Terror in Copenhagen

| February 15, 2015

Police killed a man yesterday in Copenhagen after he opened fire at a free speech rally and at a synagogue where he killed two people and injuring five police officers. The Danish authorities didn’t waste anytime calling this spade a spade, according to Fox News;

“Denmark has been hit by terror,” Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt said on Sunday. “We do not know the motive for the alleged perpetrator’s actions, but we know that there are forces that want to hurt Denmark. They want to rebuke our freedom of speech.

Jens Madsen, head of the Danish intelligence agency PET, said investigators believe the gunman was inspired by Islamic radicalism.

“PET is working on a theory that the perpetrator could have been inspired by the events in Paris. He could also have been inspired by material sent out by (the Islamic State group) and others,” Madsen said.

The Danes are now saying that the fellow that they killed was on a terror watch list, not that it matters now.

CNN speculates that Helle Merete Brix, a free speech advocate, was the intended target at the free speech rally, but that security personnel moved her to safety when shots rang out.

Category: Terror War

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B Woodman

Wait. . . . What!? I thought Copenhagen and especially Denmark were European Gun Free Zones.
How DARE a terrorist sneak a gun into a Gun Free Zone to try and kill a person who is espousing Free Speech against a certain Peaceful Special Snowflake Religion.
Which I notice that no one has YET been named in this attack.
The Special Po-Po have called it terrorism (good), but have not yet said WHO or WHY (not so good).


Yep, and the White House will call it random street violence in 3….2…1…


Of course it was random, the shooter didn’t target anyone by name. Just ask the spokesjerk for the Regime, Mr. Earnest.


Sigh, another “man-caused disaster”.


The terrorists better start thinking about who to attack. They have apparently forgotten from whom the Danes were descended. Vikings.

They might appear to have worked all that hostile aggression out centuries ago, but I’m betting it’s still deep in their DNA, if someone is dumb enough to wake it up.


Unless we and the Brits got all of their adventurous DNA, which I seriously doubt.

Silentium Est Aureum

And if it happened here, Obama would call it “workplace violence” in between golf rounds.


“Denmark has been hit by terror,” Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt said on Sunday. “We do not know the motive for the alleged perpetrator’s actions, but we know that there are forces that want to hurt Denmark.”

Uh…I missed an audible I guess. “Denmark has been hit by terror,” Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt said on Sunday.

Then…“We do not know the motive for the alleged perpetrator’s actions, but we know that there are forces that want to hurt Denmark.”

MOTIVE…okay Ms. Prime Minister, give this some more think and then see if can determine the motive behind this “alleged perpetrator’s actions”.

As an unrelated issue completely, I Googled images of Helle Thorning-Schmidt and guess what? Big time…BABE she is!


Hey I just remembered! She’s the one in the Obama “selfie” scandal during the Nelson Mandela’s memorial service. Plus, I saw a photo of her being smooched by Obama. That did it for me. “Lips that touched Obama, will never touch mine”.


One and the same, the recipient of the Stink-Eye from Mooochelle, who then moved between the man-child emperor and the Danish Dish.

2/17 Air Cav

21 Coptic Christians were beheaded by The ISIS Mohammedcyle Club, Libya Branch. Nice. That Arab Spring Fling has really worked out well. The President of the United States and the titular head of the formerly free world responded by saying, “We join with all of Egypt in denouncing these murders and we will not rest until they are brought to justice. I have instructed our ambassador to…Looks like the six iron…our ambassador to….hold on…Dammit! @#$!ing bunkers….”


He then blamed the caddy and his partner for his 37 over par 109.

Old Trooper

Well, like Jordan, Egypt didn’t waste any time and launched an attack against those scumbags in Libya.

It must be nice to have decisive leadership not afraid to call a spade a spade and TCB.


A Parisian newspaper that printed cartoons about Mohamed (but they actually are equal opportunity offenders of just about EVERYBODY) is brutally attacked, and then a supporter of same attackers attacks a Jewish market, explicitly stating that he intentionally chose the kosher market target.

A Danish freedom of expression event hosted by a cartoonist who unflatteringly portrayed, wait for it, Mohamed is murderously attacked; and then the same attacker (apparently) attacks at a synagogue.

With such a murky pattern of behaviors, and no past clues of any sort, it does seem awfully difficult to ascribe motives to anyone.

(God help us all if these are the leaders of the free world.)


My dear Medic09, how often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?

With apologies to Sherlock Holmes.



(We’re Sherlock Holmes fans in this house.)

Open Channel D

Before the Danes get on their high horse, maybe they should reflect on the harm done by the Vikings.

Big Steve

Hopefully you’re f***ing joking/trolling, and not serious.
Otherwise, get bent.

Big Steve (who has lots of Scandinavian-Viking blood in him)


I think that he was making a joke by tying this to the remarks made by the glorious leader at the national prayer breakfast last week.

I hope.

How ironic that the POTUS made the remarks last week about Christians getting on their “high horse”and that ” Christians have done many terrible things in the name of Christ” and this week 21 Christians are be headed by muslims this week. So far I have not heard a word of condemnation from this administration, and I’m sure that we won’t either.

Open Channel D

Sorry, should have hit the sarc/

Big Steve

Now I get it. Sorry for getting uppity.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how soon B. Hussein 0bama will apologize to the muslim world for the Danish people provoking the attacks via living as a free people?

2/17 Air Cav

Out of curiosity, I visited the WH website to read whatever was there regarding the beheadings of 21 Coptic Christians by the Muslim terrorists. Evidently, the Egyptians’ religion had nothing to do with their being murdered because it is not mentioned. Not once. Not at all. Of course, neither is the religion of peace because, as we all know, there is no connection between a particular religion and terrorism. What’s more, the murder method, beheading, doesn’t rate a mention either. What is offered is the usual blather condemning the murders and the need for a POLITICAL solution. A political solution? A political solution involves discussion, negotiation, compromise, and, of course, begins with a mutual desire to end a conflict or to solve a problem. Hey, correct me if I am wrong, but a political solution really doesn’t seem to be what’s needed here.


Yes, but ignoring reality won’t make it go away.

They were Coptic Christians.

These executions have no purpose other than provoking the opponents of IS, which is solidifying the Middle East. If IS wants a war, it seems that they will get one. They should be careful what they wish for.