Andre Shepherd needs to prove war crimes

| February 27, 2015

Reuters reports that the fellow who we’ve been keeping an eye on since he deserted back in 2007, Andre Shepherd, must prove to the European Court of Justice that there war crimes committed in Iraq which provoked him to desert from his Army job and his upcoming second deployment as a depot helicopter mechanic.

That will probably be difficult for Shepherd since his work mates told us that they put him in charge of the dayroom, or whatever they call them these days. It seems that he was so incompetent, that even his POG buddies didn’t want him working at his POG job and they put him in charge of the fussball table in their recreation room during his first deployment.

Shepherd, who served in Iraq between September 2004 and February 2005 as an Apache helicopter mechanic in the 412th Aviation Support Battalion, deserted in 2007 after being ordered to return to Iraq. He applied for asylum in Germany, where he was based. He remains in Germany.

“When I read and heard about people being ripped to shreds from machine guns or being blown to bits by the Hellfire missiles I began to feel ashamed about what I was doing,” Shepherd told a news conference in Frankfurt in 2008.

“I could not in good conscience continue to serve,” the army specialist from Cleveland, Ohio, said.

Shepherd believed he should no longer participate in a war he considered unlawful and in war crimes he believed were committed in Iraq. He said he risked criminal prosecution in the United States because of his desertion.

Yeah, well, he will be prosecuted when he returns, but mostly because he broke the law. Shepherd tried to convince the German courts that he could be executed for deserting the military even though no one has been executed for desertion since 1945. He didn’t want to deploy because he was afraid that Jody would take his fraulein away while he was in Iraq. It had nothing to do with his conscience or the Iraq War.

Shepherd was a pot-smoking derelict living in his car before he joined the Army, so prison life will be an improvement for him.

Category: Shitbags

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The Other Whitey

What an ass.


Drama queen. And I do mean ‘queen’.

Pinto Nag


A Proud Infidel®™

I second that and want to add “booger-eating bedwetting candyassed Rudy-poo shit-for-brained Smurf-hugging, unicorn-lusting cream puff”!

Shit on him!

Club Manager

Walt White asks a good question. Who MOS qualified this puke? I don’t think OJT out of basic is how they develop chopper mechanics.


So, he thought helicopters just took pictures and gave people rides at the state fair, that they didn’t shoot people?


Maintenance Chief: Shepherd! How many times do I gotta tell ya the Apache Engine goes back in Rotary-Wing Side Up!?

PV (-)E-1 Shepherd: Awww Sarge! Its cuz a all them mental images in my head of innocent insurgents gittin al blowed up-to-smithereens that I can’t do my job right! It ain’t my fault. You sure you aint got some basketballs that need polishin or a Fuzeball table that needs regreasin? I can do that! I think…..

Charlie Foxtrot

Drama Queen? Yeah, but I think Drama QUEEF better fits that little shit!!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

With all due respect to GT….would this qualify him to be the front man for the APL international division?


Well, this answers my own question. From Wiki, “Shepherd has been working with the Iraq Veterans Against the War for the past few months and has been a part of Winter Soldier: Europe that took place in Germany on March 14, 2009. Videos of the event where posted to YouTube by the IVAW.[7]

Shepherd currently lives on help from the German refugee detention center, and other assistance from asylum support groups and sympethisers.”

Worthless POS. I bet the Germans are getting tired of paying his freight.

I know, it’s “sympathizers” but that’s the direct quote from Wiki.

John Robert Mallernee

Gosh, gee whillikers, the United States Army trained him to be a helicopter mechanic?

Boy, oh boy, but with that skill, he’ll be able to make good money when he returns to civilian life.

Shucks, he might even become a helicopter PILOT!

I really envy him his good fortune and limitless opportunities.

So, why is he so ungrateful to the my beloved United States Army?

If he’d just do his job, he’d have it made!


Well there is one good thing I can say that happened because of his actions. It was his story that caused me to find this website back in 2008.


He’s two of the worst things to be. A coward…and, a stupid coward. Not much hope for him. I do hope Germany kicks him to the curb and he’s extradited back here.

Jordan Rott

All the murder, the damage, the hatred…

that the vehicles you work on do must screw you up big time

Joe Williams

It says a lot about him being a helo mech with no flight wings or Air Medal. We had shitbirds on the ground that were Damn good Crew Chiefs and gunners. He seems to me to have a large yellow streak in Him. Never been in a gun run or hot LZ. Yet, claiming to suffer from being on the ground and working his MOS. Disgusted Rant Off Joe


What a tool.


Man, this grease stain is still breathing oxygen? I’d figured by now, he’d of jumped off a bridge somewhere.


Wait, wait…Cornell must be supporting him