Weekend open thread

| July 24, 2015


Ex-PH2 tells us that she spilled some bird food and this what she grew.

Please keep the chatter about the DRC to a minimum this weekend because we’ve got a guest appearance in Montgomery County courts on Wednesday and you’ve behaved yourselves so well so far. Thanks for that, by the way.

I need a beer, so have fun.

Category: Open thread

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Congrats MrBill Lol….


Shouldn’t that be “Whoop-de-do”?



No, that’s “HOO HAAAA!!!!”

Oh and certain people……


That looked like me when my new roommate made the coffee. I mean, ground espresso up is just like coffee, right? **twitch**

Frankie Cee Confederate Partisan

My morning coffee is a 16 ounce go cup of espresso with 1/3rd cup sugar. leaves me wired for flight. Finish it by 0800, and still feeling it at noon.
In the Florida Keys we call the concoction “Cuban Coffee”. Most people will share 1 ounce “shots” of it with their friends. I drink the whole damned pot of it.
On a side note, while retiring my old PC, I was cleaning out “my documents” and came across a bunch of old e-mails, emanating from Oregon, Maryland and Florida. What a bunch of laughs. My dogs thought I was cracking up.


I hope you saved those e-mails, Frankie. You can quote them for their pure silliness, but save them for posterity!


Café Cubano!

Great stuff! Properly made, it is one of the few coffees I like.

A Proud Infidel®™

TryGreekcoffeeithasabouteleventimesasmuchcaffeineasoursdoes!!!!!! Latergottagonow!!!!

John S.



Hey, it was my first time, so it was kind of exciting! For some of y’all it’s old hat, I’m sure.

Frankie Cee Confederate Partisan

I often find myself to be the first commenter on the Daily Feel Good Stories, but then I have my coffee made and am at the computer by 0600 CST, when Johh posts these stories.

Pinto Nag

I’m planning my first bowfishing trip, for sometime in August. Going for carp. Any advice would be appreciated. 🙂


Wrap it before you tap it?

/Oh….advice about fishing….nah sorry.

Pinto Nag



😀 😀
(Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

I’m certain you’ll either now get lots of assistance or many smartassed remarks.
That’s what Weekend threads are for, amIright??

Pinto Nag

Absolutely — the smartass comments are half the fun! And if I catch anything, I’ll see if I can get Jonn to post a picture for me.


PLEASE don’t ask Jonn to post photos of your STD.
/well you just *said* ….”if I catch anything”….

Pinto Nag

I’m going for CARP, not CRABS, you loon!


Stop carping about it.

Hack Stone

Why wouldn’t you want to see pictures of his STD? We are talking Severe Tire Damage, aren’t we?


Why, yes, of course. What else could it possibly be?


When you’re walking barefoot through the water and see that bigger momma fish with five smaller fish immediately in front of her… don’t shoot.

Jordan Rott

What if the fish is wearing a hoodie?

Pinto Nag

Go ahead. Laugh. This is what I’m up against:

Jordan Rott

Where are they catching carp like that in Chernobyl? Those are massive.


They come from the cooling ponds near the dead reactors. Some of those critters are up to 8 feet long.


Pretty common here in PA in the Alleghany river.


Kinzua Dam Dreadnaughts? Yup.


Holy Crap it’s Huge !!!!!!!!!!!


That’s what she said….

2/17 Air Cav

That’s what they all have said…


You dream, bigger…


Even bigger !!!!!!

B Woodman

Holy shit! Can you eat it? That would make one hell of a fish fry all by itself. Feed a village for a week, feed you for a day.


Carp are somewhat edible.

Those harvested early, (and I stress early) in the year, before they develop their “mud veins”, and weigh in the two to three pound range, can be BBQ sauced, then grilled and turn out to be halfway decent.

Other than that they are just the scavenger garbagemen of the fish world, but are a hell of a lot of fun to catch.


I guess I had better add that to be sure and grill them really good, as the filet does contain many,many inter muscular bones.

That is the main drawback to why most people don’t eat carp, at least on a regular basis.

Pinto Nag

I currently have 12 recipes for carp. (I’m an optimist, if nothing else.)


Bury them a foot deep, put 6″ of dirt over them then plant tomatoes and cover the mess with dirt.
You will have tomatoes like you wouldn’t believe for 3 years.

B Woodmanan

Well, I guess if you can’t eat them, you can bury them in the garden for an excellent natural organic fertilizer.


Frag out! Demolishin’ Fishin’

On the other hand, for ones of that size, Call the Navy. Have a destroyer roll a pattern of depth charges on that Carp-class Russki boat.

Chernobyl cooling pond carp? That fish has to be hotter than a $20 pistol in Chicago. They probably cook themselves. Iran is probably processing them for fisshile material.

A Proud Infidel®™

How ’bout the good old Cherry Bombs they sold at fireworks stands in the sixties and seventies, or the Old School M80’s? Classic “DuPont Fishing Lures”!


My advice would be to go someplace that has carp.


Just take a motor boat down the Mississippi River. The Asian carp will leap right into your boat. All you need is a tennis racket to knock them into the bottom of the boat.


Tough bananas, sj. They are, and always shall be, Asian carp, an invasive species that eats anything that moves… kind of like the waound waanger.

Just an Old Dog

Should you tell someone who is ready to spend the day fishing for carp…. “Carpe Diem”?


