ISIS gets resupplied by fall of Ramadi

| May 20, 2015

Ramadi was a windfall for ISIS forces when Iraqi forces abandoned their equipment to flee the advancing thugs. According to the Associated Press;

A Pentagon spokesman, Col. Steve Warren, estimated that a half dozen tanks were abandoned, a similar number of artillery pieces, a larger number of armored personnel carriers and about 100 wheeled vehicles like Humvees. He said some of the vehicles were in working condition; others were not because they had not been moved for months.

Yeah, well, the looted British cannons from Fort Ticonderoga that appeared on the heights of Bunker and Breed Hills didn’t turn the tide of that battle, but the casualties that the British suffered as a result limited their operations around Boston after that and resulted in their evacuation from Boston eventually. But that’s just history. It can’t happen again.

Anyway, we haven’t got rid of that Dempsey guy yet, so we still get treated to his wisdom;

Gen. Martin Dempsey, the top U.S. military officer, issued a written statement Monday that suggested Ramadi will trigger no change in the U.S. approach.

“Setbacks are regrettable but not uncommon in warfare,” Dempsey said. “Much effort will now be required to reclaim the city.”

They knew that Ramadi has been on the verge of toppling for a month, it seems to me that knowledge would have triggered some sort of reaction in the form of increased application of air power, or something. I know the Delta raid was supposed to be a distraction from the fall of Ramadi, I just know it. But this “setbacks are…not uncommon in warfare” attitude is just stupid, especially when they had time to prevent the setback.

Like I said earlier today, a defensive battle is easier than an offensive battle – if the Iraqis couldn’t hold the city, they’re sure going to have a hard time taking it back.

They should just give Dempsey administrative leave until his retirement date. It’s obvious that he has his mind on that seven-figure job that he’s taking, because his head hasn’t been in the war for the last four years or so.

Our buddy, Kristina Wong at The Hill says that yesterday, the Pentagon finally called Ramadi a failure;

“It was a failure of a lot of things, leadership being one of them, tactics being one of them,” said Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren.

He added, however, “it’s important to note that war is a fluid thing, there’s victories, but the enemy does get a vote and in this case, the enemy was able to gain the upper hand,” he said.

It’s also a failure of a Pentagon that fights from the White House.

Category: Terror War

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

The amount of ammo stored in Ramadi will resupply ISIS fighters for months as well.

The fall of any major city is problematic just based on resource acquisition by the enemy. That’s warfare 101, but to hear these fools tell it we have nothing to worry about because it’s all under control.

Yeah, excuse if I’m not believing in that just yet.

A Proud Infidel®™

Methinks this is going to be a shitty mess for decades to come just like when Jimmeh Kahtuh dropped the ball in dealing with Iran and that’s still a shitty mess!


Just farking NUKE the entire place.
Sheesh, what are we WAITING FOR?!
/Oh right, a Republican president.

Tom Huxton

Yah. looks like good targets for smart bombs, before they move

(that report button is way too close to the post button)


(that report button is way too close to the post button)

Just a suggestion, there seems to be a lot of fat mouse fingers here for people hitting report as opposed to reply and then having to ask for forgiveness?
Maybe you can put it on the right corner of the posting box?
/just a thought.

Pinto Nag

And maybe change the colors around? Everybody seems to be attracted to the bright red color.


As I recall in the Holy Book of Armaments regarding the “report button of Antioch”, the report function is only activated if the Report Button of Antioch is pressed FIVE times….not FOUR but FIVE times. Not SIX, but FIVE times.


I LOVE that movie!

Pinto Nag

Fallujah and Baghdad are right up the road; resupplied, ISIS will probably hit Fallujah again, and Baghdad after that. Baghdad is what they’re after, right?


I know some here may think this sounds crazy. But if should have been split in to three when we were there. It looks like it’s getting done.


“Setbacks are regrettable but not uncommon in warfare. Much effort will now be required to reclaim the city.” – Jefferson Davis, 2 Sep 1864 (or something like that).

E-6 type, 1 ea

Too perfect!

E-6 type, 1 ea

Our buddy, Kristina Wong at The Hill says that yesterday, the Pentagon finally called Ramadi a failure;

“It was a failure of a lot of things, leadership being one of them, tactics being one of them,” said Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren.

Knowing this administration, I’m guessing that by no later than this evening, that will read former Pentagon spokesman Army COL (Ret) Steve Warren.


The only way that advancement by ISIS will be stopped is to drop two nukes, one on Mosul and one on Ramadi. And I don’t mean little bitty ones, either.

Sorry if I seem bloodthirsty today. I would like to see someone without a forked tongue speaking in WDC, and someone who actually WANTS to win gets the job. You’re either in it to win it, or you quit and go home with your tail stuck between your hind legs.

Joe Mama

The “JV” team strikes again.


It’s easy for the JV team to win when they’re playing against Pop Warner teams.
And listening to Dempsey Dumpster talk strategy is like listening to Hillary talk about ethics….


Where is the polling of still alive Iraqis regarding their views on US military involvement? Every year we were in Iraq there were a multitude of these…

Just once I want to see a ISIS parade video being interrupted by USAF B52’s blocking out the sun. Just once, please…

charles w

Maybe the White House could get one of those spokes chicks to send a nasty tweet. #badbad isis 🙁


Someday in the not too distant future, as video of ISIS driving Humvees and firing M-16’s and M-2’s plays in the background, the establishment media and the libturds are going to remind us that the US government once supplied arms and ammunition to ISIS.
The fact that those arms and ammunition were captured, not supplied directly, will not be mentioned in the reports.


I’m pretty pissed at the “la dee dah” attitude of the politicians.

I would be furious if I was a vet of the Iraq War. FURIOUS.


When my battalion left in ’04, you’d be amazed at how much ammunition we were told to turn over to the IDF unit that was taking over the compound we were operating out of in Baghdad.


Spent 2 years there, saw the writing on the wall in 2005 and 2010, and don’t give a rat’s ass now. Someone said nuke it earlier, but I don’t know if you could tell the difference before and after…

Just an Old Dog

The problem with the war against ISIs in Iraq is that we are letting Iraqis fight it.


Man, they lost the tanks – that sucks. There was nothing better to string a tarp off for the daily naps at the checkpoints – Iraqis were masters at that. Where are they gonna sleep now?