Francisco Sanchez. Illegal alien/felon gets a gun.

| July 8, 2015

You’ve probably heard the story of Francisco Sanchez who murdered Kathryn Steinle at Pier 14 in San Francisco last week. He claims that he found the gun wrapped in a shirt and when he picked it up, it began shooting all by itself, murdering the hapless Ms. Steinle. The Christian Science Monitor asked how Sanchez could get a gun, you know, since he was a seven-time convicted felon who had been deported five times back to his Mexican home. The gun-grabbers are quick to blame our lack of background checks and controls on legitimate gun owners;

Advocates of gun control have long argued for more regulation around who can own and purchase firearms, as well as around permits needed to carry a concealed weapon in public – and have fought harder to do so after incidents such as the San Francisco pier shooting and last month’s killing of nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C by a lone gunman.

“Every day, 88 lives are lost in shootings across our nation,” Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said in a statement following the Charleston incident.

“Most of these tragedies are preventable through sensible solutions that just keep guns out of the wrong hands,” he added, “solutions like expanding Brady background checks on all gun sales, and shutting down the small number of ‘bad apple’ gun dealers that supply almost all crime guns.”

I agree completely, especially in light of the news that the gun, until a month ago, belonged to a federal law enforcement agent when it was liberated from that agent’s vehicle somehow.

The gun used by a Mexican illegal immigrant when he allegedly shot dead a 32-year-old woman at a San Francisco pier belonged to a federal agent, a source confirmed to Fox News Tuesday.

It was not immediately clear how Francisco Sanchez, 45, would have obtained the weapon. However, the San Francisco Chronicle reported sources told the paper the gun had been stolen during a car burglary in June.

So, here we have a guy who has been deported five times, convicted of felonies seven times who steals a gun from an LEO’s automobile. But, apparently, more stringent background checks on legitimate gun owners would have prevented him from stealing that gun and shooting Ms. Steinle.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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FoxNews just reported that the .40 S&W handgun was apparently left in the Federal Agent’s auto when it was stolen (I believe about 30 days ago)…..a definite no-no!

As I recall the perp said that the gun went off three times after barely touching it….killing the young lady. As you guys know, most if not all auto-loading service weapons today are DA only or a “safe-action” design, unlike the 1911 Colt.

Old Trooper

Well, striker fire are alittle different and that’s probably what it was. Still, you have to have your hand positioned be pointing at your intended target, with a little take up on the trigger, before it fires.

He’s full of shit.


The sad thing is, as long as a “jury of his peers” believes it can happen, he walks.

In DC, a knife jumped out and attacked someone on July 4th. A cell phone caused it all.


That whole story makes me sick. Piece of shit. Look at his eyes. Fking animal. I was near there Sat, in NOVA with friends, but we decided not to metro over due to weather. No CC allowed where that happen. One person CC’d could have saved that mans life. Killed for what? POS threw the dudes phone down. Fk him.

john mcmahon

Yeah, he was probably so high that he didn’t know his booger hook was on the bang switch. Too bad he didn’t look down the muzzle first to see if there was a round chambered.


Who the hell keeps a weapon in a parked car? Just think, the federal agent who did that can carry anywhere he wants, and will be able to carry concealed in all 50 states after he retires, because he is better trained than the rest of us.


“Who the hell keeps a weapon in a parked car” – in 1970 I was in the Army, a trainee in my first assignment after basic. In those days when payday came around, we were paid in cash. The procedure is – the day before payday one of the Company officers checks out a 1911 and goes to the payroll office where he picks up the money to pay everyone. As I recall it was about $25,000 in cash. In this case the 2LT took the money and the pistol home and left them on the floor in the back seat of his car – he didn’t want them in his apartment. The next morning the Company CO asked the 2LT where the money and pistol were – because they weren’t in the company safe. He told the CO what he did. It was interesting for this E2 to see a Captain with “been there, done that” medals chewing out a 2LT for being an idiot. I think that the 2LT as 22, he had just graduated from college. The Captain was probably 25.


As a 2LT at Fort Carson back in 67 and 68 I was payroll officer several times. I had to be at the company arms room at 0600 to draw a 45 (but no ammo) then be at the finance office when they opened at 0700 to pick up and count the payroll. No opportunity to draw weapon or $$ the night before.


I was at Carson 66-67 training with the 12th ACR. Too many years ago.


My little incident was Fort Devens roughly mid-summer in 1970. I was casual, waiting for school, working for the company clerk. The CO was HIGHLY annoyed both about the cash and about the pistol.


Gotta ask, Richard: did both items “disappear”, or were they simply left improperly secured overnight but not stolen?


If this happened on my (old) job I’d be parking cars at the local Walmart because I couldn’t qualify for a square badge in their security department.

Irresponsible and reckless doesn’t even come close.


