Christion Mock; phony soldier arrested in West Virginia
According to our friends at Guardian of Valor, Christion Mock was pulled over in Ohio County, West Virginia on a routine traffic stop. He was wearing an Army uniform, so the police asked him some basic questions about the military that he couldn’t answer. Eventually, he admitted to the police that he wasn’t in the Army.
According to WTOV9;
Christion Mock is charged with driving without a driver’s license and providing West Virginia State Police with false information.
Police say a license check discovered his license was suspended after a DUI in Connecticut, but there was no word on why Mock was posing as an Army Sergeant, or why he had allegedly created a fake Facebook account saying he was working in the Army.
By the looks of him, he was driving to a doughnut shop to get a discount on a few dozen pudgy pills.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
“Mock” as in the “mock steak” they dish up at the chow hall. The hamburger patty wrapped in bacon and covered in gravy.
Just like the mock steak he isn’t fooling anyone
Why do these ignorant a.h.’s all claim they are in intelligence when they are dumb as a box of rocks?
Bingo ^^^^^^
and they act like it’s all high speed call to duty when in reality it’s boring as hell
Would it be Christian of us to Mock this young turd wherever he goes, whatever he does, from here on? YES, OF COURSE, he brought it upon himself with his stoopidity. So we’ll be more than glad to accommodate him and his desires. Make ALL his wishes and dreams come true. Even (especially) the nightmares!
Agreed, he needs to be Mocked mercilessly.
He’s getting “mocked” and “cocked” in the county jail…
Arrested for impersonating a soldier?
It seems that lately a number of these turds are getting arrested. That’s a good thing.
Clown told the cops that he worked in MI… LOL!
Bet that he loves the “tossed salad” and cockmeat sammiches with extra manmayo that they be serving in the county “pound him in the ass” hoosgow!
Yet another wifey for Tiny, Bubba, Thor and Julio. 🙂
Why doesn’t anyone ever impersonate a plain old ordinary sailor ? I am starting to feel descrimanated against. I need to see the chaplain.
I love these knuckleheads who take photos of themselves in uniforms to prove their validity. Another FailBook poser probably trolling for women and money. Interesting he got his real name on the nametape but forgot the US Flag – not to mention the jacked up cover we all wear indoors. Thankfully most of these people are just too stupid to do any research.
As for the weight, I’ve seen way too many real Active, Reserve, and Guard members lately with that same physical appearance. Has anyone seen photos of the Army WOA?
When I came back from Iraq in 2010 on Active Duty my company was kicking people out for being overweight left and right, and before I went to Afghanistan with the Guard last year anyone overweight couldn’t deploy and the chapter process was getting started on you if you stayed back for it. I can only speak for the Infantry but on Active duty it was unacceptable and in the Guard it is unacceptable, so you might just be witnessing different units and different MOS’s who let it fly.
Holy Crap Jonn, he’s in your neck of the woods
The cop who pulled the Mockster over was probably prior-service and had himself a good ‘ole time as he quizzed Mocksey about the First General Order and what constituted a Chain of Command and stuff like that; wish I could have been a fly on the dashboard during that conversation 🙂
You can bet on it. Fat Shit claimed he was with Army intelligence! He was stopped for littering, of all things. Don’t know where he’s from. Just passing through WV I guess.
He stole a picture of some soldier in multicam holding an M4 on his Facebook too, and wrote something along the lines of “I look good holding an automatic rifle.”
I am stealing the saying “pudgy pills” from you
As I sit in this local eatery, nursing this beer pondering and searching for the sanity, the Killers song All These Things That I’ve Done fitting into the background to the headache that is only rivaled by my heartache. The lyrics go in one refrain “I’ve got soul but I ain’t a Soldier”. Thanks fate, you’re an a..hole. I used to blast that part as I rolled out of Lyman Gate on Schofield. That distant memory that holds itself just out of grasp.
DUI in Connecticut you say?!?
Mock, I live in that state and I can tell you if I ever see you wearing that uniform, well, I’m going to see if it fits.
Stock up on preperation h. Winky face.