O’Malley on gun control

| June 20, 2015


Marty O’Malley, the former mayor of that successfully gun-violence-free city, Baltimore and governor of crime-free Maryland is “pissed” about Charleston (and the rest of us aren’t, I guess) so he wants to go medieval on guns;

It’s time we called this what it is: a national crisis.

I proudly hold an F rating from the NRA, and when I worked to pass gun control in Maryland, the NRA threatened me with legal action, but I never backed down.

So now, I’m doubling down, and I need your help. What we did in Maryland should be the first step of what we do as a nation. The NRA is already blaming the victims of yesterday’s shooting for their own deaths, saying they too should have been armed. Let’s put an end to this madness and finally stand up to them. Here are some steps we should be taking:

1. A national assault weapons ban.

2. Stricter background checks.

3. Efforts to reduce straw-buying, like fingerprint requirements.

First, I’d warn O’Malley that the NRA is made up of millions of voters. It’s not some evil corporation, but millions of gun owners many of whom joined the organization in the wake of the last pronouncement of a “national crisis” when the government tried to come for our guns. So, take pride in that “F” grade at the polling station, too. How would a “national assault weapon ban” have prevented the horrible murders in Charleston? By the way, even if that little shit had used what you call an “assault weapon” how would banning flash suppressors, bayonet lugs and pistol grips have stopped it? I’m waiting patiently for your answer.

If the little murdering turd did purchase a weapon after his felony drug arrest, that was illegal already. So how are you going to make more illegal, Marty?

More than likely, it was law enforcement’s fault for not providing accurate data for the NICS system. If he bought it before his arrest, again that’s a function of law enforcement to take any of his weapons from him. How do you make background checks stricter, when the system depends on accurate information going in and that information isn’t being entered? How is that going to prevent the next guy from buying a weapon if all you’re going to do is make it harder for the law-abiding gun owners.

How is fingerprinting going to reduce straw-buyers? If they can make a straw purchase now without fingerprinting, they’ll be able to make the same straw purchase after you fingerprint them.

That’s what he’s got…pointless blather that will only impress the other morons who don’t understand the issue. Scary-looking guns scare the idiots, so we have to remove the scary guns from their sight. And we all know that the criminals are scared of new laws with which they’ll have to comply.

There have been 40 homicides in the last 30 days (as of last night) in Baltimore, 136 so far this year. I’m sure they were all committed by legal gun owners with legal guns.

Vote O’Malley if you want the whole country gun violence-free like Baltimore!!!

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Hack Stone

The guy is an idiot. That legislation that he and the rest of the elected idiots in Maryland made it so hostile for Beretta to do business, they said fuck it and moved out of the state, taking their tax revenue with them. If just passing a law will make people stop committing crime, just make murder illegal, that should solve everything.

Dave Hardin

Typical right wing extremest talk. One does not simply make murder illegal. People have rights. I depends on how a person ‘identifies’ that should make murder more or less illegal.

If its just some white guy, well fine, unless he is gay, trans gendered, Bi, Muslim. If he has an SUV, thats understandable the prick is a bio hazard anyway.

‘You people’ act like passing more laws is a bad thing.


Typical crybaby lib speak to talk down to a man who supports our constitutional rights lib. You are on the wrong blog, Media Matters and the Brady Campaign is thataway sucka!

Silentium Est Aureum

And they say sarcasm is a lost art.

Hack Stone

I guess that some people have not updated their Sarcasm Recognition Software.

I was being sarcastic, in case you didn’t notice.


The sad fact is that most people on the Internet are simply too dumb to grasp sarcasm.

I think it was George Carlin who pointed out: think about how stupid the “average person” is. Then, consider the fact that by definition, half of the country is even dumber than that.

That’s your audience.



Dave Hardin

Sarcasm…….It’s just a free service I offer.


Silentium Est Aureum

A person contemplating a capital crime like murder is gonna stop and say, “Whoa, I might get charged with a misdemeanor if I buy that gun. Well, that’s all I needed to hear!”

And even if a felony, you get my point. If someone is hell bent to get a gun to commit murder, the laws they break to get said gun mean fuck all to these people.

Once again, gun control is not about guns, it’s about control.

The Other Whitey

Here’s a thought: how about making our criminal justice system something that criminals are actually afraid of?

