Judge strikes down DC’s “good reason” gun law

| May 20, 2015

According to Fox News, U.S. District Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr. called unconstitutional the District of Columbia’s requirement that an applicant for a permit to carry a concealed weapon must have a “good reason” in order to qualify for the 2d Amendment right.

“For all intents and purposes, this requirement makes it impossible for the overwhelming majority of law-abiding citizens to obtain licenses to carry handguns in public for self-defense, thereby depriving them of their Second Amendment right to bear arms,” Scullin wrote in his 23-page ruling. His next hearing in the case is July 7.

States including Maryland, New Jersey and New York already require people to provide a reason for these kinds of permits, and federal courts have found them to be constitutional, according to a report the city did before passing its own new law.

We kind of need the Supreme Court to weigh in on this – the best way is for Congress to pass a National Concealed Carry law.

The DC Metro police chief, Kathy Lanier isn’t happy about the judge’s decision;

“The vast majority of people applying for permits to carry in the District are not D.C. residents,” Lanier said on NewsChannel 8’s “NewsTalk” program. “Our residents are very clear that this is not something they wanted.”

Yeah, well, that’s exactly why there is a Bill of Rights – to prevent a tyranny of the majority that prevents a minority from exercising their God-given rights. If DC residents are worried about law-abiding citizens arming themselves, and they’re not as concerned about the armed criminals in the District, DC residents need to take a look at themselves in the mirror.

Thanks to Hondo for the link.

Category: Guns

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The law still requires completion of a handgun safety course taught by a DC certified instructor. I haven’t been able to find a list of these instructors anywhere on line, and I’m guessing that the ones who exist are going to charge several hundreds of dollars to teach the, I believe, 16 hour mandatory training. So, expect to spend some serious cash if you want to carry in the District.


I read an article where the author broke down the cost of obtaining a permit in DC. It was just under $500. So that alone effectively prohibits the poorer citizens of DC, who it could be argued need a permit most, from getting one. How is that not an infringement?


After reading your comment, I went to their website to find who offers the training, and couldn’t find it. It’s fairly evident they make it virtually impossible and cost/time prohibitive to apply for a CCW (unless you’re politically connected).

I dare not call the place and ask, lest they give me the runaround over the phone. I don’t have time for that.


I went that route, too. Fortunately, one of my neighbors is a DC cop, so I’m going to ask him this weekend if he can get the approved trainer list. The next step will be to figure out how to get put on the list as an instructor. Depending on how I feel about the student, I’ll charge almost nothing or half the cost of my monthly mortgage.


Guess a city full of thugs and criminals is not a good reason for those idiots.


Especially the thugs and criminals that aren’t in the employ of the federal government


Wonder what this ruling means for places like Md? Is there prior ruling that said they are consitutional? Could someone with deep pockets (lawyers are expensive) use this ruling to re-engage the argument in these places to force the matter to the higher courts?

A Proud Infidel®™

Another barrier bites the dust in one place BUT I’m sure the antigun left is going to pull out all the stops and go full throttle in their fight, they’ve failed in Red State country and they’re going to do all they can to keep criminals safe in their blue State fiefdoms.

Dave Hardin

Law abiding citizens can now defend their lives, loved ones, and property in DC ? What is next? People will begin to freely speak their mind in public, object to random searches, or not wanting the government to seize their wealth and property.

This is a slippery slope, it is going to get out of control. Next thing you know my wife will want to vote.


Women get the vote?? Preposterous!! Why, I will move with Alec Baldwin to a foreign country if that happens!!

Dave Hardin

Hey, I never said he was a woman. (She thinks he is, we don’t talk about it much.) Alec Baldwin……never heard of her.


The mayor and chief of police will keep coming up with chickenshit restrictions and requirements for CCW holders. That’s their MO and they’ll keep to it.

This is an annoyance to them, but at the end they will just laugh at it.


I’m guessing that the $75 registration fee will suddenly increase significantly. This will have the same effect as the previous limitations; only the wealthy and well connected in Georgetown will be carrying while the poor bastards in south east are left to fend for themselves.

The locals are also saying that they are being told that the city won’t recognize the judge’s order for 120 while they decide if they will appeal or not.

The Other Whitey

Like Kathy Lennier has EVER listened or gave a a rat’s fuzzy nutsack about what her constituency wants! She’s a perfect example of how working cops are overwhelmingly pro-2A, while police chiefs who are appointed by liberal politicians and are far removed from reality just toe their bosses’ party line.

It’s nice to see the judge doesn’t care for their bullshit, but you know they’ll still nickel&dime every applicant to death with red tape and bureaucracy, because they can.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not to mention deep-pocketed anti-gunners like Soros and Nanny Bloomberg spending dump truck loads of money on lawyers and propaganda campaigns to push their agenda.


I disagree that we need a Federal Law for concealed carry. What we need is a Federal Law that states, that any person absent criminal or mental health background that would prohibit them from obtaining a gun be allowed to walk into any gun shop, in any state and purchase the weapon of their choice and configuration. A Background check would be required, and that would be that.
We already have that Law though, it is called the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. There should be no restrictions on law abiding citizens in their ability to legally own and bear arms.

Pinto Nag

Ruling, appeal, ruling, appeal, ruling, appeal…

This has nothing to do with rights, and everything to do with lawyers paying their mortgages, buying their summer homes, and putting their kids through college.



A Proud Infidel®™

I think you forgot Country Club Membership dues, golf clubs, and hush money to their Mistresses! 😉


I have no problem coming up with a good, compelling reason: “Because I freakin’ want it!” is my reason.


Irrelevant. They’ll just ignore it. If it involves the 2nd amendment the law doesn’t matter, unless it’s to restrict access then it’s enforced. Anything else, however, is ignored blatantly.

Here in Michigan our CPL/Handgun laws have changed via the legislative process and months later, nothing from the new laws is enacted.



I live in Michigan – Kzoo area. I may be able to speak with some authority on this topic in a couple of weeks. One of my kids completed the class, has his certificate, and will apply. If the County Gun Board is still working, I think that I will hear about it.


Curious as to what changed?

Planet Ord

I got a chuckle out of seeing all the bumper stickers all over DC last week. They were on restaurant doors, street signs, cars, etc. they said “Carry a gun because a cop is too heavy”

All of my friends thought it was humorous and spot on accurate. Considering we were there for police week and didn’t leave the hotel without carrying.