Army to crack down on internet trolls in the ranks

| July 30, 2015

Dallas Wittgenfeld sends us a link to the Army Times article about the Army cracking down on “Harassment, bullying, hazing, stalking, discrimination, retaliation and any other type of misconduct” on the internet. Of course, Dallas, in his infinite wisdom and his inability to examine his own behavior, thinks that, somehow, this pertains to us.

First of all, the Army’s policy only affects members of the Army and the DoD civilians. It doesn’t affect folks who have been retired from the Army for more than 20 years. Secondly, we don’t harass, stalk or bully anyone. We just publish facts about people, and if they think that telling the truth about them is somehow bullying, well, that’s their problem isn’t it?

We don’t approve of the type of behavior that the Army seeks to regulate;

[Behavior] that undermines dignity and respect are not consistent with Army values and negatively impact command climate and readiness,” said Paul Prince, an Army spokesman, in response to an Army Times request regarding the [All-Army Activities] message. “Soldiers or civilian employees who participate in or condone misconduct, whether offline or online, may be subject to criminal, disciplinary and/or administrative action.”

We agree completely and many of the new commenters who engage in that type of behavior get whacked.

Note to 1SG Moerk;

Online-related incidents should be addressed “at the lowest possible level,” Prince said, adding that Army Regulation 600-20, “Army Command Policy,” contains “punitive language regarding harmful use of electronic media.”

Category: Army News

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“Give that bitch an ARCOM. Bitches *love* ARCOMS.”





I’d say ARCOM + I for “Internet Bravery”


Dallas I gave you so many hints and your dumb ass can’t find me. You think my name is Yolanda Silva, and you’ve found me in Texas, then California, Florida, Oregon. Where and who am I? Like I replied to your I FOUND YOU EMAILS, you couldn’t find me if I was standing next to you. KNOW WHAT WE HAVE IN FLORIDA. ? my Rebel ASS PRICK AND MAKE ANOTHER THREAT ABOUT RAPING A LOVED ONE, I swear on everything HOLY, I will be in Florida, beat your loser ass, castrate you, stuff it down your throat, duct tape your mouth shut and watch your ass choke or bleed out. NOT A THREAT I PROMISE ?


That’s nice of SlUrrPBoYWinDOwLikKeR to contribute here.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

I sure thought so, too!
What a waste of oxygen that guy is.


So what we have here is an extreme troll, trying to school us on trolling, by sending an article about trolling that doesn’t apply to most of the folks that hang around TAH. That made my head hurt.

Silentium Est Aureum

And then he and the other members of the DRC will try to claim they’re the ones being harassed.



I’m so glad I’m out. My DD-214 blanket protects me from all this Bull Shit !!!!!

B Woodman

Yep. Teflon and washable.




My 9mm protects me. That shitface can make the threats but can’t handle the truth. Scared ? of me? ?


Reb. I have a Glock 35, 40cal for those issues Lol…

E-6 type, 1 ea

Headlines you’ll never see:

Army to Crack Down on ISIS Insurgents in Iraq


They are too busy doing Death by PowerPoint. On how to be fair to Trans Gendered people.
And running out good good solders


I give up my spelling is out of control….


60/40 is pretty good solder. But not good good.


Thank you Eggs. Between my Head, Meds, being a Dad. And one more on the way, and good ole Apple auto spell check. Sometimes I feel like I’m in left or is it right Field. I plead the 5th LMAO….. 🙂

Reb worries ? your among a bunch of amazing people who care about you. I do and have no clue who you are?


I was feeling jovial Skippy – yesterday was my Friday ? Cheers!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Something tells me you had to clean up Witlessgenfuckers actual statement so it didn’t look like the ranting, rambling text of a drunk 14 year old girl.



Hell you just described him 100%. I could only think of him as a idiot. You nailed him?

Pinto Nag

My grandpa used to say that we measure each other by our own yardstick.


You people just dont get today’s military. You are out of touch with modern progressive military service. Sending a CC to a DOD Contractor is not jumping the chain of command.

It is a shame you can not seem to understand that there is more to it these days than just deploying to a combat area.

Our military services are rightfully used to set new standards for social conduct. Giving opportunities to those who have been shunned in the past is part of the progressive policy. There is no reason the LGBT community should not be welcomed with open arms to serve in today’s military without being harassed.


Chew to alert.


Waiting for the /sarc/ tag… …

Dave Hardin

Now what fun would that be? See, this is why we never get to play with the other kids. I am starting to pace the room.

Harassment, bullying, hazing, stalking, discrimination, and retaliation are misconduct? I thought that was just part of being in the chow line.



The irony is that if they’re not included in the harassment, bullying, hazing, stalking, discrimination, and retaliation like everyone else is, they’ll be upset for being excluded.

