Jeffrey “Mighty Mouse” Prosen; Oathkeeper, liar

| June 20, 2015


The folks at Military Phonies send us their work on this Jeffrey Prosen fellow who came to our attention a few months ago when he made a video about confronting employees of the Bureau of Land Management;

For some reason, he feels a need to tell the BLM employees about his best friend dying in his arms, how the employee couldn’t walk in his boots and confront the “nightmares” that he has to live with. How that is part of the political discussion, I have no idea. In fact, it’s pretty clear to me that because the people accompanied Proser unfurled an Oathkeeper banner behind him while he went on his little tirade, it was pretty much all theatrics.

Jeffrey Prosen OKers

At the Military Phonies link, they demonstrate how Prosen is quick to pull out the “wounded veteran” card, you know, even if it’s inappropriate;

prosen shot-down-2

I don’t know who would have shot his helicopter if he was on a training exercise, but there it is. According to Military Phonies, there were no aircraft accidents the year Prosen claims he was shot down. Prosen also claims that he was a gunnery sergeant and a sniper and that he retired from the Marine Corps. The National Personnel Records Center Disagrees with those claims;





He spent about 18 months in the Marine Corps and he was hospitalized for almost a year, but his time in the Marines was back in 1980 – what war was he fighting? In Arlington, Virginia? Were those dirty Rebs acting up again? Lance Corporal is a long ways from Gunnery Sergeant. He may have been medically retired for whatever he was hospitalized for, but he wants to give the impression of a long career, that’s not true. And that “Marksman” badge would probably preclude any sniper training, since that’s the lowest class of rifle qualification.

That’s mainly why I’ve avoided the Oathkeepers. They are jam packed with storytellers and phonies. I don’t think they check the creds of veterans, so it’s a magnet for liars. Well, that, and they attract every nutjob and conspiracy theory adherent that you can imagine.

Like Prosen here. He had a perfectly honorable career, but he had to start running his mouth to the BLM employee to scare her with his war stories to prove what a patriot he is. And, behold!!!

Category: Phony soldiers

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OK, USMC vets – help educate an Army guy here. How do these records show he spent a long time hospitalized? I thought “HH ARLNG VA” was short for Henderson Hall, and that “H&SCO” was short for Headquarters and Service Company. What am I missing?

Hack Stone

That sounds about right.


Yes, that does clarify things a bit. (smile)

Dave Hardin

He spent about a month on Barracks Duty and was sent back for some medical condition. HH is just another Barracks Duty Station.

Whatever his medical condition was it took a while to treat it. Without medical record impossible to tell.

My impression is; They initially thought what ever was wrong could be treated and he would be retained on active duty. That was not the case so they took him out of Barracks Duty and to H&S. (Sick, Lame, and Lazy platoon) until treatment was completed and he was separated.


Maybe he played parking lot baseball at White Castle.

Just an Old Dog

When Marines get sent on appealate leave or his his case extended medical leave they are dropped from the rolls of their parent unit or medical facility and carried on the rolls of HQMC.
Up until the Mid 80s the address would have been Washington DC, then it was moved to Quantico, Va.

Dave Hardin

He spent one (1) Month actually serving in a unit. A month. GTfOOH. This guy is a professional victim. He got hurt, during peace time, on Barracks duty.

He has the very prestigious shooting award we in the Corps refer to as, “The Toilet Seat”. Shit for brains is only slightly better with a weapon in his hands than he is with a stick.

I think maybe the did away with ‘Code Red’ before the Keeper of Oaths got stationed there. That organization has become a farce.

Seems he saved himself from self murder by bilking people out of things to build his little car. Well, they paid for it Posen, enjoy your jelly doughnut.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Dude was a broke dick, sick call commando with a severe case sandinhismanginaits.


They still haven’t found a cure for someone who has sand in their mangina. I think that’s what’s this guys’ problem, and he obviously hasn’t recovered from it.

Hack Stone

To be fair, I know some Lance Corporals that act as if they are Gunnery Sergeants, and I know some Gunnery Sergeants that acted as if they were Lance Corporals.


Come in Hack, cut the guy a break. Clearly he is a trans-gunny sergeant that finally has the courage to embrace the person he knew he was supposed to be.

He might also just be trans-retard

Hack Stone

A Gunnery Sergeant trapped inside the body of a Lance Corporal? Sounds like the premise of one of those whacky 1980s films where father and son switch places. I would give you the name of that film, but there were only about 300 different versions made during that decade.


If Bruce can be Caitlin, Rachel can be Shaniqua, why can’t fuck nugget be Gunny Sergeant grand stand for political causes?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Rachel is Shaniqua? I thought she was LaFahwnda?


