Tom Cotton: Too many empty beds in Guantanamo

| February 6, 2015


Arkansas did us a big favor last November when they elected Iraq War veteran, Tom Cotton to the Senate. Yesterday, in the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, he gave us rational Americans a voice;

“In my opinion, the only problem of Guantanamo Bay is there are too many empty beds and cells there right now,” said Cotton, R-Arkansas. “We should be sending more terrorists there for further interrogation to keep this country safe.”


“Islamic terrorists don’t need an excuse to attack the United States. They don’t attack us for what we do, they attack us for who we are,” Cotton said.

In an exchange with DOD Principal Deputy Undersecretary for Policy Brian McKeon, Cotton said the Obama administration’s move to shut down the facility and relocate prisoners is based on politics, not security or human rights concerns.

“As far as I’m concerned, every last one of them can rot in hell, but as long as they don’t do that, then they can rot in Guantanamo Bay!” Cotton said, shutting off his mic.

Of course, he’s right. The only way that the existence of the prison in Guantanamo is a recruiting tool for Islamists is because the hand-wringers and do-gooders let it be a source of shame. We’ve needed a voice like Tom Cotton’s in the Senate for years. Thank you, Arkansas.

Category: Terror War

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The whole thing was tremendous.

His point, lost on the bureaucrat squirming in front of him, I fear is also lost on the larger American public as they grab their Auntie Anne’s pretzels and keep shopping. (Not that there is anything wrong with an Auntie Anne’s pretzel, of course)


““As far as I’m concerned, every last one of them can rot in hell, but as long as they don’t do that, then they can rot in Guantanamo Bay!” Cotton said, shutting off his mic.”


You know, like Chris Kyle. That guy who went on “killing sprees” in Iraq.


There are at least two Arkansans who are regulars here, Ol’ Poe and another who shall remain unnamed because he is involved in state politics in a somewhat behind the scenes manner. But we were both Tom Cotton supporters. I even coughed up some bucks for the Cotton campaign something I am not normally known to do with my deep=seated distrust of most politicians.

Cotton, my wife and I agreed, came across as someone who is not part of the Washington elite; he’s a very bright, down-home type from a successful family who saw that he got a good education prior to his serving in the Army as an infantry officer. With his Harvard (yeah I know; nobody’s perfect) law degree, he could have served as a JAG officer but chose Airborne infantry where he saw ground combat in Iraq with one of my old units, the 506th/101st Abn. At 37, he’s the youngest serving senator and it looks like he’s off to a good start.

My wife and I cheered last night when we saw that clip.

RGR 4-78

In the run up to the election, some of my older relatives said he would take their social security if elected.

I explained that he would not be able to do that and if he could he was to honorable to do it.


I am green with envy because you have a real United States Senator while I am stuck with Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell. Sadly in my beautiful State of Washington we are held hostage by the socialist electorate of the greater Seattle area. I like your man. I would donate to his campaign anytime!


Save your money for ten years and support him then, when he’s earned his spurs.

Club Manager

Poetrooper: Make that three in Arkansas and I am the Republican State Election Commissioner. Tom earned my respect yesterday, which heretofore he has not had.


Tom Cotton/Trey Gowdy team up. Together they can blast a vast and gaping hole through liberal rhetoric from which they will never recover.

Pinto Nag

Who opened the window and let the fresh air in??

Preach it, brother!!


I’m totally Gay For Tom Cotton.
OK Well not *literally* and not that there’s anything wrong with this *IF* I were, but damn, I think I just got a boner.

/Tom Cotton 2016


Maybe 2024, Chip…

On our way to vote I told my wife that I think this young man may have what it takes to go all the way to the top.

He’s damned well starting off the right way.


High fives were flying around the bar last night when this story broke yesterday!


No one has said it better than Cotton.


I say they should take all of the Gitmo prisoners, load them up on a plane, fly them back to the Middle East and release them.

Note that I didn’t mention anything about landing the plane prior to their release.

Club Manager

I got 39 dislikes on the Arkansas Times blog for saying something similar. Fuckin liberals have no balls. Then again, they never served in Harm’s way or had to bury a comrade in arms.


Give ’em Ebola first. They gotta wash the dead before burial. Just sayin’


Stolen Valor crosses both sides of the isle. Turds will be turds.


oops. wrong thread.