Mike Prysner; that communist revolutionary hero
![Mike Prysner commie lovin punk](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Mike-Prysner-commie-lovin-punk-300x224.jpg?resize=300%2C224)
We first wrote about Mike Prysner more than six years ago when we caught him lying about his military service. Mike founded March Forward, the Maoist ANSWER’s veterans group. He used to tell tales about his operations in Iraq, kicking doors and dragging Iraqi women around by the hair. It turns out that he was a radar screen watcher who never set foot outside the wire. Privately, he’s admitted as much to his friends.
Well, this Kevin Baker fellow, a twice-deployed soldier to Iraq, used to hang around with Prysner, until his head got screwed on straight. When Kevin realized that ANSWER and March Forward were just organizations for the members not for the people they claimed to support, Kevin spoke out. ANSWER, retaliated by convincing Prysner to file a restraining order against Baker to shut him up. Well Kevin came to us to tell his story;
There’s a well known issue of violating human ethics and stolen valor on the far political left. There’s a saying I heard a while back that goes “ If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.” I applied this lesson directly towards ANSWER coalitions Mike Prysner.
Most of you are well aware of Mike Prysner. He’s the Marxist self-described revolutionary who takes full advantage of his time as a non-combat arms enlisted veteran of the war in Iraq to promote himself at any cost. There’s also something even more uniquely self-serving in regards to Prysner. His ability to lie, deceive and prey on people in vulnerable situations. He is, for all intents and purposes, a predator.
One of the most alarming examples of his predatory scams he runs under the guise of March Forward! is begging for donations to “help” veterans in struggle. This was of course a turning point in my personal relationship with Prysner. He had appealed to donors to give money to a personal friend and fellow infantryman who had gone AWOL. Prysner had written an appeal asking for money to help pay for this soldier’s financial hardships while AWOL. I had found out a year or so later from the soldier himself that none of the donation money ever graced his hand.
ANSWER is infamous for setting up donations saying they support some cause but pocketing the money for their own gain. After all, being a full time activist and sitting around lying and smoking pot all day takes its toll on everyone.
However, once I had found out friends and fellow soldiers had been scammed by Prysner, I had finally had enough. I openly stated that Prysner, ANSWER/PSL/MarchForward were in fact all scam organizations led by Brian Becker – Google him, anything Prysner does under the guise of MarchForward! has to be approved by Becker, nullifying the claim that it is a “veterans-led organization” this goes to include Prysner’s “Amazing speech by war veteran” shared by so many. It was in fact written by Brian Becker, Prysner had confided in me that he never actually saw combat.
After making this public, ANSWER was thrown into a state of panic. I had received endless texts, calls and emails from ANSWER leadership members asking why I was exposing their callous lies. Once they realized the intimidation attempts by archaic cold war washed-up hippies wouldn’t work on me, they did something hilariously unexpected, they ran to the very system they “dedicate” their lives to destroying in trying to stop the truth of their predatory ways from leaking out.
Mike Prysner, the “great communist revolutionary” who hates the police, the capitalist state and does not acknowledge the legitimacy of the United States government, actually pushed a restraining order on me when I confronted him in a text message about the finances being seized for ANSWER staff. How ironic that a man who hates everything America stands for, uses the same “racist” judicial system in an attempt to silence the truth. “If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud” echoed in my head the entire time.
Prysner filed a restraining order stating I had committed “murder” in Iraq. That I had executed unarmed Iraqis (see attached memo, This never happened), that I had stalked him, (apparently egomania is a thing amongst failing Marxists) that I was a threat to his safety, and that he was “afraid for his life” which he stated in court right before the judge literally threw him out of court.
Prysner continued to go on in the restraining order stating outlandish lies and engaging in character assassination. Joining Prysner in his endeavor was Ryan Endicott who compared himself to Che Guevera and Mike always compared himself to Fidel Castro. You could even pay $5.00 to get a picture with Prysner and a cardboard cut out of Fidel at ANSWER/PSL fundraisers where Prysner would simply become so intoxicated it ended with him always driving drunk home. What a thoughtful human.
