Jennifer Riggs; phony Marine
Scotty sends his work on this Jennifer Riggs woman who claims that she had ten years in the Marine Corps and left the service as an E-7 Gunnery Sergeant;
Well, not to hear the National Personnel Records Center tell it;
Category: Phony soldiers
I cannot take anybody that uses “studied at School of Hard Knocks”. Damn, at least say you went to Duke or something.
Red Flag.
Also what a dummy, stolen valor and whatnot.
Forgot to add a seriously there.. my bad.
Loved her in Shrek.
Thanks for the laugh, Air Cav. I was going to mention that she was real popular during Fat Chick Appreciation Night at the Enlisted Club.
Pigs in Space is what we called it. (For you younger readers, that’s a reference to a Muppets skit)
Set Beer Goggles to stun.
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“Somebody recently asked me why I became a Marine”…
“Free Food! And lots of it! I wouldn’t have this svelt but rotund body had it not been for that free USMC chow. Food stamps just didn’t cut it. Semper Food!”
Now, now, nbcguy -round is a shape……
She’s not kidding when she says: “always faithful to my beloved Devil Dogs”. Oh….not Hostess Devil Dogs?
Drake’s, actually.
I remembered it was Drake’s as soon as I posted! Senile plaque buildup!
Of course, she could have been talking about BBQ instead. (smile)
Might have been Devil Dawgs:
But they’re closed now, since 2012.
*sigh* I suppose it was time to give the Rangers and SEALs a break. At least she’s not trying to get stuff with her claim.
Somewhere a reserve center drilling unit is missing its nonpar, and you guys found her!
“Complete memory loss,” but she remembers that she was “in the Marines from ’93 to ’03 and how she got discharged.
One of the folks that replied on Scotty’s page called her out as a liar, as if we didn’t already know that, and identified her as a neighbor back in 2000.
That “memory loss” excuse isn’t going to fly with her reserve unit though… /sarc
That’s a women??? Was it caused by global warming?
No. Helium. She’ll never drown.
Spew alert pleas, Ex !!
Bwahahahaha! You just kill me, Ex. Thanks for the giggles.
Not sure what her claim to fame is other than being a FB bullshitter. She looks the part of Tina Kersten. minus the triple canoply sized BDUs ands medals.
As a certain Nemo Greaasmaneli would say, “She’s one of them BEEFY BABES!”
Chevy’s next wife?
She looks like the troll that lives under the bridge or one of those “trolls” that kids put on their pencils.
Maybe she meant she married a Gunny? You know how some of those dependents like to think they wear/earned the same rank as their husband.
Heard that.
More like she ate a Gunny.
Maybe she rolled over a Gunny. I can’t help but look at her and hear the Katamari Damacy theme in my head, like “Naaaaaaaaa na na na na na, na na, na-na na na-na naaaaa”
That photograph of her was scary! 😀
As I’ve said before… don’t these posers ever look in a full-length mirror? At which time it *might* occur to them that they look nothing like the Marine, SEAL, Ranger, or whatever, they are trying to impersonate.
Jennifer… epic fail, tubby.
She did look in the mirror and saw a seal (marine mammal). She sees her self as Flipper. Disclaimer: no relation to Flipper the Dolphin intended. I take full responsibility for calling this thing big, ugly and a fat valor thief.
Is she what they used to call a BAM? Just asking….
Desert Shield Beauty Queen?
Desert Shield/Storm didn’t last long enough for her to start looking that good.
“I’ll take a camel and a step-stool for $100 Alex – I’m not THAT hard up yet.”
She’s not a BAM, she’s a BAP (Big Assed Poser)…
For the love of humanity, somebody PLEASE SHOOT IT before it mates and lays eggs!!!
*LEGAL DISCLAIMER* The previous statement was made as a comedic jest and IS NOT meant to be taken seriously by anyone in any way, shape, or form.
Omar the Tentmaker made her utilities.
or, as we always said “on her, a mu-mu is a custom fit”
On a serious note on my last Deployment we had a solider that made this fake look skinny, the crazy thing about it they made him a Gunner on a 1151 Lol he was to huge to enter from the side doors and he barely fit in the turret Lol….
(These are Facts and opinions and should not be taken out of context reader takes all responsibility)
Marine sea mammal perhaps….
Moaning Sea Cow.
Nuff Said Ba Ba Ba ! ! ! ! !
Looks like she ate a few Marines for breakfast, dinner, and lunch.
Could Have Been a Off post MWR Specialist
The things I see…when I don’t have my baby seal club.
Sparks, you need the Seal baseball bat. How could she ever make it out of Boot Camp. I personally cannot see being allowed to enlist. Joe
What a dipshit
Oh My….
Now we know who won The Battle of the Sausage Roll.
Apparently it wasn’t the sausage roll.
R.I.P Jimmy Dean…..your sacrifice in slowing this beast shall not be forgotten.
I think she meant she had 10 years servicing Marines. Very, very drunk Marines.
I always wondered who that Sasquatch was in the Jack Links Beef Jerky commercials…
She reminds me of a coyote date. When you wake up the next morning and see what you brought home laying on your arm ,you would rather chew your arm off then wake her up.
Don’t waste time chewing that arm off with that laying on it, just chop it off and get the hell outa there.
I remember my dad calling me one morning and noticing I was a bit out of it. Told him that I’d had a bad date the night before.
“Oh? Was it a Coyote Date?”
“Ah. So you know what that means?”
“YES, but you’re my dad. You’re not supposed to know that term!”
hahahahahaha oh, brother … epic unhung framed “art” probably purchased at either a flea market or in the parking lot of a gas station and brutal disheveled leopard-print couch covering … not to mention the hapless tool in the background who probably got screamed at after this pic was taking for daring to touch the thermostat … she won’t recover
Some unit is missing a whole fireteam and I know where they’re at. I wish I could unsee the snow angel pic on her FB page.
Well her Facebook page is now claiming Marine Corps disabled Vet
With a face like that, she probably is disabled.
Would you want to work with that?