Things like chain gangs come to mind. And eliminating conjugal visits and other luxuries. And eliminating healthcare for cons whose sentence is “life, no parole”–their sentence ends when they die*, why should we spend money to delay that? And here’s another one: capital crime means capital punishment. I don’t give half a rat shit if the hippies and eurofags don’t like it. Murderers, rapists, and child molesters should face the noose. Go “Boondock Saints” on their asses! Evil men, dead men.

For the justice system to deter crime, two things are needed: the SEVERITY of punishment and the CERTAINTY of it. Lots of scumbags today view incarceration as no big deal. Three hits and cot plus free healthcare. Sure, there’s also the buttsex, but what the hell. Shit, some gangs consider it part of their initiation to do time. Make examples of these shitbags. Make prison miserable. They’re in there for a reason, remember?

* I used to work at a station that frequently responded to medical aids at the infirmary of a nearby state prison. Before a con would be transported to the hospital (under guard), they would verify their paperwork, including reading their rap sheet and sentence out loud. This got me in trouble because, when they said, “Sentence: life, no parole,” I interjected, “Then why are we here? Life, no parole, right? He’s NEVER gonna be released under any circumstances. So, this asshole dies, his sentence is served, period. Why are we wasting taxpayer money delaying it?” Suffice it to say, I got yelled at a lot during my time at that station.


great points! I agree 100% and I have made the same suggestions before.

Until we begin to deter crime, we’ll keep chasing our tails and it will not make any difference what THINGS we outlaw. Murderers are going to murder, rapists are going rape, etc. make them scared of going to prison and we’ll be on the right path.

AW1 Tim


Our “corrections” system should be all about correcting bad behaviour through punishment. Rehabilitation only works if the prisoner actually wants to rehabilitate himself. As it stands, almost all of the prisoners in our system use their time to network and learn new tradecraft (of the criminal sort) and to bulk up in the weight room and out on the recreation field(s).

I’d rather it be done like Sheriff Joe, where he gives the prisoners pink underwear, socks and t-shirts. He took away all of the nautilus gear and workout areas, and started using the money saved to feed the prisoners with high-calorie, high-fat content foods so they gained weight rather than muscle.

Make the prisoners work for their meals and confinement. Chain gangs for all sorts of outdoor labor, and build new prisons where prisoners are housed alone, without the ability to talk to other prisoners outside great difficulty.

In short, I agree about going medieval sans the torture part. Make prison something to be feared, rather than a notch on their gunbelt.


What I love about the internet is that things like REAL news are available everywhere you can get a connection. So, that means that anyone who thinks gun violence in Chicago in ANY neighborhood has been reduced by Rahmbo’s strict gun control-freak legislation can get the REAL reports on neighborhood shootings right here:


There is NO reduction in gun violence in Chicago. It is, in fact, getting worse because of ownership restrictions. If store owners posted those ‘criminals will be shot’ signs at the front door, the rate might drop.

I am tired of these whiny cowards, but they are a necessary, if unpleasant, nuisance and reminder that it is up to us to be in charge if we are to retain ANY freedom of any kind at all.


Thats just want the libs want for their population control schemes

Country Singer

Here’s where you can keep track of how well Chicago’s “sensible gun regulations” are doing:


Yes, they could have picked a better URL, but I think it was selected for those situations when you need to get a hoplophobic liberal’s attention.

Be sure to check out the “Selfie-O-Meter” and “Shot-in-the-Junk-O-Meter.”


You wanna know what pisses me off? This is the same group of entitled idiots that can’t protect your PII. These “problems” have all been created by these same assholes.
Immigration for example: Who created this fucked up mess? When they talk about ways to solve it, have you ever noticed they start off with “it’s complicated”. Who made it complicated?
Healthcare industry is another example. My dog has easier and more affordable access to good healthcare than I do, and that’s not hyperbole.
I could go on.
Now, having solved the baseball steroids issue, they will finally get around to fixing the 2nd Amendment. I’m sure it is complicated…

Dave Hardin

Ok, so I own more than one gun but less than, oh, lets say the 10th Marine Regiment.

These people always act like finding a gun is harder than the average four leaf clover. If they could only restrict access to getting one. There are more guns currently in this country than iPhones.

Watching this form of mental masturbation is just not my kind of porn. I mean, there is nothing erotic about watching some old white guy try to crack his limp carrot in public.


