Operation Jade Helm? Chill.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This article was written for the primarily civilian readership at American Thinker. Judging from their comments, the citizens of this nation are so distrusting of the Obama administration that they are willing to believe our military would turn its guns against them on Obama’s orders. That is very sad. I’ve been writing for American Thinker for more than a decade and never have I been so vilified as I was for this article. We live in interesting times.
We’ve been getting concerned e-mails from friends in Texas as to whether or not the long-ago announced and now being staged large-scale military operation, called Jade Helm and taking place in several western states, is some sort of federal testing of the ability of the Obama government to seize control of our nation and use our military forces to disarm and subjugate our citizenry.
The short answer is no, Operation Jade Helm is not some sort of scheme by Obama to seize control of those red states that reject his socialist views for the future of this nation. For starters, just look at the name of the operation. Rather than being the brilliant brainstorm of some radical revolutionary buried in the bowels of the White House situation room, that name, to me, a former infantry grunt, is rather prosaic. You have a bunch of military planners sitting around a table in a conference room brainstorming this upcoming operation when the officer in charge says to his subordinates around the table, “Okay, what are we gonna call this baby?” One operations type whose eyes are going bleary from hours of brain strain glances over at the wall and sees a framed photo of the installation’s commanding general in full combat gear, which just happens to include his green combat helmet, and pops up his hand: “How about Green Helmet?” Groans come from around the table until the one planning officer among them, who majored in English lit, offers, “Well, we could call it Jade Helm. Same thing.”
So Jade Helm it is, and now, thanks to a lot of right-wing rabble-rousers, an otherwise routine military operation involving our special operations units honing their skills in urban and other populated environments takes on a menacing, threatening demeanor that becomes a source of concern to ordinary Americans who would not normally be concerned. Yes, you may see more helicopters flying about than normal, but helicopters are the means by which our special operations warriors most frequently get to their combat objectives. They’ll be gone soon.
Those of you concerned need to consider some simple math. All of our special operations units combined likely do not equal the manpower strength of a single Army division. If an evil federal administration were planning to use military forces to enslave the red states, they certainly would require far more manpower than is currently available in our special operations forces. It is doubtful that our entire combined armed forces have the capability to subjugate this nation due to our having armed ourselves pursuant to our 2nd Amendment rights.
Another thing to ponder: there are no dummies in special operations. You have to be top tier mentally to even be considered. On a per capita basis, they probably have a far higher IQ than any other military organizations other than perhaps the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and I wouldn’t bet the farm on that. Now, if you’re going to use military forces against the people and the nation they are sworn to defend, are you really going to pick as your vanguard the very warriors who possess the intellect to realize that you are asking them to violate their oaths of service? Of course not; you want the slugs that barely made it through basic training and will do your bidding without questioning your motives. Intelligent, thinking warriors are those who are most likely to question the legality of politically motivated orders directing them to take action against their own citizens.
Those of you out there feeling queasy about Jade Helm? Chill.
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Politics
My sentiments exactly. Maybe that’s why B. Hussein 0bama & Company proposed dropping the standards of Enlistment and allowing illegal aliens to enlist? It seems they want useful idiots, not Loyal Warriors. Just look at some of the slobbering window-licking myrmidons that work for the TSA and DHS, it’s THEM I distrust, not the U.S. Military.
I do not belong to the “been everywhere, dun everythin’ crowd but I disagree with you on TSA.
They have a job to do and they follow their instructions. With one exception in Boston, TSA has been uniformly polite and concerned about doing the job correctly and about my reactions to them. Prior to TSA, airport security was done by contractors who would have been worse only if they started to shoot people so TSA is much better – perhaps not infinitely better but a helluva a lot better.
YMMV and that is okay too.
How long has Robin Sage been running?
In the early 70s there was a similar exercise around Fort Devens, MA. Local people were told to call the cops if they saw people sneaking around or stealing stuff. The cops were told that SF guys were crossing their turf and were told to pick up every guy they could find. SF guys who were caught got a lot grief from their friends. I seem to remember that was the 10th Group and they had a lot of fun with it.
Richard, according to this article from SofRep.com, it was the legendary COL Aaron Banks, himself, who started Robin Sage, although it didn’t take on that name until a few years later.
