Jackie Speier: “Man Up” and strip military benefits

| February 17, 2015


Last week, while praising the Commission for wanting to revamp the entire military compensation program, California Democrat Jackie Speier urged her colleagues to “man up” and make the tough choices needed to punish members of the military for their service, according to Military.com;

While the hearing touched on many of the proposed reforms, including retirement, much of the discussion focused on health care. Speier, in particular, sought to downplay the financial impact of the health care proposals to working-age retirees.

Under the panel’s recommendations, retirees younger than age 65 would initially pay 5 percent of the cost of a private plan, but the figure would increase 1 percent a year until reaching 20 percent of the premium — or until they’re eligible to switch into Medicare and Tricare for Life.

“It’s costing about, let’s just say round numbers, $500 a year,” Speier said. “A 1-percent increase is $5. I mean, I think we have to pitch this for what it is: You’re going to have better health care, you’re going to have a bigger network, and it’s going to cost you one Starbucks Latte a year. Are you in?”

I, for one, would like to see Speier “man up” and start slashing spending in Congress. The week before she was shot in the head, Gabby Giffords recommended that Congress take a 10% cut in the operating costs for their staffs and offices. Has that moved anywhere? We’re supposed to want gun control because that’s what she says now, but what about her efforts to control government spending. Couldn’t she be the poster child for that, too?

Congressmen and Senators generally get 6-figure pensions when they get voted out of office. Yet here’s Speier worried about puny 5-figure pensions to folks who actually do the work that most of them wouldn’t.

Set the example, there, Congress – man up, FFS.

Category: Congress sucks

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I’ll listen to military benefit cuts as long as Congress goes first.

They just have to serve one term to get a full pension. Not like they have to serve (and survive) 20.


I agree, although it would meet heavy resistance. Coke/hooker habits, plastic surgery and botox treatments can be expensive you know.


Maybe…..but then again, losing those kickbacks would make Congress like the little man the rest of us are…can’t we just go back to Congress being a part time non professional job?


I say fire everyone and start over.

Bill R

Look, I’m not defending the actions of Congress, but they are on FERS for their retirement plan. http://www.factcheck.org/2015/01/congressional-pensions-update/


God, is that canard still making the rounds?

NO. Members of Congress are NOT eligible for a pension after serving one term. They are eligible for a pension after 5 years service – which means that Senators are eligible for a pension after serving one term, but Representatives must be elected a minimum of 3 times to qualify.

Like a member of the military, Congressional pensions are based on high-3 average times a fixed multiplier times years of service. The fixed multiplier is 1.7%. However, unlike the military members of Congress cannot collect their pension immediately. They can collect a pension (1) at age 62 with less than 20 years service; (2) at age 50 with between 20 and 25 years service; and (3) at any age with 25 or more years of service. Further, Congressional pensions are by law limited to a maximum of 80% of high-3 salary. Most don’t come close to that.

Congress deserves a lot of criticism, but the “they get a pension immediately, equal to their full salary” is and always has been BS.

They also don’t get free healthcare for life, either.



Congress as a whole is a millionaire boys and girls club. Almost all of them are multi-millionaires and got that way through a lot of insider trading and gifts from lobbyists.
Then there is Nancy Pelosi and the rest of them with their families drawing huge government contracts because they have family in the congress.
ost didn’t become millionaires until they went to congress, then all of a sudden their earnings go through the roof…
After they leave congress they land cushy lobbying jobs paying multiple millions in salary.
No, take away their perks and impose a tax on them if they go to work for lobbying firms after leaving congress.
Both sides of the aisle are at fault here, the biggest hypocrites here are the libs that decry wealth but are the greediest criminals in the country…


I’ll one up you. I’ll listen to the concept of limiting benefits I earn through my years of setvice, after they limit the entitlement freebies for sitting around, poping out kids, and doing nothing.


Who the fuck pays $5.00 for a cup of coffee?



I know a lot of people that do…and several times a day. Starbucks….gawd awful. More of a dessert then coffee.

I still use my field cup. Never washed it.

Just add hot water…stir it up. BAM! good cup of joe right there.

Sometimes a hint of chocolate or maybe cinnimon gets in there from somewhere. Good stuff.


When I was in “A” school, a seaman took the initiative and washed all the CPO and PO1 coffee cups.

You could hear the screams of agony from miles away.


Hmm . . . small world. That might have been a former colleague of mine.

He once told me he’d done that – long ago, when he didn’t know any better. Scrubbed those cups down and got them “good and clean” without being directed to do so.

He’s a LCDR in the USNR today. Good guy. And yeah: he knows better today. (smile)


Wash the coffee mugs in the goat locker? Been there, did that!


People who have more money than sense and misplaced priorities that’s who.

Pinto Nag

It’s seasonal, but around next Thanksgiving, try Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spice latte. You’ll get hooked, just like I did. 😉


Again I’ll one up you, what was the last goventment ‘good idea’ proposed by a Democrat that was only supposed to cost us X and wond up costing us X or less? Can’t think of a damn one. Last promises about healthcare they made were: ‘If you like your Dr, you can keep your Dr. and the average family will save $2.5k a year. And how did they turn out???

Old Trooper

Of course this twit has her panties all twisted up over those that were promised what they earned, but heaven forbid that she tell illegal immigrants to “man up” and not get any welfare, healthcare, or education benefits, that we pay for. Nope, she’s gonna go after the low hanging fruit that won’t amount to a savings to the government, because she’ll just turn around and piss it away on more benefits to illegals. You know; those that haven’t earned what was promised to them.


How about she tells the welfare crowd to “man up”? Start with their Obamaphone. There’s no need for one of the leaches to get a free 250 minutes/1000 free texts a month. And be able to upgrade the basic phone to the iPhone 6 for $100. Nor to be able to use an EBT card to buy lobster and filet, or use it to get into the local casino.
Representative Speier can go sit and rotate on the frozen top of a pineapple, for about 24 hours.

SFC Holland

amen to this ^


I’d like to know who all these folks are having problems with Tricare and where they live?

My and my family’s experience with Tricare has been excellent. Yes, sometimes we have had to wait on appointments and there has been occasional frustration in finding providers; especially when the Tricare region vendor changes. But, those are exactly the same issues faced by beneficiaries of other insurance companies.and of people who move from time to time.

I currently work in healthcare where negotiation with companies for reimbursement rates is a good part of my job. Yes, on occasion Tricare payes well below the rate negotiated by XYZ company, but Tricare pays promptly and fully with a minimum of red tape.

Those of us who retired made decisions to serve based upon weighing the compensation packet with other alternatives, changing Tricare for those working age retirees is a breach of basic contract law, as one party shouldn’t renegotiate a contract after the other part has fulfilled their obligations.


I think the problems arise depending on what region you live in and how far you are from an MTF.

Since I retired, I have lived in Hawaii and Maryland. Both places have been spectacular for the level of care. Not one single problem and I have had two major surgeries for cancer.

I sure as hell hope it doesn’t go away.


Thanks. We forget that one of the reasons that Tricare exists was due to the closing of MTFs around the world at the end of the Cold War.

Many of the issues that I hear people complaining about Tricare won’t go away under a differerent system. The wait time at my dermatologist is 45 to 60 days, cash or type of insurance is not a factor. Likewise for providers in the network. Credentialing new providers takes time and is a pain in the ass (just today I had to deal with this for several companies), doesn’t matter if it’s Tricare, Aetna, or Blue Cross.


They renegotiate contracts all the time…
They did it to me and a few million other Vietnam Era Veterans. We were supposed to get free health care for the rest of our lives and every stinking year they change the contract without any word to those of us that froze our asses off in the Yukon…


Yep. Let’s punish those who have worked and earned their benefits so we can give it those who haven’t.
Here’s a novel idea – do something to rein in the healthcare costs that we pay, not HOW much we pay.


I think Jackass Speier needs to attend a few town halls with veterans to explain why their EARNED benefits need to be curtailed to feed the welfare beast.
Of course all veterans at that town hall will be issued 1 wool sock and 1 bar of Irish Spring soap. 2 veterans will be issued a wool blanket.
I figure it will only take 10, maybe 15, Veteran Town Halls until Jackass Speier sees the error of her ways.

A Proud Infidel®™

WHERE does she stand when it comes to the mountainous loads of waste from 0bamacare?

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Hey the Air Force wants those F-35s so they can carry the war to the Chinese and Russians and goddammit they’re going to get them even if your co-pays go up to $100 a visit and all the A-10s are sold for scrap metal….

Of course Ms. Speier who is actually going to provide ground support services to that F-35 once people realize the government fully intends to fuck them out of any promised benefits.

I sometimes wonder if these people are trying to push the concept of a draft by making military service so miserable that enlisted people stay away in droves.

I know lots of guys leaving right now. Guys and gals I thought would stay for 20 but are deciding it’s time to move to a civilian counterpart occupation.


MEMORANDUM FOR: Ms Jackie Speier




Kiss my pasty white Irish ass.



Hey! You stole my memo!

Guess I’ll have to change mine to “pasty white Celtic arse!”

And throw in “pog mo thoin” for good measure.


Hey you thieved my letter:

MEMORANDUM FOR: Ms Jackie Speier




Kiss my royal Irish ass (KMRIA).



It’s the collective Irish brain at work


I really am starting to dislike politicians.


Welcome. You’ve come to the right place.

2/17 Air Cav

Hey. She said man up. That’s nearly as funny, coming from her, as Biden’s recently calling someone his old butt buddy. And these people are our leaders. Just shoot me now.


Check out the caption contest on Creepy Uncle Joe hitting on Ashton Carter’s wife during his swearing-in as SecDef. The guy is fulfilling his role as impeachment insurance to the T.


Screw those nasty ol’ fascist veterans, we have lazy freeloading illegal aliens to get voting Democrat multiple times…


Rep. Speier’s district is California 14. Included in that district is Redwood City, Ca. If you’d like to email Rep. Speier, the email has to be from her district or no one will read it. The address for the post office in Redwood City is 1100 Broadway Street, Redwood City, 94063. This is her House email page, from her webpage, https://forms.house.gov/speier/webforms/email_jackie.shtml
I’d encourage everyone to email their thoughts on this issue to Rep. Speier, I’m sure she’d be interested in hearing our thoughts on this issue.


Anti American BITCH!!!


With apologies to the ladies here, ol’ Speier would look good with a set of nuts on her chin.


From an 18-wheeler. Parked.
On her.


Luddite4change said,

“Those of us who retired made decisions to serve based upon weighing the compensation packet with other alternatives, changing Tricare for those working age retirees is a breach of basic contract law, as one party shouldn’t renegotiate a contract after the other part has fulfilled their obligations.”

Nothing else needs to be said. Tricare is not a political football. Tricare is part of the promise to those veterans who qualify for it. Any modification or replacement needs to be the same quality, timeliness, availability, etc — or better — and the same or less cost to the vet. As a country, we promised that care to you who earned it. I am not disabled and I did not retire. I have my obligation to you. I intend to keep my promise and I intend to see to it that my country keeps its promise.

On a separate note, I give money to Wounded Warriors. Is that a good choice? Is there anything negative about WW? Is there a better choice?


Yeah? Well, tell that to the folks who retired in the 1960s and 1970s and then lost Tricare coverage when they turned 62. It took a change in Federal law to restore that; that law is where the term “Tricare for Life” came from.

Like Social Security, Tricare is a government benefit, not a contractual obligation. That was made clear 30+ years ago when military retirees got screwed out of military medical coverage when they became eligible for Medicare.

Bottom line: if the Federal government wants to change the rules – for either Tricare or Social Security – they can. And there’s not a damn thing we can do about it.

It won’t happen for Social Security; there are too many senior citizens who vote. But Tricare is a different story altogether, because there just aren’t that many military reitrees out there.


Regarding WWP, you mean, other than the fact that they refuse to vet the “veterans” that they give money and stuff to, and end up “helping” a bunch of people who never served?