So I hired a lawyer, returned to court and the most hilarious part about the entire ordeal was that Prysner showed up with about 10 other ANSWER goons all with prepared statements against me. It is impossible to stress the hilarity in a “Revolutionary Communist” organization that holds demonstrations promoting the killing of police and violently overthrowing America “cowering” in fear and using the state they hate as a shield. A shield against a threat they made up in an attempt to silence the truth.
Prysner showed up about 30 minutes late looking like he had crawled out of a drunken stupor, stumbled when the judge had us “all rise.” The judge even stated to his “lawyer” ( Another ANSWER lackey) “Is your client going to stand up?” My lawyer had to nudge me to stop me from laughing at how pathetic he looked.
Long story short the case was thrown out in minutes. Prysner left along with the rest of the “revolutionary vanguard” in defeat. Prysner loves talking about his personal life and activism on social media yet he never mentioned running to the court, using PTSD against a soldier who was medically discharged for it, (even though he will beg for donations to “help” soldiers with it) and posting flat out lies about his military service on social media. Last time he posted that he was an interrogator on his Twitter begging for more attention.
This may come as a shock to so many people who believe Prysner to be a sincere and honest person “speaking truth” about war…but the truth is he is a liar. He never saw combat and the speech so many people contribute to him wasn’t written by him. It was written by Brian Becker the head of both ANSWER and Party for Socialism and Liberation. There is also an hilarious recording where Brian Becker says “We should behave like Stalin did prior to the Bolshevik revolution and rob trains” at internal PSL/ANSWER meetings.
From their outspoken support to terrorist organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah and North Korea to their fraudulent donations and campaigns they set up, I have no idea how ANSWER has not yet been investigated by the United States Federal Government.
I appealed through the courts in an attempt to sue Prysner for the false claims he had made in the court documents. I filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court in which Prysner dodged every attempt to be served. The producers of a TV show called “ Hot Bench” even asked if I would be willing to take this case to national TV (which I gladly accepted). However, Prysner, like the coward he is, declined to accept.
There’s something ironic in the fact that Mike Prysner who likes to invade everyone’s life, throw peoples cell phones, make false claims to the court, scream about revolution, post officers, NCOs and generals private phone numbers online and in massive spam ANSWER emails in attempts to have thousands of ANSWER email subscribers harass those serving in the military. However he can’t even show up to court and resolve an issue he started. Welcome to the world’s most cowardly activists; Mike Prysner.
Baker recently endured the scorn of our old friends at the IVAW when he began speaking out against ISIS and their murderous rampage across the Lavant. Apparently, because he’s a straight, white male, he’s not allowed to have a valid opinion about murder, torture and rape.
Here’s some of the ridiculous charges that Prysner brought against Baker in the restraining order;
![Prysner restraining order](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Prysner-restraining-order-300x171.jpg?resize=300%2C171)
Here’s a paragraph from the restraining order that Prysner filed against Baker charging that he committed murder in Iraq;
![Prysner restraining order accusation](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Prysner-restraining-order-accusation-300x19.jpg?resize=300%2C19)
And, finally, Kevin’s response;
![Prysner - Baker response](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Prysner-Baker-response-300x225.jpg?resize=300%2C225)
The invitation from the TV show;
![Prysner invite](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Prysner-invite-300x97.jpg?resize=300%2C97)
Here’s Prysner’s New Year resolution in 2011 to be a better communist;
Prysner tried to stage a coup in the IVAW a few years back because they weren’t radical enough for his tastes – and his recruiting efforts at ANSWER were dreary. He has inserted himself into the Ferguson debate, including publishing a petition signed by several dozens of veterans, demanding that the National Guard stay out of Ferguson (March Forward link), so the derelicts and thugs could take over the town. Most of the folks whose signatures appear on the petition had no idea what they were putting their name to.
Prysner likes to claim that he’s ashamed of his service in the Army and in Iraq, but it’s hard to find a photo of him without a part of his uniform. He’s the perfect mannequin for ANSWER – willing to say or do anything to get his dope money all while wearing the uniform remnants that must be thread-bare by now.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War
His mother should have swallowed. I have no use for communist, never mind posers.
Fuckin POG.
Send 12 digit grid to target.
Only need a 4 digit grid for an MLRS Battalion.
You crowd pleaser.
Phuk Prysner and Baker both. Baker’s butt is sore. Good. He deserves it. This strikes me as more a personal beef with Prysner than anything else. I would like to read something Baker wrote that repudiates the following piece in its entirety. If anyone has such a writing, please provide a link to it.
