Every village has it’s Idiots

| February 6, 2015

People with similar backgrounds and ideals congregate.  Look at any section of the population and you will find groups and within those groups sub-groups.  Take for example car-guys, and within the car guy group you will find the Ford, Chevy, Mopar sub-groups.

TAH is no different, we all found this place, we were not recruited and Jonn does not provide any incentive to come here, other than stimulating conversation and being around like minded people.  We don’t always  agree with one another, I have seen many civil debates on this site. I have also seen people get their asses handed to them for being Idiots.

This brings me to Bernath and Company.  I could take a more cosmic view of their actions, good vs evil, light and dark, every action has a reaction etc. Honestly it’s to damned early in the morning for that crap. I will just call them the idiots of the TAH village.  They all made a decision to enjoy our company. That is a fact. They make that same decision daily.  Now I know they will argue that we drew them into this fight, but the fact remains, it is that group of fools that has persisted, in some cases for years to further this stupidity. They are the ones that come here, they are the once that spread lies, make false accusations and commit perjury. They are the one’s that decided to Steal Valor.

That’s what this whole big mess is about. Stolen Valor. I know over time other things have been brought up and found out, But the Fact Remains, Daniel, Dallas and Frank all told lies about their Military service. Paul, well he is nothing more than a psychopathic whore.

Dallas Wittgenfeld attacked me, I had no idea who he was. Instigated by Bernath he attacked me. The two of them harassed my former business partner and friend. They attacked him and his livelihood.  This cost me my company and my income. I am more than a little pissed about that.  I have been accused by them of everything from conspiracy and murder to tax evasion and being a child molester by these idiots.

I have never been one to take joy in others misfortune. I cannot say the same about these fools. I want to see then suffers the same pain and anguish that they have so freely brought on others.

I believe in Karma, I know that to each of these Idiots karma will exact it’s dues.

Daniel, Dallas, Paul and Frank.

I hope many years from now you all die a slow and painful death, broke and alone. I pray that at the instance of your death you have the insight to see what you could have been.  I hope your earthly remain go unclaimed and you are thrown into the paupers grave you have earned. Fuck all of you.  I dont want these idiots in my village.



Category: Bernath

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Some day the plunger from God is get rid of Bernath and the other floaters.


I am very sorry that these assholes cost you your livelihood. When people call Stolen Valor a victimless crime, I want to get out my COW. Not that I can do much, but if you need help, all you gotta do is say the word.


I hope their graves look like GG Allins when it all over and done.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Perhaps they’ve read Vladimir Lenin: A lie told often enough becomes the truth.

But if I am quoting Russians I prefer Fyodor Dostoyevsky: “Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”


As you usually do E4U … another good article.

In the second paragraph, I thought you were talking about me!

Oh … Karma, yes it is a bitch and it is on its way!


I’m not trying to troll so be gentle…

What is the difference between a Chief Petty Officer and Chief Photographer’s Mate? I understand that CPO is a rank, but don’t understand how it relates to Chief Photographer’s Mate. Is a Chief Photographer’s Mate a CPO whose rating is PH?


Let’s be clear:

1. The subject was never an Honorary or Genuine CPO.
2 He was never a PHC.
3. He was marginal E-5 at best with total service of less than 4 years.

That is all.


I was merely trying to enlighten myself on how Navy rates work. Me being a stupid Marine, I didn’t get it. (Still not sure I do.)

For the record, I think Bernath is a troll and knob of the highest order.

Thanks for not answering my question Master Chief.

AW1 Tim

You are correct. A “Chief Photographer’s Mate” is a Photographer’s Mate who has been advanced to the rate of Chief Petty Officer.

Usually, it’s more common to have the “Chief” at the end, so that it would be “Photographer’s mate Chief”, etc, but either one works.

It might be a good idea to make a short lesson on Navy stuff here. The use of the word “rank” for Navy enlisted personnel is incorrect. The term is “rate.” The rating badge is a combination of rate (pay grade, as indicated by the chevrons) and rating (occupational specialty, as indicated by the symbol just above the chevrons).

Here’s a link to a chart with easy explanations.


There are other links on that chart which take you to pages/charts showing the various rates, color codes for E-1 to E-3, etc. It can be a bit confusing at first, but it’s actually pretty easy once the lightbulb goes off. 🙂


Tell the truth, AW1 Tim: you Navy guys do that just to confuse everyone, including yourselves, don’t you? SR, SA, SN, PO3, PO2, PO1, CPO, SCPO, and MCPO would be just too freaking simple – everyone could understand them without referring to a reference manual! (smile)


Actually Hondo, the navy system is way better. No “oh, I’m a sgt. and my MOS is 11B” or “hey, I’m a Lcpl. 0349” or some shit. No.