Oh! All those Latin phrases I learned in high school! That takes me back!

Carpe diem – somebody’s fish died
Sic transit gloria mundi – Gloria got sick on the bus on Monday
Caesar non supra grammaticos – Caesar doesn’t want graham crackers for supper.
Carthago delenda est – Linda is a truck driver.
Barba tenus sapientes – Barbara is a sappy tennis player.

Well, that was fun!

A Proud Infidel®™

Or German:
Götterdämmerung – The $&@%€#}@: phone is ringing!


Spew!!!! You win!


Preparing carp for consumption:

1. Nail carp to board
2. Filet it
3. Add seasoning
4. Throw out the carp
5. Cook and eat the board


Don’t aim center mass. Aim about 1″ below where you see the bottom of the fish, this should send you about center due to the water refraction.


I just use my shotgun with my fording kit on it.


I’m thinking of going studded bat fishing or sword fishing. Seriously: look up Peoria River Carp Hunters on You Tube.


BTDT on bow fishing for carp. Cross bow with a Zebco 808 and 50 pound test line. That was in Indiana.

While we were living in Wyoming, the DNR actually hired people on a bounty per pound basis to bow out carp from the “touristy type” waters around Cody.

In Great Britain, fly fishing for carp is big sport. They call them “yellow bass.”

I call them pumpkin and squash fertilizer.


The above exchange is why this is my favorite site…..except when I have a mouthful of Murphy’s Stout.

I was going to suggest something really, really stupid for your carp fishing trip….like maybe a harp to lure him in, and if an honest to goodness harp doesn’t work then try its counterpart – Harp beer.

Have a great time Pinto Nag!!

Joe Williams

Yes,be prepared to duck,block and any other evasive action if the carp are jumpling. Moving boat, unaware bow fisher. OUCH that left a mark. Joe

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe just throw some bread in the water and use a stun gun with wires going into the water? It’s only carp!


Bread? Nope, try popcorn.

Just go to YouTube and put “indiana beach carp” into the search box.

Enjoy !!

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve heard that the crank dynamo out of an old telephone will do wonders as well *COUGH*.


The last time I read the NC hunting and fishing regulations, that’s actually legal in certain stretches of the Cape Fear River, near or below Wilmington as I recall, for catfish.

It’s also how Carolina Power and Light’s biologists would get fish samples (back when CP&L existed); they told me when they would come over into the metallurgy lab and grind the ear bones flat to count the growth rings. And yes, in the reservoirs for coal and nuclear power plants; hydro plants too, I guess.


Fishing? Well, I guess this would be my advice.



Wear a hard hat and armored vest And gloves. They bite.


I’m four or am I 10 ????


Heeeeeee Hawwwwwwwwwwww ! ! ! !
Still in the top Ten or Five


I don’t know, Skippy. Were you born in a Leap Year?


1970 I’ll have to give that one some thought,
I deal with some serious pain issues, so laughter and being a little goofy helps 🙂
You should have seen me and a few of my buddy’s on the 4th we tried to out do Ft H’s
Firework show Lol… Almost lost my hand with a pen flare. Mama Bear said I need to grow up.
I’ll try next year 🙂

B Woodman

Jonn, what kind/brand of beer?


Blue Moon?


Guinness Stout.

B Woodman

Sounds yummy. I’m officially jealous. I got to enjoy a few of the 10,000 German beers while stationed there. Hasenkopf Krystal Weissen became my favorite type locally (Neurnberg).


I’m very proud to say liquor has never passed my lips.

Roger in Republic

We ain’t talking about licker, Reb. We was talking bout Beer. Beer is food! Likker is fur desert.

B Woodmanan

Desert? You mean that dry, arid wasteland suitable only for dune buggies?

Or did you misspell and mean “dessert”, that sweet treat for after a suitable meal?

And Beer, that’s just liquid bread. At least that’s how the German’s see it.

Roger in Republic

Damn Auto correct!


No beer, wine, anything with alcohol. But give me a smoke and I won’t Bogart my friends ?


My dog took a horse-sized Giduck today that simply wouldn’t clean up. The mess was huge. I had to go to war with that Giduck and use a shovel.

John Giduck – the turd with a face!


For anyone who misses truly funny stuff:


I will roast chicken, ball up some taters, add zookeenie to the passta salad, and… oh, wait – can’t give away the farm.

Zero Ponsdorf

Thankssssss IIIII NNNeeeded ttthhaaatt….


That reminds me, I need to call the VA for a CAT Scan.


I did not know that you had a cat, Flagwaver. I thought it was ChipNASA who had issues with cats.


I don’t actually own a cat. There are, however, two feline-Americans who live with my wife and I rent free.


I don’t think anyone actually owns a cat

Just an Old Dog

Dogs have owners,,, Cats have staff.

A Proud Infidel®™

A dog comes to a home and “says” “OHBOYOHBOY, so happy to be he, SO HAPPY to see you, OHBOYOHBOY, dog food! YUMYUMYUMYUM, I’m so happy…” while a cat walks in saying “Hmmmmm, all right, decent looking house, I’ll take it, and yes, you may live here with me if you like, BUT GET THIS, I get petted and brushed when I want it, the food dish stays full, and the litterbox gets kept clean or the couch and drapes are HISTORY, got it?”.


yup, and God forbid if their food dishes are even the slightest bit low or they didn’t get their canned food on time. and if they want lap time they get it, cause they are great little beggars.