This is a quote from a 2012 Forbes article about Fast and Furious:

“It was nearly impossible in Arizona to bring a case against a straw purchaser. The federal prosecutors there did not consider the purchase of a huge volume of guns, or their handoff to a third party, sufficient evidence to seize them. A buyer who certified that the guns were for himself, then handed them off minutes later, hadn’t necessarily lied and was free to change his mind. Even if a suspect bought 10 guns that were recovered days later at a Mexican crime scene, this didn’t mean the initial purchase had been illegal. To these prosecutors, the pattern proved little. Instead, agents needed to link specific evidence of intent to commit a crime to each gun they wanted to seize.”. http://fortune.com/2012/06/27/the-truth-about-the-fast-and-furious-scandal/

Enforce the fucking law as is, fingerprints not required.


Oh, come ON, you guys!

These dorkwads live in a fantasy world where everything is fine… everything is just fine… maintain an even strain.

Haven’t any of you noticed how, if you express a real emotion like anger or sadness, you are suspected of some kind of mental issue and need doping up, just to keep that ‘even strain’ going? Don’t you know that everyone is mentally suspect?

If these asswipes ever stop pounding their little fists on the table, someone please let me know.

I will go settle in for a long session of cookies, tea and editing a manuscript now. Wake me when the world gets real again, willya?

2/17 Air Cav

Martin O’Malley is a private citizen and, I might add, unemployed and living off his wife. Who gives a rat’s ass what he thinks or says? We know what he did in MD and we know what he did to MD. As for more laws, I tell you, all of these clowns know that only law-abiding folks will obey new laws. They know damn well that fewer guns in the hands of solid citizens will have zero affect on mass murders. They also know that the American public is largely stupid (just look who is in the White House)and if they keep repeating the mantra, more and more dolts will blindly support their efforts. The end game is what this is all about: finding a way to get all guns out of private hands.

L. Taylor

I do find it strange that the only thing this blog has to say about this is anger toward the ant-gun lobby.

Why is it when some kids decide not to hang a flag in their college student government meeting room the members of this blog lose their minds in anger at the “enemy.”

But when this murderous sociopath ant-American sociopath kills 9 innocent people in a church this blog is silent and only has something to say when the anti-gun lobby speaks up?

This worthless piece of dirt was burning American flags on social media before he was killing people and his published manifesto on the day he committed this act is anti-American yet the only thing the members of this blog has anything to say about is the gun control issue.

It makes it clear the outrage over the flag issue at UC Irvine was sheep-minded bandwagon conservative political nonsense. So many people on this forum are completely full of shit.


Allow me to simplify it for you. More gun control laws won’t change a thing. The current gun control laws don’t work. Criminals don’t give 2 shits about gun laws or any other law. That’s what defines them as criminals. If they obeyed laws, they’d be called citizens. Making an illegal act “more” illegal solves nothing.

L. Taylor

I don’t think gun laws work, if he didn’t have access to guns he would have used a bomb, and bombs are already illegal.

Though it was a loophole to the law that gave him access to a gun. Given to him by his father.

However, that is not my point. My point is that most posters on this blog are not expressing outrage at the incident or the shooter. Just the anti-gun lobby and Obama.

Meanwhile they get pissed at kids at UC Irvine for being unAmerican but they have

The Other Whitey

Hey, limp-dick, are you really dull enough to miss the point or are you just trolling (again)?


TOW, who says it has to be either/or with Lars?


L. Taylor, then YOU need to read the earlier threads and comments. Those when the first sentences written were often the poster expressing sincere sympathies to the families of those killed and the congregation of the church. Take your shit to some liberal blog more your flavor where you will get the applause and rave comment reviews you are seeking. It ain’t working for you here kid.

L. Taylor


You really are a dense person. I am the OP of this small subthread. So I was making the point that the responder above was responding to. Thus I can’t “miss the point” since I was the one making the point.

The Other Whitey

Yeah, Lars, you’re the “OP of this sub-thread.” Good for you! Except that if you had paid attention to each thread concerning the topic at hand, you’d have noticed that your claims about us are bullshit.

But you’d rather entertain your little self-righteous delusions than recognize that you might possibly not know quite know everything about everything. That’s why you’re an asswipe and nobody likes you. Kindly fuck off and die.