PHC means photographer’s mate, chief. Coincidentally, it also means something Daniel Bernath has never been and will never be.

Naval ratings contain both job and rank in one neat bundle. It is a far superior system.

RGR 4-78

I have a request, that AW1 Tim’s Navy Rates link be added to the Military Records tab at the top of the page.

It would make it an easy find for future reference for us non-Navy types.





I fully agree. I’m a Navy Brat (Commander’s kid), and even I find all that stuff to be “above my pay grade” in understandability.

Then again, I joined the Army which has one of the easiest rank structures to understand.


AW1 Tim,

That was a helpful answer. Thank you.

And I agree with Hondo, I think you guys do it on purpose to confuse the rest of us…


True story (or… No shit, there I was)

We were over at my parents for dinner and the conversation between my dad and I turned toward our days in the military.

ME: So here we are, washing down the bulkhead which has about 30 years of smoke buildup on it…

MOM: Why do you call it a bulkhead?

DAD: Because that’s what it is.

WIFE: But don’t you call the bathroom a ‘Head’?

ME: Yep.

Confused looks pass between my wife and my mom as dad and I sit there grinning.

MOM: Why don’t you just call it a wall like everyone else instead of making it so confusing?

ME: Well, we really do it just to mess with the Marines.


I knew it!


Reminds me of a “game” the DIs would play: Line, bulkhead, front hatch, quarterdeck; repeating it faster and faster, resulting in mass confusion (as if there wasn’t enough in the beginning days of boot) and personal injury.


Here’s the difference, ByrdMan. Chief Photographer’s Mate was an honorary title that the Chiefs’ Roundup gave to its members, up until it dissolved early in 2006, with the deaths of a few senior members. It was just a club of old Navy cameramen from back in the day who were enjoying each other’s company, and the title was nothing more than an honorarium, and acknowlegement of what they had done in the Navy. The Chiefs’ Roundup dissolved early in 2006 and the honorarium was no longer given out. There was no rank or advancement involved in it, and no one who wore a 2nd class crow got a CPO (E-7) crow with the honorarium. A Chief Petty Officer is a Navy rank (E-7), with a rating badge showing 3 chevrons below a rocker with an eagle sitting on it, and a graphic symbol designating the rate (MOS) of the wearer. One star means E-8 (senior chief), two stars mean E-9 (master chief). If you’re confused by the asshole bernitwit claiming a rank he never held and an honorary title he was NEVER GIVEN BY ANY GROUP, that is understandable. The Chief Photographer’s Mate is A TITLE ONLY, AND HAS NO RANK OR AUTHORITY OF ANY KIND AND IS NOT A PROMOTION TO A HIGHER RANK. The National Association of Navy Photographers DOES NOT give out this honorary title, never has and never will. I want to be clear on this, so if I was not, please say so. bernath the imbecile, AKA the malignant troll with nothing to do except lie his ass off and try to bully people who see through his crap, made E-5 in November 1969. He left active duty in June 1970, with far less than a year in the rank of E-5. He must have been a seriously incompetent ass to have been shuffled off the weather deck before he even had a year in rank, because the requirement for making E-5 was to have a minimum of one year of AD service just to get the promotion. They must have REALLY wanted to get… Read more »



Thank you for the info. I understand the Navy rank system, we had to learn it in boot camp. I have real trouble when you combine rank and MOS to get rating.


It’s a holdover from the days of sail when the boatswain’s mates were responsible for keeping the ship’s rigging and sails in top condition, and the gunner’s had powder monkeys who loaded the cannons for firing, and the ship’s storekeeprs not only kept track of supplies for the crew, but also issued the daily ration of grog.


I am convinced that his whole purpose in posting his bullshit Facebook comments is to get us to reply via Facebook so that he can discern identities, file lawsuits and restraining orders, and SWAT his new-found victims. My advice is to not answer him via the Facebook forum. Just let him babble on with his serial idiocy.

And Bernath, lest you call me a coward. Un-hide your assets from under the skirts of your wife and daughter and I will un-hide my identity… you lying worthless fuck.


His toy airplane may be worth having seized. But for all we know he crashed again.


And an aircrafts location is easy to track down. This is gonna be fun.