Agree 100%. Read this as well. It give another view of the hysteria.
whoever wrote this article better remove their head from their ass and look around, I have read several times about training of young marines on taking on civilians, removing weapons , food etc….these young marines don’t know shyt, they know nothing about America and our history, because our communist NEA and teachers don’t teach them…as for this jade helm bullshyt, they were stopping people here and they took peoples cameras and erased all the pictures they took of the activities…so don’t be so phucking naive!!
I went over to American Thinker and read some of the comments. Just wow. The tinfoil hat crowd has really stirred up a mess, and there’s no talking to them.
I’ve developed a new affliction. Anytime somebody says the words “false flag” my ears start to ring, my eyes cross, and I get a mental-image loop of Wily E. Coyote strapping an Acme rocket to his ass.
It comes and goes…
I did the same thing. I jumped into an article linked on drudge, and it went downhill from there. I thought my question whether they really thought that a majority of the US military is so enamored with Obama they would accept an illegal takeover was thought provoking enough to get through the tinfoil. Apparently not. Sadly, there were quite a few veterans in the crowd, too.
I was right.
P&D is the new social disease, rapidly displacing the PTSD as the fasion of the day in social diseases.
Next thing you know, they’ll be using special cameras with special film* to track our every move. And nobody uses film any more (except me and a few diehards), so you know it’s true.
*If you guessed infrared, you win the glazed donuts and a cup of coffee.
The fact we even have to have this conversation speaks volumes about the distrust people have not only in this administration, but their government as a whole. The rise of “preppers” and foil hatters like Alex Jones only adds fuel to the speculation that any day now, a UN led multinational force could roll in and start rounding people up. It’s ugly and un-American.
Well, when you have a President that is negotiating a trade agreement in secret (TPP) and not letting anyone know what it involves and you have a massive tax burden (Obamacare) that had to be passed before you could know what’s in it, or Behnghazi, etc.; you can understand the mistrust.
Totally agree. It’s just sad and heartbreaking that this is how we go out; pussies handing over their liberty so they can “feel safe” and have the government take care of them.
Totally agree
And the feds have done a lot to earn that mistrust. Having been to the border as a state police officer I can say from first hand experience the feds have messed it up beyond fixing. The BP has circled the wagons out of self preservation and the state just doesn’t have the numbers to control the sheer volume. For Texas that’s where the focus is and justifiably so. There are some odd things going on that are causing otherwise “normal” folks to consider outrageous explanations because none of it makes sense.
We surprised more than a few folks in Connecticut parks while performing helicopter insertions at the local dams along the Naugatuck river when I was with the 2/102nd Infantry in the CTARNG a long time ago….
This is nothing new and the fact that so many people are willing to accept an InfoWars based report as having any validity makes me question the intellectual capacity of those very same people.
There is, sadly, no longer a stupidity shortage in the United States. In fact depending on where you live and where you look one could come to the conclusion that as of late we seem to be in the midst of a stupidity surplus. Science is being devalued every day by religious fundies of all stripes, we believe the morons who play sports or act in films represent what’s good in the nation. We mock the “nerds” who will actually be the people who make things we need.
In the age of social media stupidity multiplies logarithmically instead of proportionately, consequently one chicken little dumbass becomes an entire flock of morons.
In my experience, Religion is always adversarial with Science and vice-versa. You see it more these days due to the internet and social media.
People are “stupider” these days because more information is available due to the internet and social media.
Information available on the internet and social media is taken as gospel merely because someone says, “This has a code for a bill in the Senate, its the truth Brah!” There are plenty of bullshit “fact-check” techniques they portray to indicate such.
Pre-2000 people had to use libraries, the Mainstream Media wasn’t so overwhelmingly bias, and newspapers actually had factual information in them. Hype = ratings = money, which is being lost due to the internet and social media, more so everyday.
There are several factors as to why stupid is as stupid does, but at the end of the day, people believe what they read if it fits their social/demographic/cultural/political/religious point of view.
Lastly, I don’t think there’s been a “stupidity shortage” ever in the US. It is that stupidity is more prevalently viewed because of the internet and social media.
I’ll push it the other way:
The military is using this exercise to secretly contact the preppers for November 2016 when President Obama declares himself president for life.
The SF teams are setting up caches and establishing contacts with the resistance networks.
Makes about as much sense as Alex Jones and info wars BS
Hey, give ’em my address! I want to help!
Add me to that list, would ya?
I have a completely stocked pantry and freezer, and I know how to kill chickens.
Shhhhhh!!! That shit’s supposed to be sooper fricken sekrit, Stacy!!!