Yet again, it falls on my old shoulders to point out that he doesn’t even have a NDSM….PFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTT.

Old Trooper

Well, to be fair, I don’t have a NDSM, either, because they weren’t issuing them during the time I served, even though there were little skirmishes going on at a few places around the planet. My massive ribbon rack includes the Army participation ribbon, AAM, and GCM. That’s it. No Master Blaster Wings. No Pathfiner/Scuba/Jungle Expert. No CIB with 2 stars. No CAB/Purple Heart/Ranger tab/Special Forces tab/Sapper tab, etc. I do have the Master Space Shuttle Door Gunner badge, though, which is rare and highly coveted.


I think you guys are being far too nice to this individual.

He’s a hypochondriac, an asshole, a goldbricker, a lazy fracking dink, a nunch with broke dick syndrome and a lying sack of whale guano.

There, I fixed it for you.


Its not his fault ex, he is a trans-gunny. He has self identified as a gunny sergeant for years, he just wants everyone to accept him the way he knows he was supposed to be


Again, far too nice, Smitty.

I would say he’s a trans-nitwit who does not accept himself as a dorkwad. He self-identifies as an incoherent dingbat in that video.

That is all.


If he doesn’t even have the NDSM, wouldn’t that mean he never actually graduated Boot? It’s difficult for someone to hit boot as an E-3 in the Corps, but I know it’s possible since I met a USMC L.Cpl cook trainee at Ft. Lee when I was in AIT.


NDSM is only awarded for War time service… I did not get my first one until Desert Storm 2nd after 9/11


John Is correct I served in Beirut and Grenada and never got one .

Airdale USN

Korean War June 27, 1950 – July 27, 1954
Vietnam War January 1, 1961 – August 14, 1974
Persian Gulf War August 2, 1990 – November 30, 1995
Global War on Terrorism September 11, 2001 – present day

Hack Stone

I wonder if is he on the fast track for the All Points Logistics Executive Development Program. I would have to say that yes, he is APL material.

Green Thumb

He is probably already having drinks with All-Points Logistics pony CEO, the False Commander Phil Monkress, even as we speak.

Daisy Cutter

I’ve heard of a Cobra gunship but not a Huey gunship. Is that what they use in the clandestine black ops services?

Daisy Cutter

I guess they did have them. Google is your friend.

Hack Stone

He self-identifies as a member of the “clandestine black ops” race.

Hack Stone

Can I get a printed transcript of what he said in the video above? It may come in handy if I ever have to dispute a traffic ticket. It would make as much sense being said there as it did at the BLM office.

Daisy Cutter

He was right about one thing — I wouldn’t want to walk a block in his boots, I couldn’t handle the nightmares.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

You may get the fungusamungus walking in those boots…


Hack, I know that you mean well, but even you don’t want to confuse the police with that mishmash of gobbledygook. They might think you’re drunk and give you an overnighter with an unpleasantly large and angry individual.


Dude was shot down in a “huey gunship”. By 1980 was the USMC using only AH1 Huey Cobras or did they also use UH1 Hueys in the gunship role. If so, how common was it for a gunship to carry marines other than crew?


We still use the UH1 as a gunship, upgraded to the “Y” model. It can still carry a squad minus when configured in the gunship role, though it normally does not do so. I got a few stories of the Huey putting the hurt on some insurgents, beautiful and deadly platform.

Hack Stone

Here is video of him discussing his friend dying in his arms.


[…] This Ain’t Hell: […]


Hey, this guy might be legit. What are we going to look like if we find out the unforgettable misery suffered by the Corps in China was in fact named after him? You know, The Frozen Prosen, AKA the Prosen Reservoir? I mean what happens if this story causes the original war correspondent who wrote about it to remember, “Hey, I misspelled it, now that I think about that hero!”


Perhaps he needs more Prosenac…

Or should we discuss the prosencons of his shitbaggery…


On the prosenconsof Phrozen Prosen pozin’ pro-prosenac, prophylactics propose propulsion of protoplast to a turdbank. Now WTF am I doing? As if I know what the hell I’m talking about!


The usual. SHIT…BAG!!!


Oh boy! Another one living in Oregon. WTF? Why do we attract so many of these turds?


Because you’re on the Left Coast.


It’s all those trees and mystical Sasquatch you have running around – they sense a kindred spirit…

Guard Bum

Sasquatch aint mythical my friend, I picked up a rather cute one in Astoria once and she had pit hair that embarassed my manscape.


WTF! How did the BLM send people to war? I don’t understand this nonsense he is spewing. I have never heard of the Oathkeepers but it seems to be a Janos conspiracy theory group.