Probably 100% financed


Yes, but that really doesn’t work, does it? There is NO requirement by Facebook that you use your real name. Anyone who wants to can start a Facebook page with a pseudonym.

I know, ’cause I diddit, and that asshole will NEVER find me.

Smooches, mofo!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Speakin’ of “Diddit”, I AM CLYDE DIDDIT!! 😀


Here’s the link to the statements that Danny-boi Bedwetter likes to use:


And the specific comment that he just loves to “edit”:

“What many do not realize is that the Marine Corps works closely with Facebook to identify objectionable pages and even has a dedicated military liaison at the company with whom Marine officials can communicate directly.”

What the Dutch Rudder Group needs to be concerned with is the case of Elonis vs. U.S. that was heard last month by the SCOUS, specifically if a social media posting can be considered an active threat. I’m sure that if the court feels that posting a threat on social media is an active threat, then there may be problems – not only that they could be investigated and arrested, but it could use it against posters here and other sites for such tactics as “SWATing”…


Is this the guy that got out an E-5 about 300 years ago and claims to be a 7? Saw on other sites where he ran out of fuel and crashed and still wants to fly across country?


That’s him.


Maybe Jonn is doing the dope-a-dope on these idiots? Would seem Bernasty is blabbing stuff that could be used in proceedings? Hope the wheels are turning and we don’t know because of OPSEC/Need-to-Know.


rope-a-dope, not dope-a-dope, but that could be applicable too.

A Proud Infidel®™

The more I see of Daniel A. Bernath parading his idiocy for all to see, the further I am convinced that he is a “self-roping dope’ He eggs himself and rolls in his own poop thinking he’s intimidating us into submission. HEY DANIEL A. BERNATH, you said you’d find me what, nearly a year ago on Lars Larson’s show thread, and nothing yet. Dallas Wittgenfeld, you said “THE *SLUUURRP*Man COMETH, and well, *YAWN*. You two idiots have wrongly accused at least seven innocent men of being me, and you, Daniel A. Bernath, blamed me for it saying they were wrongly accused because I refuse to hand you my personal info. You’re a coward, Daniel A. Bernath, GFY, and ditto for your sniveling booger-eating bedwetting lackey Dallas Wittgenfeld! (A handful of Google hits in this post)


Proud, I think even the alligators in Florida would reject witlessnwandering if he rolled off the curb in a drunken stupor.

bernustky is piling up lots and lots of bad karma for himself and has been for a very, very long time.

A Proud Infidel®™

I concur Ex PH-2, I just think it can’t come soon enough!


Patience, my friend. Patience.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yes Ma’am, I just need to hurry my butt up and find some more!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Reading up on this guy, I get the impression he wants to win one time. Just once. Even if he loses 1000 times, that one victory, however small, will be his to cherish forever.

Someone near him might want to explain the concept of the pyrrhic victory. Question is, would he listen?

AW1 Tim

Well, he hasn’t listened to anyone as of late. Reading the court transcripts of his last affair with Jonn, it seems like the judge in that case had the patience of a saint. That faux CPO sounded batshit-crazy and it was like a verbal rendering of an ADHD kid off his meds, unable to keep an attention span of more than 30 seconds. Why that judge didn’t just throw out his case with predjudice right then and there is beyond me.


Well, AW1Tim, you do know who was in contgrol of things in that hearing, just from reading the transcripts and/or listening to the recording. And it was not butthead the bevis.



Answer your own question after listening to this.


Every time I see the above idiot’s postings, it’s like Jimmy Janos and Michael Moore laughing in the shadows saying I told you the military personnel are cowards. That isn’t directed at anyone of us. It just seems that he agrees with their assessments and we are suffering fools gladly. I just don’t know what to think.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you! I can’t decide if these douchebags are evil, crazy, or a dangerous combination of both! Their lies started all this. Their attempts to steal and lie precipitated this. And yet, they continue to try and victimize others.

Sick fucks.

A Proud Infidel®™

Daniel A. Bernath lasted only what, two years as a TSA puke? Was he too incompetent to even do that, or did his racism and lunacy get him fired?

Toasty Coastie

Bernath lol


Son of Bernath.

Toasty Coastie

Psul Wickre

Frankie Cee "loud and clear"

Nothing that the cabal of clowns has claimed against us is true. This, in and of itself, shows that they have nothing. They call false charges, (i.e. Jonn threatening Bernutless), copy and paste names over articles to try to show us in a bad light, and utter total falsehoods, and other misrepresentations of fact, all because they know that none of them can measure up to the least of us. We have something that they are lacking and cannot come up with. That is Honesty.
Knowing that their ability to stoop to childish behavior has incited me to confer with local law enforcement, and the local prosecutor’s office, to fully illustrate to them what we are dealing with.