OpSec, boy, OpSec!!!!!
I’ll be a Guerrilla in the North, hitting them from behind the lines…
When less than 5% of the population have served and/or truely understand the military, its not a big leap of thinking when you take into account all truely FAQ’d up stuff this administration has done and is doing. Fortunately we’ve done a really good job of teach the concept of ‘unlawful orders’ during basic and most soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines(at least 99%+) are more likely to respond with ‘GFYS Sir/Ma’am’ if ever given such orders.
Before Al Gore’s invention came about, people like Alex Jones were the guys at the end of the bar in at the local watering hole that had the rat shit ideas that there was some sort of Government conspiracy going down… and they were usually looked at as being the “town crackpot”. Unfortunately, the Interwebs has change that…
As far as I’m concerned, if the theories bantered about don’t have all of the following in them, then they ain’t shit:
1. FEMA reeducation camps in Montana
2. Little red/black books for the masses
3. Area 51 and/or Roswell, NM
4. Worshiping a watermelon named “Zog”
5. Mandatory alien anal probeing
Go at it, Ex-PH2…
How ’bout chemical contrails from jet aircraft putting out mind-controlling chemicals and fluoridation of drinking water is another mind-control conspiracy? Oops, I posted that sans my tinfoil hat but oh well – *PZZZT!*… OOOOH look, something shiny!!!
I apologize in advance *as to* making your brains hurt with this…
Yep… a real deal PhD in physics there… must have graduated from the same school that Heavy Chevy got his degree from…
Wow, she knows the word “Spectrum” but doesn’t know shit about why water makes rainbows…
I’m guessing she purposely didn’t show the side of her yard where she’s growing pot which is why she’s so paranoid…
There’s some guy in Indiana who lived in his mother’s basement until she died and then emerged into the light of day.
He thinks that sundogs mean we have three suns; meteors in the fireball stage (worth some serious cash!) are alien spaceships; and when crows engage in mass roosting, they’re plotting an invasion of some kind.
We should definitely move the signs. Definitely. ‘Cause you jes’ know them deer can read ’em.
OMFG. Thanks for the lunch humor!
Once, I’d have said that there was no way in hell that the caller could be legit, and she had to be a plant for comedic effect.
Then I saw some of the “winners” featured here at TAH – especially the DRC.
Yeah, it’s really possible someone could be that . . . naive.
Oh, by the way: here’s part 2. Yeah, she apparently was serious. (smile)
And just think…it’s people like her that are right next to you in the voting booth!
Oh, two more elements to add… the Illuminati and the “New World Order”. Can’t have a real deal conspiracy with those two things.
You forgot the Tri-Lateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations! And the Masons, too, I think. I can’t keep up any more.
This could have all been avoided if the planners had done what they have in the past. And this is to draw imaginary borders that don’t correspond to the State boundaries. That and naming fictitious countries instead of using the States names.
Hit the nail on the head.
I’m just waiting for Santorini’s caldera to start building up a lava dome underwater.
My name is Richard and I am preparing for a tsunami in Lake Michigan.
That is more likely than SOF taking over Texas for King Barry…
It’s the Ant People of Rigel 6 orchestrating this exercise!
They are going to take over the US and use the nuclear weapons to annihilate the Dowallic klan that attempted to conquer their home planet of Jupiter’s largest moon!
Meh. The author is right in general (its not a pre-takeover exercise) but wrong on the specifics.
He’s also a bit of a condescending ass. I was one of his “slugs that barely made it through basic training”. I went Marine Infantry, wound up in the S-3 of LAR Battalion. Pretty intense operations command. My IQ is 146, my ASVAB was 99%, my GT score was 135. So he can go fuck himself, I’m probably smarter than him.
Oh, his “planning officer that majored in English Lit” ? That was me. Except I was a CPL not a butterbar. Again, the author can go fuck himself. Does he really even know the military or what he is talking about?
But the main flaw in his argument we’ve already seen – Waco 1993. There are all kinds of ways the government can desensitize its troops for the mission at hand, like sending those with urban backgrounds into rural FEBAs, telling them they are killing children, etc.
So shorter – no the op isn’t a prelude to a takeover, yes the author is an ignorant jackass I wouldn’t take advice from.
Gee, Fen, talk about taking generalized statements made for a broad audience and personalizing them. Like to brag much about your intelligence?
