Drama queen upset that his message was lost in his antics
The Associated Press reports that Doug Hughes, the fellow who flew a gyrocopter onto Capitol grounds last week is frustrated because his antics overshadowed his message. Wearing an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet, he’s complaining to the media;
Doug Hughes had hoped to raise awareness about the influence of big money in politics by deliberately breaking the law to deliver 535 letters, one for each member of Congress. Instead, the overwhelming focus of news coverage has been about the gaps he exposed in national security.
“We’ve got bigger problems in this country than worrying about whether the security around DC is ironclad,” Hughes told The Associated Press. “We need to be worried about the piles of money that are going into Congress.”
Well, he wanted to bring attention to himself, and he did exactly that – his little show for the cameras had nothing to do with the message that he claims he brought to Congress, so, really what does he expect? Mr. Hughes should just be happy that he didn’t catch a Red-Eye anti-aircraft missile in his lap, do his time in prison and shut up. By the way, Mr. Hughes, the courts say that political donations are speech, so what would you do? Rewrite the Constitution?
His little flight into DC had nothing to do with his message and everything to do with some personal stupid need for attention.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
The guy’s a moron. Perfect federal employee.
As a Federal employee I take offense /sarc/
But I’d disagree with you if you were wrong
Heck, I’M a federal employee too.
I know a moron when I see one!
Actually, I’m in the process of bailing out to retirement. I just can’t stand working in an office full of welfare recipients.
Very Bernathian, indeed.
This assclown went beyond full retard…
At least he was smart enough to make sure he had enough fuel when he took off , I wonder who he’ll try to sue first? Another imbecilic attention whore!
Dude’s lucky he didn’t get shot down. Is it wrong of me to wish he received the darwin award by having his autogyro engaged by a CIWS? Now THAT would have been a mess.
Its a gyrocopter, they could’ve thrown a rock at it and the thing would’ve come down.
But then, secret service is too busy with hookers, drinking and driving to look up.
Because breaking the law always gets “law makers” to listen to what you have to say…
You’re showing your age if you think Redeyes are still in the arsenal 😉 Even with a modern manpad, it is highly unlikely that they would have gotten him. The environment is too cluttered and the target too small for a good lock.
OK, then, how about a good shotgun?
I prefer M 45 quadmounted .50s…or maybe the M163 Vulcan. Wouldn’t leave much of the guy, but that’s the whole point here.
Or even better an M42 Duster.
Life is good when you’re a 16Foxtrot.
Miscellaneous rea tions:
1) What an idiot
2) Does look like a cool way to fly
3) He must have thought as he approached DC at least once “damn, if no one has noticed me – we have bigger problems than campaign finance
4) He does have a point – I know the courts have decided that donations are a form of speech (just like they decided stomping on the flag or setting fire to it is speech) but the level of overt campaign purchases – we all know there ain’t no such thing as an altruistic campaign donation – is ‘way out of hand. What a dumbasss way to try to make that point. Oh, and at many times – the courts are indeed idiots as well.
12 gauge with a goose load would be sufficient. Having said that, I just added “gyrocopter” to my list for santa.
I guess that geezer hobby didn’t pay off the way he thought it would, eh?
Cna I have one of those gyro thingies for Christmas? They look like fun.
Little Nell from “You Only Live Twice” would be my choice.
In other news, “the Secret Service wants to spend $8 million to build another White House in Beltsville, Md.” Seems they need a “realistic practice playground” to learn to better protect the “real playground”. I am giving 10 to 1 odds that this will not only be approved but it will cost $180 million instead of $8 million before it’s finished.
My question is perhaps too obvious and too uniformed to even answer. The Secret service has been guarding and protecting the White House since Congress authorized permanent protection of the President and the statutory authorization for President-elect protection in 1913 and some lessor protections, since the William McKinley assassination in 1901.
Question then, after generation upon generation, decades upon decades of practice and learning from prior incidents, public and non-disclosed, of how to protect and defend the real deal, why do they all of a sudden need a multimillion dollar replica to practice with? I mean, if these ass clowns don’t have the real White House and Presidential movements down PAT and by ROTE now, they are NEVER going to, EVER. Whether they build a replica in every state or an inflatable one to transport ahead of time on to every location the President is going to appear. Just another waste of taxpayer money in the guise of better protection with the between the lines statement of “We don’t know what the fuck we’re doing anymore and frankly, we don’t give a shit either. This is all a big game for us until this traitorous bastard is out of office.”
Why not have active shooter drills in the real thing and save the $8 mil?
Play stoopid games, win stoopid prizes.
Red-Eye? Did he do this in 1976?
Just remember this special snowflake is bitching to limit the rights of you and I to use our own lobbyists to have our speech heard. Don’t be scammed, when folks talk about bitching of lobbyists. Then they are talking about limiting speech to only those approved by government. So they are talking about limiting our speech. Remember you belong to all manner of lobbyists when you spend your money for various groups, like the VFW/DAV/AmLegion; you belong to a union you have lobbyists, donate to the NRA or some more local grass roots guns group, Give money to some local political group about saving X or preserving Y then you have lobbyists being hired. Hell even if you don’t outright donate to some groups there are others that do lobby for those things you belong too or could belong too.
Basically we all have special interests and we are all special interests amongst ourselves.