It’s understandable why you would feel that way. ( This is Baker BTW) I still disagree with the initial invasion of Iraq. However, I would never exploit soldiers while wearing a mask pretending to help them. That’s the main difference between Prysner and I. One can politically disagree with the initial invasion while still supporting service members.
Also, if you look at the link it has an ANSWER URL. When I left that organization a few years ago I requested that they remove my name from anything I had ever written for obvious reasons. Secondly, the part about “Iraq not having known any internal conflict” was something I never wrote in that article. Prysner had added it and I requested multiple times to have it removed because it’s a flat out lie.
It is a personal beef to some extent but I also hope it serves as a warning for other service members who may end up slowly gravitating towards ANSWER to stay away. That’s the most important point is highlighting the historical user of ANSWER/PSL and showing soldiers ( like myself a few years ago, ANSWER/PSL is absolutely not the way to go.)
Historical usury* ( Sorry no coffee yet)
“I still disagree with the initial invasion of Iraq.” You are being too kind to yourself. Of course one can disagree about a foreign policy or military-use decision. But that’s not what I see in that writing of yours. And perhaps you will spotlight for me where in that piece you “supported service members”–whatever that means. If you want to disavow what you wrote, do so. Don’t pussyfoot around it. By the same token, if you stand by the opinions you espoused in that anniversary piece, say so.
” But that’s not what I see in that writing of yours. And perhaps you will spotlight for me where in that piece you “supported service members”
I never said that was in the piece I wrote.
Like I said, I viewed ( and still do) helping service members as a top priority. I have maintained ( even with my bizarre mix up with ANSWER) friendships with practically everyone I was in Iraq with on either deployments. I’m not interested in “making friends” or appeasing you. The only purpose for this was to highlight the usury by the left of veterans and to hopefully curb donations to ANSWER under their front group MarchForward! and point veterans in a proper direction or at least deter them from getting involved with such phony and fraudulent organizations.
Look, sometimes people do dumb shit because they believe people who make their living lying to people. It’s still hard for me to think that veterans will lie to each other about stuff, but it absolutely happens and definitely happened to me.
Sure, Baker and Prysner have some personal beef – but honestly, it all started after Baker stopped drinking the Kool-Aid.
He stopped drinking the fraud Kool-Aid. I don’t see that he stopped the marxist/Imperialist Amerika Kool-Aide.
I’m not a Marxist. I don’t agree with the cult of personality that behaves like a religion that Marxism is.
You’re not a marxist? Who wrote this line: “Until people in the United States see the class character of every U.S.- led war, enlisted service members will be sent to kill and die for the wealthy…” You did. That line could have been written by Karl himself. And, golly gee, what sort of organization would choose March Forward! for its moniker? Hold on. I’m working on it. Right. Socialists. Now, let’s get down to some nitty gritty, Comrade Baker. Who wrote these lines: “On the tenth tragic anniversary of Iraq we send our deepest and most sincere condolences to the people of Iraq. Words cannot express the sorrow, sadness and regret we have for participating in the imperialists’ war.” Huh? You? I will be happy to abstract more of your bullshit if you like. Yeah, you are personally pissed at Prsyner and you are dressing it all up in helping the next Vet to see him for what he is. Bullshit. He, at least, is a known commie rat bastard. Others pretend not to be and are more sly. Now, if you excuse me, I’ve got to see how my petrol stocks did today.
What part of ” this article was written three years ago when I was in ANSWER” did you not understand?
I was against our involvement in Iraq. I have said so many times. I wasn’t convinced that the time was right or the initial case for it. The Bush administration did make a convincing argument and with the Clinton argument to back it up, I was less opposed, but still not there in terms of support. However, once the first munition was released; you back the troops and the effort. The problem is that politics always get in the way of victory. We have seen it in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The will to engage in a war is stronger than the will to see it through to victory, when it comes to politics. The last time that we had the will to fight a war to win, not make political points, was WWII.
As a Vietnam veteran, a VVAW, and a supporter of IVAW from nearly its gitgo, AND as an independent socialist (I have never, ever belonged to any ideological organization in 45 years), I have had nothing to do with ANSWER, and Mike Prysner sometimes makes me nervous.