Bet that kind of boasting helped you a lot in your relations with your officers and superior NCO’s. How’s it feel to be the smartest corporal in the battalion? I knew a guy like you: he not only was the smartest corporal in the battalion, he remained the smartest corporal in the battalion and became longest time in grade corporal in the battalion as well.
Pointing out your superior GT score to your superiors, particularly your company officers or especially staff officers who may have lower ones, is a guaranteed, sure-fire path to rapid promotion.
As for the main “flaw” in my argument being Waco. Well, let’s see, in the ensuing 22 years since Waco, that scenario has reoccurred exactly how many times Mr. Sooper-Smart Jarhead? Boy, you made me look stupid, didn’t you, genius?
You seem hell-bent on proving that a high IQ does not necessarily translate into common sense. Oh, and by the way, Fen, I was an English lit major too but I try not to broadcast it much, especially here at TAH where it might get me some Bwahahaha’s.
Talk about a condescending ass…
Oooooh, Poetrooper – that’s gonna leave a mark !!
BTW – you an English lit major?
OC 😉
See Fen, I fuckin’ told you, Genius!!!
You do not write dactylic sonnets for this crowd.
“Like to brag much about your intelligence? ”
Not bragging. Just pointing out how ignorant the author is about the intelligence level of enlisted “slugs that barely made it through basic training”. He obviously doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
“Bet that kind of boasting helped you a lot in your relations with your officers and superior NCO’s.”
Never had a need to. Again, my remarks about my intelligence were in response to the ignorance comment about enlisted “slugs that barely made it through basic training”. Maybe I should have used smaller words for you.
“How’s it feel to be the smartest corporal in the battalion blah blah blah knew a guy like you blah blah not only was the smartest corporal blah remained the sure-fire path to rapid promotion blah.”
Wow, you really are as stupid as I thought. You misunderstood the point for another two more paragraphs. Ironic how you imply enlisted are rocks but can’t comprehend what you read.
“As for the main “flaw” in my argument being Waco.”
Ah, so you’re the condescending jackass who wrote this. I thought you just reposted it. That follows though.
“Well, let’s see, in the ensuing 22 years since Waco, that scenario has reoccurred exactly how many times Mr. Sooper-Smart Jarhead? Boy, you made me look stupid, didn’t you, genius?”
That’s your best argument? You claim it would never happen, I respond it already has, and you handwave with “but that was 22 years ago!”
Maybe you can explain the difference between “won’t happen” and “already happened” to me? Once you get over your butthurt from having your intelligence questioned.
Also, stop being a little emotional bitch everytime people challenge you.
“Boy, you made me look stupid, didn’t you, genius?”
Poe: It could never happen
Fen: It already happened
Doesn’t take a genius to fisk your bullshit.
BTW, what shitbird unit did you serve in that generated such contempt for enlisted?
Damn, Fen, for someone with such a high IQ and GT score I was truly expecting a bit more eloquent and sophisticated rebuttal. Are you positive you’re not boosting the numbers some? I’m just not seeing evidence of such a high IQ figure in your command of the written word.
Nor in your reading comprehension; I can’t seem to find where I said Waco could “never” happen again. I do believe I said it had not “reoccurred”. I didn’t like Waco any better than any other American. Janet Reno and her boss should have been impeached and jailed in my opinion.
As to questioning my military experience, let’s just say that as a former NCO in the 101st and 82d, an infantry squad leader in Vietnam as well as a battalion and brigade staff NCO, (an experience with which you seem to be inordinately proud) I’ve seen plenty of “slugs” with which you seem to self-identify.
And Fen, truth is, many of them had an attitude just like you. Of course it’s well known in the Army that the SP/4 Mafia’s members are ALWAYS smarter than their sergeants. Must be the same in the Corps.
Fortunately, I have known some exceptional corporals; the smartest one I’ve ever known was a short black teen in my squad I nicknamed “Sergeant Major” Jones for his quick-study skills and his no-nonsense, take-charge attitude in combat. Unfortunately the little corporal died in a fire fight in 1966 or he would most assuredly have been a sergeant major someday.
Fen (Lars), I once had a “Joe” like you, same attitude and all.
IF I ONLY HAD A DOLLAR for every pushup, flutterkick, “Space Invaders”, and low crawl I made him do I could retire very comfortably!
“I was truly expecting a bit more eloquent and sophisticated rebuttal.”
Nope. I had to keep it simple for you. So you wouldn’t misunderstand. Again.
