Psychologist: Routh faked schizophrenia

| February 21, 2015

Reuters reports that psychologist Randall Price testified for the prosecution that Eddie Routh, the fellow shot Chad Littlefield and Chris Kyle, had been faking his mental disorder, despite the testimony of the forensic psychiatrist the day before that Routh couldn’t have faked his mental state;

The Dallas Morning News quoted Price as saying: “He (Routh) did know what he was doing was wrong, and he did it anyway.” Routh has been faking schizophrenia and knew what he did was wrong.

Price testified Routh does not meet the state’s legal definition of insanity but has a paranoid personality disorder made worse by his heavy drug use, the reports said.

Well, yeah, he stole a truck, the reason for the murder. From the Daily Mail, the testimony of Routh’s sister;

He walked into [his sister and brother-in-law’s] home and told them he had killed two men.

‘He said he took their souls before they could take his,’ Mr Blevins said. ‘I asked him what he meant by that, and he said they were out to get him.’

At first, Mrs Blevins said she did not believe him, but when she asked him where he had got the truck – and asked if he had traded his VW bug for it – he said he had traded it ‘for a soul’.

Last year, Fox News reported that a few months before the murder, Routh had been hospitalized when he threw a tantrum and threatened to kill himself and the whole family.

The Washington Post reported earlier this month that Routh had been in and out of the hospital twice in the five months before the murder. From his father;

“He was talking just as calm as you and me talking now but he was gone, in his eyes he was gone. I had a .357 pistol and I pulled it away from him three times. He kept going for it and saying he would hurt himself,” the father said. “The third time, I emptied all the bullets and threw them in the lake.”

I wonder how much of this they had told Chris Kyle before he took Routh to the gun range.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Sounds to me like a horrible waste of ammo. Considering the circumstances, rather than throwing the rounds in the lake, the father should have emptied the weapon and the accompanying rounds into his son.


He faked it? No! Really!?!?

Seriously, this slimeball seems to have been an attention addict for a long time. I hope that Texas is not kind to him.

The Other Whitey

All the more reason to hang this turd.


Living in Texas I get rundowns every day that this trial is happening.
What a waste of oxygen this puke is. Ranks right up there with the Dutch Rudder Club…

Bill R

Well, one thing Routh has done is to get people to ask this question without questioning what exactly he did in the military:

Veterans like the group at TAH are needed to educate the populace on issues like these.


So he threatened to kill his family and his father was concerned enough to make sure there were no rounds for his weapon.
So here’s what you do – send him out to a gun range for a day. That’ll cure him! Kinda like taking an alcoholic to a bar and expecting him to stay sober.
I’m thinking his mother should be tried as an accessory.
BTW, my dad used to run cattle in the Stephenville area. Still have a friend or two from around there. Things won’t end well for this POS.


I have schizoaffective disorder, in which schizophrenia is only one element. I know the difference in right vs. wrong, and did so even when I was non medicated and the disease was ravaging through me. Based on my own experiences, I see no way Routh can use any mental disorder to excuse his murders of Kyle and Littlefield. IMNSHO, Routh needs to be confined for the rest of his life, in a padded cell. Hell, I’d tie him down and pump so many meds into him he’d be gooned out for the rest of his days. It would be the only way to keep him from escaping or getting violent with the cadre at the confinement facility.

2/17 Air Cav

“I wonder how much of this they had told Chris Kyle before he took Routh to the gun range.” And THAT is the $64000 dollar question. Is there any way in the world that Kyle or anyone else would be near an armed Routh knowing that history? Hell no. None. As for the expert battle, it always amazes me how, for the right price, two experts can hold diametrically opposed professional opinions about the same thing. Routh is nuts. He was nuts. And that’s what the jury probably will conclude, like it or not.

Friend S. Wilkins

Maybe I’m getting soft. Maybe I’m turning back into the bleeding heart liberal I once was. A few days ago, I was directed by a fellow veteran to read this article:

Before I read the article, I was all for the death penalty, but now, I’m split 50-50. How can it be proven if a person REALLY knows the difference between right and wrong? What if Routh was so completely wasted out of his mind that day, 02 February 2013, that he actually believed those paranoid delusions he claimed to have had? The thing that me troubles me is that Routh raised his right hand and waived his RIGHT to testify on his own behalf. Why the hell would he do that? If it was me, I’d get up there and defend myself until they dragged me out of the courtroom kicking and screaming. It seems to me that waiving that right is an admission of guilt and demonstrates that Routh does indeed know the difference between what is right…and what is wrong.


Routh’s first call was to his sister, to whom he said “I think I’ve just sold my soul for a pickup”, meaning Chris Kyle’s truck. An insane individual doesn’t say that. He deserves to swing.


Why would he waive his right to testify? As a stunt to get sympathy from the jury, through giving a false impression of “cooperating”.

It’s my understanding that the last thing most defense lawyers want is a client who actually “did the deed” taking the stand.

2/17 Air Cav

“How can it be proven if a person REALLY knows the difference between right and wrong?” First, it is presumed that anyone over the age of seven knows right from wrong. What has to be proven is that a defendant did not know it at the time he committed a given crime. Second, the jury is aware–and will be reminded if they haven’t seen enough TV legal drama– that one cannot be compelled to testify against himself. They will also be instructed to infer nothing from Routh’s silence. There are many good reasons an innocent defendant will choose not to testify but, in this case, if he sounds sane on the stand, thanks, perhaps, to medication, then the jury might say, “He’s no nuttier than I am.” Routh will not be found “not guilty.” Either he will be found guilty or he will be found not guilty by reason of insanity. If it’s the first, he goes to prison and can’t get out. If it’s the second, he goes to a nut house.

Friend S. Wilkins

Yeah, that makes sense. I guess I got a little too emotional. Well, one thing’s for sure. Eddie Ray Routh is an extremely dangerous person and should never again be allowed loose amongst society.


If he was nuts all the more reason to just put him down. You don’t keep a dog with rabies in a cage, why keep a person with rabies in prison?

2/17 Air Cav

Well, for one, he doesn’t have rabies. Two, he’s probably not going to prison. And three, the prosecutor removed all possibility for, as you say, putting him down.

2/17 Air Cav

Are there two Brians commenting here today?

Paul E. Dragos

I still believe that he did this to collect the reward money for Kyle’s death. As a guard in Iraq, he was constantly in contact with Muslims. I really think he started to share their beliefs – in some pictures, he looks like a Muslim – and did it for the money. it wouldn’t be the first time something like this happened.

Anonymous in Jax

I read in one news story that on the police dashboard cam, Routh can be heard saying something like, “I’ve been so paranoid schizophrenic all day”…or something similar to that. I immediately thought “what the hell?” I’ve never seen a paranoid schizophrenic use that line! Even when they are actively psychotic and have already been diagnosed, they don’t seem to have the ability to voice that to anyone. A schizophrenic person who is actively psychotic just thinks you are out to get him, but he doesn’t realize he’s being paranoid. He thinks YOU are the one who is crazy for trying to convince him that HE is crazy….if that makes sense to anyone! Any schizophrenic who TELLS you, “oh hey, BTW, I’m schizophrenic” is probably a phony IMO. It sounds to me like Routh was already looking for an excuse at that point.