Here, I’ll post the link so the image shows. My bad on the first one.
Frankly, I miss the truly funny people like this.


That was great. Thanks for the memories. Foster and Deano were fantastic. Ended up watching several more.

Roger in Republic

The first time I saw Foster Brooks was on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Brooks was introduced as the Mayor of Burbank and he was proclaiming Johnny Carson day or some such. It quickly became clear that he was drunk as hell. Hilarious!


Great Mom…I’m number 26 on the thread…again. Just what I wanted for Christmas!


Hmmm.. the 26 days of Christmas I like it

John Robert Mallernee

TODAY, Friday 24 July 2015, is PIONEER DAY, celebrating the arrival of Brigham Young and the Mormon handcart pioneers in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847, when Brigham Young said, “This is the place.” As I’m typing this, it’s well past High Noon here in Vernal, Utah, and I just now woke up. So, I missed out on the pancake breakfast served in the city park by the Boy scouts of America, and I didn’t get to see the big parade down Main Street. After sunset, there’ll be a big fireworks display, and I’ve also got a couple of boxes of my own fireworks that I purchased at Wal-Mart. I’m especially looking forward to Saturday 15 August 2015 when the local older single adult members and friends of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints are scheduled to go white water river rafting on the Green River, just below the Flaming Gorge Dam. I went several years ago, and I want to do it again. It’s also fun to camp out on the mountains overlooking Flaming Gorge Dam. This past Wednesday 22 July 2015, the surgeons at the George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Salt Lake City successfully deflated a cyst which was exerting pressure on my spinal cord, and injected steroids into my spine. But, at the moment, I’m still having problems standing and walking, as I look like I’m drunk. My timing was very fortunate, for the Tri-County Health Department, which services Uintah, Duchesne, and Daggett counties, has just run out of money, so the volunteer driver service to transport military veterans and other county residents to and from medical appointments in Salt Lake City, has been cancelled. I’ve been told that the local Disabled American Veterans has a van, but no driver. There’s a movie tonight and tomorrow night at the Echo Drive-in Theater in Roosevelt, Utah. How long has it been since you’ve been to, or even SEEN a genuine, working drive-in movie theater? Wasn’t it wonderful being young and having your own car? I think there’s a dance tonight at… Read more »

Roger in Republic

I remember going to a coupe of Pioneer Days picnics in the mid fifties while Pop was stationed at FT Douglas. The held the picnics in a park just below the “This Is The Place” monument out toward Holiday. I can’t think of a better place to grow up in the fifties. That had to be the safest city in the country in those days. Imagine a couple eight year old kids getting on a bus and going to the middle of any american city to just walk around or go ice skating. Or going to a college football game without adult bodyguards. I lived in interesting times, and interesting places.


I just read a story about “Pie and Beer Day” which has been celebrated in recent years by non-LDS members in Utah. A good-natured alternative holiday –


John Robert Mallernee

Here’s video of me celebrating Pioneer Day:




I love reading your comments!

You are truly the “Most Interesting Man in the World”.

You wrote above, “but, at the moment, I’m still having problems standing and walking, as I look like I’m drunk”.

That sounds exactly like me: I had 2 surgeries recently on my back. Recovery has been rough. Good news is, I am on the mend and my pain will be gone.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Good Luck to Jonn and the gang next week in Montgomery County… and here’s hoping that the legal wins keep coming in!


Blessing at the temple in the morning. Buddha says “Truth, honesty is in the heart of those blessed” “Lies can be seen by a blind man?
You all don’t need luck. You’ve never lied


Luck always favors the well-prepared.

Jordan Rott

Good law-abiding citizens should start going into the middle of max security prisons and shooting them up (not shooting the cops of course). You know, switch things up a little .

Roger in Republic

That’s called Vigilante Mob Action and it has always had an important place in american criminal justice. There have bees several time in our history when it was exactly the correct thing to do. Interestingly enough, the first recorded Committee of Vigilance was formed in New York City as an antidote to the corruption of the city Police Dept. San Francisco had very active Vigilante faction that cleaned up the Barbary coast and the Tenderloin. It was the Vigilantes that cleaned up early Wyoming ran the Yellow Peril out of Washington state. Tombstone had at least one Vigilante hanging in the 1880’s. You can still see the Coroners verdict in that case. “Death by asphyxiation, self inflicted or otherwise”. The revolt in the coal fields in the 1920’s pitted returning veterans against corrupt law officials and the mine owners. A dozen or more killed and the National Guard called in quell the violence. Armed citizens fighting criminals from both side of the law.
Your suggestion might go a long way toward alleviating the prison overcrowding problem, though. I would make the new prisoners clean up the blood from the last batch removed.

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember reading an article a few weeks ago about vigilante mob justice running rampant in Brazil lately. Apparently Government is so rife with corruption that locals have been taking matters into their own hands lately, being judge, jury, and executioner saying “to hell with’ their police and Government. The issue being taken by the Brazilian Government is that they want to clean up their image due to the upcoming Summer Olympics there.

John Robert Mallernee

Do you realize how well off we all are?

For proof, here’s something I’ve done, and I urge everyone else to do.

Get down on your knees and begin praying to Heavenly Father.

Oh, this won’t be an ordinary prayer.

