Marshall Plumlee contracts with Army after Duke

| January 25, 2015

Marshall Plumlee

Andy11M sends us a link to the news that the rather tall fellow in the picture above, Marshall Plumlee, the seven-foot basketball player at Duke, has contracted with the Army for service next year when his college career ends;

The Duke Chronicle reported Thursday that the inspiration for Plumlee’s interest in joining the military was the Oct. 2012 trip to Fort Bragg that Mike Krzyzewski organized for the Blue Devils. The former West Point cadet, player and coach had his team go through a day of physical training before holding an open practice in front of a few hundred soldiers.

Duke players spent a night in the barracks before waking up at dawn, marching to physical training and tackling an obstacle course that left each of them caked in dirt and mud. Plumlee, ironically, could not participate since he was on crutches and wore a walking boot on his left foot, but the experience apparently rubbed off on him anyway.

I guess he needed a waiver because he exceeds Army standards by four inches. I’m guessing that he won’t be a tanker. My Bradley platoon leader during Desert Story was about 6’6″ tall and when he was in the turret and buttoned up, there was nothing but legs everywhere. But best of luck, Cadet Plumlee.

Category: Army News

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Reminds me of a 7-footer service academy basketball player who had some minor success in the NBA by the name of David Robinson.

Good on the future LT.

OSC(SW) Retired

Just the opposite. After Robinson sprouted 6 inches the Navy, including SECNAV exempted him from most of his obligation so that he would stay at Annapolis. There are a lot of guys like Skip Victor who were stars at Annapolis and might have had minor NBA success, but who chose to do their active service in full.

This kid seems to be seeking out service rather than asking for exemptions like Robinson did.



IIRC, he got a waiver to attend USNA because he was already 6-8. When he grew another 5 inches during his time there, he was in fact concerned he wouldn’t be commissioned at all, because he couldn’t serve in the URL community.

At least that’s my understanding of why he got his commission in the CEC. Any special favor he got was because of SECNAV, et al, not because he went asking for it.


David’s father also served in the Navy. He didn’t seem to be asking for exceptions to skirt duty, in fact he needed an exception to join in the first place as NH Sparky mentions. And David was fine with serving the usual required 5 years of active duty after the Academy (he served half, the rest on reserve as he played in the NBA).

David’s always supported the military so no need to make him out to be something else.


When Robinson graduated Canoe U. he famously asked for release or shore duty so he could play for an NBA team… Reagan’s SecNav basically told him he could fulfill his Navy obligations and if time allowed, he could play ball. I believe that is when his height came up, think I heard he originally was slated for subs but due to his height was ineligible – think they put him instead in a shore billet which allowed him to play. Thirty year old recollections here folks, not to be trusted 100%.


First thought was if he was any relation to SGM Plumley, but then wiped the crust from my eyes and realized… different spellin’.

I once knew a Master Gunner SFC that was near 7′, he was grandfathered in from the M-60 days when we had more room, and prior to the height cutoff when M1’s hit the scene.

I’m sure he will be the core of many a “standing tall” jibes, but good on him. 🙂


Olaf, if you do any genealogical research you’ll find out quickly that even within families some members or branches choose to spell and/or pronounce the same name in a variety of ways.

As you can see, my first thought was the same as yours. And as I recall, the actual CSM Plumley was a tall fellow as well.


Wonder if he’s any kin to Basil Plumley who was LTC Hal Moore’s CSM at the Battle of Ia Drang Valley? His role was memorably played by Sam Elliott in the movie, “We Were Soldiers Once, and Young.”

Whatever, good on the young man.


Yeah, but if there are snipers in the tree canopy, he’d still have to duck.

Frankly Opinionated

Jonn, back in Panama and Venado DZ days, do you recall the name Sitzler? He just became the CSM for 6th Ranger Training Battalion, and in conversation he said that he was a Moatengator.


Indeed, best of luck, Cadet Plumlee. Thank you choosing to serve when I am sure a higher paying career awaited you. (Duke and a few other schools, are bigger on athlete academics first and athletic performance second. All colleges should be mandated to do the same. But who wants to watch a bunch my mental giants, truly, play for the love of the game second and the love of their GPA first? Oh I know…ME! Why? Because I love listening to a college senior in a post game interview mispronounce every other word and the ones he knows cannot be understood. Little things like, pronunciation, annunciation, etc. But yea, he’s a graduating senior and headed to the NBA. For one year before he’s cut, injured or simply let go due to the statistics of college players who actually make it in the pros catching up to him. Then with a worthless degree in underwater basket weaving, he’ll try to catch on as a commentator but with no experience, no one will want him. So he’ll end up back in shit hole home town, on the block, on crack and be another sad, sad, sports news story we are all suppose to weep over. Sorry I got off on a rant there and couldn’t stop.)

To end, kudos to Marshall Plumlee. Thank you for serving and I hope you do well. Remember son…duck when you head in the barracks and most office doors. 😀


i hope he gets on the special athlete program.

Club Manager

Want to wager there are GO’s with a basketball team in their command salivating to get him assigned. Jonn, did you ever attend the Turkey Bowl in Rep de P? I handled two of them and vividly remember a former Buffalo Bills player working for the Air Force magically appearing on TDY a few weeks before the game to coach the Air Farce team.


Guarantee he winds up at Panmunjom


Probably should keep him away from a career in helicopters too.

2/17 Air Cav

Thank you. The US Army is very grateful and honored that you have chosen to spend the next several years with us. A reception will follow your induction ceremony. Please let us know whether the menu is acceptable. Thank you again and do not hesitate to let us know what we can do for you as the need arises.


Jonn, was the surname of that 6’6″ Plt Ldr MacDonald?

We had a Infantry LT about that tall in 1/12 INF on Carson about a year or so before DS/DS.

I know, the odds are astronomical, but I had to ask.


1/12 Inf Ft Cartoon? Small world, I was with C 1/12 93-94.


Yep, I was with 1/12 from Nov83 to Apr88 as the Bn S-4 NCO, then moved up to 1st Bde HQ’s as the Bde S-4 NCO until I retired on 31 Dec 91. Spent 12 years in the 4th ID all together. My other tour was spent in the ADA Battalion from 77-81.