Why leave a gun in a parked car? Because you are obeying the law. As an example – in Texas you have a concealed carry license that lets you carry anywhere, right? Except in posted bars and restaurants…and sporting events…and in schools…civic buildings… the list goes on. There is a whole patchwork mosaic of places you legally can and can’t carry – and if you are out and need to go into one of ’em – you secure the gun in the closest locked place, like maybe, oh, your parked and locked car. Give the poor Fed a break until you find out he screwed up.


David, I have the greatest respect for you ………BUT, no law enforcement officer should ever leave a handgun in his vehicle. If there was a very secure “lock-box” okay…otherwise, NEVER! No excuses….not to say that there are some extenuating circumstance that I personally can’t think of right now…..I really want to give this guy the benefit of the doubt…..but.


The part of Sanchez’s claim where he says he “found the gun wrapped in a shirt” may well be true. He just may have forgotten to mention that it was wrapped in a shirt inside a car he’d just broken into.


Kinda makes ya wonder just which alphabet soup agency monogram was on the shirt. The shirt should be fairly easy to locate, shouldn’t it?

Roger in Republic

It was BLM. Turns out it belonged to a Forrest Service ranger on official travel. OOPS!


88 lives a day? Wow.

Wonder what the number is after you subtract law abiding citizens practicing their Constitutional Right to self defense defending themselves and their property, justifiable shootings by LEO, and etc.

If the Brady bunch told me their were 20 nickels in a dollar, I wouldn’t believe them.


They’re actually correct – the number of firearms-related homicides in the US in 2013 was a bit over 11,000. Presumably that includes both murders and justifiable homicides.

And as was the case with my other comment, that’s also irrelevant. If someone is committing a murder, they’re intent on taking a human life (or at least on doing grievous bodily harm). In such incidents, someone – either the criminal perp or their intended victim – is likely going to die, regardless of the weapon used. Ergo, whether a firearm or other weapon was used in each such incident is irrelevant. Indeed, one can argue that potential victims showing up with an unexpected weapon could actually save lives, as in such cases sometimes the perp decides to leave before violence occurs.


Doesn’t count, Hondo. In the world of People Who Are Afraid of Guns (PWAAGs), it does not matter if a gun was used properly for self-defense or to simply stop a crime. The dead are dead, so they all come under one label: Dead By Gunzzzz.


Sorry, I meant GDContractor. Too early. Not enough caffeine, and my cat snored all night.


That’s all right. In my post, “Constitutional Right to self defense” was supposed to include a [sarc] tag, but I mistakenly left it out.


At least he didn’t lay on your chest like a ton of bricks and pat your face with his paw so you would pet him at 3 am.

My cat is an asshole.


Good question.

There were indeed somewhat over 33,000 firearms-related deaths in the US during 2013. However, over 21,000 of those were suicides. Past research indicates that most if not all of those suicides would very likely have happened by other means had a firearm not been available, so including them is bullsh!t. The people citing that number know that; they’re deliberately obfuscating here to inflate the numbers.

Further, the firearm “homicides” total is somewhat over 11,000. That appears to include both justifiable homicides (self-defense) and murders. In each of these incidents, presumably the incident was intentional – and in each, a death would also likely have occurred regardless of firearms availability (murderers know how to use knives and blunt objects, too).

The remaining somewhat more than 1,000 firearms-related deaths were due to a combination of bona fide accidents, incidents in which category could not be determined, and (possibly) LE actions. It’s unclear whether perps killed in a shootout with LE are included in the homicides total above.

In short: they’re lying in the most effective way known – telling the truth, but in a way to give an inaccurate impression of reality.


“so including them is bullsh!t”. Of course it is, it came from the Brady Campaign. That’s all they do, shovel bullshit.
But, depending on which source one uses, there are anywhere from 78,000 to roughly 195,000 deaths from medical negligence and malpractice. Far more than all gun deaths, but no one’s panties appear bunched over that.


Hell, UpNorth – there are more deaths due to auto accidents. But you don’t see the “gun grabber” crowd arguing that autos should be outlawed. They just want everybody to drive a “green” car like the ones driven by the “Pricks-R-Us” crowd.


Well, if they thought they could get away with it, they’d ban cars for anyone not in their crowd. Public tranportation, and all that.


Yep, we aren’t allowed to make illegal immigration “illegal” so we’ll make guns more illegal.

Plus, we can’t attack “sanctuary” cities where these dirtbags hang out. Granted, in San Francisco if the sheriff tries to pull someone over and they run, the sheriff can’t chase because someone might get hurt by them going fast too.

Still waiting for that earthquake to drop the liberal parts of California into the ocean as islands so we can isolate these baskets of lunacy.

Perry Gaskill

Personally, I’m still waiting for people like Sanchez to be treated to a short boat ride out to the Farallon Islands for a refreshing swim. What with the islands being a sanctuary for Great White sharks and all…


Well, goodness me! Didn’t no one tell that Sancheese fella to keep his snotpicker off the bang switch?