Instead of asking Heavenly Father for anything, do something completely different.

Begin thanking Heavenly Father for each and every blessing you can think of, including blessings normally taken for granted and not even thought about.

Just go down the list, one by one, item by item, tediously and diligently naming each and every specific blessing that comes to mind.

When you finish your prayer, get on your feet, and start walking away – – – ,

It’ll suddenly hit you.

“Oops! I forgot to mention this thing.

And I forgot to mention that, too.

And, oh, there’s this other thing I overlooked!

Ah, yes, there’s something else, too.”

Do you see what I mean?

Even if you try counting your blessings, it is impossible, for our God has showered each and every one of us, even the financially poorest among us, with so many wonderful gifts, that we can’t even name them all, no matter how much we try to.

Doesn’t that experiment really cheer you up, and lift your spirits?

It sure wallops me whenever I stop and think about it.

Try it.

You’ll like it.


John, raised a Methodist, our family never asked for anything. We had to thank God for the things we have. At night our pray was “Thank you God for all you’ve given us. We’re fine, pass your blessings to another family. Amen. I believe in God and also practice Buddhism. Buddha says if you live your life with love and honor, KARMA will follow you to your next life. God bless this group of friends and colleagues that help the cause..

John Robert Mallernee

I was also raised a Methodist.

I was baptized into The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints when I was twenty-one years old.

It was Saturday 06 May 1967 when I became a Mormon and on Thursday 07 December 1967, I became a soldier in the United States Army.

When I was in Japan, I visited the Great Buddha of Kamakura, and when I was in Saigon, I visited some of their Buddhist shrines, temples, and pagodas.

The ONLY kitten I saw in all of Viet Nam was inside a Buddhist temple in Cholon.

It was at that same Buddhist temple (I think) where I remember being swarmed by desperate lepers begging for ANYTHING, and being unable to help them.

I got a real close look at what leprosy looks like in its advanced stages.


I wish to one day set foot in Tibet…if not in this life, my next. I have been very good except for the rats nibbling on my reputation ?


You know, when you create new worlds, you want to give them names that you think are unique. So a few months ago, I came up with Scalassi, thinking that was unique. I described it as sort of like New Zealand: lots of rugged mountain ranges, deep valleys, fertile plains, lots of lakes and big oceans – in short, a place we’d all like to like in or at least visit. So mostly out of curiosity, I looked up the word ‘scalassi’, which, as I found, is the past perfect of the Italian verb ‘scalare’, meaning to climb.

Then there’s this more hostile world, Entapi (entropy approaching), which is rapidly becoming an iceball and may become uninhabitable. When I looked that up, it’s a dll subroutine for antivirus software and also related somehow to Minecraft.

And I thought I was being so cotton pickin’ clever.

In case any of you didn’t know yet, the Kepler space telescope has found a whole slew of new Earth-type worlds in the Goldilocks zone, the latest being Kepler 186f (490 LYFE) and Kepler 452b (1400 LYFE), both in Cygnus. Kepler 452b appears to have a 380-day orbital period, and is only slightly larger than Earth.

Also, NASA has given unofficial names to places on Pluto’s surface. There are now both a Chthulhu reggio and a Balrog reggio. I can’t keep up with this stuff any more.

Oh, well — back to the future.

Zero Ponsdorf

Did Ya ALSO catch this:http://io9.com/5963263/how-nasa-will-build-its-very-first-warp-drive

A bit dated, but… Warp Drive Ms. PH-2 – Warp factor 5.


Yes, and I have checked on NASA’s stuff regularly. I have also referred to the use of the Alcubierre warp drive in one of my books, because he echoed Robert Heinlein’s description of space travel from 1958 in ‘Have Spacesuit – Will Travel’.

The ship does not move through space. Space slides past it.

I think there’s a teenager at MIT teaching physics and working on the development of cold fusion. Luke Sykwalker’s portable fusion furnace that he uses to give R2D2 a boost is possible.

I am extremely pleased that people like this, who think so far outside the box they were never inside it, just forge ahead and make things happen, and ignore those who say ‘can’t’. There is hope, you know.


They found a 68 Pontiac Catalina with hunan remains in it. Wound Wanger territory. http://www.wcnc.com/story/news/local/2015/07/22/human-remains-found-in-car-in-caldwell-co-lake/30518071/


“Hunan remains”? You mean a left over Chinese dinner?

That lake is probably 20 miles from the wanger’s casa. No one in the hood has had any sightings of him in quite awhile. Maybe he reformed? Nah.

Friend S. Wilkins

Jesus. For a minute there I thought they finally found my old custom 1968 Pontiac Catalina 2+2 (400 4bbl). Thank God I had a 2-door convertible painted GM Sunburst Yellow! That Catalina they pulled out of the lake was a 4-door sedan. But still. That really shook me up. 😉


I think that was some poor man who disappeared a very long time ago. His wallet was on his remains. I can only guess what horrors he went through, realizing that he was trapped in that car.

1968 Pontiac was one classy car.

Hack Stone

Does Ted Kennedy have an alibi? Maybe he reached out from the grave.


Yeah no joke.
I was wondering if the Catalina will go up for sale cheap. The Wownd Wagner might get his own muscle car yet.

