No Teleprompter Trump

| July 24, 2015

Say what you will about the Donald – the man is never at a loss to express what’s churning around in that poorly coiffed skull. It simply flows, freely and naturally, unfearful of media consequences, in a manner that is quickly captivating large numbers of American voters who are sick unto death of mealy-mouthed politicians who parse every word of spontaneous speech for fear that they may say something that the lurking media will pounce upon.

I have been saying for years here at American Thinker that the real enemy of free speech, especially conservative speech, is the liberal media, a force so powerful and influential for only one side of the political spectrum that Republicans and conservatives have grown to fear it, while Democrats look upon it as their servile public affairs department. Because of that hostile media environment, Republicans have become far too wary of opening up and speaking their minds, comfortable only in conveying their views and positions when leaning on a speaker’s stand and reading from a teleprompter.

For the life of me, I can’t even imagine Donald Trump using such a constraining instrument as a teleprompter. The man is simply too freely expressive of whatever point it is that he wishes to make to be held back in his delivery by an electronic, computerized device that operates at far slower speed than Trump’s brain and mouth. I can envision Donald trying to do so, and when he finds the instrument falling behind, yelling at it with forefinger, stabbing, “You’re fired!”

As this 2016 campaign progresses, it will be interesting to see who among the myriad Republican candidates will be able to match the fearless and refreshing spontaneity of No Teleprompter Trump.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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Well bless his heart.
It is a breath of fresh air to see this, though.
AND the comedic value is priceless.
I may just vote for him.
What do I have to lose??
🙄 😀


I think this instructional video says it all, especially when they get to the part about the brain surgeon.



Sorry, messed that up.


Trump is more of a leader then a lot of what I’m seeing running for office. There has been a lot of dirty shit going on here in Arizona because our beloved RINO Senator McCain got his feelings Hurt. Well at tump says it the way it is.


Say what you will about him (I think he’s a pompous ass, personally), he doesn’t hold back. I’d take odds he could reduce shrillary to tears. I’m looking forward to it.

2/17 Air Cav

Teleprompters protect against stupid speak. There is an exception to that:

2/17 Air Cav

It wasn’t much of a battle. Sharpton beat the crap out of the teleprompter every time.


Anyone want to play Predict the Future?

Here’s my entry:

Trump gets mad at GOP, runs as third party candidate.

Hillary melts down over email-gate

Webb finds VP who appeals to liberals

Webb with Cuomo as VP win in 2016

2/17 Air Cav

“Webb finds VP who appeals to liberals” His appeal to liberals is sufficient.

“Webb with Cuomo as VP win in 2016”
Cripes. What a horrible thought.


Don’t forget Uncle Joe (“that’s a big fucking deal”) Biden.

God forbid!


Another non-teleprompter guy that impressed me today when he called the Senate Majority Leader a “liar” using no notes or teleprompter for almost 20 minutes on the floor of the Senate: Ted Cruz.


Yeah, Ted Cruz FTW.


“Say what you will about the Donald – the man is never at a loss to express what’s churning around in that poorly coiffed skull. It simply flows, freely and naturally, unfearful of media consequences…”

True enough. Then again, diarrhea flows freely and naturally too.

He’s a blowhard, ignorant, bloviating attention whore. Both political ends of the media run after him, eagerly waiting on every word he says, and the vacuous talking heads who inhabit the media these days are thanking their lucky stars that he’s giving them something to talk about. It’s much easier for them to argue about the nonsensical bullshit that Trump spouts than to do real reporting.

2/17 Air Cav

It’s true what you say about media loving the guy, and he doesn’t disappoint. Need a story? Go talk to Trump. He’ll give you headlines. The thing is, the voting public is so damn stupid (oBaMa not once but twice) that unless the GREAT SILENT MAJORITY wakes up and gets to the polls behind one of the two actual conservatives now declared, anything can happen and will. Hell, Bernie Sanders is a freakin socialist, a former rad, at least as left as oBaMa, and he’s said to be legit.

Mr. Blue

Kind of like Joe Biden, really.


You’re fired!”

Well, he didn’t quite say that yesterday — he was explaining how the press takes a “quarter of this sentence, half of another sentence, and puts it together.”

Then he pointed to the Telemundo reporter and said,

“You’re finished.”
at 1:02

Perry Gaskill

Donald Trump has about as much chance of being elected as my dog does learning to fly an airplane. And anybody taking his campaign seriously might well be missing the main point.

At this point in the election cycle, Trump is a loose cannon, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. If nothing else, elements of candor and bluntness are a strong counter-point to a broader trend of putting great effort into saying at great length that which does not actually say much at all; if your key criteria is to not offend anybody, in reality you stand for nothing.

