Gee . . . That’s . . . Just . . . Too . . . Bad

| March 27, 2015

Headline says it all:

Senate Democratic Leader Reid announces retirement

I guess not being in charge made serving the people of NV in the Senate not worth it any more.

Good riddance.

Category: Liberals suck, Politics

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I’m heartbroken. I’m really gonna miss him. Whatever. Next.

Commissioner Wretched

Aw, gee … not.


I guess since he somehow got his millions as a Government employee, he thought enough is enough.


Be more better if he took Madame Botox with him.


I will second that motion.


Oh, and Monsieur Botox too. Along with “Feinstick” the gun-grabbing senior United States Senator from California.


You mean Sent Feinstick the wife of the billionaire arms dealer, gun grabbing (by which I mean price raising) senior senator from the land of fruits and nuts?


I’m already happy he’s leaving – if Senator Pelosi joined him, I might succumb to an overload of euphoria!


Pelosi is in the House, but I get your meaning.


Thanks for the correction – I’m blaming lack of sleep on that one. And now the mere thought of a Senator Pelosi will render me sleepless again!


I wish Ted Kennedy would arise from his dirt nap and drive them both back home.


I understood that reference…


Well being a former Nevada resident we ran out of money it’s hard running for reelection when you don’t have the money to pick your challenger… Bye bye don’t let the door hit you in the ass


I meant to say he or we Apple spell check sucks

Old Trooper

As Curly Bill would say: Well, bye.


Jon The Mechanic

1 pederast gone, 1 to go.

Just gotta find a way to get rid of creepy Uncle Joe.


Happy trails, asshole.


Good ridence


“Riddance” duh.

Desert Bilge Rat

Saw this news this morning. A little ray of sunshine!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

22 months before he’s actually gone, plenty of time for him to try and get Schumer to take his spot…although there is a play afoot to get Lie-a-watha the job.

A Proud Infidel®™

Good. Damned. Riddance.


When faced with the future of more “exercise accidents” as brutal as the last one unless he did step down, I’m not surprised he came to that conclusion.


Thank God for small favors.


There’s been rumors floating around that there’s some investigations under way for rather nasty abuses of power and graft and Reid is mostly the lynchpin of the badness.


They don’t come any dirtier than Harry “the Fixer” Reid. I was REALLY hoping he’d stroke out, but if those rumors you’re hearing about are accurate … HALLELUJAH, Praise God, and pass the ammunition!

I’m 95% certain that the ONLY reason he beat Sharon Angle in 2010 was the busloads of illegals from the Culinary Union in Reno that were “encouraged” to vote for him.

Just speaking that SOB’s name leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

So, I really, really hope those rumors are accurate.


I agree Hondo. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


I was going to write “bag rubbish” but I’ll save that for when Pelosi pulls the pin.

Club Manager

Dear Senator, please keep our safety policy in mind and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


Oh thank God! I don’t have to see this idiots face plastered everywhere in Vegas anymore…



B Woodman

(slow golf clap)
clap. . … . clap. . . . . . clap. . . . . . clap .. . (that’s enough).

Don’t expect a farewell dinner, a testimonial, and a gold watch.


How about a hearty handshake and a warm cup of soup?


How about you lock the door behind him?

2/17 Air Cav

Words can’t adequately express the disdain and utter disgust just reading his name engenders within me–but I’ll try. He is, without a doubt, the most loathsome, despicable, repugnant, contemptuous, insufferable, nauseating, vile, and sickening piss of embalmed shit it has ever been my displeasure to set my eyes upon.


Yes, but wait until you see Schumer as minority leader.


Tell the truth now, how many of our esteemed colleagues here on TAH would LOVE to be the one to give him that black eye !!!
Lessee… I would bet….


A “black” eye? Really? Why does it have to be black? Lars was right about you guys! 😉

Joe Williams

Just my personal thruoght is that he is no longer in power. The senator is afraid of paybacks for his abuses of power. Joe