Friend S. Wilkins

Think I’m gonna have a pretty good weekend. About time. Here’s a video that pretty much sums it up. 😉


I get off work in 45 minutes and then I’m going to go pick up the granddaughter for the weekend. I am then taking her to go look at 4-wheelers. Last time I had her I took pitures of the 2 year old holding a Red Bull and sent it to my daughter.


Range time this weekend!

Time to go take the new 9mm out and bring old .40 with him. Sig Sauer and Springfield Armory shootout. Private range, so drawing from holster and rapid fire. I’m excited.

Hack Stone

If TAH Management will be in the NCR this coming week, perhaps we can hold another TAH Beer Summit. I still have a bit of swag left over from the last time.

2/17 Air Cav

“The game [of baseball] is too complex? I’ve never bought into that ‘baseball is too complex.’ Really? A third of the sport is from the Dominican Republic,” Cowherd said on his national radio show on Thursday. “The Dominican Republic has not been known in my lifetime as having world-class academic abilities. A lot of those kids come from rough backgrounds and have not had opportunities academically that other kids from other countries have. Baseball is like any sport. It’s mostly instincts.” (Fox News)

Guess what happened to Cowherd for saying that. He got canned. ESPN said that Cowherd does not reflect the values…blah…blah…blah. I used to watch ESPN and, on rare occasion, I will still. They lost me with their oh-so-politically-correct views, and a few personalities, such as every chick except those who call womens’ basketball and softball. Then there’s that sickening idiot, whatshisname. I forgot, but I do not forget that the very sight of the guy makes me want to upchuck. Does ESPN have any clue what a locker room is like? My guess is that they will be the first sports channel to have a trannie sports new reader.


Someone named “Charles Thomas Simmer” has gotten a new career change after resigning from the Dothan (AL) Police Department.

Simmer, who is 27, resigned after being charged with identity theft resulting in upwards of 20 felony charges.

The kicker?

“According to a police statement, the charges stemmed from an investigation which revealed Simmer allegedly obtained the identities of multiple people while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces and used the information to open credit card accounts in their names.”

Sources: http://www.dothaneagle.com/news/crime_court/former-dothan-police-officer-charged-with-credit-card-fraud/article_99429a7a-c27a-11e4-a755-1f292d276dca.html


“Dothan police investigators arrested Simmer earlier this year and charged him with 18 other identity theft-related charges. Simmer now faces a total of 20 felony charges, which include 15 counts of identity theft, four counts of fraudulent use of a credit card and a single count of trafficking in stolen identities.”


Jordan Rott

He will be treated excellent in prison.

Hack Stone

She cannot be held responsible, since it was previously reported that she never completed any computer based cyber security training.


But rest easy, I am sure that on her refrigerator door is a certificate indicating that she has taken LBGT Diversity Training.


Beat people down enough with the same miss deeds and after awhile they don’t seem to care. Good ole common core education is helping to make a whole generation of Americans Stupid and showing them how to do math the way the federal government doses it…
She should be in prison but the socialist will find a way to pardon her or the Clinton News Network aka CNN will find a way to spin it…


Shrillary is my age. She looks like her face wouldn’t crack if dynamite went off. Any bets on how much cosmetic surgery she’s had?


As First Lady and SEC of State, she probably got free work on the face by the Corps of Engineers.


Speaking of face, if Shillary had been born a male in 1947, based on her birthday, she would have drawn draft lottery number 7.

How long will it be before she throws that back into the Donald’s face?

In today’s world of self identification, I can see that happening.


Ah, but, Claw, she never served and does not like the military. And remember, her hubby Slick Willie has no use for the military. Two peas in the same pod.


Yep, Slick Willies’ draft number would have been 311, so like the Donald, he was good as gold.

I guess he celebrated by going over and smoking dope with the Commies.

But, remember, he never inhaled.

Jordan Rott

Why do all of the phonies wanto claim to have Purple Hearts or having been a POW? No SM says to themselves, “I can’t wait to get a Purple Heart or be a POW!”


That is a GREAT QUESTION. dunno the answer but we seem to be a little top heavy as of late with marine snipers, Seals, and my favorite Rangers…

Just an Old Dog

The Old Dog got put in the Dog House today. Self inflicted…
Apparently when the Latina Spousal Unit tries to dye her hair lighter and it turns out very bright Orange and she asks you how it looks ” Hey Ronald bring me two Quarter-pounders with Cheese” isn’t he correct answer.


Well, it may well have been a correct answer. But sometimes a correct answer isn’t an acceptable answer. For example, take the question:

“(Do these slacks/Does this outfit) make me look fat?”

Still haven’t figured out a good answer to that question – other than to avoid answering. I’ve come to believe it has no acceptable answer.

Just an Old Dog

Ah that question,,,
One of the funniest things I ever witnessed.
I lived on base housing and went over to one of my NCOs place to watch some TV with him and another NCO.
Unfortunatey both their spouses were the epitome of the word “Dependapotomus”.
They got rid of them by giving them 40 bucks each and telling them to go shopping at the Exchange.
We had a nice two hours of peace and quiet while these two hiefers pillaged the Burger King and terrorized children at the PX.
Well, they came waddling through they door and both of them went in the back and changed into a large matching red dresses ( actually they were more like moo-moos).
The only thing I can say is that those poor dudes were definately buzzed from the brew because they fucked up royally.
One of them asked her hubby “Does this dress make me look fat?”.
He sit and scratched his head,, looked at her and said “it’s not the dress”.
The other one looked at his Buffarillo,, started cracking up and shouted out “Hey Kool-aid!!!”
Those heifers starting screaming bloody murder. I called the wife to come get me before I was a witness to a double murder.

