“I just saw what was going on and did what I could to help.”

| July 8, 2015

Imagine, for a moment, that a man saves the lives of 669 people.  Then imagine that his good deeds remain hidden for almost 50 years – even from his wife.

You don’t have to imagine that; it’s not fiction.  Such a man died one week ago today.

His name was Sir Nicholas Winton, of Great Britain.  In late 1938, he was a young stockbroker.  He went to continental Europe on holiday.

What happened next was . . . remarkable.  In many ways.

Go here, here, and here for additional details.  I think you’ll be impressed – and likely awed.  You might also want to have a tissue handy.

Afterwards, Winton kept quiet about what he’d done for nearly 50 years.  The title of this article is how Winton described his actions after they’d become public.

That to me is nearly as impressive as the acts themselves.

Sir Nicholas Winton passed away on 1 July 2015.  His last birthday was on 19 May of this year; it was his 106th.

Rest in peace, Sir Winton.  Rest in well-earned peace.

. . .

Postscript:  Ironically, Winton has never received one honor that you might expect.  Although Winton was British and was baptized – and presumably raised – as a Christian, his parents were originally Jewish.  They emigrated from Germany to England 2 years before Winton was born; they converted to Christianity after arrival in England.

The fact that Winton’s parents were originally Jewish apparently prevents him from being declared a “Righteous Gentile” by Israel and so honored at Yad Vashem.  Go figure.

Category: Blue Skies, Historical

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Dave Hardin

That is an amazing story. Exceptional humility for a man that committed acts of heroism during a time when our humanity was in question.


Great post, Hondo. Reading this has made my day.

True humility, he will be great in the Kingdom to come.


Gets dusty in here sometimes.


Holy Crap. That is truly awesome. Thanks for putting this here.

B Woodman

I saw a brief clip when he was on the BBC show with the grown children he had rescued.
It got dusty then, and it’s dusty now.
‘Scuse me, I need to blow my nose & dry my eyes. Allergies, don’t’cha know.


Under Jewish law, the son of a Jewish mother is Jewish and a member of the tribe; rejecting the religion does not change that status. The same rule applied to his mother. I think the determination goes back five or so generations.

Thus, Sir Nicholas was Jewish under Jewish law and recognized as such under Israeli law. He would have had the right to Israeli citizenship if he had wanted it. However, under Israeli law he was not a gentile.

Regardless, he was one seriously humble bad ass and the world is a little less bright from the loss of his light.


Thank you Hondo. I have saved those articles in my archives. I could not say it better than you Sir, “Rest in peace, Sir Winton. Rest in well-earned peace.”

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure he was being thanked by the parents of the kids he saved right after he passed through the Pearly Gates.

Bill M



I won’t lie, there is no dust in here. Those articles made my eyes moist.