Just an Old Dog

I have no fucking Idea what you are harping about< The Gist of the OP was that a certified idiot Dallas Whittegenfeld is trying to say that this new policy pertains to this blog and the people who post here calling him out.
The 3 things he misses are that 1.Speaking the truth about him ( he embellished his records) is not punishable 2. He is no longer a member of the armed services, so the Army could care less about his chapped ass.
3. The VAST majority of people here are veterans, retired or civilians who do not fall under the UCMJ.
As for the few active duty on here, they are well within their rights to address the asshattery of LonGDongSLuRpER41, a civilian dung beetle, as they please.
Now that you have been updated please take you chapped ass out of here.
Please feel free to taking a running suck at a flying donkey-dick on your way out.


I guess you think that harassment, bullying, hazing, stalking, discrimination, and retaliation are just part of standing in the chow line.

You and that Hardin guy are just old farts with no concept of what it take to be part of the today’s military.



Guard Bum

1SG Moerk? Welcome to TAH!


If I am, I am also up for promotion. Going to be a Command SGM so I can clean up this Woman’s Army.

Army Strong, without the Dong.


Im really hoping this is a satire posting, no way anyone in the ranks actually supports the progressive agenda in the military.


ARCOM, I outrank you. Go sit in the corner and zip your lip. NOW!


Sorry Mom, they started it. You just had to get a zipper in there somewhere didn’t you.


Knowing the current cadre of today’s military, it probably takes cross-dressing and being able to be offended at 300 yards 34 out of 40 times.


Moerk ???? Get a God Damn Life.


I will just leave this here so you can fill it out for me.

cc SMA


LMFAO ! ! ! !
I have a HURT FEELINGS REPORT for you but why bother. I don’t want you to suffer from Any PTS… It’s a hard world out here…


1SG Moark?


It is past lights out, why are you out of the rack, why are you not sleeping.

You better not be on here posting inappropriate material.

Eyeballs Slause, Eyeballs are on you.

Just an Old Dog

Has to be a troll,,,, pretty funny. Moersk would never come on here,, there isnt an ARCOM in it for fucking with retirees or civilians.


Have you dealt with this piece of shit ? If not, kindly STFU because I have. That shitbag threatened to kidnap, rape and kill MY CHILD AND BE FINISHED IN LESS THEN A HOUR. Try dealing with that and keeping yourself hidden from him and his butt buddies. If that shit ever found me and made a attempt my child will take him down exactly the way they were taught since three years old and they know every kill zone on a human (although he’s a dog) and they like kick the nose into the brain, less bloody and no HIV ?


Reb, my posts are satire. Yes I have delt with these idiots and more. There is not a month that goes by that some pussy doesn’t threaten me.

The smartest move anyone of them could make if they intend on carrying out a threat to anyone here is make me the first one they take out.

If they don’t I will be riding a pale horse and what follows me will be hell.

Most regular posters here know I post using this name to be a smart ass. I can be easily found with my real name.

David L Hardin

Semper Fi

2/17 Air Cav

Being told to GFY is not bullying. It is a command that may or may not be obeyed. I have never disrespected the Constitutional offices of the USA, only those assholes, commies, anti-Americans, and ignoramuses who occupy them. I do not illegally discriminate. That you are a man who dresses up as a woman on weekends doesn’t mean I won’t hire you. Of course, I don’t own a freak show so I can’t use you. Stalking is something corn does but I do not.


I thought someone put the trash in its proper place a while back. Was I mistaken? I thought stalking was what we do in the cornfields when the corn starts to tassel up.

Dave Hardin

It’s probably just me but if I don’t get told to GFMS my whole day is just a little off. In fact today is just a little off.


Dave, GFY.


Dave, with all due respect, GFYU&B.

Dave Hardin

A Proud Infidel®™

Dave, GFY while I go grab another beer, feel better now?

Dave Hardin

Much better, thank you.


Correct! Just like its not illegal to tell a law enforcement officer that “I think your a asshole”. It’s your opinion and legal right to free speech.


You won? USA! USA! USA! USA!


Glad to hear it. I will go get some strawberries to celebrate.




Just an Old Dog

Is it bad that I know EXACTLY what that meant?
Go Fuck yourselves Dutch Ridder Club Up the ass with a frozen pineapple,, sideways…


That IS bad. Damn. 😀 😀 😀


Heeeeeeee Hwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ! ! ! !




I was probably Prul Ricker.


/They got Ohro Pree Emm and Roonited Airrines too.


Seriously, peckerwood needs to find a new hobby.


Jonn, you of all people can handle that problem. I knew you would win? Bernath in court 8-25-28. Three days and no license to practice in California. James Taylor sang “just call my name and I’LL BE THERE. LOL I’ll be escorted out the court so he won’t know who is who?


At least they can claim that they’re undefeated in their line of being defeated every single time.