“I can’t seem to find where I said Waco could never happen again.”
Here it is, you said:
“if you’re going to use military forces against the people and the nation they are sworn to defend, are you really going to pick as your vanguard the very warriors who possess the intellect to realize that you are asking them to violate their oaths of service?”
Delta Force had operators on the ground in Waco. You claim special forces possess the intellect to realize violations of their oath, yet there they were.
“And Fen, truth is, many of them had an attitude just like you.”
Oh yawn. As I’ve already explained to you 3 times now, I only brought up my intelligence *here* because you implied enlisted were stupid. I never had an “attitude” about it while I served because my officer’s never viewed their enlisted with the contempt that you have. Intelligence never came up. But please keep flailing your strawman – you troll like a little girl.
“As to questioning my military experience, let’s just say that as a former NCO in the 101st and 82d, an infantry squad leader in Vietnam…”
Yah bullshit. No one with that background would write such an ignorant article about military enlisted. You basically parroted Kerry’s “enlisted stuck in Iraq because we stoopid” bullshit.
Maybe John should run your DD214 through the system and see what drops? Because you smell like a poser.
Fen- I don’t know what article you read, but in the one above Poetrooper never asserted that SF is officer only. Have you ever heard of a bell curve? It exists and John Kerry did not invent it. I wouldn’t think an S3 guy would lead with his chin, but here we are.
Fen, check your email. I sent you a list of all the “shitbird” Airborne units I served with.
Jonn’s had my DD-214 for a good while and knows I was enlisted for six years and ETS’d as an E-6 so, yeah, I must really hate enlisted people.
And while you don’t smell like a poser, Fen, (I’ll respect your service even if you won’t respect mine) you emphatically DO smell like something that offends the senses of the warriors who post here.
That aroma began wafting off your first post as soon as you just HAD to tell all the old warhorses here what your GT score was and what a really sooper-smart corporal you were.
We’ve all encountered your kind before, dude.
Got to say up until Fen ran his over-rated, highly intelligent piehole, I had no idea what-so-ever about him except that he was just another vet. Since I have been reading Poetrooper’s articles from way back when in ye old War Dog days, have to say Fen, I wouldn’t follow you into a cathouse, let alone a firefight.
After reading fen’s snarky, sneering comments, my guess is that ol’ fen topped out at E-4 and was encouraged to return to civilian life, and has been pissed off about it ever since.
IF he ever served, my bet is he was either a profile-riding “sham-aholic” that was encouraged to ETS or a dirtbag that was chaptered out that has nothing to brag about, thus he belittles other Veterans’ service.
Lars! Good to see ya, buddy.
You beat me to it…
I don’t see a Lars. Are you talking to me? Not a sockpuppet. Been commenting under this name here for years now. Site admin can confirm.
My ISP is out of Gaithersburg MD
Is that anywhere near Bethesda?
What you posted is your current IP address, Fen – not your ISP.
ISP stands for “Internet service provider”. That’s the organization that provides your Internet connectivity and assigns you an IP address for your use.
Careful Hondo. You’re talking to a bonafide freaking E4 genius – don’t want to hurt his feelings…
Yep, you get the E-4 mafia upset at you and its all over…..
Funny thing is that the given IP is in Washington DC. (Germantown to be precise.)
And that isn’t Gaithersburg.
Actually, gitarcarver, there’s a Germantown, MD, that’s adjacent to Gaithersburg. I believe that’s where the IP address listed above is located vice Germantown, DC.
As I stated before, I am more concerned that some coyote or drug runner will pop a shot off at the unit of Special Forces that’s training. It won’t end well, but it will be hyped by the media as how violent and uncaring our troops are and why they need “cuddle cards” instead of “stress cards”.
That’s a concern I have too. And also that some drunk good-old-boys are going to decide one night to “catch themselves one of those Special Ops guys and show him a thing or two.”
Neither scenario will end well.
BTW: Fen – fuck you.
Conspiracy theories know no boundaries
Try explaining any one of the following to these yo-yos:
– why cirrus clouds at 35,000 feet are dropping ice in mid-July
– where eggs really come from
– where butter really comes from
– how many species of spiders there really are (43,000 have been described) and that they are related to (horseshoe) crabs
Their world is so… NARROW.
You forgot Bacon!
Bacon needs no explanation. It is, Bacon.
It goes GREAT with bacon.
NEITHER IS just for breakfast anymore.