Green Thumb

“Mighty” Maggot Jeff Prosen.

Blaine Cooper

Interesting, I see a lot of wasted space Marines Running their mouths about this guy like a bunch of faggot gutless pieces of shit they are. Whats more of an atrocity a man who over Embellished himself on video or the dicks-less spineless fucks letting the country fall into a black abyss without contest? You Jackasses spend more time fighting each other than the tyrants who are trying to enslave you. While he was living armed in a hole for a month with us defending against contractors from triple canopy from the BLM who was literally burning people out of their homes without due process, what were you doing pounding your keyboard? I used to respect service men for their duty to their country, now I see no reason why I should give that respect. You know the American people look up to you all, the only ones standing for us are people like him… Maybe it’s time to re think your priorities as Americans…If you spent half the time fighting the tyrants as you do each-other we could quite possibly get our country back. You all may have heard of me or not, you may not care, but to be honest you all make sick.
Get off your high fucking horse and by GOD do something for your country your service never stopped you swore an oath to protect from all enemies both foreign and domestic….. The only fake Warriors I see in this case are the ones who allow government to conitue to opress and destopryu

Blaine Cooper

Interesting, I see a lot of wasted space Marines Running their mouths about this guy like a bunch of faggot gutless pieces of shit they are. Whats more of an atrocity a man who over Embellished himself on video or the dicks-less spineless fucks letting the country fall into a black abyss without contest? You Jackasses spend more time fighting each other than the tyrants who are trying to enslave you. While he was living armed in a hole for a month with us defending against contractors from triple canopy from the BLM who was literally burning people out of their homes without due process, what were you doing pounding your keyboard? I used to respect service men for their duty to their country, now I see no reason why I should give that respect. You know the American people look up to you all, the only ones standing for us are people like him… Maybe it’s time to re think your priorities as Americans…If you spent half the time fighting the tyrants as you do each-other we could quite possibly get our country back. You all may have heard of me or not, you may not care, but to be honest you all make sick.
Get off your high fucking horse and by GOD do something for your country your service never stopped you swore an oath to protect from all enemies both foreign and domestic….. The only fake Warriors I see in this case are the ones who allow government to continue to oppress and destroy are own people while boasting themselves of their service to Tyrants who are enslaving us. I never served but by GOD if this is what I would be serving I rather see it crumble.

mr. sharkman

Here’s $100 in 1s and 5s, just because they’re kind of damp don’t mean I stole ’em from my gal roommate who ‘dances’ to pay the bills.

$100 on SFC Lilyea @ 3:1. Any takers?

Didn’t think so. 😉

Guard Bum

You are a phoney poser nutjob Blaine Cooper. Keep showing your ass and supporting dbags like Prosen, some of us consider you under the category “all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC”. Oh…and fuck you!

Just an Old Dog

I wonder if these nutters realize that it’s pretty much every serviceman’s wet dream to have a bunch of lunatic, fat-ass toads in surplus Cammies try to overthrow the Government.
A couple days after McViegh Bombed the fed building in Oklahoma we drew “Michigan Militia” on our targets for field firing.

Just an Old Dog

Blaine Cooper,
Looks like we struck a nerve. As for doing something for out country we all have and continue to do so.
Prosen is the one you need to be pissed off at. No one here lied to your face and made you look like a dumb-ass, he did.
It’s nut jobs like you and him that put people off about the Oathkeepers.
We are all Oathkeepers here. We just don’r prance around in cammies and make an ass out of ourselves.


For some reason I can just imagine y’all prancing around in jammies. Not only that, but telling war stories about how you earned your Purple (OOPS! I mean Wooden) Heart. Your last statement about not having served was very telling. Don’t suppose you were drafted into the U. S Tree Service.
Oh yeh, boot camp in Moon Pie, Georgia. Did you have to qualify with a chain saw? Your MOS was 6969; i.e., Kill the Messenger. Thank you for your service.


BLAINE (is that REALLY your name?), have you ever heard of the ‘return’ or ‘enter’ key?

Try hitting it once in a while, you numbskullion!

mr. sharkman

Wow, that’s a great picture.

Dear Resistance Fighter Hero Cooper,

See the angle of the vents on your brake/comp?

See all that loose dirt RIGHT IN LINE with your vents?

‘Come on out and help us…because pledging allegiance to our cause on facebook is totally secure because the evil government can’t data-mine and collate anything from facebook or any email service.’


Here’s a short multiple choice quiz.