A Proud Infidel®™

Larsie-parsie Rudy-poo the shit-for-brained pisspants bedwetting candyassed Sparkle Pony, you couldn’t tell cowshit from vanilla ice cream from your own thumbsucking limp-dicked taint-lusting ass at high noon if your life depended on it. YEAH, you have a point, but it’s concealed under your gay-looking pink tinfoil hat! I’m going to let your Mommy know you’ e been an idiotic shitstain yet again, so THAT’S IT, no warm enema before your bedtime tonight, little Sparkle Pony!

The Other Whitey

No, Larsie-boy, the anger here is directed at O’Malley and his ilk using defenseless victims as props to pass unconstitutional legislation rather than address any of the actual problems that could have actually affected this outcome. I don’t get how you could possibly miss that. Once again you confirm the rumor that you’re a fucking idiot.


I do find it strange that the only thing this blog has to say about this is anger toward the ant-gun lobby….

[W]hen this murderous sociopath ant-American sociopath kills 9 innocent people in a church this blog is silent and only has something to say when the anti-gun lobby speaks up?

[T]he only thing the members of this blog has anything to say about is the gun control issue.

So many people on this forum are completely full of shit.

Actually, there was an entire thread devoted to this subject and the capture of the little piece of shit suspect just the other day.


There are 97 comments and counting on that thread, almost exclusively condemning the vile suspect in the harshest possible terms.

So you, sir, are quite simply a liar.

A Liar. Because you lie, shamelessly, which indicates conclusively that you are a man of no honor. And I’d be happy to call you a liar your face, at a time and place of your choosing. Because you lie. And liars should be called out. I have zero respect for you.

Good day.


Because there is no like button yet.


Hayabusa…AAAAAAAAnd a Big Thank you, to you Sir!!! A liar by another name is…a liar!

L. Taylor

I missed that thread.

I take back my rant.


Can’t take it back, Jack.

You said it. You own it. Deal with it.

Like everything else you snoop into, YOU DID NOT DO YOUR HOMEWORK.

Try engaging your brain before you spout off, if you can find it.

It might be in your wallet next to that old condom you’ve been dragging around for 6 years, hoping you could use it some day.

L. Taylor

the fact remains that much of the “community” on this forum are more angry at Obama and the anti-gun lobby than they are at the “conservative” “take back our county” anti-Obama and anti-minority movement behind the rhetoric this idiot latched onto.

A Proud Infidel®™

Larsie-laddie Rudy-poo, NOBODY here has to even remotely wonder what kind of slug-snot brained IDIOT you are, YOU PROVE IT with every one of your posts, o booger-eating bedwetting thumbsucker!

L. Taylor

I cannot even imagine how pathetic your life must be, Infidel.

The Other Whitey

I bet he gets laid more than you, has a better job than you (if you even have one), has a happier home life than you, and gets out more than you, limp-dick.


He doesn’t have a job, TOW. He’s in grad school. Remember? He’s too busy hanging out at the SUB and the liberry to think about work. That would be too hard.

A Proud Infidel®™

Laramie-parsie Rudy-poo puddin’-tame, I have a nice life and a successful Military Career with my fair share of time overseas in harm’s way. I’ve had to deal with Rudy-poos like you, I’ve straightened some out and jettisoned others. YOU have claimed to be a Vet, but I call BULLSHIT on that, your time in JROTC and college ROTC DOES NOT COUNT as prior service. I enjoy stepping on candyassed snotweasels like you and watching you bawl, I OWN YOU, you sniveling little professor’s bitch, me and other TAH Regulars.

A Proud Infidel®™

Larsie-poo, you sound like the kind of snotnosed booger-eating Mama’s boy that couldn’t even get laid in a Women’s Prison with a $100 bill and an ounce of cocaine taped to your forehead.


I guess he done wimped out and runned away, eh?

A Proud Infidel®™

Definitely maybe, Ex-PH2. I’m sure he’ll be back after he gets a hug, a kiss, a peanut butter sandwich and some fresk Kool-Aid as well as another nice warm enema from his Mommy before she lets him go play in her basement again!

2/17 Air Cav

L. Taylor. I am one of those that you described. The world is populated with sick people, some of whom will rape and then kill babies and toddlers, some of whom will kill for thrill, for drug turf, or for wearing the wrong bandanna. I could go on, but that should be unnecessary. I feel bad about some killings and I am admittedly indifferent to others. I am not, however, indifferent to those who happily use tragedies as welcome opportunities to advance their agenda. In this case, it’s gun grabbing. As for obama, I despise the bastard but don’t you dare put me in the same camp with the murdering bastard who killed those folks. And one other thing: you fancy yourself to be on some sort of moral high ground on many matters broached at this blog. You do realize that you’re the only one who sees yourself that way, don’t you?