Have you ever asked some yuppie housewife if she knows where butter really comes from?
I had a good friend whose 3 boys were going through 2 gallons of milk per day. She had a small farm, so she bought a Guernsey cow from a local dairyman. While she did pasteurize the milk, she did not mix the butterfat with it, but turned that into butter. She gave me some, as well as eggs from her chickens.
When she offered some butter to someone else, that woman turned it down because ‘it came from your COW!’ When my friend asked her where she thought butter came from, her answer was ‘It comes from the store.’
I do enjoy yanking their chains occasionally. Operation Jade Helm just adds to my pleasure.
If the tinfoil crowd really believed their mumbo jumbo, they would not be on the internet crowing about their prepper plans, their gun collections, and other flags to the omnipresent surveillance state they so fervently believe in.
Instead they would be taking a page from Mao’s guerrilla tactics, and fading into the background of society.
For them, all this tinfoil stuff is a kind of D&D Live Action Roleplay/ Fantasy Football kind of thing. A big Make Believe.
I had a friend ask me about Jade Helm a couple weeks ago and I had to google it because I wasn’t sure what it was.
After reading for about 5 minutes I noticed it was just an exercise.
I told him we do exercises and plans for pretty much everything as “training” to prepare. Officers do “OPLANS” for their education all the time.
I even told him to google the OPORD for Zombie Apocalypse. I read it years and years ago myself.
Granted, now that I’ve said that I realize that conspiracy theorists will use it as proof that the gummint has the ability to turn people into zombies and will use it for population control or some such. Sorry about that normal people…
So how many space alien invasion movies are we going to see coming out of Jade Helm? We already had ‘Battleship’ and all those Transformers movies (gave me a headache) and the ‘Aliens’ movies, so what’s next/
Geez, guys, I’m just working on trying to keep the Dragons from taking over the entire universe and finding Earth.
Has anyone besides me noticed that the last two syllables of ‘infiltrator’ rhyme with ‘traitor’?
Coincidence? Or conspiracy?
sorry, I’m still fixating on Jonn’s comparison of the JCS’ collective intelligence. Based on their last few years, any competitors more intelligent than chicken soup have a lock and should be handicapped.
David, that’s just mean. Don’t pick on Chicken Soup like that…
The JCS isn’t handicapped, they are “Handi-Capable!”
OK, so let me get this straight, there are people in the US (Texas) who believe that the boy from down the street, the one that their kids played with, the one that their boys went to scouts with, the one that went to the same church Sunday school class, that kid who grew up and found out he possesses a special skill set that would allow him to become a silent, or not so silent (looking at you USN SEAL’s) professional, that kid is now an Obamamatronic killing machine that is going to take you to a vacant former Walmart and then process you into a FEMA camp? That kid who swore to defend the constitution, you know, a member of the less than 1% of the US population that protects and defends your sorry ass, the ones who killed Osama Bin Laden, that kid is now “the enemy”? He has somehow been transformed into a jackbooted thug that is going to subjugate you and take away your guns in the name of the new world order? And you believe this? If this is what you truly believe, please let me know because I want to be far away from you when the black helicopters and suburbans with blacked out windows show up at your house to take away your freedom. Geez. Finally, Mr. Governor, do us all a favor and take your pretend, paint ball playing, not even weekend warrior state guard melon heads (Chevy, chevy, chevy) and go huff some glue.
W2: go here and read the comments:
I’ve been writing for American Thinker for over ten years and never encountered this level of lunacy in the comments. It’s kind of like this Fen loon here today. In some folks the synapses just aren’t all firing when and where they should be.
Poetrooper, sadly, I did read the comments. I am coming to the conclusion we, as a nation, are doomed. The simple fact someone somewhere could dream up this shit is amazing to me. What’s more amazing is that these idiots have convinced a lot of what should be smart, thoughtful people, that this could really happen in the United States of America. God bless us all.
And where are all those “open carry” long gun toting badasses at? Seems like they would be on the front line, surrounding the governor’s mansion to make sure the sooper seekrit army green delta seal recon para jumpers don’t capture their fearless leader. Morons.
Dude, they had to kick Chevy out of “The Guard” so that Jade Helm 15 could execute…don’t you get that? Chevy was MESNA and could have really thrown a wrench in the works. He has a drone… AND a minivan!
Damn, I forgot about the minivan. We’re all totally screwed now.
You guys have misunderstood.
