Michael Bogoslavski; MD vet threatens “mass violence” in DC

| February 5, 2015

Someone sent us a link to a Fox Baltimore article about this Michael Bogoslavski who was making threats of “mass violence” against Federal employees in the national Capitol Building.

Michael Bogoslavski, 33, was charged by complaint with transmitting in interstate commerce a communication containing a threat to injure another person. The complaint was filed on February 3 and unsealed on February 4. After a hearing Wednesday Bogoslavski was ordered to be detained pending trial.

“With the help of the Threats of Mass Violence state law passed last year, my office was able to work with Cheverly Police to detain Mr. Bogoslavski and obtain a warrant which led to the removal of firearms from his home,” Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Angela D. Alsobrooks said. “I want to thank all of our law enforcement partners for their quick actions that removed Mr. Bogoslavski from our community and may have prevented a tragedy.”

According to the affidavit a federal employee who worked in the U.S. Capitol received text messages from Bogoslavski stating that he was planning to come to the employee’s work place with guns and shoot the employee and others. The affidavit includes portions of the alleged text conversation. One of the alleged texts states; “IM COMING AND SHOOTING ANYONE IN MY F*****G WAY”

AKO says that Bogoslavski is indeed a retired Sergeant E-5 and his last assignment was at the Warrior Transition unit at Fort Belvoir, VA. But I guess that this “Threats of Mass Violence state law” is only useful for removing veterans from Maryland’s communities and not random civilians who send death threats across state lines.

According to Toshiba, Bogoslavski’s behavior was related to a domestic dispute, a tiny fact that the Fox Baltimore article left out;

According to an affidavit, a U.S. Senate staff member married to Bogoslavski received threatening text messages Monday. The spouse said Bogoslavski planned to come to the Capitol with guns and shoot the staffer and others. Bogoslavski also is accused of threatening “to die suicide by cop.” The Cheverly Police Department took him into custody that day.

Of course, that doesn’t mitigate his threats, but at least it doesn’t make him look like a berserker anti-government veteran nutjob.

Category: Military issues

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Serious question.

WHY THE FLYING MONKEY FUCK does this work for THIS guy and not others who have done the SAME or *WORSE*..( in Maryland and other states?!?!?!?!)
/because pussy DAs…I know I know.


Don’t know Chip. Maybe one of the THA moderators should call Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Angela D. Alsobrooks and ask that very question.


Different county, different prosecutor. Who apparently doesn’t give a damn.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm “, some animals are more equal than others.


That is it … I am moving to Mary Land!

2/17 Air Cav

“…a U.S. Senate staff member married to Bogoslavski….” That’s the whole of it right there.

Lurker Curt



Well who ELSE do we know that was married to a (now) ex-Senate staffer who behaved badly like this?
//pslying phucktard.


“a U.S. Senate staff member married to Bogoslavski”.
And, we’re back to some citizens being a whole lot more “equal” than the rest of us citizens.

A Proud Infidel®™

AAAHH, so when one threatens another, whether or not they decide to prosecute depends on the caste of the person threatened!

Semper Idem

Just goes to show that our society is totally FUBAR. Serve your country, come home physically and mentally wounded, then get shafted by our criminal just-us system.

In the meantime, the fakes get off on a ‘freedom of speech’ defence. Sick.

That reminds me of a tune:



Please. That tune, though catchy, is a slap in the face for every vet who ever came back from war and got on with their lives.

A handful of vets come back messed up from every war. So do a handful of kids who got to college each year. The difference in whether they become productive citizens or losers in each case is due to the individual, not their experiences. The military doesn’t turn people into losers any more than college does.

With that tune, Springsteen became part of the problem – not part of the solution – via perpetuating the myth of the “vet as loser”. In reality, vets are more successful in general than their peers.

Screw him.

Semper Idem

A valid point; well taken.

I understood that song as someone going to war, getting wounded, then coming home to a country which didn’t care and wouldn’t offer him a square deal.

Don’t believe me? Fine; look at all the VA horror stories you’ll find right here on this website. People are dying waiting for care, and we have a bench-warmer in the White House who wants better treatment for captured enemy combatants than he wants for our Veterans.

Let’s face it, our system is the worst in the world…with the exception of all the others.

I apologise for any slight. I assure you, none was intended. That said, Springsteen made a valid point about how we treat Veterans and the less-fortunate in general. Yes, less-fortunate – talk about hard work all you want, circumstances outside our control play a pretty big role in how far we rise.


No. Springsteen bought into and perpetuated the myth of “vet as screwed-up loser”. That tune was his major contribution to perpetuating same.

The fact is that Vietnam vets as a group are more successful than their civilian peers. As a group, it isn’t vets of that era that are the losers; if anything, it was those who did not serve.

If you want to see someone that handled the issue accurately, take a look at this article from a while back:


Oh, and WitLessOne – since I know you’re probably reading this – if you still don’t like me writing that article, just GFY.


Couldn’t agree more. Folks hear a loser who distinguished himself with four weeks of Fitness Training Unit time blaming his subsequent meth bust on his service, and Springsteen has paved the way to make that sound like it makes sense. Stallone even more so.


You must be speaking of “Born in the USA.”

That was Springstein’s “anti-national athem.”.

Joe Williams

My top 2 Vn songs are Charlie Daniel’s Still In Saigon and a assuie group Redglum, the video matches the song and songwriter message perfectly IMHO. A third song again from Oz is Terry Robert “a Pittance of Time”. Hany warning. Asfor Dullass try that bulling crap and find out where your will land.


Ok, I’ll admit to being a dumbass…I initially thought this was a story of a Medical Doctor going batshit crazy.

Semper Idem

Maryland’s state abbreviation should be ML – MaryLand.

That would save a lot of confusion.


PRoM……People’s Republic of Maryland

/can also be used for California and a variety of new England states as well.


Maryland could be a great state, too. Ocean on one side, mountains on the other, and the Bay. It’s the two counties in the middle, and Baltimore, that ruin it.


I live in Frederick. I love this part of the state, but the government here is royally fucked. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that the new Republican Governor Hogan will make a difference. It will be tough breaking the back of the Montgomery County Mafia and similar criminals.

Silentium Est Aureum

Good luck with that. Even western MD has to deal with the idiots in Annapolis, or as a friend of mine used to refer to it, the Anal Palace.

The One Who Knocks

Great, now if only the federal government was willing to take the James Deon Korfhage issue with this level of seriousness.

A Proud Infidel®™

FBI = Federal Bureau of Indifference.