Routh appeals murder conviction
David sends us a link to MSN which reports that Eddie Routh’s lawyers have filed an appeal to his conviction in the murder of Chad Littlefield and Chris Kyle last week;
Routh’s attorneys said after the Feb. 24 verdict they would appeal. J. Warren St. John, one of Routh’s attorneys, said the notice of appeal was filed Tuesday. St. John also filed a motion for a new trial, arguing the conviction and sentence were contrary to law and evidence.
So, I guess that they’re going to continue to smear war veterans by claiming that Routh suffers from PTS that he caught in the arms room – he probably caught it from an improperly cleaned rifle that still had PTSD residue on it from a real firefight.
I mean, his lawyers admitted to the court that Routh killed Littlefield and Kyle, so that’s not the evidence that the lawyer is talking about. The only thing left is mitigating the murder with Routh’s diminished mental capacity. But, let’s just ignore the fact that he was blazing a doobie with his loving family right before he went to the range with the ill-fated pair. Not that smoking pot made him kill, but it’s indicative of his long-term, unchecked drug abuse.
Category: Shitbags
Bitch, please. The idiot was fairly convicted by a jury of his so called peers. He was lucky the jury was not full of his true peers…us. We would have given him a guilty verdict too. Mental Illness of any kind is not an excuse to commit crime, nor can it totally mitigate. It can only be used to justify permanent confinement, whether it’s in a standard prison, or a psychiatric prison.
Appeal is a ploy to keep him in the news and change the sentence…the verdict won’t change they are seeking some consideration for him being nuts.
I sincerely believe that’s going to be a very difficult path to undertake and I suspect it won’t get that far but any lawyer worth a shit has to give it a chance.
Kyle and Littlefield don’t get an appeal. If there was anything in this world that even remotely resembled justice anymore, the ONLY thing Routh would get would be a bullet through the back of his head.
Who’s paying the legal fees, ’cause no way these lawyers are working pro bono.
Code Pink,, Votevets, IAVA. Fuck him and his lawyers. Way to shit on vets that actually suffer from PTS.
I hope Routh hears the words “BEND OVER AND PICK UP THE SOAP, BITCH!” from his fellow inmates every day for the rest of his life. As for his lawyers, I’m sure they’ll enjoy every billing hour they can get at Taxpayers’ expense. Every convict has a right to appeals, but I wonder just how many he’ll try to get?
Cute story: This guy goes to prison for the very first time. He’s heard all the horror stories and is terrified. He gets to his cell and there’s this big dude in there with a gnarley look on his face. He thinks his worst nightmare is going to come true. When the big dude says “this is how it’s gonna be; you can be the husband or the wife”. The guy thinks for a minute and then says “I want to be the husband”. The big guy says “ok; now get over here and s*** your wife’s dick”.
Cute story. LOL
I have had a few minor scrapes with the law,a day or two here and there, and when someone asks me what I am in for, I tell them that they ran out of room at the nuthouse.
Never had a problem with anybody.
I’ve rarely considered humans to be a POS.
Routh and people like him are the exception.
The air he breathes is wasted.
Not sweating this one – the lawyers are just doing their jobs and going through the motions like they’re supposed to.
IF he was to get a new trial, the death penalty would be on the table for that go around. Don’t think they want that…
The possibility of a Death Sentence the second time around makes me smile, everyone knows that Death Row in Texas is an Express Lane!
Lawyers gotta eat too. My non-citizen right ear says, “but not for this guy” but my citizen-veteran left ear says, “if I was unfairly convicted, I want the right to appeal”. When all is said and done, he will still be in jail and there will be absolutely no question about either the facts or the law.
At least, that is how I hope it turns out.
And the only time my opinion actually matters is the first Tuesday of November every even-numbered year.
What Lauer said in his FB comment.
They can appeal it all they want. The Texas Rangers that worked the investigation presented rock solid evidence that proved beyond any shadow of a doubt, he does not suffer PTSD and they left no stone unturned.
They should give Routh PTSD, it’s when they
P-unch, T-orture, S-trangle you to to D-eath.
Well, it’s his right to appeal, but seriously? What new evidence have they got that would change the outcome? Did he claim it was an unfair trial? I get it, but I don’t. Oy.
you nailed it on the last one. They claim he could not possibly have gotten a fair trial due to the film, all the pre-trial publicity, etc.
An appeal that makes sense: Taya Kyle is appealing the Ventura decision.