Hezbollah recruiting in Venezuela

| August 16, 2007

Just when you think things in Venezuela can’t get more weird, things get more weird. I just ran across this from Jungle Mom at The Jungle Hut;

If the United States were to attack Iran, the only country ruled by God, we would counter-attack in Latin America and even inside the United States itself. We have the means and we know how to go about it. We will sabotage the transportation of oil from Latin America to the US. You have been warned.

Sounds like Ahmadinejad! This statement is from Hezbollah Latin America, also known as Hezbollah Venezuela. Signed by Teodoro, called Commander Teodoro. He was a guevarists guerrilla that organized disorder in the Maracaibo region in the past. He was in born Ciudad Bolivar, and was converted to Islam. (Funny how commies convert to Islam!) He is a Chavista.

Teodoro is running a social experiment among the Guajiros of Venezuela. Anyone who has paid attention to the news of Venezuela will realize that the evangelical missionaries were removed by the government of Chavez and no new religious worker’s visas have been granted for over 2 years.

While Chavez accuses the North American missionaries of being “spies” and genocide, coercing conversions to Christianity, Chavez proclaims that Shi’ite Iranian “missionaries” are welcome to live and work among the tribes.

Any anti-American port in a storm. I’d guess it’s to make little suicide bombers that can slip across our borders and blend in a little better than an Arab.

Category: Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Terror War

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Jungle mom

hello! I noticed you on my site meter and came to have a look at your blog. Thanks for the link. Just curious, how did you find the Jungle hut?

Jonn Lilyea wrote: We have a mutual friend in Kate from “A Columbo-americana’s Prespective” and mention of your blog pops up occasionally. I’ve been there quite a few times, actually – just that the Hezbollah angle struck me enough to comment on it. Oh, and I actually envy your life a bit.

Timothy H. Willis

Hezbolla has a branch office in Venezuela? No one in the MSM knows – or does but don’t want to mention it? Oh man, things are more disgusting than I thought. (Note: I only got online capability last month and have been wandering around the net discovering things that I never knew existed.)


Jonn Lilyea wrote; Well, welcome to the internet, Timothy. I’m glad you stopped by here first on your journey.