Al-Nusra Front kidnaps 5 more US-trained Syrians

| August 5, 2015

AFP reports that the Al-Nusra Front, an al Qaeda-affiliated group in Syria battling the Syrian government has captured five more US-trained rebels;

According to Abdel Rahman, late on Monday, Al-Nusra stormed a camp for internally displaced people in Qah, where the rebel fighters had taken refuge.

“Five fighters were seen captured but there may be more.”

The Observatory chief said Al-Nusra was “hunting down” US-backed rebels in both Idlib province, where Qah is located, and neighbouring Aleppo province.

Last week, eight of the US-trained rebels were captured in a raid, too. There are only 60 of them, so I’m not seeing the value of 3000 US troops training 60 rebels and, so far, thirteen of them have been hauled off by al Qaeda.

Category: Terror War

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2/17 Air Cav

First, I have to assume that the number 60 was inflated. Why? Because how the wide, wide, world of sports is anyone going to confirm that number? Payroll? Besides, it’s in the US PR interests to go with a higher number, however miserably low it might be relative to hopes. Second, some 13 have been captured so the group of “60” was clearly not congregated in the same place. Third, how many of the remainder–if there is a remainder–have headed for the hills? I think I know. Just delete the 6 from in front of that zero.


So our elite Syrian force is down to 47. Way to cover your six guys!


Subtract guys who signed up for dental plans….and your probably down to between 32, and 29 farters. :>)


Several years ago, I’d have said that anyone who believed we were sending 3,000 troops overseas to train 60 people needed to get his head examined.

But its seems I was transported to Bizarro World a few years ago, so who knows?


More of a mystery to me is why these guys surrendered. Hello? Hasn’t anybody watched Al-Jazeera in the past ten years or so? Maybe put up a fight? Or better yet, if you know your buddies got abducted a few days ago, maybe put out some security?

I guess it’s easy for me to say “death before dishonor” from my cheetos-stained computer chair.


Perhaps SERE training should be added to the PowerPoint presentation.