Are you actually a white supremacist? My friend Manzel says you are. I have fought such people, who were being paid by the Republican Party to harass the antiwar movement, at the Pub Convention of 1972.
They were the NSWPP (the American Nazi Party, renamed after the death of founder George Lincoln Rockwell). The go-between was a Hungarian who served 5 years for crimes against humanity in Europe and then came to America and became a Republican covert operative. I proudly bear a scar from that encounter.
Did you regard the blacks, Asians and American Indians you were deployed with as inferior persons? If so, you should square that shit away ASAP.
I just read your bio. Go MESNA!
Don’t trust anything Seth says with a drink in his hand. Lilyea’s no white supremacist.
Oh lookie what the fucking dawg drug in…lil Willie Homans. No matter how you classify your “socialist’ affliations, you are still a communist, asshole. Go back to picking your guitar and pretending you are something other than a commie.
That Prysner dude needs to get a catheter, STAT! He already has a quivering bush.
I have an idea. Since there is a search underway for Earth-like planets, and many candidates have been found, we can gather up all these radical toyboys and girls and send them to their very own planet. They can be as radical as they want, once they get there.
We’ll name it after this money-grubbing egocentric slob: planet Prysner.
W@hat the Glorious FUCK is that *thing* on the left in the photo above?!?!?!?!?
I’m scared.
/hold me. 😀
If you’re referring to the first picture of the whale in whiteface, that’s probably to associate their struggle with Guy Fawkes.
See “V for Vendetta” and
I think ChipNASA was talking about the thing wearing the dunbass Guy Fawkes mask, not the mask itself.
Thats the girl your mama warned you about.
I wasn’t opposed to going into Iraq. I actually had hoped during Desert Storm that the coalition would have done the job then, and I knew after Bush I stopped the military action that sooner or later we’d have to go back in and finish the job.
Having said that, the ONE intervention that I opposed and still do, is our foray into the Balkans. That whole area is Europe’s problem, and not ours. However, after going in, we picked the wrong side, and as a result, there are now 3 muslim nations in Europe. We backed the wrong side, and now Europe, and eventually these United States, will pay a price for that.
Just look at how many of our domestic IS supporters have been one of the various flavors of Balkan moslem.
It it just me, or are they a huge gaggle of Bernathian nut jobs?
*chuckle* So, he’s an American Millennial Communist? That must be the most contradictory title ever possible.
The country’s once-united national identity, with no sectarian strife, was consciously demolished and manipulated by the U.S. occupation.
That’s entertaining shit right there, there was never a national identity in the true sense of the word in Iraq, there was never an Iraq prior to the end of WW1 when the British decided make a nation out of three provinces that never really got along. The Ottomans were well aware of the sectarian, tribal nature of these provinces and spent time and energy keeping the violence to a minimum which Saddam did with an iron fist.
The largest failure in planning for the Iraq war was assuming there ever was a national identity to work with and rebuild from. The Kurds had been brutally oppressed and the Sunni/Shi’ite mix was never one of warm afternoon tea and kind words.
No quarrel with being against the war, but don’t write shit that was never true to support that position.
The only way Iraq was ever going to be a unified nation-state was if the post conflict occupation was planned for 50-70 years as it will require a massive generational attitude adjustment for Kurds/Shi’ites/Sunnis to believe they share enough common DNA to build a true nation.
In lieu of such occupation all that was ever going to happen was a massive power vacuum easily filled with bad faith actors making Saddam look benign in comparison.
Write the truth and your words take on larger meaning, write bullshit and your dispute seems to be mired in personal animosity rather than incontrovertible fact.
That’s just my $0.02 your mileage will most certainly vary.
“The country’s once-united national identity, with no sectarian strife, was consciously demolished and manipulated by the U.S. occupation.”
I did not write that. I stated this earlier that I had requested Prysner to remove that from the article which he ignored. This was one of the early incidents that began my eventual rejection of ANSWER.
The way it works in ANSWER is each “individual” writes an article. Then it is sent to the “steering committee” of self-elected “leaders” who then edit what the individual wrote. ANSWER like all Marxist groups function off of a principle of “democratic centralism” where the “elected” leadership body’s ( which re-elects itself every two years and four years depending on the level of leadership)statements are god like. No one can disagree with them without being “banished” and then publicly attacked by the members of ANSWER.