A Proud Infidel®™

Dependopottami, very interesting creatures.


The acceptable answer is ‘It’s the wrong color for you.’

The appropriate thing to do is to give Mrs. Old Dog a gift of a day at the salon, including a mani-pedi if she wants that, and let the pros do the hair coloring. Extremely dark hair has to be stripped of color before it is dyed. A little girl pampering will make Mrs. Old Dog happy.


Even that might not work if she is the type with an aversion to salons. Could also be taken as an insult.

Tread carefully, Dog! PH’s idea is great – IF Mrs. Dog already has a good relationship with a hair guy OR there is someplace you already know she wants to try.

Just an Old Dog

Mrs Dog looks wonderful with the dark curly hair that she was born with. Unfortunately Latina Women have been conned into thinking that they need to go for the blonde look.
Unless they pay 5 million dollars and go through a long process the best they can hope for is a copper color.

A Proud Infidel®™

Colorado was very nice a few weeks (Or was it months?) ago, got to go and ride on the former DRGW (Denver & Rio Grande Western) narrow gauge following the Animas River from Durango to Silverton, CO. The Cumbres & Toltec is still on my bucket list for a future road trip! Being the “Railnerd” that I am, riding an excursion behind this Beauty is also on my list, they finished fully restoring her about a month ago, and her shakedown runs are complete!
Here she is about two weeks ago:


Wow. Beautiful job of restoration.

As much as I detest flying, I’d rather take the train. I don’t know why people are in such a confounded hurry nowadays.

A Proud Infidel®™

Southern 4501 has been overhauled as well, her and Norfolk & Western 611 are being used in Norfolk Southern RR’s Steam Excursions which have been brought back. There are a number of operational steam locomotives out there nowadays including NKP 765, Milwaukee Road 261, Southern Pacific 4449 and others. Union Pacific RR is currently restoring “Big Boy” #4014, the biggest steam loco that was ever mass produced, it has a 4-8-8-4 wheel arrangement, compare that with NW 611 which is a 4-8-4!


Big Boy? I think we saw that one up at Baraboo, WI, at a train museum. We were going up to Duluth.

I still remember going down to the railroad crossing and waving at the engineers in the locomotive cab, and watching the steam streaming behind the engine. The trains still had cabooses back then, too.

I’m glad people are doing this. One of these days, I’m going to take the ride from Cheyenne south, and back.

I think the RFD channel has a regular show on trains, or used to have one. Just the videos, no commenting. I enjoyed it.

A Proud Infidel®™

A number of UP “Big Boys” are preserved in various museums, I’ve been on the one at the National Museum of Transport in St. Louis. The 4014 was chosen to be rebuilt by UP because she’s an oil burner which makes refueling en route much easier than a coal burner, they just need the right amount of trucks with the right grade of oil and a pump versus the equipment needed to load coal into the tender. It’s only a matter of time until I ride a steam excursion train again, the Internet is great for finding the times and places, I’m Loki g forward to going on an NS steam excursion next year, hopefully behind NW 611! I’m wondering when the UP will get #844 and 3985 back out and running, UP #844 is the only steam locomotive owned by a major US Railroad that’s never been retired.


API, their Facebook page (Union Pacific 3985/844 Info) says in the July 2015 UP Steam Update that tube work in 844’s boiler is still ongoing.

Not yet close enough to make a projected roll-out date announcement. But hopefully she and 4014 will make it out in the foreseeable future.


Here’s something you may like, a schedule of events for train lovers.


And this is a link to a page that has a 1928 video of #3101 being built.


When they show the engine in the forge, it’s impressive, but at the end, when she rolls out of the shed for the first time, you see how big she really is.

A Proud Infidel®™

Another interesting fact about NW 611 is that she was built by the Norfolk & Western RR in their Roanoke Shop, they built their own locomotives. The major builders were The Baldwin Locomotive Works (BLW) in Eddystone PA, the American Locomotive Company (ALCO) in Schenectady NY, and Lima Locomotive Works in Lima, OH. Alco and Baldwin tried to transition to building diesels, but couldn’t keep up with EMD, the Electro-Motive Division of GM. A trip up to WV is also on my bucket list, I’m gonna ride on the Cass Scenic and log some mileage behind a geared steam loco!


Take pictures, please! Lots of pictures.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yes Ma’am, I will! Geared steam locomotives were a valued asset on many logging railroads due to their capability to haul up and down steep grades and around sharp curves. Just look up the words “Shay”, “Heisler”, and “Climax” along with the word “Locomotive” on YouTube and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Shay Locomotives are the most common of existing geared steam locos, but there are plenty of dedicated volunteers and donors that keep example of them and the others still steamin’!

A Proud Infidel®™

NICE VIDEO! Yes, CP built some of their own locos, and the Pennsylvania RR built some of their own as well. 3600+ HP from a steam locomotive in 1928, EMD didn’t cross the 3600 HP threshold with a diesel until the early 1960’s with the SD45, a 20-cylinder beast that sported that much horsepower ( It had a 20-645 Prime Mover, or diesel engine, 20 cylinders, 645 cubic inches per cylinder) GE rules the US domestic Diesel locomotive market today with their ES45 model, 12 cylinders putting out 4500 HP.