Says who? You? Who died and made you the source of all knowledge?

You do NOT know what you’re talking about, but since you never bother to check ‘facts’ before you run your suck, your opinion is just hot air, like the balloon in your head.


“I missed that thread.

I take back my rant.”

Lars, is your real name Emily Litella?

Silentium Est Aureum

Lars, kindly eat a bag of dicks.

Something tells me you’d probably like the taste.

L. Taylor

Pretty anachronistic attack. Only ignorant fucks still think implying someone is gay is a “put-down.”


As usual, Lars has nothing but a lame response to an insult.

L. Taylor

His comment was ignorant and substanceless. There was little for me to respond to accept to point out how anachronistically ignorant it was.

The Other Whitey

“His comment was ignorant and substanceless”

Oh, you mean like pretty much all the shit you say, asshole? We are simply responding in kind.


Anachronistic? That’s the best you can do? Is that supposed to be a rebuttal?

You are possibly the laziest twatwaffle on the planet. You did not bother to find out whether or not there are other posts referencing the actual subject at hand. You read the comments and commented on them instead.

You are nothing more than another lazy fuck who wants people to do everything for you, including sit on your face and think for you, becuase you are TOO DAMNED LAZY TO DO YOUR OWN WORK. Your opinions are useless because of your lazy-assed behavior.

YOU DID NOT BOTHER TO READ THIS POST. You are NOT the OP of anything. Hijacking a thread, which is what you are trying to do again, is your stock in trade. You haven’t had an original thought since you were an egg in you mnother’s Fallopian tubes.

You are too lazy to come up with an original idea, but you sure do think that your opinion has some value when YOU DO NOT BOTHER TO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK, JACK.

Well, it isn’t.

L. Taylor

Give me a damn break. Many agencies are still reporting the “father” story and the source of the gun check story is CNN a news source I read infrequently.

I believe the CNN report but who bought the gun has little to do with my point since my point is that THE GUN CONTROL DEBATE IS NOT THE PART OF THIS STORY WE SHOULD BE FOCUSING ON.

It is ridiculous that the anger is being directed at the anti-gun lobby regardless of the facts of the case.

And what the hell kind of rebuttal do you dipshits expect to the comment “eat a bag of dicks. Something tells me you’d probably like the taste”.

Really, you are attacking my lack of a substantive “rebuttal” to a fuckstick comment like that?


The Other Whitey

You made the first fuckstick comment, Lars. We simply responded in kind. Whose fault is it that you ran your cock holster without first making sure you knew what the fuck you were talking about?


Well, if you have a bit of class and what the French would call savoir-faire, you give them one of these website URLs:



Or you just tell them to GFY.

As for cutting you some slack: um, no. Had you bothered to Google the matter, you’d have seen in the first link or two that the original reports of Roof receiving the weapon he used as a gift were likely false. Don’t blame it on the info being “in a place you don’t usually read” – you were simply too damn lazy to do anything approaching due diligence before running your yap. The grief you’re getting for doing that here is fully deserved.

L. Taylor

I have read plenty of news on this issue and less than 24 hours ago the news that his father provided the gun was not disputed.

Since you people are focused on the gun control debate itself you are paying special attention to that one singular aspect of the issue.

I missed the report that came out that is still not widely reported because I think the gun control debate is a waste of fucking time right now.

If Sandy Hook did not change gun laws this sure as shit won’t.

Besides I am pro-gun ownership.

I was spending my time trying to figure out the polital influences. Reading his manifesto and looking at the information sources that shaped his world view. Especially the communities her referenced in his “manifesto” or “statement of explanation” or whatever it is going to end up being called.


I have read plenty of news on this issue and less than 24 hours ago the news that his father provided the gun was not disputed.



CNN reported that sometime prior to 11AM EDT yesterday – or nearly 35 hours ago now.

Reading the DU echo chamber doesn’t count as news, Lars. Neither do the polysci message boards/chat rooms/Facebook pages/Twitter accounts at Berkeley.



That’s brilliant, even for you Lars.

What did your buddy Obama have to talk about on Thursday? What is O’Malley talking about (hint: look up)?