When you shoot at the evil jackbooted thug with your rifle (which you’re going to leave behind, right? … I mean how fast can you move uphill thru heavy brush with it? Answer: NOT FAST ENOUGH), said loose dirt will:

A. Stay right were it is. Because ‘FREEDOM’.

B. Make a big cloud, that can be seen by even the most incompetent jackbooted thug.

When (as opposed to IF, I know, I’m giving the answer away to question #1) you are spotted, what will happen next?

A. Patrick Swayze will return from Heaven, looking identical to his character in ‘Red Dawn’ and suppress all the evil jackbooted thugs with his RPK while you make your escape. You’ll hear him screaming “Wolverines!” as you slither over the nearest ridge to make your escape, a brave heroic tear in one of your eyes.

B. You’ll be spotted, fixed, and if you’re not flanked and deader than a rock inside of 20 minutes you’ll be run down and shot like a dog in the dirt within the next 20, because the thugs have helos and are rocking FLIR and you sure as hell aren’t close to being a trained Soldier, let alone a competent resistance fighter.


Not to mention the lens covers are still on and he has a tree/shrub branch resting on the barrel between his optics and the muzzle. That boy has MESNA written all over him.


Sharkman, you left out C)-Slide right out from under his feet, because he doesn’t have a clue about loose dirt, even if it’s in his Underoos.

Pinto Nag

He can’t say you didn’t warn him.

Blaine’s level of stupid is going to be painful, somewhere down the line.

Short maybe — but painful.

Just an Old Dog

Looks like Cooper served USMC from Dec 30 1998 to 12 April 2002.
That’s 40 months. Not your Standard Enlistment. Got out 7 months after the shit hit he fan. Since he isn’t mentioning his service I’m taking it that it didn’t end on a happy note.

Just an Old Dog

Blaine Cooper DOB 11 Nov 1979 in case anyone wants to FOIA his ass.


Will also need place of birth and middle initial for a good chance of a records “hit”. Then I’ll be glad to file a FOIA.

Just an Old Dog

Not sure he has a Middle Initial. He has a pretty big internet footprint not seen a middle name on any stories yet. He went to High School in Az, that would be a good guess for birth place, Saw one rather fuzzy picture of him in uniform. DOB 11-12-79.. DOS 12-30-98 to 4-12-02 USMC active.


Simple problem, Blaine Cooper’s real name isn’t.


Gee – ya don’t say.

The site’s search feature is your friend, amigo. Might want to learn how to use it.

mr. sharkman

Mr. Cooper,

Let me do some UW reverse engineering for you to point out exactly how stupid you and all your brave lemmings are.

You all stand ready to thwart the big evil government when it makes its big move to turn all of American into a giant prison and indoctrination camp.

I don’t know if you’ve been keeping up with the news over the past few years. Maybe you have but you lack the ability to analyze it and apply that analysis to planning, etc.

Here’s the short version of events.

1st – evil big government actually emerges. Oathkeepers have a very brief, misguided wet dream.

2nd – evil big government does what all evil big governments do; it makes certain it has a medium-sized army of doorkicking thugs backed by a competent domestic intelligence apparatus.

3rd – evil big government acts. Act #1, in the dead of night, hit & round up all potential threats.

And here’s the brilliant oathkeepers…dead 1 at a time because they’re the only resistance force, stay-behind army, etc. that was ever fucking stupid enough to wear their ID on their shirts in public and list all of their names in the open on the internet.

If the absolute worst comes to pass, and the Citizens of America have to rely on the oathkeepers against an even moderately capable police state, the Citizens of America are fucked.

Go read up on the French Resistance in world war 2, learn the definition of PERSEC and OPSEC, or go try for some overtime at the local 7-11. You’ll probably excel the most going for option #3.



Golf clap.


Hey, idiot! There are a lot of folks here who never were and still are not Marines. Guess you are OK with all of us, huh?

Meanwhile, quit running your mouth about stuff which you obviously have no knowledge. You sound like a fool who feels compelled to prove it regularly to the world.

Meanwhile, it’s also foolish to attempt to converse civilly with the willfully ignorant. Out.

Daisy Cutter

Blaine, the blogs about Mouse Prosen seemed to stay away from the political stand he was making and focused on the shady practice of misrepresenting his service. You now seem to want to make it about the politics. Are you saying as long as he makes a stand, he should be able to say he raised the flag on Iwo Jima. I call BS.

Also, I noticed that you have quickly removed any links back to these blogs on Prosen’s YouTube videos which I feel are important to show the lack of evidence in Prosen’s claims.

I guess the Constitution and free speech go right out the window when it doesn’t suit your cause.

If Prosen made public points and leveraged his military service, don’t you feel that should be fair game for fact-checking? Is this really unreasonable? Come on, walk the walk.

