Homicides up in DC this year
The Washington Post reports that homicides in the District of Columbia are up 20% from last year. The police chief, Cathy Lanier blames the loss of 500 police officers from the Metro DC department;
This year’s homicide count stands at 64, compared with 53 at this time last year.
Other recent homicide victims include a young woman shot waiting for a bus, a motorist shot on the Anacostia Freeway during rush hour, a 15-year-old boy shot after allegedly refusing to give up his designer belt and a homeless man stabbed in a church courtyard. Police have made arrests in the slaying of the teen and in the Savopoulos case, although in that one authorities say they are seeking additional suspects.
“The bottom line is that it is arguments that result in violence,” Lanier said. “Most seem to be over very petty issues.”
Six killings this year were domestic related, Lanier said, and many homicides involved stabbings rather than guns. The chief said there were fewer shootings and assaults with deadly weapons. “Overall, the violence is down,” she said. “The lethality of the violence is up.”
I don’t know how you explain that – more citizens are legally armed with guns this year than last year, but homicides with knives has increased.
By the way, add one more homicide to that count. WTTG reports that a body found burning in a trash container was shot first.
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Not so sure about that “more people are armed” part, Jonn. As of early April, DC had received all of 86 applications for a firearms carry permit. 21 had been approved, 24 had been denied, and the remainder were still pending.
I’m guessing very few if any of those were used for illegal purposes.
I’m guessing that might be reason part of the DC permit process was struck down in court a few weeks ago.
I think maybe some of the armed folks haven’t figured out that is the a.h. comes at you with a knife, he is fair game!!
Where’s the call to ban knives? Surely some scary looking knives where used!?!?
Nobody needs a large capacity assault knife for hunting!
they did ban knives in britain…but then, we know their leadership is all mentally retarded!
Crime is down, huh? She sounds like Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy.
So there are fewer shootings but the lethality of violence is up. Guess guns aren’t the problem after all – that’s what she said.
Which flag can we find to ban that’s related to knives?
This one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia
Homicide count to date is 64. Last year it was 53. Does that moo-cow have a problem with simple arithmetic? Wow. And she gets a paycheck for being poor at math and unable to account for a rise in violence of all types. Unbelievable.
The worst thing I ever experienced on the Beltway was getting stuck in traffic in bad weather, but that couldn’t be helped. Glad I left. It’s a polluted swamp.
It’s that damned flag and we all know it! Rest your souls my brothers. Flags are on the way down. NO DOUBT the murder rate will follow.
I’m sure they’ll bawl for more laws. Gee whiz, another demorat-dominated locale becoming an even more anarchistic hellhole, what else can they ban in order to make themselves feel good?
500 cops quit on Cathy in the past year, huh? So, that wouldn’t have anything to do with a rise in crime rates, eiher – right? Right?
That’s a lot of cops to ditch a job like that. She must really be pissing people off.
If that ain’t indicative of a leadership problem, I don’t know what could be.
Wow, 21 legal guns out of 650,000 people. How many of those legal guns were used in a crime today. Oh, wait, …..there are 12 Million Americans with permits to carry a gun, how many used them to commit a crime today, yesterday, the day before, that total would be exactly NONE. NOT ONE. NOBODY. NADA, ZIP, ZERO.
People with permits to carry a gun commit less crime than Law Enforcement Officers. That right, they are less likely to commit a crime than a police officer.
I hate to confuse people with facts when they have already made up their mind. The ability to shoot back is an extremely effective deterrent, ask the Russians.
From my own experience I would say that more guns, not fewer are needed in that putrid, gangrenous mess of a city.
So fitting it is where the sleazebag politicians inhabit.
I only wonder how they will take it when ovomit opens up low income housing right next to their townhouses? I really hope that he does it soon!
This could get interesting.