Chinese Scientists Say North Korean Nuke Threat Worse Than Acknowledged

| April 25, 2015

Fox News reports that Chinese nuclear experts have met with US officials to discuss North Korea’s nuclear program. And what they’ve told us is, frankly, a bit disturbing.
Specifically, according to reports from those Chinese nuclear experts North Korea may already have produced 20 nuclear devices. By next year, those same Chinese experts predict North Korea may have around 40.

Predictably, the current      DC clown Krewe      Administration has touted its success. The other day their Envoy to the six-party nuclear talks regarding the Korean peninsula pointed to the proposed “the US gets nada” nuclear deal with Iran as a “great thing”. That individual – Sydney Seiler – was quoted this week as saying that the proposed Iran “deal” actually shows is that the US is willing to deal with trustworthy partners, and that North Korea should learn that lesson from our nucdear dealings with Iran.

Really? Well, let me give the “esteemed” Mr. Seiler making those public statements a bit of advice.

Fella, here’s a quarter. I suggest you go use it and buy a clue.

What our recent “deal” with Iran shows is that when an adversary remains firm, this Administration will deal anyway if it yields a good “sound bite moment” that’s useful for domestic political advantage – even if it means selling out our own security interests in the process. And Ill give long odds that the North Koreans have been watching closely and have learned that lesson quite well already.

Category: Politics

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The Norks have learned that lesson already? Of course they have. They knew that a contemptible fool had moved into the White House and went right ahead with their nukyuler program. The Southies can make snide remarks about Fatty Kim III all they want, but that doesn’t offset what is looming over their heads, and they know it.

And WE know that there have been at least 2 underground tests of nuke warheads, because the explosions registered on USGS seismometers and were reported as low-grade seismic waves. When the Norks restarted that shuttered nuke plant, I knew the game was afoot. All they have to do now is build a delivery package that works.

But that doesn’t penetrate the fog of denial that bodaprez lives in because…can’t we all just get along?

I’m not saying we’re toast, but if the Chinese are worried, I’m worried.


Well didn’t Buba that being Clinton say the deal he make with North Korea was a winner… NOT !!!!!!

E-6 type, 1 ea

Why would Iran go to the trouble of building their own if they can just buy one from N Korea?


Iran is going to all that trouble because they don’t want just one. They want to be able to build possibly hundreds on an industrial scale.