It might also be pointed out that leadership and popularity are not the same thing. Good leadership can cause popularity, or not, to no ill effect, but it’s not the same the other way around. Something which seems to have eluded the current occupant of the White House.

If the Trump campaign throws the fat in the fire enough to cause the real issues to be asked and answered, it shouldn’t be considered a failure even if he loses the election.


Remember that old saying “I would rather vote for Mickey Mouse than all those politicians currently running”.

We have reached that point where that strategy may come into play. Personally I love it. He is churning the campaign and making it interesting and not so full of “mealy mouthed” empty promises which is what we get out of both sides since, I don’t know-1988.

See what is happening though? Today Cruz came out swinging. I like that and I think it is because people are connecting with the refreshingly fearless way the Donald is doing things.


I don’t believe The Donald has a prayer of winning the Primary, but he sure makes the process entertaining!


And he’s not hitting us for donations yet either…


It’s way too early to even begin to think about who has my vote for November 2016.
What I do like though is the way that Trump has taken off the gloves when dealing with these fucking stupid liberal assholes that are hell bent on destroying our country.
I do believe that a more likely scenario is that Trump threatens to leave the GOP but finally they accede to his demands for a real campaign and he teams up with Ted Cruz who is a fast learner judging from the way he continues to call a lot of shots for the GOP in spite of the shitty way they are treating him because he isn’t one of the genteel set and probably doesn’t play golf with the right people like Bush and the rest of the clowns do.
All of the rest of the pack are different shades of muave hiring the same campaign consultants that gave this fucking country away to libs back in 2008.
The problem is that all of them have gone native after a couple of years in DC and I doubt that many of them can even begin to think of anything except how to best continue to “work” with the other side like oboner and mcdoodlysquat are doing in the congress right now.
I listen to Mark Levin for the real story of what is really happening in the political world now. Most of the rest of them continue to play along with libs to a certain extent, and I am sick to fucking death of hearing the same old shit in a bright shiny brand new package that actually offers less than the old package did. Just like they are doing with laundry soap now. You used to get 160 Oz now you get a new bottle more water and only 140 oz changed to 60 loads instead of the 160 you were used to buying…
Fuck these liberals.


I already know who I’m voting for in November- whoever is on the Republican ticket.
Now the Primary, I’m leaning towards Scott…


How refreshing is it for a politician to pander to whites and not run away from his shadow to appease libtards and criminals.

Trump shows exactly how the Republican party has forgotten it’s law abiding tax paying base.


im not sure if I support him yet or not. At first I didn’t think so but the more he says, the more I like him.

AND he damn sure can’t do any worse than what we have had for the last 7 years. But then again a drunk, blind, monkey with half a functioning brain and no balls couldn’t accidentally F up more than the current jack wagon has.

I just hope that the GOP candidates don’t do what they did 3 years ago, and that was tear each other apart so bad that they ran off all of the independents and half of the conservative voters.

Maybe the libs will keep themselves so busy with banning confederate memorials and artifacts that they will never notice the campaign is going on till it’s too late.


RPR, I agree with you. I have read elsewhere that some think Trump is only running to eventually run third party and Ross Perot the election, for Hillary though not Webb.

The GOP candidates need to stop skewering each other. When asked a question about another GOP candidate they need to firmly speak up and say Well gee Bob, have to hunted down how the Rose law firms billing records ended up in the White House yet? How about Benghazi? Who gave the stand down order? And that avowed communist Weak-end Bernie running for pResident. Have you asked him what happens when he runs out of spending other peoples money?

There are lots of questions they could ask. They need to band together as a group and attack the Dems/communists first.


This is someone else’s assessment of Trump:

He may be good for business and the USA economy, But that might just describe the fact that he has enjoyed great financial success personally in the USA. It does not mean he will be the president, unless the USA is entering a war, and the voters feel he would be the best Commander in Chief.

Now, Trump might be good for business and getting the USA’s financial house in order.

I don’t doubt him when he says he’ll bring jobs back here from overseas. But those countries he mentions are our trading partners and some of them (e.g., China) hold a lot of US debt. Greece was not only not voted out of the EU, but defaulted on its debt and got another loan. If you and I did that – default is the same as bankruptcy – we’d be in real serious trouble financially. Some cities in this country are already seeing their bond ratings downgraded to junk status. They are cities run by democrap mayors. Is that what the US is going to become? Could Trump get us out of that dilemma?

In regard to a war, is he savvy enough to run it properly and finish it if he starts it? I don’t know, but I think he’d be more supportive of the military than previous people in that seat.

Scott Walker (WI) just dropped his name in the hat. He stood up to the unions and got the ‘right to work’ law supported.

But what if there are four parties and no one gets a majority of votes?


I posted this about Trump in response to an article I saw about Trump on Facebook and then I thought I’d turn it into a status update. It also addresses my thoughts about this article. I think the Donald isn’t serious and probably wouldn’t make much of a President but I understand why he’s popular sooooooo here goes. Trump remains popular because he talks about things that most people realize need to be talked about. And he does it directly. Unfortunately he appeals to the lowest common denominator instead of the highest. No sane person believes all or even a majority of illegals are raping murdering drug lords but most politicians are to busy pandering for votes and afraid of causing miniscule offense to bring up the small but significant percentage who are and the massive damage they cause. Most people will break small laws when they don’t see the damage but won’t break big ones. But people who break big ones will almost always disobey the small ones as well. So you have a bad element in the illegal population far outweighing their participation in that ethnic group overall. And we get them because we won’t ENFORCE our own laws. Trump isn’t afraid to mention that and many other issues. Because of that he’s popular. Unfortunately I think he isn’t afraid to mention them because HE ISN’T SERIOUS ABOUT GETTING ELECTED! I’d love to see a leader on either side who ran for something instead of against the other party. The lack of such a person is why we haven’t had any decent electoral contests or progress since the early 90s. Say what you want about Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich but the 92 and 94 national elections were about major issues that the people could identify with. Does anyone else see it that way? Anyone else waiting for a LEADER, not a politician who believes and campaigns for something instead of “I’m not the other guy” I don’t think Trump is that guy/girl. But I’m hungry to see someone like that and I think the Trump fan base… Read more »


I don’t buy half of what the media presents. For one thing, I don’t think Trump is insane therefore I don’t think he believes they’re all of those things either. But I do think Trump is showboating for his own reasons not because he truly intends to be President. I think he says what he does, the way he does to get ratings not thoughtful votes. I don’t think much of McCain on several issues. But I do think he’s right about Trump. Trump appeals to the crazy and everyone has some crazy in them. Hell, how many of us watch shows like Dexter and cheer for a psychopathic serial killer because he chops up bad guys. How many of us watch Game of Thrones and cheered at the horrific death of a teenage boy because he was a deranged monster? Trump says what he does about issues that irritate many of us to no ends. He’s blunt and to the point and a bit crazy. It appeals to us because the other politicians are to cowardly to address it at all. If they did address these issues in serious manner, directly with an intent to actually work towards solving the issue, I don’t think Trump would even be on the radar. I see Trump as a reaction to a broken system that produces wimps and poll based, lawyer and PR approved statements over actual leadership.


Trump is not crazy.

He’s outspoken, obnoxious and blunt, and he knows how to get things done.

To say that he’s blunt and a bit crazy refutes your own statement that you don’t buy the libertard meme that he’s crazy.

I think he is savvy enough to know that this outspoken, blunt speech was badly needed to air out a political boiler room, get the smoke and the smell out and let in some fresh air. There is nothing wrong with that, and whether or not he sticks it out, or even starts his own independent party, it doesn’t matter.

But the question I asked: what if he and Sanders each form their own parties and dump the standard media-dominated and media-owned parties? And what if both of them take votes away from Bush or shrillary, and no one gets a majority?

I think that needs to be addressed.

My personal opinion of Trump, after watching him on ‘The Apprentice’ many times, is that he brooks no nonsense, period. Perhaps we need someone like that in the White House. Or perhaps what he’s doing is rocking the boat to wake the complacent and lazy out of their stupor, and we all agree that this kind of thing is badly needed.

In this world, we cannot afford to be complacent. I said that in my own post and it applies to everything else.


I said Trump isn’t insane and that everyone is a bit crazy. So I don’t think I negated my point.

I do think Trump takes nonsense from himself. He’s been flirting with running for President since he wrote The Art of the Deal. Which is one of the reasons I don’t think he’s serious this time either.

I agree about him being blunt and outspoken. I believe that’s another way of saying what I already said.

He’s saying things that need to be said. He’s saying them in a way that I don’t think will solve the problems because I don’t think he’s productive on this issue.

I wish someone serious would address these issues as openly as Trump has.


Really? You can’t even read your own copy?

These are YOUR words, Mike:

Trump says what he does about issues that irritate many of us to no ends. He’s blunt and to the point and a bit crazy.

You wanta go over that again?


I also said EVERYONE is a bit crazy. Did you not read the rest of my statement explaining how I think of that?

Insane is a more clinical term that implies abnormality or inability to function.

See the difference?


Oh, but unlike you, I read the entire thing. I simply quoted you. Stop trying to wiggle out of it, and ditch the technicalities.

I quoted you and now you refuse to admit blah-blah-blah. Nice try.


pulling quotes out of context really doesn’t prove anything. I explained what I believe and why and posted it in the comment. I don’t believe it was wrong.


I think most folks will agree Mike, that illegal immigration and crime are major domestic issues during this election cycle.