Secondly, I openly stated I had been an ANSWER member and I’ve said some pretty absurd things while under their banner. The fact that I publicly disowned them two plus years ago due to their lying, manipulation, cultish like membership is what prompted Prysner to try and lash out VIA the judicial system.
At any rate I agree with what you’ve stated as it being absolutely incorrect.
Kevin, thank you for the clarification. I understand the process you describe, that would be the warning for me that this was an institution with an inordinate amount of shitbaggery going on if your words were not allowed to stand on their own merit. If my organization requires my words to be routinely edited to fit corporate views that alter the meaning of my words, I’m gone.
Sounds like you had some warning signs and are learning the depth of the avarice of your former compatriots.
As I stated you certainly have the right to any opinion you wish, this is after all still a free nation. We don’t need to agree to both be people who love this great nation, but I think you provide an interesting cautionary tale in political movements and the lack of honesty involved in many of those movements.
Fuck those guys, their karmic debt will ultimately be paid. Karma is a harsh mistress who will not be denied.
Good luck in moving on from this group of turds, here’s hoping your lesson awakens many to the potential harm associations like these can create.
What a stooge.
IVAW = Losers.
This guys parents should have sued their birth control pill provider.
His birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom manufacturer.
I heard it came from a proctologist.
Is the chief complaint that you were working for ‘ANSWER’ to achieve Marxism, and they were scamming people? You were OK with them if they were not scamming people, but still working to achieve Marxism?
You said, you were “not a Marxist”. Is that “no longer a collectivist”, or just not that particular flavor of collectivism called Marxism, because it is the wrong one?
I am not sure from your above posts exactly what you are repudiating. If you are looking to make a clean break with a prior position, a clear statement of the new one is a good start to firm up the ground upon which one stands.
No, I am not a Marxist. I do not agree with a planned economy, I agree that history has shown that every “Marxist experiment” has ended in absolute failure. That it has produced some of the most despotic regimes in human history from the USSR to DPRK.
Clear enough.
You may find more traction with other posters here, if you expand that to “not a Collectivist” instead of “not a Marxist”. In debating terms, you excluded from your statements the Maoist types, the Socialists, and a whole bunch of other high-body-count “experiments” of the 20th century.
“Planned Economy” to me is putting a foot in that water, but plenty of folks here, myself at times included, are in the habit of parsing words to the nth degree. I was raised in a rather left-of-center home, so I am perhaps overly attentive to nuanced nonsense from certain points of view.
To say I had my own change of heart would be putting it mildly. I now tend to take the “Less is better” view of government.
Hey fucknut, I know a worker’s paradise you’d love. The North Koreans would be so happy to greet a fellow traveller such as yourself. You might want to ask Charles Jenkins about their hospitality first.
Why do these idiotic assholes preach their communist shit from over here when they can just go live in a worker’s paradise elsewhere? Oh, that’s right, they’re lazy stank ass pussy hippies.
Who me? Or Kevin?
We can gain more converts to the cause of Liberty if we let it be known we welcome to our side those who have thrown the chains off their minds.
Even self-made chains.
I definitely don’t support DPRK’s religious insanity based off of Juche one bit. That place is worse than an Orwellian nightmare. It’s like Edgar Allan Poe and Marx met, had sex and gave birth to a state. So I don’t think he’s referring to me.
fucknut = Mike Prysner
Nah. That one leaves it to the Zampolit. Otherwise he would spoil his “impotent rage” power.
Oh, and #freeElaineRicci
Kevin. I believe in freedom and capitalism. Socialism is really just communist not in complete control. I took an oath to do my darnedest to get rid of communist. Still believe that. Freedom can only be preserved if we all work together, not as a collective, but as individuals United in defense of freedom. Willing to die if necessary! This is what we who have served have defended and believe. And I really hate communist. Be careful who you make friends with, as so many of these little prissy socialist think they know what’s best for you, and always find fault with people enjoying the fruits of capitalism.
That gal/guy in the red to the left in the photo. Has Chevy cheese switched his political leanings? Same girth but a better looking mug! That Chevy, he most certainly gets around. I think he was part of the security team under cover!