The idiot statistic quoted on the news the other day by the chief of CPD was that 22% of the guns used in gang shootings came from Indiana gun shops. I noticed he wasn’t asked how that happened, because Indie gun shop owners probably have to follow the same rules as everyone else. He also didn’t offer any proof for what he said.

B Woodman

And Indiana is rather far away. You’d think that the gang-bangers would go to Nevada or Arizona to get their guns, a lot closer.

May I toss a garrison-sized red BS flag (with the pole up his azz) on the chief’s ass-ertation?


Oh, come on! He has to remove his head from the mayor’s butt every time he gets a public appearance with a table full of gunzzzz. Do you think that walrus-mustached, bloviating idiot would even pay attention to a BS flag?


Rather far away? Not if “CPD” is short for “Chicago Police Department”. Gary, IN, is literally adjacent to SE Chicago. You can literally walk from one city to the other – not sure I would try, but it’s at least theoretically possible.

That 22% may well be correct. But I’m wondering what proportion of that 22% were illegally obtained (theft, strawman buyers, purchase by felons who lied on application, etc . . . ).


I wouldn’t make that walk even with a Platoon of Infantrymen in full battle rattle.

Dave Hardin

I guess you Gun Nutz will just play with the numbers until they add up like you want them to.

If people dont have guns then less people will die from gun violence. You solution to the following incident would probably be to gun down 40 people.

See, no guns, nobody died.

B Woodman

Damned. Too bad he wasn’t carrying concealed. Ventilate a few, and then walk away (in keeping with the philosophy of the Four Esses, one of which is “Silence”).
The first time I hear of a Polar Bear Attack in The City Near Where I Live, you bet’cha, I’m carrying 24/7.

Dave Hardin

And people wonder why I carry two extra magazines. That 30 round magazine is looking better every day.


How about the gun grabbing advocates add to their agenda, “Once deported always deported and if we catch you here again, you will be executed immediately”. That would satisfy me and would have left Ms. Steinle still with us.


This just happened and it’s meme-ready:

Whenever a liberal says “background”, pretend you heard “border” instead.

Q: “Do you support background checks?”
A: “Yes, I absolutely support border checks.”


“shutting down the small number of ‘bad apple’ gun dealers that supply almost all crime guns.”

Dear Brady Campaign,

I think you just got long winded and meant to say “criminals”….There, fixed it for you….


The legal gun owner who didn’t kill anyone today….

A Proud Infidel®™

HERE YOU GO saying something that makes sense, the liberal gun grabbers will simply choke on it, regurgitate, and spew more of their blather!
I once worked in a place that was known for hiring ex-felons, and any of them would tell you that they knew how to get ahold of a gun as soon as they got out if they wanted to, it’s as easy as them finding drugs.


Still remember when a writer from one of the gun rags like Shooting Times went to England and bought a pistol illegally. Claimed it took him something like two hours from the time he landed.


Multiple felon/repeat illegal immigrant/used a stolen weapon.

Yeah, it’s totally plausible that a better background check would have prevented the lady’s murder. Like maybe one at the SF jail when they released him less than 3 months before he offed the lady.




They didn’t even have to do a background check on Sanchez. There was a CBP Detainer on his illegal ass, the sheriff of San Francisco took it upon his department to refuse to honor the detainer.


The last statement was me being sardonic, UpNorth. That was precisely the “background check” to which I was referring.

You’re correct, of course. The SFPD decided to release a known criminal wanted by Federal authorities because they disagreed with Federal law. What happened not long afterwards was quite generally predictable, even if the specifics were not.

In my book, that means the murdered lady’s blood is on the SFPD’s hands – along with the hands of the SF Politburo, which approved the SF amnesty program in the first place.


It’s a shame that that fourteenth amendment thingee can’t be construed to mean “equal prosecution under the law”.


“All animals are equal. But some are more equal than others.”


Betcha a bag of donuts that the agent left his weapon in the car because he was off drinking!

But what do I know …


I heard it was BLM not Secret Service….

A Proud Infidel®™

A Fed is a Fed is a Fed…


A weapon can only be left in G-Ride if in a safe and or positive locking system (like for shotgun or rifle), on an authrorized stop and or under protection of secondary security.

There is no good reason why this weapon made it in to the hands of this criminal illegal alien!

Yeah, I did not say “undocumented immigrant”.


So, now, my question is……since he was deported 5 times and got back into the US, will he get a lifetime of 3 hots and a cot at the expense of California taxpayers? Serious question.


That is entirely possible. As well as lifetime medical care and clothing, plus education.


The white European elites in Mejico are laughing their asses off…USA a dumping ground for their undesirable, uneducated, & unskilled brownie meztizos. Perhaps fair play is in order…load up con air flights w/ our millions of dregs, and off load them into Mexico City.