It’s difficult to consider those who go out of their way to inflict harm upon those who have done nothing to them as anything but evil. These clowns have done that, and continue to do it. Then they laugh about it.

Yep. They personify evil. And psychopathic behavior, among other things.

Combat Historian

E4Y, God Bless you and yours; hang tough…


Well, you have a compulsive, chronic liar, a sociopath with a long rap sheet, a drunken half-witted old fart, and a REMF who likes to forge documents to support his lies.

I think this accurately describes the Four Assmen of the Epoxyclypse. They stick to their lies and to each other like glue, don’t they? If they implode, a new black hole will form and they’ll be sucked into it and take their trash with them.

And they’re boring, too.

Here’s something for you, bernitwit. Call this number and ask for Theresa Swernzy:

That should keep that asshole busy.


I’m guessing he is tax writing off the airplane (and duct tape, but not much gas) as a charity because he “rescues” dogs? But it was shown above that the daughter owns the airplane. Oh well.

And he is 100% from Agent Orange, that his boat didn’t have? I’ve been sprayed with the stuff many times and loved it and I’m only 60%. And he’s 100% but can bike for 4 miles?

So many questions.


were waiting on the videos of Bernath without canes or walker. Video evidence is always appreciated by the V.A when they investigate a phony. After that they always get their pound of flesh with interest. Bernath is just polishing brass on the Titanic.

Delilah T.

Don’t worry, Sapper. There are those who know what to look for.


On my page for TAH I have started marking all his crap as SPAM. Maybe enough of that and Facebook will close his account. Remember you four fools, as someone else here said far better than me a while back I will borrow now.

”Always remember, Karma has everybody’s address and PII.”

Herbert J Messkit

Have to admit I only scan the stolen valor stories and comments. It’s so exhausting. Hats off to the moderators for maintaining their sanity while fact checking all the lies. I couldn’t do it.


[…] The Lonely Conservative: IRS Wants 9000 New Workers To Enforce Obamacare This Ain’t Hell: Every Village Has Its Idiots Weasel Zippers: Flavor Flav Smarter Than Obama? Calls For Nations To Wipe Out ISIS Megan McArdle: […]


Birdbath, in his own sick, demented, twisted little mind has convinced himself he has a talent to form words with his rectum. Every sane, rational person in the vicinity however only hears fart noises. Dude’s cheese has definitely slid off his cracker.

Toasty Coastie

Good grief Santorum stained Phallic Hedge,Non CPO (Hon) or otherwise Daniel A. Bernath~

Your lies tumble out of you like Mt. St. Helen’s…the only thing that is different is the Volcano stopped erupting…Maybe you should learn to do do that…

OVER! ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐

A Proud Infidel®™

E4you, what Daniel A. Bernath did to you is unforgivable.


A Proud Infidel®™

I take that back and replace it with DANIEL A. BERNATH IS MORE LOWLIFE THAN JANE FONDA.

Climb to Glory

So Bernath, I hear you’re going on a cross country flight. I hope you figure out that fuel gauge thingy. It would be a same if you crashed your aircraft…again. I have a couple of questions for you. Are you bringing Dullass with you so he can drunkingly stumble out of the aircraft when it runs out of fuel? What the fuck is a forever home? I have a packing list for your cross country flight:
1. Duct tape
2. Knife
3. A dog that’s not in a cage
4. Fuel for the aircraft
5. Fake CPO rank
6. Fake lawyer credentials
7. Catheters
8. A functional brain
The last one I don’t have much hope you’ll find. In closing, go fuck yourself shitheel.

Elric 65

You fucking tool. I know more believe any of your crap than you and your fellow trolls trot out when the mood hits you. You think you got it all, well that’s exactly the attitude of a fuckstick who would go after other peoples’ livelihood for calling a spade a spade. Your action say everything. Your words are just false vomit spewing from an idiot. Enjoy your lie of a life in this world and the fires of hell in the next. I’m sure they’ve reserved a special place in hell for you and your cowardly trolls. Personally I think you should be assigned to eternally filing VA paperwork for real soldiers while having your flesh continually consumed and instantly regrown in the fiery cauldron of hell that awaits you.

