Fort Hood carjacking
The Killeen Daily Herald reports that a soldier was carjacked while he was still on Fort Hood;
A soldier picked up an unknown man at the III Corps Express on Monday about 1 p.m. and drove to the vicinity of Wainwright Village, officials with Directorate of Emergency Services said.
The suspect, described as a black man, attacked the driver with a knife and injured his left pinky finger.
The driver was treated at Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, but was not admitted to the hospital, officials said.
Carjackings happen everyday outside the gates of military bases, but hardly ever inside those gates. Even traffic tickets are rare inside those gates. The soldier got off lucky with a bloody pinkie finger, but what does this particular crime say about the security of soldiers inside of Fort Hood – the scene of one of the bloodiest terrorist attacks in the last few years?
Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.
Category: Army News
From that brief article I call bullshit on this already. Just doesn’t sound right to me.
I’m going to wait this one out until more info becomes available Lol…..
What the hell…over!!! How in the hell did a civilian get past security at Ft. Hood and onto base to wander at leisure? What the hell is the head of post security doing? If this story is on the up and up, not his job that’s for sure. But maybe there’s more to the story yet to emerge. I’ll reserve harsher criticism until the rest of the story comes out.
3E9…I tend to agree with you. All in all, sounds sorta fishy as hell doesn’t it?
III Corps Facebook page is reporting this too. Stating along the same lines.
There is nothing in the article indicating that the perpetrator was a civilian. If he was, he could have been a dependant, or civilian employee. Ft Hood is huge, I do not think it would be all that difficult to gain access. Most of the crime on Ft Hood is commited by soldiers. There were three murders on my ship during the time I was affiliated with it, all committed against sailors by sailors. My fishy indicator is up also. What set it off is the whole “a black guy did it”. I do not know the ethnic, or racial characteristics of the victim, but that seems too much like an easy standard answer. Which could very well be true, but….
First thing that popped in my mind is some soldier fabricated a story after cutting his (her) finger. Kind of a “Susan Smith” type of thing.
Then again, I know crimes do occur on base as discussed in other comments, so… there’s that.
Susan Smith, what a bitch. I was a civilian cop in SC when she killed her kids and we all knew she was lying from day one. I probably put 1500 miles on my car chasing down false sightings of her “stolen” vehicle. A guy I had met was the diver who found the car and the kids, tore him up from that day on. I think he got out of law enforcement.
Every drive by shooting I ever witnessed, which was 3 by the way, occurred on Fort Hood, Once while I was pulling Staff Duty and walking over to the DISCOM to drop off “some important document” That the Leadership needed at 2330 hrs. Of the 3 incidents, 2 occurred after 9/11 when Fort Hood effectively became a “Closed Post” meaning you had to get cleared at the Entry Control Point just to get on post. That always provided an opportunity for smartass responses,
Gategaurd:”Whats your business on Fort Hood SFC?
Me: “I’m here to do your wife while your on ECP duty dumbass”!
Hack is willing to bet all of his FirsTech Solutions stock that this guy was getting a bit too far in debt, and figure an insurance company settlement for a stolen car would put him back on Wilson Lane.
I bought that stock too !!!
I only paid $100 a share for mine !!! They told me it was worth $250 a share !!!!
So I’m selling it here, let me know if you want to buy some, I’ll mark it down to $225/share !!!
I was actually approached in the men’s room about FirsTech stock.
I left with a sense of purpose, if you will.
When I was at Fort Hood, Texas (about a zillion years ago!), there was plenty of violent crime to go around, and much (most?) of it was racial, i.e., black soldiers preying on white soldiers and dependents, and a lot of this, although common knowledge, was officially covered up by Army bureaucracy.
I was a Team Leader of a Scout Team, and one time, as a sort of reward for missing chow while doing whatever it was we were doing, I invited one of the guys, Private Frank Steele, to have supper with me and my wife in my quarters in Walker Village, one of the post housing areas.
The following Saturday morning, I was washing the car, and on the passenger side, I discovered a hashish pipe.
Since my wife and I never used illegal narcotics, I knew it had to be his.
About this time, Private Frank Steele went AWOL.
Our First Sergeant addressed the company formation and said that if Private Steele showed up, we were to arrest him, using any force necessary.
Later, Private Frank Steele was arrested, court-martialed for Armed Robbery, and sentenced to twenty-one (21) years at hard labor in the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Yes, Private Frank Steele was black.
Our First Sergeant, whose name was Flowers, was also black, and the NCO who taught me everything about scouting, Sergeant Laird Duncan, was also black.
I’ve still got that hash pipe somewhere around, as a souvenir.
Since this was so long ago, I reckon Frank Steele is a free man, having done his time.
Thankfully, the driver was not allowed to be properly armed for self-defense, or someone could have been injured.