Peter Makhlouf doesn’t understand the word “student”

| February 17, 2015

cadet command patch

There’s a lot on the internet about this fellow, Peter Makhlouf, who decided to write some barely comprehensible drivel on Brown University’s school rag. He doesn’t like the idea that there is an ROTC presence at his school. Looking at the Brown University website, it doesn’t look like Brown has much of an ROTC presence there. At the bottom of the page, there is a link to Providence College which tells me that Brown’s students travel to Providence for their military science classes, so in effect, young Peter is barking at the moon, but it’s as if there is no moon.

From the Washington Times;

“This is not science; this is the art of killing and torturing,” Peter Makhlouf wrote in a Feb. 5 column for The Brown Daily Herald, Fox News first reported. “It seems that ROTC’s attempt to recruit academically elite students is a calculated attempt to rope the best and brightest into the industry of state-sanctioned violence.”

Mr. Makhlouf argued that Brown is losing touch with its “rich, anti-military, anti-war history” and that students need to fight to protect its “proud tradition of resistance.”

“By outlawing ROTC and its byproducts on our campus, we have the opportunity to maintain and strengthen a tradition of refusing to capitulate to the increasing demands of military engagement in today’s global agenda,” he wrote. “At a time when we most need a brave intelligentsia to speak out against the craven acts of U.S. imperialism, the thought of extending the poisonous branches of the armed services to our campus should be wholly denounced.”

He sounds like an atheist railing against religion, doesn’t he? What young Peter doesn’t understand, as well as many of his peers, is that he is a student which means he’s attending Brown University to learn, not to preach or to set policy.

His whole screed reeks of his lack of an education, probably because, like many of his political ilk, he thinks that he already knows everything, based on his feelings. Having a military service doesn’t cause wars. Pete. Having people who want to kill you is the reason that we have a standing military. Since having a military is inevitable, wouldn’t you rather have leaders who have experienced the academics and social interaction at Brown among them?

Military science isn’t a study of creating weapons and techniques to torture and kill your enemy. When I was teaching ROTC in Vermont, I taught wilderness survival and rappelling (by the way, you’ll do more rappelling in ROTC than you will anywhere else in the Army). The other instructors taught things like leadership and military history. In fact, one of the other instructors from our battalion at UVM is in the audience here at TAH.

Yeah, we worked on marksmanship for a little bit each school year, but that’s about it. We taught patrolling, but mostly as a tool to teach leadership more than involving the students in warfighting techniques.

I really don’t think that Brown’s “rich, anti-military, anti-war history” is all that important in The Grand Scheme of Things, not compared to our national security needs. Brown University also has a proud and rich history of supporting the country. But some stank-ass hippies think that the anti-war and anti-military history is more important. It’s not as “rich” as Pete thinks.

Like I said, Petie sounds like an atheist who is frightened of being judged by religious people. Fortunately, Pete got beat up pretty good in the comments while they were open, so I think he’s pretty much all alone on Brown in thinking that the few ROTC cadets on Brown are criminals.

Category: I hate hippies

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Listening to lefties barking at the moon is pretty tortuous, but they still have the right to do it. If they have their way, that right will no longer exist for anyone.


Errr, that should be “OWB.”

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, welcome, new member OWB to the Screw-up Your Tag or Email Address and Get Moderated Club. I am the current president of the Mid-Atlantic Branch.


“Not science… of killing and torturing”…..hmmm, kind of thought that a LOT of our technological and bio-medical progress as a society came from the military. Some very very bright minds got their start and helped this country while serving in the military.

From my experience, not everyone was a killer robot designed to lay waste to all in the way. More likely, there are more MOS’s dedicated to CS and CSS and that is where development of ideas and progress as a military and civilian society stem from. The rest of us Combat Oriented types come up with interesting techniques and methods too but for other purposes. The child-author at Brown needs to get a grip and realize that the military offers more than just destruction.


Mr. Makhlouf is a persecuted Muslim of Palestinian decent. I know this because he doesn’t stop talking about it.

He’s so persecuted, that his only course of action was to attend a private, Ivy League school with a tuition of nearly $47,000 a year.

You poor persecuted bastard.


Yeah, I saw he was pissed about Jews offering a free 10 day trip to Israel. Must have really pissed off his ISIS buddies, too.


I liked his victim blaming in regards to the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

Silentium Est Aureum

You’d think with the selection criteria of an Ivy League school, and the fact mommy and daddy are ponying up $47K/year, he’d learn to generate a coherent sentence once in a while.

2/17 Air Cav

Makhlouf (not war) says that Brown has a “rich, anti-military, anti-war history.” That is true if history began in 1968 or so, but it didn’t. Brown itself says that it “has a rich and distinguished history of contributing to the efforts and mission of our nation’s Armed Services. “Brown boasts the Soldiers Memorial Arch [,] located at the bottom of Lincoln Field [which] was dedicated on April 6, 1921 to the memory of the 41 alumni and students and the one faculty member who died in service during [World War I.] And “World War II brought year-round operation to Brown and turned the campus into a military training ground.”

I suppose Petey thinks that Brown’s students were always of the hippie-dippie, sit-in variety. He really ought to educate himself to Brown’s history before he writes about it again.


Brown University has a rich history of denying enrollment to females too.

