Links for a busy day

| August 16, 2007

I’m a little backed up workwise so I found a bunch of people with my opinion on various subjects – since they all write better than I write, anyway, you’ll enjoy hearing it from them a lot more than if I repeated their thoughts.

Blackfive reminds us that today is National Airborne Day-so all ya’all nasty Legs give thanks that we sacrificed our leg joints for you.

The Gentle Cricket and Crotchety Old Bastard discuss the draft (and the Democrats)

Invincible Armor points and laughs at the New York Legislature’s latest attempt at being everyone’s nanny.

Israel Matzav tells us that UN troops are scared of actually doing anything to keep peace in Lebanon.

Todd Anthony at Flopping Aces discusses the consequences of withdrawing from Iraq, and Aunt Agatha at Bloodthirsty Liberal gives us a historical perspective on the withdrawal from Viet Nam.

Gateway Pundit has round up of links on the Peruvian earthquake.

Hot Air has all the links you need to find out about Flat Fatima and Her Magic Bullets. (Sounds like a Harry Potter book doesn’t it?)

And Kamangir, a blog I’ve only recently become acquainted with, has so much good stuff today on the condition of the Iranian people and the utter garbage theey’re subjected to in the way of news everyday, there’s no way I can point to a single post. His blog is so good on the subject, just go and read it all.

Jeff at Protein Wisdom gets into the spirit of the Dutch clergy.

Soldier’s Dad, my drinking/smoking buddy from the MilBlog Convention, catches the Iranians in yet another lie.

Mark Masferrer tells a tale from Cuba that sounds more like a storyline from The Sopranos

And from Doctor Helen (h/t Ace)- all ya’all men 35 – 44 are most miserable. I’m here to tell ya that by 52 it’ll all be over with. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been – mostly because there are no more teenagers in my house, and because I have friends like my readers.

Category: Foreign Policy, Historical, Media, Politics, Society

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