Sunday morning feel good story

| May 31, 2015

This one comes from Florida;

Police said the homeowner, a 77-year-old man, was in the shower when he heard strange noises. Police said he went to see what was going on and came face-to-face with the burglars.

Authorities said the victim opened fire on the men. One of the suspects was pronounced dead at the scene.

The second suspect, a 25-year-old man, was also shot by the victim and airlifted to Kendall Regional Medical Center. His condition has not been released.

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Us old guys can’t fight back, so we just shoot you until you stay down.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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A Proud Infidel®™

When checking to see if you have unwanted intruders in your domicile:

1. Make sure you’re armed.
2. Know your weapon and positively ID who’s downrange.
3. If it is an unwanted intruder(s) fire, reload, and repeat as necessary.
4. Call Law Enforcement afterward to file the report and bring someone from the local morgue/Coroner’s Office to pick up the corpse(s).


One minor difference/addition with #4.

If the intruder is still alive after following 1 – 3 check blood flow from “victim” at point of entry of your .454 Casull. Wait at least 10 minutes thus assuring that medical examiner will be called and not waste the time of an ambulance crew.

A Proud Infidel®™

Read #3, “…repeat as necessary.” as in a double tap or three to the head and/or vitals. 😈


Roger that! Repeat until there is only one story told…mine.

B Woodman

Sparks, ya beat me to it. That would have been step 4b.


With a Casull… need to repeat. 🙂 You get hit in the pinky and you’re gunna die.