Silentium Est Aureum

Quiet week at Casa de SEA. Next week, OTOH, things pick up markedly.


I am 122nd!

Yeah baby!


Master Chief, I hope your back does feel better. You have my sympathy. It’s no fun.


Top 125 not bad 🙂


Doing some much needed yard work around the manor came to a screeching halt a bit ago. Bleeding not bad enough for a trip to the ER but such that cease & desist orders from higher were complied with fairly soon. When blood is dripping from your arm onto your legs and onto your clothes, well, attending to it does seem reasonable.

A few unspecified good thoughts and/or prayers would be appreciated for the spousal unit. The medical reports so far could be OK or very bad, but the anxiety level is quite elevated until the results from the next round of tests are in. I have a good feeling about it, but that doesn’t help too much, except to keep me mellow. Which actually does help, I suppose. No sense both of us being anxious.

3/17 Air Cav

OWB……prayers are on the way! Hope everything works out ok!


OWB, I will have this on my mind tonight. I hope things come out okay.


OWB, same here. Prayers on the way.

Side note: Good to see you on the net, 3/17.

I was just about ready to fire up the old PRC-77 and ask for a commo check on you.

3/17 Air Cav

Claw…..I’ve been doing a fair amount of reflecting. Where I’ve been, where I’m going. I fear I missed the toast we talked about. Did I?

I think what I need right now, is a Vietnam Air Cav phony I can sink my teeth into!


Yep, I put the toast up, but it’s all good that maybe you didn’t see it.

The same individual that came on your previous toast and made jokes about it, came on and made this one all about him and his life’s accomplishments, instead of simply acknowledging the post for what it was.

But I just let his comment go, as ripping him again would have detracted from my attempt to honor a fallen comrade in arms.

No need getting the blood pressure up and start pacing the floor if we don’t have to.

3/17 Air Cav

Claw….if it’s not too much trouble, would you mind telling me what day you posted and which topic, so I can go back and visit it. Maybe you and I cantoast him again today!


Sure, It was a week ago today, 18 July, in the Weekend Open Thread.

My post was the last one made on the first page of comments, so you’ll have to go to the older comments and scroll down to the last entry.

3/17 Air Cav

Claw…..I know I’m a week late in toasting your fallen friend. I’m going to toast him today at 3 pm my time zone please. Join me!

You, I and Jay were probably all flying that day. God, where has the time gone!


OK, I’ll be there Buddy.


Thanks, all!

Some of us are taking a nap. I’m headed to the hammock next to the little creek with a good book and some lemonade. Ahhh. Life is still good.

A Proud Infidel®™

Prayers out OWB, GOD Bless.


OWB. prayers from the skippy family to yours,
anything we could do please don’t hesitate ask.


Blessings said this morning ?


This Day in ARS History – 23 July

On 23 July 1966, Pararescueman SSgt Robert L. Berry died of rare disease called Black Water Fever. He had contracted the disease while in Laos. His tour of duty at Det 5 38 Air Rescue Squadron Udorn Royal Thai Air Base was cut short because of this illness. At first the doctors had misdiagnosed him a few times. This was because black water fever was so rare they ruled out other illnesses. Just before he was medevaced to Clark, they finally made the proper diagnosis.

Prior to his hospitalization he flew on several combat SARs, was credited with saving four pilots and one PJ (A2C George Hunt) from certain capture or death, and was awarded the Silver Star for a mission on 22 April 1966. Here is the narrative of that SAR:

Staff Sergeant Robert L. Berry, Jr., distinguished himself by gallantry in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force in Southeast Asia on 22 April 1966. On that date, Sergeant Berry, flying as a Pararescueman on an HH-3E helicopter, contributed materially to the successful rescue of a downed Air Force pilot despite intense ground fire from hostile troops in the area. With complete disregard for his personal safety, Sergeant Berry provided protective fire cover from the door of the helicopter while assisting in hoisting the injured pilot to safety. He then administered medical aid to the pilot and placed an inflatable splint on his broken leg. By his gallantry and devotion to duty, Sergeant Berry has reflected great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

From PJs in Nam website: pjsinnam.com . Great site for the history of USAF SAR in Viet Nam


Today my first born son turns 13. Happy Birthday to him. Just us boys up at the farm but there’s a cake in the oven and ice cream in the maker. The cows are happy as is Ferdinand. Should be a good campfire tonight.

Green Thumb

I cleaned up the yard today and found what had to be the biggest steaming pile of Phil Monkress ever. Well, next to the CEO of All-points Logistics that is.

It would appear that my dog has gotten into some trash cans.


I sincerely hope that you are forwarding all of your Monkress discoveries to him. Wouldn’t want him to feel left out…


On a serious note we have a local radio show here in Tucson, Az. On 104.1 called the Jon justice show there was a gentleman on there yesterday claiming he was SF/CIA/DIA I’ll post a link on here, this joe was trashing the VFW talking about he cut his card up over a issue. Is there something going on with the VFW that I’m not aware of ????? He was also talking about another vet group highly but I did not catch the whole show here is the link



Ok wrong talk show it’s the James T Harris show from 3-5 pm az time so any ideas about what is up with the VFW ????? Here is a link to his show



This link above is bad the one on top works


Well, perhaps the nonsense going on with members of a 3-part club (not to be mentioned by name) has stirred up the VFW and made their current membership want to walk away.