Green Thumb

Your a turd and a poser supporter.

You should seek out All-Points Logistics in Merritt Island, FL.

They are people much like yourself.



No wonder the price of aluminum foil is going up.

Blaine – it’s for cooking, not making hats.

Oh – and fuck you.

Jordan Rott

Blain I don’t think you understand the difference between embellishing and being a fucking liar


You really are just a giant turd on the lawn of society. Please STFU,I wish verbal castration was an option for your type. ..


Oh look the fake Gunny has one person who is willing to over look all his lies . its not about politics its about his lies ! oathkeeper my ass he cant even tell the truth about his service Dont need people like him defending this country


So the wannabe mighty mouse has a little squeaker. Ain’t that cute. Hey Blaine Cooper, it’s not our fault your boy friend turned out to be a fake war hero. Now your semi-legible but full on retarded comment stands in giant contrast to what my Marine brothers/Army Brothers/Navy bros etc have done in real life for out nation and our people. Now Mr keyboard warrior, put on your big boy shit stained skivies and go play while the adults talk… good boy, have a cookie.


Well Exfuuuucccckkkkiiinncccusssssseeeeeemmmeeee!


So Blaine….just WHO are these folks who “conitue to oppress destopryu” ???? Your own words. Maybe you have given us reason to rethink exposing phony wannabees when combat loggers such as you tell us how difficult the sacrifices are in the forest.


blaine, you butt blister, no one is trying to enslave me.

Just so you understand where I come from, my service ended 40+ years ago, when you were a wetdream on yo’ daddy’s sheets.

I’ve got more time on AD than your malingering, fabricating, bunkriding boyfriend ever thought of having, and that also applies to just about everyone here. Yo’ butt buddy is a lysing bag of composted manure. Deal with it and grow the h-e-double hockeysticks up. Playing soldier is one thing. Your self-serving bronybum never was and never will be anything other than a malingering liar.

Now go find something useful to do with your time.

Green Thumb



GT, I am honored.

Just an Old Dog

These gems from Youtube,, Prosen’s own sons:

Chip Gorghill:
I am Jeffrey Edward Prosen aka mouse oldest son he got hurt in basic running the obstacle course and fell of the wall he has been married to 5 women in Texas that I know of and he never was apart of my brother Shawn prosens life he walked out of my life completely when I was 8 my stepfather raised me from the age of 1 and I seen Jeff or mouse as yall know him on holidays and summers he never fought for this country and he has lived so many places he uses people up and shits on them and then leaves right before he gets caught up in his own bs. He doesn’t even know his grandchildren I have 2 sons one is 8 and one is 4 and I bet he does not even know both there names he is a liar and a fake stay away from him he is trouble and he will lie his way out of this but I have several witnesses being his own brothers and sister n laws that will tell you how full of crap he is and how bad of a person he his

Mouses Victim

Mouse Edward Anthony Prosen aka Jeffrey Edward Prosen is the biggest liar we have all ever met. He has bilked so many people out of money it’s not funny. He left his wife, in Denton, Texas for me, a nice lady living in the hill country of Texas. After a few weeks we all figured out his motive of operation and I threw his sorry butt out. Of course he had soaked a few people that I know during that trip. He hosted FATCARS ONLINE.COM car shows in Texas, which stands for Friends And Their Cars under the veil of giving the proceeds to American Veterans associations like Wounded Warriors. His own wife told a friend of mine that he never gave a dime to the charities. He pocketed the money. He’s 100% disabled with the Veteran’s Association and receives 100% disability on Social Security and can’t understand why no one will hire him and pay him cash under the table. With that said he clears over $2,400 a month. So on top of that he would give his sob story of being wounded in combat….truth is his son Chippy Prosen posted that his dad, Mouse Prosen was injured in boot camp. The Freedom of Information backs that information up. Jeffrey Edward/Mouse Edward Anthony Prosen is a gun toting convicted felon, associating himself with the Oathkeepers on the Pacific West Coast, He’s a liar, a thief, a con man, and goes way out of the way embellishing his military career which lasted all of 18 months. Meanwhile, the truth is….he has only two sons, Chippy and Shawn. The other children and grandchildren he claims to have in his grandiose speech are step children and step grandchildren. This guy is a real piece of work. Avoid him at all costs. It pains me to hear of all the people he has fleeced, which include Oathkeeper members and various “Prepper” groups. So here it is….fleece friends in Texas, fleece friends in South Carolina, leave town and set up shop in Oregon, the Pacific Northwest and possibly Arizona. Run you nasty Rat, but… Read more »

Ron here’s his email