Chevy is the SIZE of a minivan and likes to DRONE on about his various exploits…
Sounds like a bigger fatter version of Jimmy Janos…
There was a news item this evening that all US military bases have raised their alert level to Bravo 4.
All I got from the newscaters was a couple of sentences, so the details were non-existent.
Ex-PH2, it’s a knee jerk reaction to the Garland, TX “event.”
Aw, phooey! And I was SO hoping it was something else the bottom feeders could munch on!
Like I have said in the past, I’m OK with whatever training the military is doing in CONUS… but when some gubmint employee starts talking about the alien anal probes, embedding implants and Area 51/Roswell, them I’m AMF!
Ya know, you’d think that someone with a self-professed IQ of 146 could at least “get” the main point of an article when it’s obvious as hell.
Since you apparently missed that and fixated on word choice instead, Fen, I’ll try and ‘splain that point you to ya. I’ll be brief.
If the Federal government was looking to do something like the Infowars whackjobs are claiming, they would almost certainly look to use the dumbest MF-ers they could find to do it. Why? Because they’d be less likely to question what they were told to do, and would be more easily conned into doing it. Jade Helm is a Special Operations exercise. Special Operations types ain’t exactly drawn from the “dumbest MF-er’s around” demographic.
That’s it.
I’m surprised your “146 IQ” didn’t catch that rather obvious main point. Next time, maybe engage ALL of that “146 IQ” before opening mouth and inserting foot all the way up to the kneecap.
I’d also recommend you get over being butthurt about once being subordinate to someone who you felt wasn’t as smart as you. If you really do have an IQ in the range that you claim, that’s going to be your lot in life for most if not all of the time you’re on this Earth.
That’s going to be true even if you one day end up (or currently are) in business for yourself. Why? Because when you’re the owner, you’re working for your customers. Most of them won’t have a “146 IQ”, either.
NOW LOOK what you did Hondo, you made him scream while he crumpled his tinfoil hat and threw it across the room!
As the resident Safety Professional, I feel obligated to post this:
Whistle past the graveyard, guys, if you want. Who would have thought over 100 Federal Agencies would be armed?
Who would have thought cops would go door to door in New Orleans confiscating firearms?
Who would have thought cops would put on full battle rattle, hop into a tank and bust down a door in the middle of the night in a “no knock raid”?
Who would have thought federal agencies would place orders for several billion rounds of ammo causing a continuing powder shortage or the EPA would shut down the last lead producer in the country?
Who would have thought The IRS would openly be used as a political weapon to shut down speech the administration did not like to help through an election?
Who would have thought the President would give the Constitution and Congress the finger and effectively give an enemy Nukes, make secret trade deals and allow millions of illegals to pour across the border or take over the health care system or transport thousands of “moderate muslims” from overseas and drop them into middle america without telling or asking any state if they wanted them and then forcing the state to pay for housing, education etc?
That Lois Lerner could use the IRS as a weapon and not only escape any accountability be allowed to retire and get a $175,000/yr pension?
Hillary Clinton can set up private email servers and refuse to turn over the emails and then destroy the server and everyone wants to make her President?
Clinton and Obama can allow 4 men to die in Benghazi, lie about it and the media says “ho-hum”?
Need I go on? It’s no wonder the average person looks at this illegal crime syndicate called our government accountable to no-one and no laws and become extremely apprehensive.
@ JON P, Et Alii:
Thank you for making the effort to express your opinion in this forum.
The views expressed on this subject by you and I are definitely in the unpopular minority.
Of course it isn’t the U.S. Military we need to be concerned about running roughshod over our lives, it’s the myriad USG Agencies we need to be wary of.
Folks, be of good cheer. In the unlikely event the current administration was to try some sort of takeover, it is highly probable that it would be done with the same level of competence as other recent endeavors.
In other words, one might reasonably expect another epic fail.
Sure, it might get a bit ugly, but I have near certain confidence that it would top out around “fluster cluck”, assuming it ever reached “abject botch”.
-this- bunch? Seriously? They know how to game systems, that -someone else- built. “Obamacare” is their -high water- mark. They may convince people to screw things up, but these folks could not orchestrate the takeover of a brothel with a squad of newly-minted male service people and a duffle bag of C-notes.
I saw this at the FREE NORTH CAROLINA web site.
Please click on this URL to read yet another viewpoint posted at the AMERICAN MERCENARY web site, courtesy of a commissioned officer currently on active duty in our United States Army: