Joe Teti – problem soldier?

| February 21, 2015

Joe teti

Joe Teti, if you don’t know, is the primary entertainer on Discovery Channel’s “Dual Survival”. We were the first to talk about Joe Teti’s records, which was only natural following the dismissal of his predecessor, David Canterbury. I guess the release of his records started a firestorm of discussion about his qualifications to be an entertainer on a TV show, for some reason. Anyway, he filed a lawsuit against everyone who he thinks slandered him and ruined his career in the entertainment industry. Those people have struck back, according to the Army Times;

“I believe Joe is a sociopath [who] could be dangerous to those he believes have injured him,” writes Sgt. 1st Class Daniel McClain, Teti’s former team sergeant, in a letter to the Special Forces Association that is part of a formal response in an ongoing lawsuit.

“I knew he would always be a problem,” writes Teti’s former executive officer, Lt. Col. William Sharp, in another letter, part of the SFA’s 50-page rebuttal to the lawsuit filed by Teti late last year.

Sharp, now with U.S. Special Operations Command, writes that he was preparing paperwork to bar Teti from reenlisting, revoke his security clearance and strip him of his Special Forces tab, before Teti left the unit on his own.

“Teti is far below Special Forces standards, he is an embarrassment to Special Forces and Special Operations,” writes Sharp, listing a litany of allegations.

The article continues that Teti was a thief, a liar and a coward according to testimony coming from members of the Special Forces Association in the defense of their organization. They also report that the judge in the case has removed Teti’s right to own firearms and mandated that he only be allowed to communicate with other people in the case through his lawyer.

Of course, none of this much of a surprise for those of us who had to deal with him. He never made physical threats to us, but he dragged the lawyers out in the first hour after I clicked “Publish” on the post about him, you know, after I spent hours on the phone with him getting the story right. The guy doesn’t take criticism well. It’s been my experience that people like that don’t stand up well to scrutiny.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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B Woodman

Karma. She’s a bitch, ya’know.
Don’t bring nuttin’, won’t be nuttin’

Now, to apply a little physical remedial training to this situation — Grasp 2×4 firmly in both hands. Swing vigorously and apply other end to space between eyes of intended student. Repeat as often as necessary until lesson is learned. Then apply once more, to ensure lesson remains learned.
That is all.


Ah, the old “Clue by four” method!


I’m stealing that!

Clue by four, now that’s funny.


He is a bad entertainer and although he was able to start a firestorm with lawyers, his skills in survival are neither impressive or humorous.

No one should be permitted on a survival show if they can’t start a real fire!


I’ve always referred to him as “Petty Teti”, glad to see he’s lived up to the name


Does Joe Teti claim a CIB?


Maybe Teti and Janos could team up together, since their “reputations” have been sullied. They’d look cute together in pink tights and boas.
Just sayin…


Eeeewwww…. Thanks for the visual this morning…


“Dual Survival – The Courtroom”?



Brokeback Mountain Survival?


How about: Teti and Janos: Courtroom Commandos


Teti to Janos: “are ya thirsty?”

Joe Williams

NBCGuy, one 18 inch screen and keybroad are now covered in Kona coffee . Spew warnings are required. Joe


Petty Teti? Big like for that one.

This does not come as a surprise. He struck me as a prima donna from the get-go, and if you criticize him, obviously, you’re just jealous of his success… or something.

What has surprised me is Discovery Channel’s repeated employment of borderline know-nothings handing out bad advice on something as important as survival. That’s at least as bothersome as this twit’s episodes of hurt feelings lawsuits and spoiled brat behavior.


The goal of DC is eyeball pairs on program, nothing more.

Train wrecks draw eyeballs, even if the “how did this happen?” is mortally stupid.

TV programs are usually a lousy source of “stay alive” info.


In some respect the public is to blame.

Putting super hero caps on special operations members allows us to forget that at the end of the day they are people.

They’ve done amazing things…things few want to do but they are human all the same. Subject to the same frailties as the rest of us.


I’m still blocked from his Facebook page from when all this started. I believe TSO is as well


HEY! Wake up Twist! You’re supposed to be losing sleep over that. Now wake up dammit and act like it. And nudge TSO back awake too.

