It’s good to have friends

| June 21, 2015


Andy11M sends us a link to the story of two members of the Red Devils British parachute team, one of whom had trouble with his parachute and the other rescued him;

The Red Devils display team was performing Friday at the Whitehaven Airshow in northwestern England. Eyewitness Lucy Milne told the BBC on Saturday that spectators watched aghast as one of the men frantically kicking before his teammate rescued him.

A message posted on the show’s Facebook page assured spectators that both were fine after “one team member caught his teammate and brought him into Queens Dock.”

The parachutists landed in water and were plucked to safety.

From The Guardian;

Corporals Wayne Shorthouse, 32, and Mike French, 34, faced catastrophe as they tried to perform a stacking display at Whitehaven Air Show. The drama ended with Shorthouse wrapping his legs inside the ropes of his colleague’s deflated parachute and guiding him to the safety of the town’s Queens Dock.

“We were giggling as we hit the water, and then we just paddled to the side and went off for pie and peas and a pint together,” said French.

Category: Who knows

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Damn. Just . . . damn.

Make the most of your second life, Corporal French. And kudos to you for giving him the chance to do exactly that, Corporal Shorthouse.

Well done. EXTREMELY well done.


Hooah (or whatever the Brits say)!


….and nice precision military drilling 🙂

Club Manager

“We were giggling when we hit the water” Can you envision hearing that from an American airborne type? Regardless, (for MrBill) Jolly good show chaps.


I remember the first time I was saved…

It was a dark and stormy night, there we were just John “Faker 6” and I, Haji was in the wire, we were down to our last knives and they were getting dull. Suddenly JD pulled out his trusty Spet-nads super secret shovel and laid waste to every last Haji in the dream, I mean battlefield.

I still have nightmares about it…yes even I have the PTSD.

Tired of


Job well done boys..


All of my jumps out of Naval Aircraft, never once used a parachute.
Great story and glad all turned out well.


So, what can you say?

One SPEC OPS guy saving another, at an air show, in front of thousands, with water in sight, both “giggling” as they splashed … Recruiting effort for the day successfuly completed.

PS: If a water landing was not employed the both could have been seriously injured.


Doc Savage

“We were giggling as we hit the water, and then we just paddled to the side and went off for pie and peas and a pint together,” said French.