Suck it coward. If you’re so smart then you’ll figure out where I live. Guarantee you or any one of your cowardly kind have the balls to confront me to my face collectively, or individually. You’re a fucking joke. Let me tell you, in these parts friends are like blood and you’d probably sit in jail with no bail awaiting your trespassing and assault charges. Ain’t small town life great? Of course you’d hate it because you’d quickly be exposed.

Elric BSM-V, VUA, CAB. If you ain’t CAV, you ain’t Shit (with love to all who honorably served, whatever their job or service and never had such low self esteem to lie about it). 73 Easting bitch.

It really must suck to live in constant fear where your arrogance and total absence of morals will be exposed for who you really are.



Daniel A Bernath, doin’ the shrimp boat captain with his pal Palmer!

In his FB trolls he likes to bring up two guys that committed suicide, like he gives two shits about those dudes. He oddly doesn’t mention the honorable vets photo that he photoshopped that pimple he calls a head onto, changed the rank and then used that photo as a prop in his lie. How about that vet that you used birdbrain? Feel bad for him? Of course you don’t you POS.

Daniel A Bernath, GFY!

Jonn Lilyea

Is it coincidental that he’s got a certificate for his honorary CPO title just few weeks after Forging Frankie Visconi joins the Mutual Masturbation Society?

Ten Bears

Ten Bears says ‘No way, Jose’.


One would think that somebody being honored with the rank of CPO (hon) by the actual Navy vice Village People Navy would have a photo of the event, and possibly an official photo for something that is that big and esteemed, not to mention rare. Yet Bernath had to steal a legit photo, Photoshop his head over the real guy, and airbrush the CPO rank.


The Navy didn’t do the honors, JAGC.

The Photoshop job was revenge for losing a copyright litigation by the PH1 whose portrait he stole. It’s all bullshit.


Ex-PH2, I’ve never heard that about his shitty photoshopped picture. What an asshat.


Oh, you really have to start back at the beginning of this incredible journey through the Bog of Stench.

If you had been here on those nights when psulie-o the uncoolie-o (wickre) was ranting at ear-splitting decibels from his keyboard, into the wee hours of the night, and the rebuttals in multiple languages that followed, you’d have a set of six-pack abs just from laughing yourself silly.

Pineywoods NCO

As it has been said numerous times, I would like to add a piece of my mind to those who have declared that the idiots are existing in our home. Daniel, let me start with you. You are a liar, a hypocrite, a disgrace to the Navy, a disgrace to the legal community, a disgrace to anything else that is a disgrace. You can’t fly, drive, think, write, move, talk at all without your foot going to your mouth. You think you can practice law? Shall we also add that you can’t confirm anything you claim because you think an IP address goes in hand with a name? That seems like stalking to me, you worthless snot-filled shit brain. In what state? Oh yeah, ….what was that fictitious state again, oh yeah, Stupidville. Population: 7. You’re the mayor and the legal team. No wonder you don’t get paid. Oh yeah, just a reminder, you were never a Chief Petty Officer. Dallas. It is so sad you have a name that is also the name of a city. I am waiting to see you jump out a perfectly good plane and not land where your brains are. You are witless, a drunken stupidity, a bad dream that wittingly cries out that you could have been better. But your not. In Stupidville, you’re the entertainment…the boring kind. Frankie. The king of forgery. The moron who doesn’t under when multiple legal organizations, such as a military review, the court system, et cetera, when they said no, they meant no. Not “well, but…” Stop thinking, Frankie, you are interfering in Daniel’s work. Quit blaming everyone else. Accept the fact you have been proven (repeatably) wrong. You’re the head asshat. Oh wait, I forgot about Paul. Paul, you’re so worthless you have to try to impersonate other morons like Frank, Daniel, Dallas because you couldn’t even get into the military. Too much MD20 will do that to someone. You are a leach on the government and I, like others, are thankful Phil stiffed your ass. Too bad you don’t know when you need to zip… Read more »

Hack Stone

Ouch! That is going to leave a mark on them. Reminds me of the scene invTrains Planes & Automobiles when Steve Martin lays it all out on John Candy. I completely forgot about Telsa. Isn’t it about that time for her to make another media appearance?



I, like perhaps more than a few others in TAH Nation, have come to the conclusion that Burnedass and Co post here because it gets their little nubs all hard. No other reason than to stir up shit that in turn gets them all excited.
In a FRAGO issued to myself, I will no longer acknowledge their existence on this site. I reckon if everyone else did the same, they would have to find other amusement like playing in traffic.

Pineywoods NCO

Can we confirm via Hubble telescope or atomic microscope that they have nubs or braincells that have yet to be killed off???