Gunmen kill 27 on Tunisian beach
UPI reports that gunmen attacked sunbathers on a beach near Sousse, Tunisia today. According to reports there are 27 dead.
Sources told Al Jazeera the gunmen exchanged fire with security forces before one man fled.
British tourist Gary Pine told Sky News he thought at first that “fire crackers” were going off at the hotel.
“There was a mass exodus off the beach,” he said. “My son was in the sea at the time and myself and my wife were shouting at him to get out and as he ran up he said ‘I’ve just saw someone get shot.'”
From Sky News;
According to BBC, the Tunisian interior minister told them that he’s calling it a terrorist attack.
Category: Breaking News, Terror War
“According to BBC, the Tunisian interior minister told them that he’s calling it a terrorist attack.”
Wonder what Obama will call it.
Work Place violence. Disgruntled staff.
“All they needed was a $15/hour job and this would never have happened!” – B.H. Obama
When are people around the world going to tell lawyers and politicians to go ph-ck themselves! They should and then arm themselves so they can protect against that type of vermin! Politicians (which are just lawyers that came out of the coccoon, are destroying this world being lead by satan, and its time people realized who their REAL enemy is!
Preach it!
This is clearly a case of workplace violence by an angry, right wing, gun nut that is angry about the Confederate flags being taken down.
Who except Europeans I guess take a tourist trip to Tunisia? Of all the beaches they could find, go to a known shit hole by all means. Maybe there are Expedia discounts for terrorist enclaves.
Hate to say it, but a lot of these resorts are preferable to Greece, and a shitload cheaper than continental Europe.
Tunisia is NOT a shithole. It’s one of very few Muslim majority countries where freedom of religion is considered an inalienable right. There is a long established Jewish population there. Aside from all that the beaches are gorgeous.
Tunisia is not a terrorist enclave. It’s a mecca for vacationers form Europe.
It’s the crazies who want to turn it into another den of terrorism.
But I do have to ask when the Euro population, including Brits, will wake up to the fact that this is not going away unless they make that happen. You’d think that the Brits, at least, would get that this is no different from the IRA/Sinn Fein’s destructive rampages.
The only thing that is going to stop this shyt is a bounty on terrorists! without killing the vermin off, nothing is going to change….as for the stupid brits, aussies and others that took peoples guns away….they are part of the problem NOT part of the solution!
My Grandpa once had a good day in Tunis in 1943. Of course, it was while his Liberty Ship was loading gear to run over to Sicily for Operation Husky.
He got a pass to leave the ship (antiaircraft gunners aren’t necessarily crucial to packing the holds) and spent the day combing every hospital in the city looking for his brother-in-law, whom he’d never met before. Uncle Ollie was a ground crewman in the 97th BG who’d been burned in an accidental fire (he never did tell us if it was his still or somebody else’s), and was sent to Tunis along with thousands of combat casualties from Sicily. Grandpa got a letter from Grandma that mentioned this, thought, “Hey, I’m in Tunis too! What the hell.”
Took him all day, but Grandpa found him. He and Uncle Ollie were best friends from that day onward. That was the second and last time he voluntarily went ashore in North Africa, and after his experience the first time, he made sure to “borrow” a .45 before he left the ship.
Tunisia has been escalating violence since the start of the arab spring in December 2010.
Violence has been escalating and the Tunisians are not able to project or disrupt these attacks.
Whatever Tunisia was before December 2010 it’s no longer that now no matter what anyone thinks or pretends. They are rapidly becoming another violent shithole where militants commit mass murder.
Perhaps they can correct that issue, perhaps not. Anyone planning a trip there now has to be half a fucking moron to think they are safe in Tunisia. If you like the beach go to Hawaii, sure it costs more but it’s still cheaper than your life and that of your family.
I went to Egypt for my honeymoon back in 2000. Glad I got to see it, but I would never ever consider going there or anywhere else in the Islamic world for any reason, never mind a holiday.
Please dear God I hope he wasn’t flying the Stars and Bars.
I would be interested in any video of what happened, because this sounds strange to me. Do they know if all twenty-seven dead were killed by the terrorists, or were they killed in the cross-fire between them and the security forces?
“Terrorist attack!!! Whodathunkit? If the inalienable right to freedom of religion in a Muslim dominated country exists, would not common sense alert a beach lover?
Final have to admit it; I’m a psychic. Actually I had made reservations at the Spank Me Thank Me Motor Lodge right on that very beach. At the last moment I cancelled when I realized the headlines were going to read “Among the dead was a 70 year old American wearing 60’s style Speedo. First one shot because they thought he was mentally ill.”
If you or I were to wear a Speedo in public, we deserve to get shot…
I thought the President Mom Jeans said this only happens here and no where else in the world.