Congresswoman Speier has an interesting backstory- she was California Congressman Leo Ryan’s aide and was ambushed along with Ryan while visiting Jonestown, Guyana, in November, 1978 by acolytes of the Reverend Jim Jones. She was shot 5 times and waited some 20+ hours before being medevac’d out. Congressman Ryan and 5 others were murdered at the hands of Peoples Temple members before some 900 of them committed mass suicide that day.

Anyway- that doesn’t have much to do with anything, other than the fact that you’d think she would have more appreciation for the military writ large and not being so abrasive in her appeals for “reform.” You would think she would understand the value of a strong national defense and those who sacrifice so much to carry out the policy that she and her colleagues help to shape and direct we carry out.


Actually, Ptolemy, it explains much.

I’m guessing that in her worldview, “Guns . . . bad. And so is anyone with one.” Her personal history would explain and/or reinforce that misconception.


And the folks who took care of her/evac’d her out & back to California?

More bad guys with green uniforms and guns.

But point taken- you’re probably right on that one.


On another note- I was a wee lad in early elementary school living in the Panama Canal Zone at the time and my best buddy’s dad- a Huey pilot in the 193rd Brigade- was sent down to Guyana to help with the cleanup/repatriation of more than 900 remains to their families in the U.S. After several days in the tropical climate, most cannot even begin to comprehend what that must have been like.

He was a Vietnam veteran and all, but in talking to my friend a few years ago, he said his pops was never the same after coming back from that Jonestown mission. Such a tragedy and triumph of evil.

Pinto Nag

Evil sometimes evolves out of idiocy. Jones was part of the Cult of Personality that formed the televangelist movement. I worked as a Nurse’s Aid in 1981, when that particular phenomenon was in full swing. We had one guy (can’t remember his name now) that would come to our local Civic Center. Charismatic (literally as well as figuratively) bugger. He’d rock the house, let me tell you what. And for a week afterwards, our Emergency Department was on rollerskates, trying to take care of the diabetics who threw away their insulin, the heart and hypertensive patients who threw away their heart and BP meds, and the addicts who flushed their stashes.

As sorry as I felt for the folks in Jonestown, there is absolutely no getting around the fact that those folks made the bed they ended up laying in. The ones that I feel sorry for were the kids, because they REALLY had no choice in the matter. The adults did, and there were warning signs long before they ended up at gunpoint, drinking the poison koolaid.


On a different note: I’d be interested in precisely where the “good Congresswoman” learned a damn thing about the military. I’m guessing the only contact she’s had with people in the military is watching testimony from the Joint Chiefs in Congressional hearings. Otherwise, I’m guessing she’s functionally ignorant on what people in the military actually do, and why.


“I’m guessing she’s functionally ignorant”

Oh, I would buy that all day long and twice on Sunday’s Hondo!!!


Maybe she’s on Spec8 Moerk’s courtesy copy list.

Yea, that’s it. That’s where she gets her knowledge of All Things Military.

A Proud Infidel®™

Dildocats have always wanted to spit on Vets every chance they get, I assume one main reason for that is we DON’T vote dildocat in droves like illegal aliens and welfare flunkies do!

Pinto Nag

Choo got it, mon.

Big Steve

Ms. Speier… f*** you in the mouth. Why can’t you take a nice fact-finding trip to Syria or Iraq, and get kidnapped by ISIS?

A Proud Infidel®™

Jackie Speier, May the Bluebird of Happiness poop all over your breakfast and in your coffee every morning for the rest of your life!!

Big Steve

That big mouth of hers would look good with a size 15/0 treble hook in it.

Silentium Est Aureum

Her math is also a bit off.

Assume that using her example of paying $500 of a $10,000 policy (5 percent), increasing that contribution by 1 percent a year isn’t $5, it’s $100.

Not so small now, is it Congresswoman? Maybe if you folks inside the Beltway weren’t so eager to raid the Tricare surplus, you wouldn’t feel the need to screw over vets AGAIN?