Dave Hardin

What else can be said about the piece of shit. It seems to me the Discovery Channel should have some accountability in the matter. They have been notified that he has embellished his career with false claims about his military service. They continue to profit from his employment. Are they not liable under the Stolen Valor Act? Teti suffers from what I call Little Man Itis. The little runt has been sucking on hind tit all of his life. He is a half pint of wannabe. He pathologically over compensates for being a little guy. He is a little pup that wants the world to believe that he ran with the big dogs. I don’t need a protection order from this little shit stain. I served with a guy that is probably no taller than Teti. If Teti ever threatened him in any way Ron would wipe the floor with his ass. Teti has been living on a fake rep so long he bought into his own bullshit. He claimed to have served in Beirut. We were looking for some hard chargers during that time. If you washed out of Dive School like pool scum, we put you right into the action. No LF6F training, no back to back CAX, no range time, nothing like that. Nah, because we figured if you made it to pool week in dive school that was good enough. We had to use all the turds that were skimmed out of the pool because there weren’t any Marines wanting to serve in Beirut. If you wanted to get into the action within days of the landing in Grenada and the bombing in Beirut all you had to do was flunk out of a primary school for your MOS. You know, one of those schools that you are required to pass before you can claim the MOS. I had to call HQMC, use a reenlistment option to change my primary MOS, asked the Chief of Staff for FSSG to call 10th Marines, talked to everyone I had ever served with, waved a write up for a… Read more »

Dave Hardin

One more thing Teti, those schools you listed on your resume that were actually MCI courses are bullshit. Those little mail order classes dont qualify you for shit. I filled most of mine out while I was sitting on the shitter.

2/17 Air Cav

“I don’t often drink urine but, when I do, I like to drink my own. Stay thirsty my friends.” -Joe

(Still gives me a laugh.)


5 bucks and the sweat off my left nut say that he has been in contact with the dutch rudder gang

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Some of the other allegations raised in the article are pretty damning about Teti:

Stealing gear
Bouncing checks

And he has a lifetime protective order against him for “stalking” Mykel Hawke, which includes a ban on firearms and ammo.

He’s gonna get hammered in court just on his character issues alone…

A Proud Infidel®™

Mykel Hawke, that’s one of the guys Daniel A. Bernath has accused of being me!


I wonder if that’s a coincidence?


Sometimes the past that you embrace today (e.g. John Kerry) can bite you in the ass. Teti WAS a Special Forces qualified soldier.

Many “sharpshooters” who toss their internet darts are not. That being said, the “Q course” is just an opening, a beginning. You must prove yourself afterwards, everyday, on a team. I remember a sign that said: “Special Forces, the only job I ever had to bust my ass just to be average.”

Teti was a failure in many aspects. Integrity, embellishing, and plain old breaking the law. He was shunned and the word in “Group” was that he was a “problem child.” IMO his biggest SELF INFLICTED wound was messing with Group. His lawsuit brought out the knives…some rusty, some standing by, sharpened weekly ready to be used on him.

He made his bed and internet sharpshooters have every right to toss their darts…he is a public figure who screwed up, and when challenged, deflected, attacked and finally brought on a lawsuit.

Teti a “Quiet Professional?” No…but sure as hell acting more like that other “Hollywood” outfit.


Munch, Munch, Munch,

This popcorn is tasting better and better 🙂

Monique Marie

Scotty, pass the popcorn will ya, I want some.
; )


Certainly sheds light on why Teti didn’t stay in to go over to Iraq when it popped off. They wouldn’t have let him. So he left.


Cigar lit, scotch poured; and enjoying the show. Thanks Dipshit.

Green Thumb

Teti = Turd.


Teti = Mouth breathing bedwetter…

A Proud Infidel®™

You forgot “booger-eating”!


Douche Bag Survival is on, there is a hippie dude who seems nice enough and then there is a jack wagon who believes he knows better about everything.

If I was caught in survival situation with this mug, he would be the first thing to eliminate.

He whines and complains like a third grader about everything!