Anything is possible.


Thank you. The show on Friday was a Trip I did not hear the whole show, but what I caught blew me to pieces, he was saying that the group was a rubber stamp for Obama, and some of the stuff they were talking about seemed a little fringe…
I know some U.S. On here are from Arizona so I’m trying to get the 411 on this because I’m a life member I this was all knew to me

John Robert Mallernee

Regarding the recent discovery of Kepler 452-b, a planet believed to be similar to Earth, I saw this article just now:


And HERE is a quote from my own personal profile at the SEARCH FOR EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE (i.e., “S.E.T.I.”) web site, for which I volunteer my own personal computer in analyzing raw data collected by radio telescopes from Outer Space:

“In my chosen religious faith (I am a convert), we are taught in The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints (i.e., the “Mormon” church) that God created MANY worlds, much like this one, and many of those worlds are populated with His offspring, just as this one is, so any intelligent extra-terrestrial beings would probably look just like us, since WE are all in the image of our Heavenly Father, even though animal and plant life on those planets might be starkly different from what we’re accustomed to.

The eminent scientist, Albert Einstein, theorized (or so I understand – – – I readily admit my limited formal education) that Space and Time are (curved?) parallel linear continuums, and therefore, it’s possible that if and where those lines intersect, interplanetary or interdimensional transfers can occur.

There are many unexplained phenomena in this mortal dimension of our world, and if we can communicate with intelligent life on other worlds and/or other (parallel?) dimensions, then I say, let’s go for it!

There’s so many things yet waiting to be discovered and taken advantage of.

Onward, into an unknown adventure!”


John Robert Mallernee

Looking at the calendar, I just now realized something horrible!

Next month, Friday the Thirteenth will arrive a day earlier, on THURSDAY!


John Robert Mallernee


Only us old folks will recognize and remember that recurring joke from the old newspaper comic strip series, “POGO”, by Walt Kelly.


I think if you’re the star of one of these videos, then you’re going to have a bad day.

St Landry Parish Crime stoppers video.



No big surprise here SFC D


To the gentleman that recently posted on the TAH FB page about our current Blue Falcon awardee…

It’s good that you blocked him.

About the BS messages that he’s sending your friends: Have your friends report each one of his messages to Facebook.


Fruit loop is at it again. What a loser turd


We have a full emergency response bag in the back of my ride. I was heading out with my granddaughter to get Saturday evening movies. I saw a fella hit the ground at a local gas station. Flipped around got my bag and started with questions. Then he starts jerking and no pulse. I started CPR and asked someone to do M/M. Assholes. My granddaughter grabbed the M/M gadget and traded places, her doing CPR, me M/M. Paramedics showed up and took over. My grandkid very politely told the onlookers, Im ashamed that nobody would help. We disinfected ourselves and off they went. The driver of the fire truck asked my granddaughter how old see was. She told him. How long have you been doing CPR? When I was five. Got her name and address and she’ll be getting a Certificate of Valor from our town. Me, I’m getting my kit upgraded by our local Fire Department since I stop at every accident or emergency situation.


Bravo Ms Reb and little Miss Reb! Now that is a good news story.

Pinto Nag

It’s people like you and your granddaughter who have kept the heart and soul of our nation alive through some very bleak years. Thank you for taking action when you saw something happening. Thank you for caring.


Red Letter Day at the CS Chamber World HQ!

Household 6 is finally a gun owner. She’s always been okay around them, doesn’t mind mine, but has never owned or shot a pistol. Went to our monthly Slammintonio gun show and next thing you know, she’s asking questions, handling pistols for weight and fit, and so on. Then all at once “I want that one” came out of her mouth. Some paperwork and a credit card transaction later and she’s the owner of a Taurus 9mm PT709 Slim. Nothing spectactular, but I still feel like a proud papa. Going to the range will now be a family affair. What better way to spend some quality time with your spouse…

A glorious weekend at the Chamber!

John Robert Mallernee

Does anyone in this forum know anything about the Purple Heart being worn by the late ANTHONY HERVEY, a black man who died in Mississippi a couple of days ago under mysterious circumstances, after attending a Confederate flag support rally in Birmingham, Alabama?

His funeral will be a large affair.

He has a criminal record in Tennessee.

That’s just about all I know.

There are video recordings and news reports elsewhere on the Internet.

But, I can find NO information about him being awarded the Purple Heart.

John Robert Mallernee

At the FREE NORTH CAROLINA web site, an anonymous commenter reports that the late ANTHONY HERVEY was wearing the Purple Heart awarded to his father during the Second World War.

Green Thumb

Obummer goes to Africa and his message is…..preaching gay rights.

Of all the problems the African continent is experiencing; genocide, poverty, disease, economic depression, famine, etc., his message is about gay rights.


That pretty sums up his situational awareness.

Just wow.

A Proud Infidel®™

And to top it all off, the President of Kenya said that he and his people have no use at all for B. Hussein 0bama’s gay this and gay that agenda in Kenya, where they have outlawed homosexuality. All the good he could have done and he’s promoted perversity in every way, shape or form he could, that’s his legacy along with the manifold failures, lies, and scandals.

2/17 Air Cav