Green Thumb

I winder if he takes oppressed sugar in his capitalistic Starbucks coffee?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No shortage of cry baby whiners in these high end bastions of liberal thought. We’ve got more than a few Sally Sunshines up here at Smith College or Mt. Holyoke or Amherst College. I see this crap all the time, little entitled half-wits completely unaware that they are here because the people in the military have been protecting them for nigh unto 250 years now… The art and science of killing your enemies before they get a chance to kill you is something more Americans could benefit from by learning just a little of what that entails. Service to nation, duty to your team, honor among brethren are foreign concepts to these entitled selfish turds. I expect nothing else from most of these liberal asswipes whose parents didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to give the little bastards a swift kick in the ass when they spout off this stupid shit at home…probably because mommy and daddy spout the same stupid shit when they have their pretentious little dinner parties for all their turd friends. You’re entitled to your opinion Peter, but we’re also entitled to ours and we also have a right to express just how naive and foolish an uneducated little buffoon like you is when he attempts to school those who have actually done the heavy lifting about how the world works. It isn’t at all like the dreamland in your vacuous little brain Peter, for most of humanity life is still fairly ugly, brutish, and unnecessarily short. It isn’t that way here for good reason, not because pretentious assholes like you and your family who sit around and pout but because strong leaders do their jobs. They do their jobs in the military and they do their jobs in their community. They don’t write pretentious articles to score point with some little hippie tang, they just do their fucking jobs day in and day out without a thought about turds like you floating around the punch bowl with nothing to do but smell like shit and act like a turd. Peter, I’m glad you get to dream… Read more »


What he is entitaled to is a heaping bowl of Shut The Fuck Up.

Like I’ve said. I didn’t serve to defend his right to be an ass clown or say things that even a private knows are fucked up. I defended his rights so he could grow to be a productive citizen, but I can see he chooses to do otherwise.

The boogie man exists…and sometimes he’s in your closet. Sleep well, ass hat.


Ah, yes, Brown University – of “Modern Edukayshun” fame. Yeah, they teach their students well there. Sex Week is a big deal; serving the nation, not so much.

Perhaps a new name of Brown 25 is indeed apropos. (Link is somewhat crude and may be NSFW and/or around prudes, clergy, or small children.)


Well, if those students are in ROTC, they are getting some kind of tuition help from ROTC, so I doubt that Brown U. is interested in turning down money.


There are a lot of things this ass clown doesn’t understand…and probably never will. Hell I doubt he even understood even one of those big words he used in his little treatise…though he probably got an A for it from one of his classes.

I guess that’s fine. Folks like him a flashes in the pan. they don’t last long and don’t add much to anything. Though they do leave a foul smell in the air after they are gone.


Brian Sikes needs channeling for this little snot-nosed kid. Why is it that every anti-military thinker acts as though we’re all barbarians just seething for war?
Like I always say…When the shit hits the fan, kids, you aren’t exempt just because you espouse something that sounds smart and worldly. Remove the RCG’s and enlighten yourself to what IS, not what you wish.


lol @ anti military.

They would be the first ones to go if they got their way.


Has this dude put down the bong since ’73? (He sounds like he hasn’t.)


I’m sure staffers have shown this turds writings to Obama, who in turn said, “Get me some talking points. This is good stuff. We can make another Muslim apologist speech out of this.”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well when you have a state department that thinks one method of defeating ISIS is to get them better job opportunities I think your comment is probably closer to on point than I would care to believe.


Sparks – He’ll be sitting in the gallery at the next State of the Union address as a guest of the Prez…

Perry Gaskill

The 60s called and wants its Che poster back.

Green Thumb

Dildo does not even begin to describe this maggot.

I deal with this bullshit all of the time in the Great NW.

Big Steve

Peter…given your young age and lack of real world experience, the only thing you are qualified to preach about is the quality of the food in the dining hall at Brown.
Us grownups and vets who actually know about the military, war, evil in the world, etc., will not only discuss the military matters, but will be the ones protecting maggots like you when the s*** hits the fan.

Georgia 1911

Si vis pacem, para bellum


“It seems that ROTC’s attempt to recruit academically elite students…”

“At a time when we most need a brave intelligentsia to speak out…”

The little booger thinks an awful lot of himself, doesn’t he? What an insufferable little rat. This attitude goes back to liberal politicians making speeches about how unfortunate it is that young people feel so hopeless about their future job prospects that they must take the job of last resort…the military. They initiated this idea that people join the military because they are hopeless and not smart enough to do something else. Now dickheads like this guy take that as gospel and believe themselves far too gifted and in demand to consider a career in the armed forces. The truth is that he could never make it in any branch of the military. He hasn’t the brains, brawn or strength of character required to serve. I imagine there will come a day when he’ll face that reality. I hope to read his “blog” post when he does.

Pinto Nag

It’s envy, pure and simple. If you’re not good enough to be something most people look up to, you find a way to put it down. All he’s doing is rationalizing why he feels so inferior.


Even though the University of Vermont appeared to be run by the “stank-ass hippies” when I was there, there were enough sharp, dedicated young men and women in the ROTC program to give me hope for the future. Unfortunately, you never hear about or from those kids, only from the hosers like Petey boy.


This clueless moron’s gross inability to put together a coherent sentence or a logical argument is astounding. If this is the “education” he’s receiving at Brown University, he needs to ask for a refund.