A Proud Infidel®™

The pus-nutted rotten-cabbage-for-brained glittery gargoyle gonad-ogling Smurf-lusting Sparkle Ponies in the Dutch Rudder Gang are now Zero-and-what? I’m sure it’s at least ZERO to at least a dozen and a half! The booger-eating bedwetting thumbsuckers can go drown their sorrows in some more rounds of Dutch Rudder Cocktails, I don’t even remotely give a shit if what I say offends them, and if they are offended, oh well. (FYI, a Dutch Rudder Cocktail is rubbing alcohol with dashes of formaldehyde and antifreeze for flavor garnished with a lead paint chip) My comments here are my opinion and I don’t give even half of a half of a flying moldy ratshit fuck if they offend someone! IMHO, telling The Dutch Rudder Gangsters to go fuck themselves is redundant, they do it all by themselves!

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Hamilton Burger has won more cases than the DRG in court!


According to the graveside memorial for the actor who played Hamilton Burger, the win/loss record was 208 to 2.

Karma though. He was able to win one of the two cases when Perry Mason’s client was exposed as a military impostor.

So DRG take note. It is a mathematical possibility to win, but you have to expose yourselves in court during the trial.

I will leave the part about exposing themselves to the more eloquent brethren here at TAH.


Sheer fuckin’ poetry right there!

A Proud Infidel®™

Thankyuhveryfuckinmuch, there will be more! 😀


WOW..I’M IMPRESSED! I Don’t think you took a breath while typing that. ?✌

Hack Stone

Has Elaine Ricci come over to our side in the case Dutch Rudder Club Vs Common Sense? Assuming that she is no longer missing. I have not seen her at any of the board meetings since last November. I am starting to worry, my annual evaluation is due, and if she can’t sign off on it, I will have to get my eval from the current CEO and Acting VP of Sales.


Is stalking a fictional character a no-no? What about stalking someone you think is someone else, but isn’t the person you think they are, but you stalk them anyway, and you do it over and over, stalking the wrong person every single time … a no-no?

Just wondering for no particular reason. I just don’t want to be the victim of a Black Swan event.


GDContractor, when that happens, it becomes the most wonderful game of cat and mouse, and the stalkee is NOT the mouse. 🙂

Believe me, it’s fun.

A Proud Infidel®™



OC hoists a cold one to toast the win !!!!


Nice to see that the Army has a policy in place to discourage the bullying of others via the internet.

Now if they only had a policy to discourage the bullying of recruiters via gunfire….


I second that


They might just take a page from the Marine Corps. Tell their recruiters to remove their uniform, tuck tail, and act cowardly in the face of the enemy… you know, the polar opposite of what a Marine should do on American soil.


The policy is found in the book of John Moses Browning, chapter 1911, verse 45. And everyone said amen.


I think it was Scalia that opined, “It’s not stalking if the asshole wants attention.” But I could be wrong.

Congrats to the TAH overlords. Looking forward to the report.

Roger in Republic

Jonn, I have waited patently for the true skinny on your latest foray against the DRG. Now that I know you were triumphant, I will not be able to sleep until I know the truth. Please don’t make me wait much longer.
I appreciate that you had to play this close to the vest as we all know these guys will call an innocuous comment as a full blown death threat.


Transcripts! We need transcripts!


Ok, so now I piss away tonight and the near future feverishly refreshing TAH for this epic post. Hope it addresses all of the DRC asshattery including the “lawyer’s” many transgressions and that abortion of a website. Anxious to see what new rides TSO and Jonn are going to end up with.


Come on Jonn! Please? You can type in a day or just email me the transcripts. I need a happy day. My pinky finger hurts? Okay did my crying ? help? ?


Lookin’ forward to it!


Are you kidding? I’m waiting for an advanced copy of MCPO’s novel! You know, the true story with the non-CPO villain who slowly sinks to madness through the court system that he thinks himself a god of.

Silentium Est Aureum

Watching the DRC in their final circle jerk, deep in the Cambodian jungle, mumbling to themselves, “The horror…the horror!”


Ya had to include a line about moerk, I had wanted to post about the former army policy to give arcoms to trolls


Somebody put a meme up on FB…


Yeah, I think I remember that.

Has anybody seen it? (smile)




I’ve got quite a few of them if anyone needs some. I have a big hard drive, I can save everything….


Yeh I’m trying to clean my two Drives. Way to much crap on them. But I guess that make me a Data Pack Rat… 🙂


I out pack rat you now. I printed and backed it all up. I ain’t even close to being done with the DRC, I’m just starting ?

A Proud Infidel®™

Speaking of Moerk, I still think she looks like the J. R. R. Tolkien character “Gollum” wearing a cheap wig and makeup in a set of ACU’s!


Love it, P.I.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

F/Sgt. Moerk, please report to the nearest burn clinic.



