that maked you legitimately handicapped.
You have no family to speak of, no one wants to change your diaper or put a bedpain underneath you, certainly not the children your spurned.
Because you cant have any assets you will go into a not so good nursing home.
Because of your attitude you will get just enough care to keep them out of trouble.
You will have plenty of time laying in the filth of your own piss and shit to think over your transgressions.
When the end comes you will be nothing but a bed sore riddled babbling old coot, and noy a soul will miss you.
Lawn Dart Danny still hasn’t figured out that every time he starts tossing the crap piles, they always seem to multiply and end up in his front yard. I’m sure that the CA Bar already has a copy of the latest threatening e-mail. I predict disbarment in the very near future, soon to be followed by a judge in FL finding him mentally incompetent.
Adding on the latest tirade would make about as much difference as farting into a typhoon.
The outcome is pretty much a given. The only question is when does the order come down that the CA Supreme Court has 40 days to make piss boy’s disbarrment official.
Just dug this out of the archives! Noah Gas in the courtroom, he is impressive as Frito Pendejo!
An optimist looks at an airplane fuel gauge and says the tank is half full. A pessimist looks at an airplane fuel gauge and says the tank is Hal empty. Someone falsely claiming to be an Honorary Chief Petty Officer doesn’t look at the fuel gauge.
A corollary postulate proposal:
The delusional look at a fuel gauge and see a jelly donut. Or something.
Hack, even IF said bogus CPO bothered to check his fuel, what’s to say he won’t automatically claim it’s all water placed there by some MS-13/TAH conspirator? 😀
Maybe this page will help