Giles P. Carnes plays soldier at traffic stop
Our friends at Guardian of Valor alerted us to this Giles P. Carnes fellow who was pulled over the other day by New Jersey cops. According to Lehigh Valley Live, at routine traffic stop he was found to have a knife and some drugs, so he pulled out the “soldier card”;
Officers learned Carnes, of the 500 block of Selfridge Street, had a warrant out of Mount Olive for $750, and as they were talking to him, Carnes said he was in the Army, police said.
Officers allegedly found a knife on Carnes, and a stun gun on Qin.
Carnes was initially charged with unlawful possession of a weapon, as well as possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. He was sent to Hunterdon County Jail in lieu of $10,000 bail. On Tuesday, prosecutors added a charge of impersonating a member of the United States Armed Forces.
Too bad for him that New Jersey has made impersonating a soldier a crime.
GoV also found these expertly photoshopped photos of Carnes on his Facebook profile.
Category: Phony soldiers
My 12 year old can do a better job of photoshoping
(Just wait ’till Ex-PH2 sees these).
Yes, I don’t see a wedding ring on his left hand. 😉
So the DRG has a token brutha. He also has *superior* Bernathian photoshop skillz.
/so he’s got that going for him, which is nice
That’s some damn fine photo editing skills there!! DIPSHIT
I beg to differ, ChipNASA, He’s at least as bad as bernitwit, maybe worse.
A porcupine could to a better job.
Really is too bad that NJ makes SV a crime, isn’t it?
I heard Gunny Driveway was inconsolable.
It looks like he photoshopped his head onto a GI Joe doll and then stuck it on the background.
Someone, please tell me that I am wrong!
He found the image of an airman posing by a vehicle, then photoshopped his head over hers.
Maybe he’s trying to build a case to get ObamaCare to pay for a “Jenner-esque transition” . . . .
To bad the Army did not, like put your name all over your stuff so Phonies could be ID’d when they steal your photo.
Maybe this guy was in the French Foreign Legion Detachment of the US Army. I can see enough of the name tag on the uniform to tell it’s not his name. When he enlisted he must have changed his name; isn’t that standard procedure for sekrit squirrels?
Is that whatever is governmentese for a flair gun? A new saying is coined, “Don’t take a flair gun to a fire fight”.
Question for the real vets here: If your hands are registered top secret weapons of the US Government, how long is the mandatory NDA in effect that prevents them from being photographed? Just working on a theory…thanks.
Well I can’t speak for anyone else but it ruined my career as a hand model.
I couldn’t work for decades after my service, and prior to that I had made a decent living having my hands photographed in a variety of cuticle exposing poses.
Is that a G I Joe doll? ho le fuk, hahahah what a moron.
Seldom have I ever seen such a douche bag poser that f____g ignorant. Two of the worst(count ’em 2)photo shopped pix I have ever looked at. Anybody notice something missing from one of the two pix? Here’s a clue. It is big, has tires, windshield and of military descent. Let me make it even easier, it’s right behind him. Wonder he did not pull out the pix instead of his driver’s license. No, it’s a wonder he did not pull out the race card. It would have gone something like this: “Suh, I’s be sekrit polize and be on patrol lookin’ for dem damned flags. You knows, dem dat be killin’ all these folks” The only thing missing in his picture was the rocket this scientist works on.
It’s not ‘rocket SCIENTIST,’ it’s ‘rocket SURGEON.’ You don’t want to insult the man by getting his title wrong.
Pinto Nag…my error. The depth of his I. Q. somehow escaped me. Remind me to refer to him in the future as Dr. Douchebag.
Hell, *SLUURRP*41 could do a better photoshop job than that after a half dozen Dutch Rudder Gang Cocktails. He’s been arrested so I’d just say “BEND OVER AND PICK UP THE SOAP, BITCH!”.
This guy has enough brainpower to support respiration?
Those photos are so good, it’s almost like I was there. (Rolling eyes)
I wonder where he was headed when he was pulled over?
My best guess was an interview at All-Points Logistics.
He appeared to be a quick, out-of-the-box thinker when confronted about the knife and drugs. Needless to say, this incident is eerily similar to the one experienced by the False Commander Phil Monkress, the CEO of All-Points Logistics a five or six years back.
IMO, this clown has APL written all over him.
I was actually looking for the scotch tape he was using to do that…
It’s Gorrilla glue !!!
That is the only thing that could support a photograph of that massive that brain power for the next 600 years as his portrait tours the internet for all to view in the magnanimity of his presence.
Of course the DRC has already approved of his membership to join the rest of their group of of higher consciousness and intelligence individuals as they contemplate the wonders of their circle jerks.
He has already taken his post as the new pivot man.
“If I had a son in the US ARMY”, said President Obama, “he would look like Giles P. Carnes”.
army nurse/female/OIF & OEF 1 tour each. still active MS FNP/MNS, LTC….
you guys actually cruise the obit’s…..why?