Susan Gonzalez and the case for gun ownership
First Coast News tells the story of Susan Gonzalez and her experience 18 years ago when she went to open the door when she thought her son was trying to get in – instead the door was ripped from it’s hinges and two men forced their way in to the house. While she fled her attackers, Gonzalez was shot. While she lay on the floor bleeding, her husband was shot while he struggled with the attackers. Susan recognized an opportunity to get her husband’s gun and she brought it bear on the situation and shot one of the attackers in the back. They both ran outside, but one didn’t get far before he collapsed from his wounds;
“A lot of people are against guns because they say guns kill, ” said Gonzalez. “Guns saved my life and I was against guns. I now carry.”
She has a concealed weapons permit and said she practices on a regular basis.
“What happened to us, I would never in a million years would have dreamed it would happen to us,’ she said.
“I can only hope that another woman or even man will take a look and realize there’s a reason to have guns for safety,” she said.
She said many have criticized her for shooting the suspect, but she said what she did was to save her family.
“Anyone that is a victim never expects to be a victim,” said Gonzalez. “You should be prepared.”
Gonzalez’ story airs tomorrow night on Discovery Channel’s “Over My Dead Body”.
In my searches for our “Feel Good Stories”, I regularly read articles about folks who didn’t have a gun when they needed one – usually ending badly for the innocent victims who did nothing to invite an attack on themselves or their families or their property, other than just living their lives in relative comfort.
To see what I mean, Google “Home Invasion” sometime in the news category of searches. Scores of incidents across the country every day. All the police can do is investigate and punish the perpetrators which is very little help to the victims in many cases, if the criminals get caught at all.
Category: Guns
FUCK the snotnosed ninny-nanny gun-baners, she had every right to shoot her attackers the moment they broke into her family’s abode, but they, I’m preachin’ to the choir here on TAH! One thing is for sure about CF Permits, most States have reciprocity with each other!
I didn’t read the story but I hope her husband lived. A new (to read it from 18 years ago) believer in, be prepared, be forewarned and be armed for the occasion.
Interesting how one’s opinions of firearms changes when faced with reality. I’m sorry she had to experience this first hand, but glad she’s taking responsibility for her own and her family’s safety now.
Shocking, liberal loonies didn’t like what Susan did making a poor defenseless misunderstood home invader go deceased. How dare she defend herself. Looks like she fired a Luger pistol based on news clip – nice.
Bottom line… A GUN has never taken a life without human intervention in some form.
Unless we can make every gun on the planet simply vanish there is little merit in trying anything less.
Note to the NSA: I ain’t got any of them gun things!
As I’ve heard the expression, “A conservative is a Libtard who’s been mugged by reality.”
Good for Ms Gonzalez for taking charge of her own defense, and I hope the rest of her family follows from her example.
While I have owned guns most of my life, I had only toyed with getting a carry permit, but wasn’t in much of a hurry to do so, until something happened to snap my dumb ass out of the complacency fog I had been wandering around in.
I was going to a convenience store that I frequented usually on weekend mornings, one Saturday, I had changed my mind and went to a different one. Well, later that morning, I had stopped in and noticed a couple of sheriff’s cars in the parking lot, which wasn’t a big deal, since I lived in a comparatively small rural town, but when I got inside, I noticed that they were conducting an investigation. So I asked one of the workers what happened. It seems that a couple of misguided young men had decided to perform an armed robbery at the same time I would have been there early that morning. One of the misguided young men had put a pistol in the face of the clerk, who is a friend of mine, who is married with children. They caught the 2 misguided youths later that day and it appears that those same 2 were suspected in several home invasions in the West suburbs of Mpls, just down the road from me, and another convenience store robbery in a neighboring town. My friend was lucky, because a lot of times, the clerk doesn’t get off so easy. What if someone had been home at those home invasions?
That was when I decided; enough dicking around, it was time for me to start packing. I refuse to be a victim.
I noticed in the story that the bad guys were also able to kick the door off of its hinges. (More likely off of the door frame…)
Point being that you need to replace the screws in the door frame holding the striker plates and hinges with something a little bit longer. Most if these screws nowadays are maybe 3/4 if an inch – easy to defeat. By taking less than 5 minutes to replace those screws with 3 to 3 1/2 inch wood screws, you’ve at most defeated the home invader and at least bought a few more minutes to prepare for his entry (and hopeful ventilation).
Having had my life saved by a gun I understand how important it is to always bee prepared for the worst that life has to offer.
These stupid libs want us to be completely defenseless in the face of mortal danger whether at home, at work or even in the military as they continue to show us how their military is nothing but a social experiment and the ROE’s require that a lawyer must be contacted before a Trooper in danger can shoot back.
That is the way they want it in our cities…
Let me adjust your thinking just slightly. The mindset you’re describing has nothing to do with wanting to be defenseless. What they want to be, is SAFE. They can’t face reality, so they opt for the fantasy that inside every ravening killer is a little child that is begging to come out. If the killer confronts nice, safe, harmless people, the little child inside will take over and make him play nice with his new friends. Think I’m joking? Being sarcastic? I’m as serious as a heart attack. I work with them every day — do-gooders who would save the world if they could, hearts of pure gold…and absolute mush for brains.
I think Ranger Up! put it best with:
Lord, make me fast and accurate
Let my aim be true and my hands faster than those who would seek to destroy me.
Grant me victory over my foes and those that wish to do harm to me and mine.
Let not my last thought be “if only I had my gun”
And Lord If today is truly the day that you call me home,
Let me die in a pile of brass
Papa taught us gun safety first with a Red Rider BB gun, then pellet, .22 rifle, and up. Then we learned hand guns, shotguns. I carried on his teachings to my children. 11 year old grand daughter is on the .22 with scope. She knows archery and is ready for a crossbow. It’s not guns that kill people, it’s a trained person who uses his RIGHTS to take down a scumbag WHO CHOSES’ TO COMMIT A CRIMES, instead of working AGAINST HARD WORKING PEOPLE. I have had friends who would not allow their children to play with my kids because of our guns. EVEN showing the gun safes with a combination. Much different now with my granddaughters friends. Even if they cut off our fingers, ten thumbs and 40 fingers how many different combinations are there? Rather have and not need, then need and be DRT..