President ends war in Afghanistan from Hawaii

| December 29, 2014

The President courageously ended the war in Afghanistan from his Hawaiian vacation, according to the Associated Press;

President Barack Obama says the longest war in American history is coming to a responsible conclusion.

Obama is welcoming the end of U.S. combat operations in Afghanistan. The war came to a formal end Sunday with a ceremony in Kabul.

Obama says in a statement that the effort has devastated al-Qaida’s core leadership, brought justice to Osama bin Laden and disrupted terrorist plots. He says U.S. troops and diplomats have helped Afghans reclaim their communities and move toward democracy.

Meanwhile, in Kabul, NATO ended it’s mission in Afghanistan, according to Stars & Stripes;

The U.S. and NATO formally transitioned Sunday to a new “non-combat mission in a combat environment” whose definition remains as unclear as Afghanistan’s future, now that the bulk of foreign forces have left.

During an hour-long ceremony in a drab gymnasium at the headquarters of the military coalition that has battled against insurgents for 13 years, generals hailed the end of a mission, while struggling to explain the parameters of what will still be a substantial military operation in Afghanistan.

I wonder how al Qaeda voted on this “transition to a new non-combat mission”. The president spoke to US troops while he was on vacation on Christmas day;

President Barack Obama marked the end of more than a decade of combat in Afghanistan by paying tribute to America’s military, telling troops on Christmas Day that their sacrifices have allowed for a more peaceful, prosperous world to emerge out of the ashes of 9/11.

A more peaceful world, huh? Not according to Reuters;

The Islamic State militant group has killed 1,878 people in Syria during the past six months, the majority of them civilians, a British-based Syrian monitoring organization said on Sunday.

Islamic State also killed 120 of its own members, most of them foreign fighters trying to return home, in the last two months, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

I remember when I was in college, they told me that the Vietnam war the longest war in our history and they told me that it lasted from 1955 – 1975. I guess they revised those dates down recently so that they could call Afghanistan our longest war. Good for the history police.

Now this new “non-combat mission” is Operation Resolute Support – certain to scare the bejesus out of the Taliban. It even has a fancy schmancy flag;

Resolute support

On the U.S. mainland and across the globe, other prominent leaders were fanning out, echoing the president’s message with their own Christmas visits and phone calls to American troops.

Well, that’s what important – a message. That’ll show those jihadists.

Category: Terror War

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Did they have the ceremony on the first tee?


Negative. Ceremony (& celebration) was held on the 19th hole.

Pig in a blanket and Gypsy Rose was served.


Does that flag say “Mission Complete?”

Club Manager

No, it says “Mission Accomplished De Ja Vu”

AW1 Tim

Well now, isn’t that special?

Someone needs to inform president mom-jeans and his clown car posse administration that the other side always gets a vote on these things. A war isn’t over until the OTHER side admits it’s over, and I don’t think that that has happened just yet.

This isn’t golf. It’s actual, important stuff. Sigh.


Does the President or his speech writers not know what “decimate” means? I think there’s an Inigo Montoya quote in there somewhere.

Ice Station Sitka

Or a “..bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia..” quote..

2/17 Air Cav

It’s like a Monte Python sketch.

“We are done in Afghanistan.”

“But the enemy is active and we have troops there.”

No, he’s not and no, we don’t.”

“Yes we do.”

“But I can see them.”

“No you can’t.”


“I get on my knees and pray, we don’t get fooled again.”

I wonder how many of the troops “not in combat” in Afghanistan are playing the Who over and over right now.


Anyone paying attention can see he ended nothing in Iraq, I expect the result in Astan to be much the same.


I now clearly understand what I used to hear from Viet Nam vets. “what happened? we were winning when I left.”

The Other Whitey

The only real question here is: when this goes sideways, will the Glorious Leader blame his predecessor or his successor?


TOW, that’s easy. Both!


It feels like when you finish up at JRTC. But you know you will be back in six months.


Since it’s a “non-combat mission in a combat enviroment” does that mean when the Taliban shoot at our people they’ll get the Non-Combat Infantry Badge or the Non-Combat Action Badge? And when the medics treat those Non-Combat wounded will they get the Non-Combat Medical Badge?


Don’t give them any ideas!

A Proud Infidel®™

OH, so dEAR Leader B. Hussein 0bama took a momentary break from the golf course JUST to issue a statement from his teleprompter to us taxpaying peasants? OH, I’m SO thrilled – NOT!!! I ASSume now that “the Combat Mission is over’, the Troops sent there won’t be getting Hostile Fire Pay, thus saving money for more important things like more vacations for B. Hussein 0bama, perks and luxuries for politicians, handouts to illegal aliens,…


Great, I bet everyone living in base housing by the Klipper is enjoying the brief reprieve from the non golfer in chief shanking copious amounts of golf balls in their general direction.


So the command in Kabul celebrated something that didn’t happen and the President of the United States declared something that isn’t up to him.

A war is not over until Both Sides agree that it is over – that didn’t happen and it is not a decision that POTUS can make by himself. I submit that Mr. Obama could have learned that lesson by reading about Vietnam and he should have learned that lesson in Iraq. Mr. Obama <– slow learner.

I recall 1972. Nixon was under attack for Watergate. American combat troops were withdrawn from South Vietnam and the treaty was signed in January 1973. My recollection from those days is a little vague but this feels exactly like 2011 and pretty much the way I recall 1972.

I hear Arnold saying, "I'll be back!"


Not unlike how some of us felt as we packed up in 1991. As much as we wanted to go home, at least a few of us were scratching our heads knowing that it would be much easier to finish the job then than to come back later.

(One of those times I would have much preferred to be proven wrong.)


Yep. I still remember sitting around waiting for the plane home in 91 and we were all placing bets on when we would be back. We stayed out a lot longer than any of us thought we would, but we still went back. Now we’ve gone back to Iraq twice and the bets begin on Afghanistan.


If I remember this right. Nixon declared war over as of March 28th 1973, pulled out all combat troops? So everyone went home. Oops! Nixon left 20,000+ troops in Thailand for support operations and after the North Vietnamese finally figured out we weren’t coming back they marched through South Vietnam and that lead us to pull out our friends in April 1975… and then lets see the Cambodians saw how we reacted to the take over of S. Vietnam by the North and felt they could screw with us as well, and took one of our ships, which Ford at least had the balls to send troops to get back, which cost us 42 lives. and an additional 54 wounded. A lot of good men died that day. And now el obozo’s plan is to repeat history almost identically… except now its al-Qaida’s turn to shit on us. And longest war BS, Vietnam started in 55 with advisers and regular troops from 61 to may 75. With the final troops leaving Thailand in Jan 1976.


This moron could fuck up a one car funeral on a one way street…
This is the same shit they pulled on us back in 1975 when the libs decided to leave millions of people to fend for themselves against a well supplied NVA, thanks to the Russians…
The worst part of this is that those that worked with us now have nobody to stand against the Taliban that will no doubt be looking for reprisals against anyone that worked with American or NATO troops…
This is no good.
That is the same thing they did to South Vietnam and ushered in Pol Pot next door and tens of thousands of reprisals against those that supported us by the NVA and VC..
No, not good…


Same thing we did to the Kurds in 91 also.


Pol Pot died an old man from natural causes.
We Really stopped him from genocide.


This is just plain stupid.

Yes, it’s like deja vu all over again in 1973 and the panic-ridden exit in April 1975. It is exactly that.

Roger in Republic

I must have missed the Taliban signing of the surrender documents. Who signed for Al qada? Or was this a unilateral declaration of Victory by the worst CinC in the history of armed conflict.


I’m going to puke.