You’re the gift that keeps on giving. How’s the wind forecasting gig working out for you?


“Petty anachronistic attack” – says the individual so behind the power curve that he stated above that Roof’s gun was “given to him by his father” and rants about the nonexistent “loophole” that allowed that – when both points are bullsh!t.

Lars: first, it’s been known for over 24 hours that Roof purchased the gun himself – doubtless committing a felony when doing so (e.g., lying on his ATF 4473) since he was facing felony charges at the time. And second: that so-called “loophole” you’re talking about that allowed Roof to get a weapon does not exist. Anyone giving Roof a weapon while they knew or had reason to suspect he was facing felony charges was themselves committing a Federal felony – specifically, violating 18 USC 922(d)(1). That’s been the case as long as the current wording of 18 USC 922(d)(1) has been law, probably approaching 20 years now (I believe it became law during the Clintoon admin).

In short: Ex-PH2 is right. You’re lazy, and don’t bother to do any research before you speak to ensure you know what the hell you’re talking about.

How about you start doing your homework before opening your yap, child. Or otherwise keep silent while adults are conversing.


Don’t you see, it’s not necessary to do research when you already know everything and are smarter and better than everyone else. 😉

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

That’s the liberal mindset in a nutshell.

Dave Hardin

Damn Lars, I love ya buddy. Miss having you around to keep these right wing maniacs in check.

I was going to post something about the tragically sad nature of the event but there is so much of it gushing from every other outlet online I just couldn’t muster the give a shit.

Ahh, maybe its just old age. It is not that I don’t give a shit, it is just by the time I get around to getting a word in about it I am drowning in tragedy.

I come here to respond to the gun nutz that think the most important thing here is to have the right to own guns.


I come here to get faked out by your sarcasm and hang out with other folks who self identify as Magyar. Get your hand off my gun Dave.

The Other Whitey

I come here for the free booze and strippers…


Free booze and strippers? Damn, Jonn’s been hiding THAT part of the site from me . . . .


Perry Gaskill

Good point, Dave. I think I’m going to go run down a few endangered species with my SUV now.

Semper Idem


I will give you one thing ONLY! Yes, using references to sexual orientation as slurs is stupid and pointless. Such name calling should never be tolerated.

That said, you’re still a moron.

Old Trooper

Maybe if President Dumbass, Marty “small wiener” O’Malley, and the rest of the clown crew would have been more concerned with the person and less concerned with making political points and blaming the tool; then we might start to get somewhere on the subject.

As to the thread about someone not hanging a flag; I didn’t read that thread, so obviously I didn’t comment on it.

If we don’t, as a country, care about the little things, they soon grow into big things. Take, for instance, crime and punishment; if we enforced the gun laws already on the books, then we might not have the problems we are currently experiencing. It makes it tough to talk about gun laws when our own government ignores them (Fast & Furious anyone?) and then attempts to blame it on too lax of gun laws in order to try and manipulate the electorate into believing that these new gun laws are somehow needed to magically fix a problem that was intentionally created by said government. The same government that is now losing their fucking minds over guns, once, again. Obama’s administration intentionally broke existing gun laws and now, all of a sudden, he is concerned about guns? Who’s full of shit? I would say this administration and all the dirtbag liberals that believe their bullshit. We’re told by the same administration and dirtbag liberals that we can’t judge all muslims by the actions of a few (if you consider the conservative estimate of approx. 20% of 1.5 billion muslims being radical, as a few), yet you’re perfectly willing to lump all LEGAL gun owners in with the criminal element and punish us all. Fucking hypocrites. 90 million legal gun owners didn’t murder anyone on Wednesday evening.


So if the demented don’t have access to guns these types of irrational mass killings will stop, right, O’Malley?

Um…Guv, what about this apparently demented killer in Austria who just used his auto and a knife to randomly kill at least three unsuspecting citizens in a public place?



Once again, this is a mental health issue not a gun control issue.

But then most politicians are drunk psychos anyway.

L. Taylor

It was both AND it was the ridiculous cacophony of racist rhetoric in the political arena since Obama became president.

The Other Whitey

Where have you heard this “racist cacophony,” Lars? ‘Cause it wasn’t here. Or is this just another of your fantasies?


Whoa, TOW – watch your tongue. That’s “Lars the Infallible” you’re addressing there. If he says it’s so, it’s so.

Well, in his mind anyway. Reality may well be different.

