Monday morning feel good story

| June 22, 2015

This morning’s story comes from Detroit, Michigan where a fellow tried to turn his life around by robbing the Sunday morning crowd at a restaurant, about 20 people. Yelling for everyone to get down on the ground and waving his gun around, an employee at the establishment got tired of all of the noise and plugged the gentleman, so that he was DRT (dead right there). The employee’s boss says that he’s a hero.

Detroit homicide detectives are still investigating to make sure the evidence matches a self-defense shooting.

“When you are being threatened with a weapon and you face a split second decision, you make your decision based on the information you have in front of you at that moment,” said Sgt. Cassandra Lewis of the Detroit Police Department.

Nice to see that Detroit is becoming more victim friendly.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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AW1 Tim

Well now, THAT certainly makes my coffee taste better this morning. 🙂


Nice to see that Detroit is becoming more victim friendly.

That’s what happens when a good portion of the voting constituency become gun carriers because of the high crime rate.


Go ahead. Make my day.


Sounds like someone did make the restaurant employee’s day.


Somebody ask Dembrosia if coffee is psychic.

B Woodman

Just wait for it. The DRT’s poo’ mama is gonna start threatening to bring lawsuit and charges against the employee because her son was really a gooood boy, jus’ lookin’ to turn his life aroun’, a scholarship boy he was.

In 3. . . . 2. . . . 1. . . .


She immediately changed his name to “Dindu Nuffin”…

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Now that is “eating out with entertainment”.
I hope that the patrons were able to get back to their food before it got cold.


it’s Detroit, this doesn’t merit disturbing one’s meal.
The shooter should have been invited to the “birthday party” that 400 attended, and 10 were shot, one fatally. Could have saved Detroit PD many investigative hours.


“DRT” – my new favorite acronym.

Guard Bum

I was thinking the same thing!


Yeah, except when Texans see DRT we think “Daughters of the Republic of Texas.”


LIRight, I was just going to say, the DRT stories are my favorite. Guess who’s gonna make the “Employee Of The Month” wall, photo included.


Perhaps some decafe next time.


Won’t be a next time for this perp, sapper3307. (smile)


Formaldehyde refill for this one on the house.
I wonder if his life mattered?


sapper3307, oh, so those are the “bottomless formaldehyde” places I’ve heard of.


“I wonder if his life mattered?”. We’ll have to wait for his momma to chime in. Apparently no one else’s life matter to him, only his and his wants.


Hope they left that employee a good tip. Ammo ain’t cheap, ya know…