Wednesday morning feel good stories
First off, in Kentucky, three men broke into a home and began pistol-whipping the inhabitants. Luckily their gun misfired when they pulled the trigger while the gun was pointed at one victim’s head. The family’s father fetched his firearm and shot one of the intruders and the trio fled the scene. The fellow who was struck was found down the street and hospitalized for his bad decision.
In Ohio, an uninvited guest was greeted with gunfire as he tried to turn his life around entering a home through a window. He thought better of the situation and beat feet. Police believe that he may be wounded and they’re still looking for him or his remains, whichever turns up.
In Pennsylvania, an agitated Jimmy W. Spencer forced his way into a neighbor’s home and began assaulting the neighbor. The neighbor convinced Mr. Spencer that was a bad idea by giving Mr. Spencer a lead injection. Mister Spencer is now reconsidering his initial decision from a hospital bed in Morgantown, West Virginia.
Category: Feel Good Stories
Damn! No confirmed bodies for the mortuary? Just more injured that will have to be tended to and stacked in the jails at taxpayers expense?
The world in NOT a more peaceful place.
Next thing you know we’ll be seeing the ACLU suing on behalf of the ventilated criminals saying they’ve been denied their right to “redistributed income”. Gonna go to the range this weekend!!
You had me at “first off, in Kentucky”.
I was rolling on the floor, just reading that!
The only way the story could have been funnier is if it read, “first off, in West Virginia” or “first off, in Loueezeyeanna”.
Us Yankees up here love reading these hill-billy hijinx stories.
Oh, trust me, Master Chief–weapons grade stupidity is not restricted to one side of the Mason-Dixon Line.
Up in NH, a couple of “yutes” were taking a blowtorch to a guy’s safe to get to the contents inside.
Which happened to be full of fireworks.
Hilarity ensues.
I read about that, they blew the safe and themselves to confetti.
Live Free (to rob somebody) or die (trying)?
MCPO: take a look at where the “good” Brady Scores are, and you’ll see why you don’t hear many stories like this from “damnyankee land” or Kalifornica. In those parts of the country, some governments make it damned difficult for honest people to protect themselves. There what you hear is stories like the one of Kitty Genovese.
I think I’ll take my chances among the rednecks, thanks. At least if one of them gets stupid, I’ll still generally have the legal right to use a firearm to protect myself.
Eyes gots all my purmits!
I was just “goating” my friends of the southern persuation!
Lucky you. But I suspect your case is anything but typical in the NYC/LI area.
Ask your neighbors in the “city” (or across the river in NJ or CT) if they can get a permit for carry. Or if they can even afford to purchase a pistol, or know where to do so.
The two escapees from Clinton best not head your direction I reckon.
“I was just “goating” my friends of the southern persuation!”
Grateful that you didn’t crack any jokes on Texas… in Spanish… again.
Uuuuhhhm, MCPO, just compare the per capita violent crime rates of Northeastern locales with strict gun Control Laws with say, Kennessaw, GA where gun ownership is openly encouraged, their violent crime rate nosedived after they passed their famous local ordinance!
I got tired of getting criticism for publishing what passes for journalism in many of these small media outlets and I decided that I’d report these incidents in my own words. Is that OK with you guys?
It’s not your fault that they all graduated from the National School of Functional Illiteracy.
If you want to interpret their presentations to save the rest of us some time, it’s fine.
Yeah, I’m cool with that! A bunch of what today’s “Kolledje-Edjumucared” excuses for urinalists makes me feel like I lose IQ points as I read their tripe!
Ok by you, ok by me. If possible, put the link to the original story in there somewhere as well, just like you’re doing now.
Thanks for all you do, Jonn.
It’s your blog, Jonn… at least you present the facts accurately, unless like the members of the “fourth estate”.
Current journalists write like they have just graduated from the Bernathian School of Journalistic Integrity with with a BS (Bull Shit) degree in Ethics…
Meanwhile .. across town…
Jeep driver died of self-inflicted gunshot at time of Sunday’s fatal accident
And that has what to do with the legitimate use of a firearm for self-defense, precisely?
If the guy was going to off himself, it would have indeed been better had he done that while parked. But he could just as easily chosen “suicide by auto crash” with precisely the same result – e.g., one or more dead or injured innocents.
If you’re going make an attempt to offer a story as a counterpoint, try not to make it a pathetically inappropriate or inane example. If you’re capable of discerning the difference, that is.
And before you trot out that bogus “more guns mean more deaths, so fewer guns means fewer deaths” libidiot mantra – recent research published by Harvard shows that to be, well, bogus.