But since he’s “infallible” he need not bother himself with fact-checking or research. After all, he’s going to UC Berkeley! He’s “special”!

Yeah, right. I do hope he puts more effort into research for his academic work than he does before spouting asinine comments here.


Lars fails to mention that most of that rhetoric has come from Obama and his people.


I heard the racist cacophony is up 400%, right Lars?

A Proud Infidel®™

Larsie-parsie Rudy-poo, the contents of my newborn nephew’s dirty diapers have FAR MORE BRAINS, common sense, and intellect than what you sling here, o vapid little unicorn taint-lusting glittery gargoyle gonad-sniffing candyassed Sparkle Pony! When compared to you, cotton candy looks as tough as horsehide, each and every one of your comments prove that your elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top, sphincter-eyes!

Dave Hardin

Where is HONDO when I need him ? Cacophony: is that the same as a ton of shit? Is it more than a shit load but less than shit pot full?

Rhetoric can kill. Didn’t know that. Do I need fingerprints on file to use it? Is there some 5 page form full of questions I should fill out before I can use rhetoric? If I have it but conceal it, do I need a special license?

Curious abut rhetoric. In what way would have the following rhetoric stopped this crime?

1. A national assault weapons ban.

2. Stricter background checks.

3. Efforts to reduce straw-buying, like fingerprint requirements.


I think it means “sh!tty faker”, DH – or maybe “sh!tty telephone service”. But Lars the Infallible here may be using the term in a new and novel way above for all I know.


The term ‘cacophony’ is used incorrectly. It means a ‘harsh, discordant mixture of sounds’, per the Oxford Unabridged. The correct term is ‘rhetoric’.

The only time I’ve heard ‘cacophony’ of any kind lately was during the broadcasts of the riots directly from Ferguson, MO, back in the early spring.

The ‘cacophony’ from that crowd of angry people, and from the troublemakers who gathered there to cause more trouble than existed ahead of the riots, was loud enough to be picked up by a news helicopter 200 feet above the crowd.

The only ‘racist rhetoric’ I heard coming from Ferguson came out of the mouth of Michael Brown’s father, who screamed (and I quote) ‘burn this bitch down’, while standing on the hood of a car.

There is no such thing going on in this blog or in this or any other thread.

Larson, you are so far out of line with this asinine statement of yours that, now that we know your REAL intent – to cause disruption and dissention – you might as well pack it and depart.

You have been outed, you sorry excuse for personhood.

The Other Whitey

Not unlike little Davey Masciotra, Lars Limp-Dick is a waste of a perfectly good Y-chromosome. This is the same asshole who claims that he was a cop, but ran away like a bitch at the first sign of adversity. Clearly the perfect resumé from which to spew advice.


And while I’m at it, Lars the Dim, don’t use words you don’t understand. Just because you can spell a polysyllabic noun doesn’t mean you grasp its meaning.

You’ve used ‘cacophony’ incorrectly.


The Other Whitey

And “anachronistic.” I was toying with the idea of going Inigo Montoya on his ass: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”


Well, TOW, he probably has access to an online vocabulary building thesaurus and thinks we’re too uneducated to know the meanings of BIG WORDS ourselves.

Hey, Lars, you jackass: I have MUCH MORE ACTIVE DUTY TIME than you do, and I have a much better education than you do, too.

The same holds true for many, many of the people who post comments here. Ergo, your smug, contemptuous take on who/what we are and our experience/education, etc., are without substance.

The difference between us and you is that we dont generally set out to piss people off the way you do, you lazy, stump-sucking, self-serving, mullion-eyed cabbage vending fishmonger. And I do mean that last word in the medieval sense.


Have you ever noticed that Lars posts here like he is chastising an all white audience? I find this offensively presumptuous, and in fact, racist in and of itself. So, in closing, fuck you Lars.

The Other Whitey

Don’t forget his irrational hatred of LTC Allen West.


And let’s do remember his smug, falsely superior attitude that stems from being a ‘grad student’ in liberal studies.

No, Lars, you lazy splink, you do not get a break. You’re too lazy to search for valid sources for information and you dispute it when it’s presented to you. Your refusal to do what any researcher would do, i.e., get the latest information on a subject to support an argument, speaks volumes about you. We aren’t nearly as forgiving as your professors are.

You are a mediocre slacker at best. You should try train spotting. It requires no mental effort on your part.