Well, OK. If I ever find myself in the Army, I’ll be sure to pay attention to that and a bunch of other regs. Meanwhile, since none of that is anything I’ve ever contemplated doing, continuing to not do what I am already not doing is about as easy a task as was ever invented.


I’ve already seen command teams rubbing their hands in glee because now they can charge anyone that posts anything they don’t like on facebook. I have nothing to say that is ALARACT 122/2015 compliant.


Micro management of thought crimes in a true 1984 style.

Climb to Glory

Oh yeah. The command teams have a huge boner right now. Expect the Green Weenie to strike hard.


This could have a chilling effect on the posters at Army WTF…most of whom are active.

2/17 Air Cav

“The Army recognizes breastfeeding is beneficial to mother and baby, as both experience positive health benefits,” Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno wrote in a letter to Rep. Niki Tsongas, D-Mass. “Army leaders are required to provide the necessary time and support to female soldiers who decide to breastfeed their babies or express breast milk following maternity leave, ensuring that they have a designated, clean space in the work place.”

Now you’re talking! Trannies, breastfeeding soldiers, and now special attention and prosecution for hazing and other crimes against humanity. As one commenter was fond of saying, what in the fuckidy fuck is this?

Data Dawg DV X

I was not too much of a troll. I had my opinions, but wound up betraying myself more often then not. Consequently, I destroyed my Facebook account, and have decided that if I ever do Facebook again, I should be committed as mentally ill and dangerous in Bridgewater State Hospital in Massachusetts, unless the powers that be prefer me in the Federal Medical Center in Rochester MN near the Mayo Clinic. I post this because I grew weary of all the assaults on characters I’ve seen on social media, and decided that it was time for me to get out while I still have my fragment of sanity left. I am very sick over all the political correctness that’s increasing that I see, as well as the garbage and sewage generated. I know that people will never get along, as long as there are people that are knowledgeable about the world and how it should work. And those that will force their way upon others at any cost.

On the other note, my hearty congratulations on your victories in the judicial arena. I hope you enjoy the fruits of your victory in peace, since you have earned them.

2/17 Air Cav

DD DV X: Set up a bogus FB account in which you write all of the politically correct things. That way, you have a record that you can point to if your true sentiments are ever discovered. If nothing else, it will confuse the shit out of them in trying to make a case.Then, come here and say what you really mean.

Data Dawg DV X

Thanks for the idea. However, for me to be politically correct is for me to be a traitor to the US Constitution, and to all of you, my siblings in arms. I am just weary of all the abuse that I have seen on all social media.

2/17 Air Cav

I am waiting for a law that prohibits Veterans from identifying their branch or former unit when penning a comment not approved for publication by the DOD. You think I kid. I do not.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

ShOrTbUsWiNdOwLiCkEr41 passing on info that he believes will make him a hero and bring down TAH? Dude must be dorking the neighbors Pomeranian again after downing T-bird.

Looking forward to the debrief Jonn on the latest legal failure of the DRG, specifically the one with numerous encounters with LEO’s and his missus.

BTW – I’ll never get over Elaine Ricci … and Macho Grande!


I’ll just throw this Kevin Hart Meme out there for anyone else who needs it:×250/62583958.jpg

(I just googled it and that’s what came up)

Dallas, I’d give a fuck, but the way my DD214 works….

1SG Moerk (and the ARCOM ninja above) can go fuck themselves too. The only reason she’s still a 1SG is because if they relieved her for cause after her online actions (i.e., her own website with all kinds of rants contrary to good order and discipline on it) and improper use of the chain of command and NCO Support channels, she’d drop an EO complaint saying “they fired me because I’m female!”

And after I commented on the 1SG Moerk issues on FB my account was reported and FB made me change the made-up name I had because it wasn’t real. (As if I’d put my real name on there. I might be a dumb NCO, but I’m not stupid.)

Being retired does have its perks.


I’ve have used my real name on Facebook, but only with family and friends I can trust. All the others are FAKE. Retired but SMART ERIC

A Proud Infidel®™

Note to the Dutch Rudder Gang: FUCK YOU, I HAVE A DD214!!!


PROUD..Non military personnel here.DD-214?

OIF '06-'07-'08

Reb, the DD214 is the final separation paper that is given to all service members when they leave or retire from the US armed services.

The DD 214 has all information regarding your awards and declarations along with your years in service, rank, and the job(MOS/Rating/AFSC) you held.


Morons with a hair up their backsides like dumbass whipitnflogit are one reason I don’t do facebook. Another is that I don’t have to do things I don’t want to. I have that choice.

And for the record, witlessgefeldenschnozzle, you imbecilic squid bait, I have never been in the army, nor do I intend to ever be in the army.

You are, indeed, so stupid you don’t even know you’re alive.


can we rename the DRG to NAMBLA? Or would that be offensive to NAMBLA?


Yes.LOL ?