A new Iraq “surge”?

| May 30, 2015

Michael Crowley at Politico speculates on what a new Iraq “surge” would look like. He says that Republicans, like Graham, Perry, Walker and Pataki, are warming up to the idea of sending tens of thousand of US troops back into the country. Yeah, well they’ll do it without me;

And even though President Barack Obama has ruled out the idea of a ground combat force — which is also a nonstarter for congressional Democrats — polls show growing public support for the idea.

Leading voices for more U.S. troops say they’re not proposing combat units that would directly engage in firefights like those of the Iraq War. The Bush surge deployed 30,000 troops, many to the front lines. Advocates of a new surge speak mainly of more trainers and advisers embedded with Iraqi army units, spotters to guide precision airstrikes, and U.S. Special Forces to conduct night raids.

Such a strategy would dramatically amplify Obama’s policy to fight the Islamic State, which has drawn fresh criticism since militants captured Ramadi, the capital of Iraq’s Anbar province, nearly two weeks ago.

I find it difficult to believe that there’s that much public support for sending ten or twenty thousand troops back to Iraq. More importantly, I don’t see the value of sending that many US troops into that mess as “trainers and advisers embedded with Iraqi army units”. Putting that many people into the country only guarantees that sooner or later they’ll end up in direct combat, either intentionally or accidentally.

Former Army vice chief of staff, Jack Keane, thinks that somehow putting that many US soldiers into Iraq would “speed” training of Iraqi units. I disagree. For one thing, you can’t do speedy training. You train to a standard, and it takes time. Secondly, with that many US troops on the ground, the Iraqi Army will have a crutch to lean on, insuring that we’ll never get out of that country.

Look, the only way to beat ISIS is to kill them all. There won’t be any strategic victory over maneuver elements – there will only be killing and blood shed on a scale not seen in the last few centuries. Let the Iranians and the Shi’ite militias do it. They don’t need training for that. Just turn them loose and give them some air cover. That’s all we can do. While they’re out there on the killing fields doing the dirty business in their own dirty way, we can train the Iraqi Army to manage the clean up and the relative peace that will follow when all of ISIS are dead.

Category: Terror War

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You can train those people from now until doomsday and it won’t do a lick of good.


Exactly. I’d say bomb them back to the stone age and get the hell out, but since they’re practically there already we can just write them off as is. They’re cowardly and conflicted. You can’t change that.


You got it wrong Jonn.
Fortunately we have Marie Harff to set things straight. They are sending in 20-30,000 social workers to help ISIS find jobs.
Sheesh man, get it right before you spout off.

B Woodman

20,000 – 30,000 social workers. And most likely all DemonCrats. That many dead DemonCrat voters might tip the balance between “blue” to “red”. Hurt my feelings (not).

Pinto Nag

You know we’re in trouble when the conspiracy theories floating around make more sense than what comes out of DC does. *sigh*


All the training in the world won’t do any good if the trainees turn tail and run away at the first sight of ISIS.


The Iraqi’s need to put the fear in ISIS and watch THEM run away, kill a bunch, throw them in an open ditch and pour pig entrails, and blood all over them…watch the rest run then! It worked like a champ for General Pershing, and still would work…if anyone left in this freaking world have the BALLS to do to them just a token of what they do to put the fear in people!!!


Except the Pershing part in the Moro Rebellion never happened. Urban legend. But thanks for playing!

Al T.

I’m waiting for the Iranians to “surge” a couple of Divisions in to Iraq. Should be interesting.


“Advocates of a new surge speak mainly of more trainers and advisers embedded with Iraqi army units”. I’ve heard that until I’m gonna puke! You CANNOT train a coward! Many, many of the Iraqis now running like rapes apes in the face of ISIS WERE trained by U.S. Forces on tactics and weapons. How’s it gonna work huh? One American for one Iraqi soldier. The American says, “Okay Akmed, now you move over there while these men fire and then lay down covering fire for the men on your right to move forward, got it?” Akmed, then gets up to run to the position, a round zips by and he turns and heads back to the American saying, “No one said they would shoot at us! I just want be simple goat herder!” See it just will not work. Because MY ROE at that point would have the American putting a round in Akmed’s brain pan when he turned to run back. Besides the number of Americans they’re talking about will have casualties without fail. I mean anyone who says that many troops on the ground with NO casualties is being a knowing or unknowing idget and a liar. The enemy always gets a vote and his vote will be to find and engage the Americans and kill as many as possible. No we will not cut and run and the attrition of loss for ISIS will be overwhelming. But it will be the goal, these back home dick heads are wanting but not saying. A real reason to get us into the war again and into an active combat role again. Plus as easily as these worthless bastards over there change sides, we will have blue of green deaths regularly. Screw them up one side and down the other. Wipe out ISIS from the air without regard to civilians who they use for shelter or support them. Fuck them all! Kill them all! Even then, the Iraqis have no more idea how to establish and run a free nation than that Fat Little Turd in North Korea does. Then,… Read more »


I don’t even agree with bombing them. Let Islam duke it out with Islam. We can kill them when they try to come here.


I’m all for it but only if we implement the draft and send them first.

Time to get involved against evil you cheese dicks.


It’s now a Sunni-Shia religious war. As I posted, we have no dog in this fight. Let Iran bleed for what’s left of Iraq if they want to, I’m done with the place. Let the Muzzies sort it out.

E-6 type, 1 ea

As others have stated, you have to either kill them all, or enough of them that they give up. Keep after them until they’re unable to conduct ANY significant operations.

General Howe didn’t learn this, 5 Army of the Potomac Commanders didn’t learn this, the League of Nations didn’t learn this.

It’s very basic knowledge that if you leave an Army in the field or allow them to escape, they will continue to have the ability to make war. They must be so completely destroyed that they lose all ability to make and maintain war. You attack them until there isn’t any more to attack.

What the hell are they teaching in War College?


“What the hell are they teaching in War College?”

How to pretend to prosecute a war, and look good doing it (for the photo-ops)

Hack Stone

I thought that they were attending training on celebrating the diversity that the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community contributes to the success of the United States Military. I remember the days when the military was all about winning wars. Oh, to be young again.


Great story! ! ! thank you Jonn. for laying down facts as they are, and not some sugar coating BS.
It doesn’t matter how many trainers you put on the ground, if the students don’t care or don’t want to lean then you are wasting our Time, blood, money, and our soldiers life’s for nothing, it’s time to let the powers that be in the region deal with it…..




Two words. Carpet. Bomb.